Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing because it is evident that there are various individuals and our Governments who are involved in crimes against humanity. I totally support Richard Fleming and all scientists that have spoken up. This is mass genocide of innocent people. These evil people need to be held to account and be punished at the maximum level same as the Nuremberg Trial.

Melinda Bennett (Sydney, 2021-10-07)


Because I will always believed in individual liberty and I want that we will save this privilege for our kids to their future.

Ondrej Pernecký (Trnavka, 2021-10-07)


Justice for those who have died or suffered as a direct result of the criminal behaviour of the individuals mentioned and any person who has played a hand in the crime.

Catherine Livett (London, 2021-10-07)


I truly believe SARS COVID-2 is a bio-weapons developed with help from the CDC.

kevin bernard (Burlington, 2021-10-07)


Nous sommes confrontés à un véritable crime contre l'humanité et le moment est grave ! Les responsables doivent rendre compte à la justice de leurs crimes !

Paola Fava (Nice, 2021-10-07)


Participer a l arret de ces crimes contre l humanité

Fabrice Allet (Villeneuve les maguelone, 2021-10-07)


I’m signing because I have watched this whole event unfold since 2019 and knew from around February 2020 that we were being lied to. The facts didn’t add up then, nor now.

I have been patiently waiting for my chance to be a part of united human justice against this reverse-insurgence against the good people of planet earth.

The actions of politicians, officials and even the police officers who have stood bravely against a flawed narrative and have not joined others in questioning it deeper; those whom chose to be a simple mouthpiece for their dark plan is reprehensible, against their oaths of entry in said positions, their actions in my humble human opinion, are unforgivable.

Please enact actions against these criminals whom have have knowingly breached human ethics, their ‘duty of care’ their own responsibility of basic decency AND the Nuremberg Code.

iain mcdonald (Los Angeles, 2021-10-07)


Pour la liberté et un consentement éclairé.

Lattard Martine (Lyon, 2021-10-07)


I’m signing cause of the future , acourding to me this is not normal, a lot of fackts are breaking down the covid. And i dont wanna be testing new medicine.

Miroslav Danada (Olešná, 2021-10-07)


I am a physician. I am deeply concerned about the decay in healthcare providers (largely physicians) understanding of the obligation they have to the people we serve. We are the ones fortunate enough to have received a level of education and understanding that allows us to comprehend fully all aspects of the situation. We ARE NOT beholding to our employers, state and local medical associations, state medical authorities or state political authorities - we ARE beholding to the health and welfare of our patients. We have the absolute obligation to evaluate all of the information available to us… not just that which is spoon feed to us. We must continuously question the ever changing “new standard of care” that is forced on us to dictate our actions, the intolerable censoring of research and opinion that is inconsistent with the “standard”

I fear the situation is severe enough and those involved in the deception and carnage powerful enough to require extraordinary measures to defeat.

Doug Brown (Spokane, 2021-10-07)


je signe parce que c'est un génocide mondial organisé

René Boisse (Blaison St Sulpice, 2021-10-07)



Dušan Suranič (Husák, 2021-10-07)


If you want to be vaccinated, let it be possible.
IT must be a free decision for everyone.

Katarína Pecková (Žilina, 2021-10-07)


They are responsible for millions of deaths based on VAERS etc accuracy of <1% from Harvard study. Plus multiple millions with shortened lives & serious injuries.

Neville Roberts (George, 2021-10-07)


The truth is out there and they should all be held accountable . All of those found guilty should lose all assets and those assets should be used To help those affected by this

Greg Perrin (Kindersley, 2021-10-07)


They're trying to take away our freedom. They go against our constitution and human rights and they use this "pandemic" to get absolute control and new bussiness deals. Our Supreme Administrative Court officially brought out the verdict that more than 30 of pandemic measures and regulations made by our corrupted government were unconstitutional. Perpetrators must be held responsible and punished for crimes against humanity.

Kamil Bouhalika (Prague, 2021-10-07)


it's enough!
all this violence on people is too much!

Monica MANO (boves, 2021-10-07)


I am signing here the vakcination is depopulation agenda and more peoples died

Kamil Lamacka (Bratislava, 2021-10-07)


I agree with this petition

Nancy Soller (Swellendam, 2021-10-07)


This is unconstitutional and unacceptable.

Ashley Abbott (Las Vegas, 2021-10-07)


I'm signing because I believe the creation and release of the CCP virus constitutes a crime against multiple world humanitarian treaties. The CCP must be held accountable for it's crimes against the worlds peoples.

B. Messina-Gates (Fate, 2021-10-07)


sining because I don't believe Covid,future for our children without vaccines

Karol Horvath (Bonar Bridge, 2021-10-07)


Očkovanie je experimentálne a nátlakové vrátane všetkých kovid opatrení vydávaných vládami európskych štátov.

Anna Šusteková (Vidiná, 2021-10-07)


I now know too many people who are showing signs of Mrna experimental injury, so many that I have lost count. Humans should not be used as lab rats. We have treatments for covid that are being ignored to enrich the pockets of a few lesser men and women. Pharma money has corrupted our governments, our media, and depleted our freedoms. This deception needs to stop now.

Kristin Griffin (North Wiltshire, 2021-10-07)


To get information on a topic that has changed the world.

Lucas Ranzuglia (Ibiza, 2021-10-07)


Suspend pressure on people. Give people the free will to decide.

Martin Hlobik (Nærbø, 2021-10-07)


Trust in God justice and truth.

Rosaire Clavet (Rivière-du-Loup, 2021-10-07)


The world deserves truth and it is our right to know it.

Lynne Craye (LYMINGTON, 2021-10-07)


Nesouhlasím s vakcínačními pokusy na lidech nevyzkoušeným Mrna roztokem

Milan Kořínek (Vracov, 2021-10-07)


I'm signing because I am sick of being lied to by the government, we will be entering genocide for the sole purpose of profiting the wealth. The working class are going to be the victims of this 1984 insanity.

Eden Payne (Canvey Island, 2021-10-07)



Vierka Sroková (Kamienka, 2021-10-07)


I am signing because I want our government to hold these criminals accountable for crimes against humanity

Jean Dietsch (Park Ridge, 2021-10-07)


I agree with your meaning, I would love to live in democraty world.

Žofie Převrátilová (Semily, 2021-10-07)


These crimes against humanity cannot go unpunished. Medical tyranny must be stopped. The future of our children’s world depends on us standing up and not accepting or allowing this to continue.

Jodie Wainwright (Langwarrin, 2021-10-07)



M N (CALGARY, 2021-10-07)


I believe what is happining worldwide with mask wearing, restrictions and firced vaccines are genogide. The world is being treated as one huge experiment and A coronavirus (not the first) is used as an excuse. Fearmongering, shaming and apartheid/nazi tactics are being used to devide and concore the world. I can go on, but there is to mutch. I leave you with this, Dr. Jozef Mengle would be proud. Have we not learnt from history!?!

Carina Theart (Cape Town, 2021-10-07)


Pandemic and all measures taken by authorities are crimes against humanity



I do not support experimentation on humans without their consent

mary Gabriele (Cottage Grove, 2021-10-07)





Estoy firmando para que pare de una vez y portodas este genocidio planetario y se actúe bajo el CODIGO NUREMBERG y el tratado de BIO ETICA. Por favor ya!!!

Williar Caniellos (Montevideo, 2021-10-07)


I am sick how bunch of bilioner destroying the planet, humanity, thr future if oyr children and selling it all as a conspiracy theory

Adele Rollisson (Dubai, 2021-10-07)


Light and justice must be done over this planned genocide

Julien Cornic (Saint Géraud de Corps, 2021-10-07)


I want these crimes against humanity exposed.

nicola fredrica wakeham (London, 2021-10-07)


My father was forced to take the Moderna shot and died within 48 hours. Hawaii Kai Retirement Community (Holiday Retirement) claimed he had a stroke. He never had ANY issues with strokes as he was healthy. My aunt died at Queens Hospital after being denied Ivermectin and then put on Remdesivir! It was the Remdesivir that killed her, not the Covid-19.

Noah Anstraus (Honolulu, 2021-10-07)


I believe the vaccines are poisoned to depopulate mankind.

Bane Gotham (New York, 2021-10-07)


it is no longer acceptable that any crime, even the smallest one, remains unsentenced, whoever the responsible is

Luigi Desiderato (Legnano, 2021-10-07)


Want stop this experiment on the world humanity!

Oksana Stankova (České Budějovice 2, 2021-10-07)

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