Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I want to stop ridiculous regulation that brings worldwide chaos. The people who inveted the virus should stand towards justice.

Jozef Fegyveres (Bratislava, 2021-10-07)


Ces injections de masses sont scandaleuses. Quelle corruption… Merci à ceux qui se battent pour obtenir la vérité

Favez Marie-Christine (Genève, 2021-10-07)


I agree that the use of these 'vaccines' is one of the biggest crimes ever against humanity.

André Ferero (Senas, 2021-10-07)


We stand together against this obvious tyranny, the Nuremberg code was set up to stop this happening, history seems to be repeating.

Adam Pinson (London, 2021-10-07)


The world has gone ******* mad?!

Adam Kennedy (Kuala Lumpur, 2021-10-07)


The criminal activities of the globalist and their herd of "useful idiots' which is leading to mass murder of people worldwide (genocide), has to be stopped immediately and those held accountable charged accordingly.

Ludek Lukasek (Dietach, 2021-10-07)


I sign because I am afraid of side effects and I believe in my own immunity

Erika Holubová (Detva, 2021-10-07)


It is imperative that those committing crimes against humanity in contravention of the Neurenburg Code be held responsible for their crimes and for the harm done to people.

David Treasurer (Canterbury, 2021-10-07)


La vérité nous rendra libre.

Claudine Odmond (Ouistreham, 2021-10-07)


We need to stop these crimes against humanity and hold the perpetrators to account.

Jan Hatton (Brisbane, 2021-10-07)


Verím Vam a držím palce

Matej Zeman (Žilina, 2021-10-07)



Alzbeta Kovalova (Sp.Nová Ves, 2021-10-07)


I have researched this and am appalled that the foundational pillars of western democratic rights have been completely and unashamedly ignored by our tyrannical state and federal governments here in Victoria Australia

Maxwell Hill (Traralgon, 2021-10-07)


weil keinen great reset brauchen, sondern eine bewusstseinsentwicklung zur menschlichkeit!

Bruno Mühlemann (Oberhofen, 2021-10-07)


This is a crucial matter

dominique bergamasco (nice, 2021-10-07)


It needs to happen!

Lesley Rafter (Great Bookham, 2021-10-07)


I'm signing this petition for my fellow Australians who have been forced into taking a vaccine that has caused many injuries and deaths in Australia I believe that those who created this absolute disgusting vaccine should be sentenced to death all the who is being punished and who have been involved should be the ones he should be prosecuted as soon as should be happening again anywhere across the world many lives have been lost many lives will be taken many lives are in pain and suffering this is criminal and it is against all constitutions it is against the law of the Nuremberg codes and the biosecurity ACT this is an outrage so here I am today speaking out to the whole world the I stand with you unless all together as one nation across the world put all these criminal people to Justice

Felicity Jacobs (Geelong, 2021-10-07)


My right to refuse is your right to refuse

Christine Batty (Bocquençé, 2021-10-07)


I support science where all sides are uncensored and can be debated publicly. I do not consent to illegal infringement on personal freedom and autonomy. The manipulation & lies by those in authority to control the population including government and corporate authorities are crimes against humanity.

T Smith (Kenosha, 2021-10-07)


I do not consent to the illegal measures used globally by governments to control their population.

Ulrike Clarke (Eye, 2021-10-07)


This insane génocide must stop !

Britta Niemann (Hamburg, 2021-10-07)


I want to make a difference

Andre McCallaghan (Auckland, 2021-10-07)


There must be consequences for those who have committed these crimes in the name of health and safety! They are far worse than Nazis!

Levy Ngobeni (Secunda, 2021-10-07)


For truth for human rights, for nature and respect, for life <3

Cécile Janicke (Toulouse, 2021-10-07)


I´m signing because I care about dealing with this situation.

Melánia Machová (Ložín 81, 2021-10-07)


I am totally opposed to being vaccinated with a trial gene therapy. I believe in full disclosure of side effects , ingredients and risks of the vaccine. I believe in personal consent. Medical discrimination is unlawful. Thousands of people are sick or dying and this vaccine has not been stopped. This has become a criminal offense by government to enforce this upon its people.

Erica Black-Krchnavy (Pretoria, 2021-10-07)


The truth must come out.

Amina Larsson (London, 2021-10-07)


Nul n'a le droit d'imposer une injection expérimentale qui plus est n'empêche ni la contagion , ni la transmission. L'humain doit rester souverain de son corps.

Isabelle Heinrich (Moineville, 2021-10-07)


Genetic treatment must remain a voluntary decision. None of the doctors, hospitals, is responsible for damage to health.

Anna Necasova (Senica, 2021-10-07)


It is quite clear that these jabs have nothing to do with our health and now they are trying to move onto children this needs to be stopped. What happened to protesting the old and vulnerable? Since when did we put a child’s life at risk to protect the older population. It is morally and ethically wrong.

Janet Amsden (Chelmsford, 2021-10-07)


C. Durot

Chantal durot (CROUY, 2021-10-07)


The people responsible for the destruction of our way of live deserve to pay for what they have done and not be rewarded.

William Ralph (Gorey, 2021-10-07)


Nedodržiavanie Ústavy Slovenskej Republiky,porušovanie zákonov SR,porušovanie ľudských práv.

Miroslav Machác (Macháč, 2021-10-07)


Although I am a certified agoraphobic who hasn't left his home in over 13 years and I will not be requiring the injection due to not being around any members of society. I am signing this to stand behind the people who are bringing this information forward. If we allow these people to get away with what they are doing, we do not deserve the freedoms our forefathers fought and died for. These people will abuse this power if we let them get away with it.

Darren White (Newport, 2021-10-07)


The government and some doctors who enforce the mRNA vaccine, and the media who incite fear of the coronavirus must all be punished.
Many people have died or been severely disabled by the vaccine.

Sachiko Nishihara (Nara-ken,Nara-shi,Kitatomigaoka,4-13-15, 2021-10-07)


I’m signing this because what is happening is mass genocide and crimes against humanity.
Individuals are being given an experimental injection to which some don’t even know this is a clinical trial high goes against the Nuremberg code. Those responsible including the rich and famous should stand trial and answer for their crimes.
My MP isn’t interested in a anything I send her regarding this massive scam. Her response is always the same. “ I take note of your concerns and if I can be of any assistance please get in touch again!”.. This so called MP is also complacent with this massive fraud against the people. This scam is far and wide and needs to be stopped.

Toni Ives (Saltash, 2021-10-07)


I believe in body autonomy and my right to choose what health care I use. I do not choose vaccines. No authority should be allowed to take that away from anyone. Freedom of choice. Free to work and live.

Lucy Frew (Avoca Beach, 2021-10-07)


The actions of people involved in removing the freedoms of people for a low threat disease are Crimes against Humanity

Mark Williamson (Johannesburg, 2021-10-07)


Moju starú mamu zobrali pred dvomi týždňami do nemocnice lebo spadla (našťastie nemala nič vážne, takže sme čakali, že ju na druhý deň pustia). Po niekoľkých telefonátoch sa zistilo, že ju dali ležať na covid oddelenie, aj keď mala negatívny test a nemala žiadne príznaky(doma sa nemala ako nakaziť). Po pár dňoch v nemocnici svoj boj dobojovala. Bohužiaľ mala už pokročilí vek a veľa diagnóz.

Lívia Očenášová (Zvolen, 2021-10-07)


Please STOP

Janet Bacekova (Partizanske, 2021-10-07)


This is crimes against humanity that needs to be addressed immediately

Lisa Cole (Adelaide, 2021-10-07)


I Am appalled by what’s happening

Danielle Liesenborghs (Keerbergen, 2021-10-07)


I am against mandatory vaccination.

Stephan Putter (Whittlesea, 2021-10-07)


The Individuals mentioned are Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity

Alfred Abbatangelo (Essendon, 2021-10-07)


I agree with them. Freedom , human rights.

Denisa Kren (Sydney, NSW, 2021-10-07)


Je signe car je suis contre la vaccination obligatoire des soignants en France.

Vincent Guinel (NANTES, 2021-10-07)


I want to know where is the thruth.

Stanislav Kotuc (Zilina, 2021-10-07)


Je signe parce que je ne veux plus que mes petits enfants souffrent du manque d'oxygène à cause du masque imposé , et que je m'oppose à ce qu'ils reçoivent une injection expérimentale.

Patrick Nevoso (Brassac, 2021-10-07)

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