Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
I believe in freedom of choice and that the current mandates and passports are a far over-reach for the situation. I believe in true debate and open science conversations and for all medical treatments to be available and not suppressed. I believe in informed consent and true information to be made available about risks and benefits.Michelle West (Canberra, 2021-10-07)
What is happening is wrong and it needs to be stoppedjake eller (kellyville ridge, 2021-10-07)
Human rights must be returned unconditionally. In times of diversity I cannot understand how people who do not want to be vaccinated are discriminated against and how they cannot be heard or have the opportunity to defend themselves. You will be labeled as lateral thinkers, Nazis or conspiracy theorists. In addition, there is public censorship on a large scale, which strongly reminds me of the synchronization of the 3rd Reich. The injustice has to stop and the dignity of the people and their rights have to be given back !!!Melanie Vas (Herrenberg, 2021-10-07)
Because I m the cause and victim of this scam Pandemic, the focus should at germany, just like it was alluded the 9/11, were first in Germany Hamburg... The satanists are running the show through the so call Intels, migrants contractors & former communistes landes mercenairies, same network world wide network of #Epstein & co, #Nygard, #Brunel etc with silicone valley new riches...I was a water delivery guy #WTC, with Snowbird Inc
12 yrs of being criminally targeted in germany by the authorities, i flee New York, Paris, Firenze area ( Amanda Knox with Guédé, satanical sexual ritual of killing Meredith from England) i know what i m talking as being targeted by these satanists human traffickers...
Ousmane Diawara (Iggingen, 2021-10-07)
The treason and crimes against humanity being perpetrated by Leftist criminals around the world and starting with the USA and China must be prosecuted and publicly punished by the death penalty to prevent world wide communism and further genocide.John Kelch (Huntington, 2021-10-07)
I want to make sure this genocide atrocity never happens again, as well as attempting to strip free humans of free will to make informed decisions on whether or not to consent. Without freedom we have nothing.Laurie Lindsey (Muskogee, 2021-10-07)
Soy profesional de la salud, y tengo a antecedentes de pacientes dañados por vacunas, tanto de las actuales contra covid 19, como por las otras existentes.Además por tener clara certeza de que se están violando expresamente los convenios de Nuremberg y Helsinki, y la legislación de mi país, Chile.
Oscar Godoy Beaudout (Antofagasta, 2021-10-07)
Nesúhlasím s očkovaním.Monika Kostelnikova (Pakostov, 2021-10-07)
We must insist on transparency. The government works FOR the PeopleToni Cursio (Jacksonville, 2021-10-07)
It is my duty to help stopping this traming of freedom and mass genocide accross the World via the SARS-COVID-2Self-Amplifying & Self Replicating BIOWEAPON. Violation of International Bioweapon Treaty Laws, Crime against humanity, and War Crime.
This is WW3.
Jean-Philippe VINCENT (Calgary, 2021-10-07)
Having lost the son of my partner due to issolation during first lockdown. Having had a massive relapse in my own mental health and seeing my 83 year old father struggling throughout this madness.Gary Blick (Kidderminster, 2021-10-07)
Criminals one and all. Retribution should be quick and just.Harry Blackburn (Durham, 2021-10-07)
To much proof to ignore. Covid is a cold. Our laws are in place to stop our Gov from doing this. So stop.Beth Jeffery (Saint john, 2021-10-07)
my body, my choiceRachel Delattre (Sant Jean de Luz, 2021-10-07)
I believe in justiceAntonia Visna (Prague, 2021-10-07)
These crimes against humanity MUST stop!Jody Botha (Port Elizabeth, 2021-10-07)
Forcing people to take vaccines is criminalGABRIEL PARRA (DALLAS, 2021-10-07)
I am signing this petition because we must stop the erosion of basic and fundamental human rights such as right to privacy and bodily integrity.Petra Gomersall (Twickenham, 2021-10-07)
I am signing the petition because the Government of the Slovak Republic, together with the President of the Republic, have signed off on the testing of citizens, committing segregation of citizens, discriminating against the unvaccinated, committing extortion and pressuring me and my family using armed forces...., and doctors neglecting to take care of me.Vladimír Kopček (Šarišské Michalany, 2021-10-07)
We need to protect our children from these evil GLOBALIST genocidal maniacsWayne Dalton (Warrnambool, 2021-10-07)
Pour la paix et la liberté,Pour contribuer à mettre fin à toute persécution.
douchin ka (grenoble, 2021-10-07)
The Nuremberg Laws need restating and Nuremberg 2 must happen soon to stop the global culldavid marshall (sheerness, 2021-10-07)
these are crimes against humanity and myself. Freedom of speech and freedom of choice is being taken away from me and I am being punished by not blindly following orders of incompetent wannabe leadersSamuel Krajcik (Puchov, 2021-10-07)
None of it makes sensePedro Nunez (Bristol, 2021-10-07)
I have signed due to my grave concern over rapidly deteriorating individual freedom of choice on a global scale.Carl Were (CANBERRA, 2021-10-07)
I believe in freedomSandra Tegg (Durban, 2021-10-07)
I believe the "pandemic " was deliberately released into the world population for the twofold purpose of profit to the parties involved and to hasten human depopulation of the planet.Mary Brown (Bishop, 2021-10-07)
These people need to be prosecuted to the highest extent of the lawBonnie Bishop (Fort mill, 2021-10-07)
When people have to be forced to take an experimental drug with the threat of losing their jobs, their kids not being allowed in school, and when the unvaccinated are not allowed to go out in the community that is medical apartheid. Using segregation to blackmail to get them to submit is not giving people a reasonable choice. When you have to sign your life away to participate in this medical trial and Doctors are threatened to be delisted if they speak out or try to give an exemption there is something very wrong with the system. When doctors won’t report or pretend death and adverse reactions are not due to the vaccine then we are in trouble. When the media is complicit in this duplicity by virtue of the fact they don’t work again how if they report anything but the narrative how can people make an educated decision. We are not giving informed consent in the spirit of the Nuremberg legislation. It’s the equivalent of someone holding a gun to your head and saying it’s your life, livelihood and ever being allowed in public again if you don’t sign, that is not consent.Robyne Somerville (Glen Iris, 2021-10-07)
FreedomKaren Russell (Spotsylvania, 2021-10-07)
DuhTita DeMitza (Bucharest, 2021-10-07)
Corporations are run by psychopaths and these need to be prosecuted for 7 billion counts of assault & attempted murder.Fred Mrozek (German Valley, 2021-10-07)
I share the same opinion and I would like to support the right and the justicePaula Slodicakova (Ždiar, 2021-10-07)
this is genocideRome Pineda (Paranaque, 2021-10-07)
I’m signing this because I lost my job, I refused to be vaccinated, it should be my choice and no one else.Jeanne DeAngelo (Vestal, 2021-10-07)
Criminals belong behind bars.Alena Ruta (Midland, 2021-10-07)
I believe the Nuremberg code is being violated.Karen Stewart (Davidson, 2021-10-07)
We are the change!Jana Gafrikova (Bratislava, 2021-10-07)
I am from Ukraine, my ancestors fought against the Nazis, and we must not forget those horrible events!Oleh Lozovskyi (Khmelnytskyi, 2021-10-07)
For the sake of the truthFernando Ramos (Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, 2021-10-07)
actually something go wrong at all.Dušan Marcina (Žilina, 2021-10-07)
Je ne suis pas volontaire pour tester l'injection contre le covidChristine Courbis (Lyon, 2021-10-07)
Forced vaccinations with improper/not tested vaccines is a crime against humanity. Why we have to explain this to international bodies in 2021 is an indication of how incompetent international government actually is.Christopher Kirkpatrick (HODGE, 2021-10-07)