Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



These vaccines are deadly! We are having these so called "vaccines" forced into us! Either have the jab or you can't work! Our police are shooting at unarmed people at peaceful protests about freedom of choice! These dangerous gene therapies are being made mandatory and now they're talking about injecting children!! This has to stop!!

Dave Johnson (Sydney, 2021-10-08)


I want the criminals behind the virus, the pre-planned pandemic and the vaccines to be charged, prosecuted and sentenced for their crimes against humanity under the Nuremberg Code.

Tiff Pratt (Dallas, 2021-10-08)


Quiero justicia

Agustin Miguel García Batista (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 2021-10-08)


I hope that justice will be done all the prejudices suffered by the citizens of the world

Soazig Marc (Château thebaud, 2021-10-08)


This isn't the world I want my children to grow up in. They have a choice and do do we.

Dave Bailey (United Kingdom, 2021-10-08)


Parce que c est horrible ce que nous subissons surtout les enfants.

Sandra EUGÈNE (Lamentin, 2021-10-08)


People have been killed by those promoting a lie for their personal profit.

Wilda Heard (Seattle, 2021-10-08)


I believe the citizens of the world are under attack and genocide and crimes against humanity are being perpretrated by our own governments. A psychological operation has been carried out on people of the world via mainstream media, politicians, celebrities etc to induce complete fear of a virus that has an almost 100% recovery rate for everyone who does not have other serious, underlying health conditions and is similar in risk to seasonal 'flu. People of all ages have been coerced to take an experimental vaccine and, in the UK, are now being threatened with the loss of their livelihoods if they do not capitulate to this government's demands to subject themselves to an experimental injection. Children are now in the UK government's sights and these children are being coerced into taking this experimental vaccine by being told that they are competent to make the decision to be injected with an unknown substance without their parents' consent. How can anyone of any age give informed consent to these vaccines when it is unknown by anyone, including the UK government and their scientific advisors, what the long term effects will be? In the short term there are thousands and thousands of people across the world reporting adverse reactions, suffering life altering disabilities and dying after being vaccinated. However, in the case of the UK, the government still keeps pressing ahead with its vaccination programme and blankly refuses to listen to a wide range of eminent scientists, virologists, epidemiologists etc with a different viewpoint to the SAGE scientists. In the UK House of Commons recently and with regards to vaccine passports, a conservative MP asked a question of The Speaker Sir Lyndsey Hoyle outlining that " would be outrageous if the Executive were to prevent any Member of Parliament attending this House to represent our constituents without first undergoing a medical procedure." An extract from The Speaker's response indicated that vaccination passports would not be required for MP's and I quote from that extract "You have a right to come to this House unless this House otherwise says so and I've got to say the government's not been in touch. I don't expect them to be in touch cos as far as I'm concerned it doesn't apply to Members." It can therefore only be assumed that there are MP's who are equally unsure about the safety of these vaccines, else why ask the question? It would appear that some MP's are outraged at the prospect of being forced to take the injection to be able to continue their employment and yet they appear quite happy to support the UK Prime Minister and the government in forcing such measures onto the rest of the population. I believe governments across the world are working to a plan and, rightly or wrongly, it is my view that depopulation by any means is high on their individual agendas. This is not about health, if it were governments would have listened to and explored the advice of experts within the fields of science and medicine and would definitely not be coercing and threatening people to take an experimental vaccine which has shown to cause harm on a scale never witnessed before. These governments and all those involved are a disgrace and the people who have lost loved ones, or who have suffered injury or disability through the persistent coercion and propoganda should see justice prevail against the perpetrators of what can only be described as genocide and crimes against humanity on a grand scale.

Kathleen Wallis (Wolverhampton, 2021-10-08)


Illégalité totale des mesures prises .Absence de tout contre-pouvoir.

Thérèse COLIN (Saint-Nazaire, 2021-10-08)


Il faut que les assassins payent !

Didier Renailler (Saint jory, 2021-10-08)


This must stop.

Laura Stetser (Colfax, 2021-10-08)


F. J. B!

Xavier Bacha (Paris, 2021-10-08)



Tallarico Béatrice (Roquebrune-Cap, 2021-10-08)


I don't want my future generations growing up in a globalist Nazi dictatorship. That's where we'll be if we don't bring these criminals to justice. We decide what goes into our bodies. Not some psychopathic globalist dictator or their useful idiots and paid lackeys.

Shaun Walton (Skibbereen, 2021-10-08)



Sylvie Delaigue (Firminy, 2021-10-08)


I don't and can't accept this disaster to humanity

Andrew Arrah (Perth, 2021-10-08)


This has to stop, these criminals need to be brought to justice.

Andrew Davison (newcastle upon tyne, 2021-10-08)


I wish to see those responsible for crimes against humanity punished with the full force of the law.The Nuremberg code has been breached in many ways.

Berenice John (Hertfordshire, 2021-10-08)


C'est effectivement un crime contre les populations mondiales



I salute You, Dr. Flemming. I am very familiar with your COVID work and, of course, support You in wholeheartedly with the petition.

george jilecek (glenhaven, 2021-10-08)


the sum of the informations collected on the irreversible or fatal side effects of RNA jab since 10 months and at the same time the denial of the rulers who force this experimental vaccination raises questions about the evidence and the motive of the crime.

David Harboun (Montcaret, 2021-10-08)


Je signe parce que j ai plainement conscience de ce crime a l humanité

Magali FIX (ARES, 2021-10-08)


I’m signing this because we need oversight and we must prosecute those involved so that these crimes against humanity do not occur again

vivian ferreira (Naples, 2021-10-08)


Conscient depuis de longues années du plan diabolique mis en place par les "élites internationales"

Gilles Lefrançois (Beauvais, 2021-10-08)


To protect humanity

Annie Pech (Villiers St Frederic, 2021-10-08)


I am a victim

Brian Canterbury (Cape Girardeau, 2021-10-08)


Because Cries against humanity are illegal and should be outcast

Carmen Markey (Little Mountain, 2021-10-08)


Those measures are against hummanity, against every constitution of every country. Nobody prouves that this virus exist according mr Rivers and mr Koch postulates

Vasile Valentin Anton (Galati, 2021-10-08)


Enough of this crime against humanity!

Dustin Baggenstoss (Belton, 2021-10-08)


Il faut arrêter ces criminels

Karine Rochini (Agen, 2021-10-08)


This needs to end. Everyone to be made accountable.

Mafi Pahulu (Victoria, 2021-10-08)


I'm signing this petition because I want to make my own decisions when it comes to my life and health and the life and the health of my child. I refuse any kind of totalitarian regime.

Andrea Bulisova (Prague, 2021-10-08)


Stop à ce génocide..

Elisabeth Bertini (MIMET, 2021-10-08)



Joni Slotkin (Irvine, 2021-10-08)


Because the corruption has to stop

Eileen Bottino (Morris plains, 2021-10-08)


I want this to be investigated and all parties to be fully prosecuted to the full extend of the law.

Frenske Linker (Apeldoorn, 2021-10-08)


I'm signing because it's time to put a halt to the current situation and prosecute those who are responsible.

Anna Beczek (London, 2021-10-08)

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