

Skate is not a crime.

(Santiago, 2019-09-25)


I’m signing this because I love skateboarding and I know there are many others like me around the world. Everyone deserves to have a safe place where they can skate and Stalin plaza provides this necessity for the local skaters

(Perth, 2019-09-25)


I'm signing this because I want my children to remember epic skate spot and be able to visit/skate them as well. Live to skate, skate to live.

(Clarksville, 2019-09-25)


Signing because I’ve been to this leggendari spot and it’s the best I’ve ever been... it’s such a great place with an amazing atmosphere with great people and sense of community... a space for everyone to enjoy their free time... from skaters to rollerbladers and people playing soccer or just watching and relaxing... it would be terrible if this spot get destroyed... we should preserve places like this not destroying them!
Save Stalin plaza

(Melbourne, 2019-09-25)


I would like to skate in Stalin Plaza one day, it is one of the best spots ever!

(Petrópolis, 2019-09-25)


I love stalin. Im a dancer and tis trh vést place for dancing with my friends.

(Prague, 2019-09-25)


its an important place to one of the few things that represents what humanity is and still keeping it as what it is (:skateboarding:) ( sorry if my gramatic is incorrect but I don't speak english very well yet, thank you)

(León, Guanajuato, 2019-09-25)


I was once there skateboarding and it was awesome, since then I always wanted to go back.

(Hamburg, 2019-09-25)


Skateboarding saves us all from the anguish of not existing at all

(Burgas, 2019-09-25)


Stalin Plaza is important part of skateboarding and Youth culture in Czech Republic and also in the world as a recognizable place. We will not permit to destroy it just because of some developers and ,,safety” paper regulations which are often use to take public area into the hands of another business motives. Please be aware of your culture, do not let to be destroyed or sold !

(Cieszyn, 2019-09-25)



(Wiesbaden, 2019-09-25)


It's important place for the modern culture.

(Puck, 2019-09-25)


I'm signing because I love skateboarding... Stalin plaza is a legendary/historic spot for skateboarding, past and present... It has helped push the progression and bounderies of skateboarding in all technical aspects... The videos I've watched of this spot will stick in my brain till I die... I'm from the USA and I want to fly out to visit this place to see it in real life... I'm sure many skaters want to as well.. don't destroy, build!!!!

(Forest grove, 2019-09-25)


Skateboarding is art

(Johnstown, 2019-09-25)


Its a beatiful Skatepark and Plaza with a awesome View over prague

(Leipzig, 2019-09-25)


je to ikona Prahy

(Praha, 2019-09-25)


The description of this petition says it all: it's one of the most famous skateboarding spots in the world, and taking it away would also cut short a unique part of this beautiful city's tourism.

Skateboarding aside, it is always so refreshing to see public spaces in which people can spend their free time playing hockey and other sports, having a few drinks, and--in Prague's case--enjoying a spectacular view.

Please do not take away this representation of freedom which the people of Prague and the Czech Republic worked so hard to obtain in place of a communist symbol and its oppressive regime.

(Gallarate, 2019-09-25)


To save this awesome skate spot!

(Sachseln, 2019-09-25)


Best plaza ever

(Durango, 2019-09-25)


Because I want to save such a good spot

(Nizhniy Novgorod, 2019-09-25)



(Cologne, 2019-09-25)


Stalin park is a cultural icon and is regarded as the best skate plaza in the world

(Prague, 2019-09-25)


I want the others skaters can skate this place

(Fécamp, 2019-09-25)


About 20 years I Love to skate at this beautiful Place with a pretty nice few about the great City of Praha.
Please save this perfect Spot with so much writen History ❤️

(Fulda, 2019-09-25)


Cannot be replaced🙌🏻

(České Budějovice, 2019-09-25)


Fuck 12

(Prague, 2019-09-25)


Im signing because the way how stalin plaza has been working over more than past two decades has influenced me, my peers, the broad public and many more in really good direction.

It would be shame to destroy something that has had planted its roots firmly into history of our country and is very useful for spending leisure for young people.

(Prague, 2019-09-25)


Best place to develop personal skills

(Zurich, 2019-09-25)


Dobrá věc

(Praha, 2019-09-25)


"Natural" history. Iconic place.

(Moscow, 2019-09-25)


I love skateboarding

(Meridian, 2019-09-25)


Skateboarding is forever and for everyone

(Dubnica nad Vahom, 2019-09-25)


It’s top legendary skate/travel spot in Czech republic

(Karvina, 2019-09-25)


stalin plaza should be saved for skaters

(Rein, 2019-09-25)


Stalin Plaza is a parkspace which people from all over the world come to visit for its cultural and historical value and it has become a globally recognised site for skaters,bmx riders and sports enthusiasts all over the world. To close this site would be to erase a part of european history and would rob Prague of a part of its cultural heritage and most certaily would hurt the tourist attraction of the city to a degree.

(Stockholm, 2019-09-25)


We should protect places like this and also save some history for future generations.

(Brno, 2019-09-25)


I am signing because Stalin plaza is a great place like it is. It is the best skate spot in the world!

(Plzeň, 2019-09-25)


Legendary place

(Kynšperk nad Ohří, 2019-09-25)


i fall in love with this place and i love skateboarding

(Banská Bystrica, 2019-09-25)


This place is magical i spent all
My youth coming there And learningowej how to skate, now i came back Here last year And nothing changed, this place is amazing, dont destroy it!

(Wrocław, 2019-09-25)


I just begun skateboarding and I want a future for the Park so I can visit it once.

(Thun, 2019-09-25)


I’m signing to save that famous skate spot
One love

(Toulouse, 2019-09-25)


I love skateboarding

(Rožmitál pod Třemšínem, 2019-09-25)


Je signe cette pétition car ce spot est emblématique du monde du skate

(Aix en Provence, 2019-09-25)


Stalin square is the only reason i ever went to prague from the beginning. This is the most amazing place, made so much friends over there, really wanted to come back to prague next year, but seriously without stalin sqaure it feels useless

(Tel aviv, 2019-09-25)


stalin plaza

(praha, 2019-09-25)


Skate or die

(Vv, 2019-09-25)


It’s easy. I simply cannot belive that another legendary skate spot might be taken down !

(Kraków, 2019-09-25)


I like this place those faggots can not close it

(Bardejov, 2019-09-25)


protože Stalin je legenda pyčo! A kdykoliv jedu do Prahy, vždycky se jedu pokochat k metronomu, protože za mě je to nejkrásnější výhled na Prahu!

(Teplice nad Metují, 2019-09-25)


I'm signing because I want to visit this place.

(Smolinksé, 2019-09-25)


Protože stalin je místo, kde se v ČR sjednocují rideři z celýho světa. Má nezaměnitelnou atmosféru a je to centrum českýho skateboardingu.

(České Budějovice, 2019-09-25)



(Giessen, 2019-09-25)


I’ve been there and witnessed it’s strong importance in skateboarding in Prague and Czech Republic. Stalin plaza is one of the best skateable plazas in the world and the whole skateboarding culture would lose a big part of this culture if it was closed off. But more importantly the skaters in Prague would lose their main place to skate as the city is very old and hard to skate around.

(Helsinki, 2019-09-25)


Save our skateboarding save street culture.

(Barcelona, 2019-09-25)


Podepisuji petici, protoze stalin bylo vzdy misto, kde se dalo relaxovat a kochat se Prahou, bylo tomu tak vzdy jak pro mistni tak i cizince.

(Praha, 2019-09-25)


Because I have been there every other day during my Erasmus term at the law faculty of Charles university

(Frankfurt, 2019-09-25)


Save this awesome plaza!

(Hml, 2019-09-25)


Skateboarding relies on places like this

(New Plymouth, 2019-09-25)


Stalin Plaza is a cultural icon for bad reasons and great reasons. Preserve to remember and preserve it to keep the good vibes flowing!

(Sydney, 2019-09-25)


We need to save this beautiful spot!

(Dresden, 2019-09-25)


I really like hanging out with friends ať Stalin plaza.

(Praha, 2019-09-25)


I'm singing because this place has big cultular meaning, mostly for young people. It is place where you can come and forget the stress.

(Strakonice, 2019-09-25)


The most iconic skateboarding place in the Czech Republic. Save it!

(Olomouc, 2019-09-25)


...i sk8 and Love it!!!

(Berlin, 2019-09-25)


By closing all the places where youngsters can meet, skate and grow is taking the ability of those young people to evolve freely...

(Sofia, 2019-09-25)


Because I care about the preservation of socially and culturally significant spots in skateboarding's history, and so should everyone because skateboarding saves lives.

(London, 2019-09-25)


I never had the chance to go skate at Stalin Plaza but I want to. It’s an iconic spot and we need to keep it alive. We can have buildings everywhere, you can’t take away a historic and iconic place like that because you won’t have another one.

(Geneva, 2019-09-25)


Let‘s do it for the culture!!! One love

(Bruneck, 2019-09-25)


its a beautifull spot rhat should be saved

(Tegelen, 2019-09-25)


For Respect the urban culture

(Málaga, 2019-09-25)


Im signing because i want to save this unique place for skateboarding, relaxing and for cultural events, just how it exists now

(Ostrava, 2019-09-25)


It’s the most important piece of Czechia for skaters from all world.

(Kraslice, 2019-09-25)


skateboarding needs the plaza!

(innsbruck, 2019-09-25)


I travelled to prague just to skate here!!

(Melbourne, 2019-09-25)


Chodivam ze jezdit na skateboardu + nejkrasnejsi vyhled v Praze. Byla by to velka skoda.

(Ostrava, 2019-09-25)


It’s an legendary spot ant it’s culture should be saved

(Köln, 2019-09-25)


Prague needs skateboarding

(Abbeville, 2019-09-25)


It's an iconic spot and can't be destroyed

(Sofia, 2019-09-25)



(Praha, 2019-09-25)