Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Me parece una barbaridad lo que se está haciendo con la Humanidad y más grave lo que se está haciendo con los menores de 18 años.

José Luis Limia Valle (Dos Hermanas, 2021-10-06)


pour la justice et que ce plan machiavélique cesse et protège les enfants.



The genocide and tyrany must be stop now. We need to stand up for our children.

Petra Bartošová (Myjava, 2021-10-06)


I'm sick of them killing people saying its Covid and we all get punished and get our rights taken away even though our constitution says they cant

Casey Hoffert (Ava, 2021-10-06)


contre l'injection d'une thérapie génique expérimentale, pour le maintien des libertés fondamentales
Merci pour votre action

François Blanc (Saint-Martory, 2021-10-06)


Som proti narastajúcemu bezpráviu na Slovensku.

Milan Markovič (Bratislava, 2021-10-06)


We must fight against tyranny persecution oppression annihilation. We must fight for our right to live and to exist.

Emmanuelle Champion (Lunel, 2021-10-06)


These criminal practices need to and must be stopped!

Leon Trollope (Gold Coast, 2021-10-06)


because all the lies being told

Emory Coker (Lula, ga.., 2021-10-06)


I firmly believe that anything medical or injectable should always be given with informed consent, and not carried out under duress, or by coercion and certainly not forcibly administered through threats.

Suzanne Middleton (Lancaster, 2021-10-06)


I am signing this because I and many, many, many like myself are in jeopardy of losing our livelihood, freedom of choice over our bodies as well as freedom in general as we once knew it. Through coercion and threats even at the risk of loss of life. "We" as a DOD employee, are sworn to "Integrity Above All" which I hold that oath in my very soul, may God strike me dead if I fail. Yet there is no integrity bestowed upon us. I refuse to bow down to tyranny at any cost.

Patricia A Ehlert (Port Orchard, 2021-10-06)


its the right thing to do

Nicolas Lanthier (pincourt, 2021-10-06)


I sign because of justice ! Stop this genocide happening without any doubt !

Christelle Zimmer (Rouen, 2021-10-06)


We have God giving rights. Also im created in the image of God.

Anthony and Garito (Georgetown, 2021-10-06)


The vaccine is killing people the truth is getting silenced people just want honest answers

Chris Haddow (Fleetwood, 2021-10-06)


I’m signing because I believe Crimes Against Humanity have been abused during this manufactured COVID-19 plandemic. I am ashamed of our government and the actions our leaders have taken in harming, killing and destroying peoples lives, livelihoods, and mental health.

Rebecca Johnson (Rowlett, 2021-10-06)


Sick of all of my freedoms being taken away and want freedom for my children

Ange Nilsson (Gosford, 2021-10-06)


These people are causing great harm to people's health and well being with experimental mRNA gene therapy that is clearly not working. Massive amounts of deaths not being reported. Genocide!

Mihail Mihalitsas (Rochester, 2021-10-06)


I believe in freedom of choice for all people worldwide, as each of us has a different thought on a subject. Also we are all unique just like our fingerprints, and all react differently to same treatments.

Marilyn Mangione (Strathbogie, 2021-10-06)


Pretty much every govt in the world should be taken to court for their crimes against humanity, especially the Covid scam and control unfolding before our eyes

Joe Kozak (Edmonton, 2021-10-06)


This corruption has to end. Let's look after the every day people

Lesley HGarred arred (Kyogle, 2021-10-06)


I am signing this petition because Truth & justice have been flung to the ground from the beginning of this cruel debacle: propaganda has spread like weeds, treatments with held; wrong deathly treatments administered; common cookie-cutter lies spewed forth from msm; true hearts with experience ridiculed & banished; no open discussion etc, etc,etc. Such blindness will bring judgement upon all those who initiate & perpetuate this particular insidious war against people. Too many obvious lies & perversions of the ‘narrative’ are apparent to fool the wise & those waking up. I pray for Father’s mercy to open eyes to see & ears to hear, that they may repent & be saved. For no one is righteous but through Jesus. These times are signalling Christ’s return: a ‘strong delusion’ has been prophesied causing people of the earth to come under the ‘pharmekia’ of the beast kingdom. I pray as many as possible will not go further into its grasp. I pray you all stand up for the Truth & for justice. I pray you to be blessed.

Ann Egan (Wingham, 2021-10-06)


I am a strong advocate for human rights and freedoms and I strongly suspect that these have been criminally violated during Covid-19.

Robert Hermann (Oshawa, 2021-10-06)


Zločinci, kteří provádějí genocidu genovou vakcinací, , ničení s lockdowny světové ekonomiky, ničí budoucnost naších dětí musí být potrestaní ještě přísněji než nacisti. Soudci Mezinárodního trestního soudu by si měli uvědomit, že dnes jsou to obyčejní občané planety Země které likviduje tzv. farmaelita a potom to budou soudci a jejich rodiny. Kdo netrestá zlo, pak je zodpovědný za jeho šíření Criminals who carry out genocide by gene vaccination, , destruction with lockdowns of the world economy,destroying our children's future must be punished even more severely than the Nazis. The judges of the International Criminal Court should realise that today it is the ordinary citizens of planet Earth who are being liquidated by the so-called pharmelita and then it will be the judges and their families.He who does not punish evil is responsible for its spread.

Julius Máté (Ostrava, 2021-10-06)


The criminal insanity has to end, NOW!

Brian Haley (Roberts Creek, 2021-10-06)


This is genocide and we need immediate action

Andrew Clendenning (Gananoque, 2021-10-06)


Iam signing in because we the peopel worldwide loose our soul and connection to the universe. From the begining everything is a fraud made to intodruce a new system controlled by AI what dont allow natural things!

Klaus Detering (Panama city, 2021-10-06)


The manufactured covid19 Pandemic is a crime against humanity.

Ernie Barrett (London, 2021-10-06)


I have children and I’m seeing my country change in very bad ways that I never thought I would see. It’s criminal and I want justice.

Adam Baker (Newcastle, 2021-10-06)


To takzvané testovanie a a následne (tzv SNP 2) bolo protiprávne a porusovalo ľudské práva. A po ďalšie je vitvarany na Slovensku apartheid (očkovaný a ne očkovaný) a vláda Slovenskej republiky pod vyhazkamy núti občanov sa vakcinovat

Jozef Chochula (Zlaté Moravce, 2021-10-06)


i'm signing it because i believe is against my natural freedom to be forced to be vaccinated, to be "protected" by the governments via lockdowns, to have all the UN and local laws infringed upon because Big Farma wants to make more money and our governments want to take away our rights.

Theo Vilcu (Oakville, 2021-10-06)


I am tired of this tyranny.

Joni Fosnight (Trafalgar, 2021-10-06)


People are free to decide if they feel to get vaccinated against a disease that is no more harmful than a flu. It is unconstitutional to experiment with humans

Dolores Boatti Riglos (Weston, 2021-10-06)


Because I strongly oppose mandatory vaccinations of vaccines that are not properly tested, and the closure of states and Territories in Australia. I STRONGLY oppose the use of vaccine passports.

Tracey Marven (Good Coast, 2021-10-06)


COVID is being used as an excuse take away freedoms around the world.
It is a clear agenda and most in power are clearly aware of it and yet still push it.
It is patently obvious that more harm comes from the vaccine than the supposed disease itself.

Adam Mannering (Fitzroy North, 2021-10-06)


We need the guilty to be punished for what they have done to all Australian s

Frances Narracott (Ballarat, 2021-10-06)


These monsters needs to be exposed and dealt with appropriately. Sooner rather than later.

Kelley Henry (BELLE CENTER, 2021-10-06)


De nombreux traitements très efficaces existent, la vaccination n a donc pas lieu d'être. De plus, le nombre de personnes décédées suite à cette injection est phénoménal ( plusieurs millions d après mes recherches sérieuses sur ce drame humain).

Laurent Millet (33680 Le Porge, 2021-10-06)


Evil is as evil does.

Judy Tompkins (Laurens, 2021-10-06)


This needs to be accomplished ASAP!

Kathleen Brenner (Bonita Springs, 2021-10-06)


I want all these Covid Criminals brought to trial for the crimes they are doing to the Global human race.

Debra Prisk (West Covina, 2021-10-06)


This gotta stop

Torben Kjaer (Hamlyn terrace, 2021-10-06)


The governments of the world are engaging in crimes against humanity with these experimental vaccines. People are dying. They are continuously proving unsafe. Stop using them.

Debbie Evans (Terrigal, 2021-10-06)


I am signing this because I strongly believe crimes of humanity were committed by those listed in your complaint.

edward valliere (Hampstead, 2021-10-06)


I m tired of this corruption, all this bad and worst situation on the name of the profit faraway of ethic, value, compasión, beauty of real things

Paola Zucconi (Barcelona, 2021-10-06)


I am signing this petition because the world has been subjected to most heinous of crimes against humanity in history, and these perpetrators must be judged and punished for their crimes.

Richard Malinowski (Rio Rancho, 2021-10-06)


Standing up for humanity!

Karen Samson (Arvada, 2021-10-06)


I believe crimes against humanity have been committed by the individuals noted. I believe they should be brought to justice.

Eileen Valliere (Hampstead, 2021-10-06)


Because of the life saving work of men such as these. Dr Richard Fleming, Dr Jane Ruby, Dr Mikovits, Dr Zelenko and many more. I will contribute my Commitment on Pay Day! Thanks Paul R. Bless you all.

Paul John Ross (Nottingham, 2021-10-06)


it's so important ! urgent ! SOS SOS SOS

Agnès DAVID (CALUIRE, 2021-10-06)


Human rights matter

Tracy Bagrie (Rangiora, 2021-10-06)


Anyone who harms a child needs death sentence.

Kathryn Stillwell (Tampa, 2021-10-06)


We need to expose the truth

joy brent (London, 2021-10-06)


This madness must be stopped!

Alex Braun (Wakefield, 2021-10-06)


I will not pass on a legacy to my daughters of having done NOTHING while murder for profit is occurring!

Keith Vowell (Everett, 2021-10-06)


I believe in humanity. I believe you all have the right to life, learning and happiness. No one will endanger these rights for all of us. God bless us all!

Reginald Berko (London, 2021-10-06)


I have done extensive research on both sides of the issues and this is absolute madness what is going on with the lies and censorship. We are heading towards a totalitarian world and there needs to be discussion and consultation.

Del Carry (Ottawa, 2021-10-06)


Evil wins when good people do nothing.

Charlene Kavanagh (Las Vegas, 2021-10-06)


Crimes against humanity
No one should be forced to take a medical experimental vaccine or jab
Ever ever ever

Kerry Hampton (Melbourne, 2021-10-06)


Because it's inhumane what all the countries are doing to their citizens and to childs, we have to stop this.

Monica P. Esparza (Puebla, 2021-10-06)

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