Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I have natural immunity after using Ivermectin to cure myself from Covid-19. However, I was fired from my job because I did not want to sign a waiver form from taking the experimental Covid vaccine. I tried getting Pfizer Comirnaty, but CVS Longs lied to me that they had it. Instead they only have the experimental. "authorized", EUA unlicensed mRNA Pfizer, not the licensed "FDA approved" APPROVED Comirnaty that such drugs do not require signing a waiver form. So my company terminated my position after coercing me to "take the jab, or be terminated".

William Nowotney (Mililani, 2021-10-07)


what is happening is a crime against humanity !!!

jerome guin (guérande, 2021-10-07)


I am a retired special education teacher who knows the effects of unnecessary medical treatments on kids and especially children with disabilities. There is a toxin in these new covid vaccines. (And in old shots too!) It’s time to expose the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry. This isn’t about health. It’s about depopulating the earth so the elite can have it for themselves. It’s about genocide.

I am also disheartened by the recent videos showing elderly nursing home patients being forcibly vaccinated. Children are being forcibly vaxxed also! Also stories of children coming home with severe nose bleeds from repeated nasal testing! Nobody should be forced to wear a mask. Especially children in 8 hours of school!

Expose those who are orchestrating this madness! It must end now. Expose the media, the gatekeepers, the fake fact checkers, financiers and the companies who are pushing this narrative.

I will not “fear the virus”! I will nor bow down to their money making golden vaccine! I will not comply!

The virus and the vaccines are invented to harm humanity and an idol they want us to bow down to. I worship God only. I am not afraid of the virus nor will I take your evil vaccine!

Lynn Metzger (Ridgeway, 2021-10-07)


Considero que las vacunas no cumplen su finalidad y por el contrario, los efectos secundarios son mucho más que los supuestos beneficios que nos informa la prensa

Johnny Melgarejo Requena (Lima, 2021-10-07)


Pour que tous les responsables soient jugés et condamnés.

Emmanuelle Larochas (Payré, 2021-10-07)


porque ja perdi entes queridos, amigos, vizinhos logo após, poucas horas depois de tomar as vacinas e outras pessoas que estão com tromboses e problemas cardíacos....para quem está desperto e ver isto é muito sofrimento, tem que suspender esta vacinação imediatamente!!!

SIMONE DE PAULA (São Bernardo do Campo, 2021-10-07)


The crimes that have been committed must be investigated.

Kerry Evans (Medfield, 2021-10-07)


I agree with the petition, I support it

Jitka Komarkova (Znojmo, 2021-10-07)


Ces soi-disant vaccins sans autorisation définitive et cette propagande médiatique avec ces obligations pour vivre normalement, cette propagande médiatique et ces obligations sur la population mondiale est scandaleuse. De plus, des chercheurs ont démontrés que ces injections à répétition sont mortelles.

Bernard Declercq (Haine-Saint-Pierre, 2021-10-07)


What is occurring in the the world is a full on assault on human autonomy and right to choose granted to us by God, not man.

Matthew Sullivan (Boston, 2021-10-07)


It is waaaay overdue - stopping this genocide and division and control.

Challamar Rayne (White Rock, 2021-10-07)


We need Immediate stop COVID-19 vaccination worldwide. Vaccination is progressing rapidly in Japan as well ..

JJAY EPICENTER (Tokyo, 2021-10-07)


I'm signing because not punishing the guilty will only end up punishing the innocent of this and future generations.

Stephen Carter (Chiang Mai, 2021-10-07)


I’m signing this petition because Crimes against my fundamental rights as a human being( and the world at large)has been committed. God is great !

Leonard James (Melbourne, 2021-10-07)


I no longer wish to continue to live under tyranny. I am worried for the future of my children.

Morgana Tyler (Cleckheaton, 2021-10-07)


First do no harm!!

Cara Lougher (Swansea, 2021-10-07)


Human rights are the most important value in human life.

Bella Lopes (Newcastle, 2021-10-07)


We need to stop these injustices

Jd Knight (New castle, 2021-10-07)


La imposición de las vacunas vs covid, son una clara violación a los derechos humanos de muchas personas, que, en una clara manifestación y decisión propia, y en defensa de sus derechos, no aceptan tal arbitrariedad; esto, sin contar el daño que, en innumerables casos, personas alrededor del mundo han perdido la vida o padecido de consecuencias severas en su estado de salud por las vacunas.

AngelAlejandro Valladares (Morelia, 2021-10-07)


Official science is worse than inquisition. It does not create progress anymore but promotes slavery. Science without compassion is only devastation. Mathematics with numbers and without rationale are evil. We have to fight to remain natural human beings.

Catherine Gandolfi (Wachtberg, 2021-10-07)


Las vacunas del Covid, al no ser aprobadas por ningún organismo de salud, rompen con todo principio bioetico y de farmacovigilancia al ser administradas de forma masiva a cambio de dinero, poder y control social

Basta ya, fármacos con una fracción de efectos adversos en comparación con estas vacunas han sido retirados del mercado por la EMA y la FDA, abramos los ojos

Luis Padilla (Santo Domingo, 2021-10-07)


I believe this is not a vaccination and that I also believe none of the government bodies or royals have had this jab... and they are lying that they have, they are all in this scam together to get the number of population down .. they call it New world order... thanks to the chimp bill gates and the rest of the lying so called scientists. You are murderers.

Tessa Coltman (Cornwall., 2021-10-07)


I'm signing this because people should have the freedom to choose their own medical care and treatments. I'm signing this because there needs to be total transparency regarding the "covid 19 virus" and the "vaccine" created to prevent persons from being ill from the "covid 19" virus. I'm signing this because other effective treatments should be considered and tried. I'm signing this because persons with natural immunity to the "covid 19" virus should not have to take a vaccine because their bodies natural immunities are stronger; scientifically and historically. I'm signing this because people are dying, permanently disabled, or have suffered from adverse side effects due to being injected with the "vaccine". The "covid 19 vaccines" need to be pulled until further research studies can be completed. I'm signing this because people deserve informed consent.

Jaime Roach (Harrisonville, 2021-10-07)


I agree with this petition

Marian Bednar (Bratislava, 2021-10-07)


I’m signing because I am concerned about what is happening around the world regarding the management of the covid pandemic by authorities and I feel that some groups or individuals may be taking advantage of the situation at the expense of the people.

Jack Coughlan (Dublin, 2021-10-07)


I feel that my freedom is threatened. I feel forced and pushed to behaviours that are against my nature and are not in my best interest. I feel discriminated for choosing to take care of my health amd therefore my imune sistem in natural way. I feel the information it's not transparent, and all this situation is spreading fear and discrimination. I also sign because I grew up in a foreign country. My parents live in a different country and I am being separated from my family. We are pressured to adopt whatever measures in order to be able to reunite and spend time together. This is against all human nature.

Mihaela Stemate (Albufeira, 2021-10-07)


We need to maintain freedom of choice when it comes to vaccines of this statues, eg when still in trials and as they are having many early side effects and we do not know the long term implications within the body of this drugs

Amanda Ward (Essex, 2021-10-07)


Vytváranie a stupňovanie napätia v spoločnosti na základe nezmyselných nariadení vlády a ministerstva zdravotníctva

Božena Rákošová (Košice, 2021-10-07)


Pour mes petits enfants 😊

Valerie Maridat (Saint-Hilaire-de-Brens, 2021-10-07)


I agree with this petition
We need help to stop The Crimes against Humanity! The criminals banking on this as well as the silent witnesses need to be brought to justice!

Dawn Valentine (Phillipsburg, 2021-10-07)


Loss of freedoms and bodily autonomy should not be part of a democratic and free society

Wanda Jonsson (Nepean, 2021-10-07)


This is the most significant moment in time in modern history. We are at a fork in the road that leads to peace, prosperity or pain, misery, oppression, and a medical tyranny. We all must stand up and say no more and expose the ones responsible for this evil agenda. I call for a Nuremberg 2 for crimes against humanity and all the unborn children that can potentially be born with irreversible severe birth defects. Our children are what they are attacking now with this dangerous genetic payload that is going to cause harm on a scale never seen before. We need to protect the next generation and this beautiful planet of ours. Through use of civil disobedience, boycotting, and holding responsible the corporations, pharmaceutical companies, and public representatives enforcing this medical tyranny. I believe we can follow the example of the legendary Martin Luther King Jr. This is the civil rights movement of the 21st century that must be fought for.

Jose Colina (Philadelphia, 2021-10-07)


Our inalienable human rights are being violated worldwide and it must stop!

Kristine Brown (Melbourne, 2021-10-07)


Bodova Anna

Anna Bodova (Handlová, 2021-10-07)


What is happening is wrong.

Karon Jordan (Norbury, 2021-10-07)


I thought since the Nuremberg trial was concluded, we would never see such atrocities as were committed in Nazi Germany, but I know I was wrong witnessing the current state of affairs. It's now happening again but on a much worse scale with many more psychopaths at the helm. God help us.

Cecilia Vohl (Reno, 2021-10-07)


Pravda musí zvíťaziť a zlo musí byť potrestané!

Beáta Valušiaková (Liptovská Lúžna, 2021-10-07)


Public not educated on vaccine hazards and effective early treatments which have not been made easily available due to doctors lack of knowledge or scruples.

Colleen Glass (Clearwater, 2021-10-07)


Stop the harassment!

Liz Mihaela (Vaslui, 2021-10-07)


I want criminals against humanity to be brought to justice.

Paul Bastiani (Northampton, 2021-10-07)


I want those who are perpetrating these crimes against humanity held accountable.

Bryan Cochran (Fort Worth, 2021-10-07)


I'm signing because I feel I have the god given right to refuse any experiential drug that may cause diar effects to my health and well being. I am a mother and wife and want my family to live without being made to feel as though we are less than because we CHOOSE not to be vaccinated.

Ella Agbo (Covington, 2021-10-07)


Good afternoon I am from Panama, I am signing this because I am tired of this government that wants to impose a dictatorship with these vaccines on the population and wants to place it, to children under 12 years of age it is unacceptable, a vaccine that is causing adverse effects, they have already died People here for this vaccine and health hide those cases and that nobody is taking responsibility and they want to force us to put it in order to work, travel, go out to restaurants, study at university and school, this is crazy here in Panama. Someone must put a stop to this.

juan martinez (Panamá, 2021-10-07)


I'm signing because I want this court case to happen for the sake of humanity.

Melissa Burch (Tinos, 2021-10-07)


No experiments for the people on over the world! Freedom, no vaccine covid 19. Stay alive!

Michaela Trgiňová (Prievidza, 2021-10-07)


My critical sens lead me to search deeply what’s Going on. And I am convinced now that we are in an emergency situation and I ask the International criminal court to do the right thing because it is simply the right thing to do and that is who we are.

Patrick Sabatier (Collioure, 2021-10-07)


podporujem pravdivé objasnenie situácie a zastavenie nezmyselného a zločinného zneužívania obyvateľstva

Pavol Gago (Trenčín, 2021-10-07)

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