Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Its crime

Katarina Pechyova (Trnava, 2021-10-09)


That s enough
People involved have to be punished accor

Bertolaso Josée (TOULOUSE, 2021-10-09)


Pour que justice soit faite.
Pour les victimes du Covid et des vaccins

Luc Capony (VIGNIEU, 2021-10-09)


It's criminal this obligation vaccinale and the gestion of this crise sanitaire

Valognes Claudine (Lanty sur Aube, 2021-10-09)


Nesúhlasím s tým, čo sa deje na Slovensku.

Jana Šustrová (Trenčín, 2021-10-09)


I lost my job (physiotherapist) in France, because I'm no vax.... no gain, no life, no respect.
I don't want to give my body to the state..

Marlène Vallon (Loire sur Rhône , 2021-10-09)



Anne Georges (Sallanches , 2021-10-09)


Ces injections expérimentales sont criminelles, les vrais chiffres de la pharmaco vigilance le prouvent, de plus ils existent des traitements efficaces à 100%: ivermectine,hydroxichloroquine, artemisia annua, herbe à pic,,,,

Dominique Bertram (Bordeaux , 2021-10-09)


The experimental vaccine only, no therapy policy sounds very suspicious. A lots of political and medical dogma with the medias not giving the voice to alternate perspective is like a dangerous situation. My grandparents were survivors so I am appalled.

Guillaume Romagny (Les Lilas, 2021-10-09)


Un vaccin ne peut être effectué sur une personne sans son consentement éclairé.

Ricordel Dominique (Lagny sur Marne, 2021-10-09)


Les droits humains sont bafoués. Stop à cette expérimentation dangereuse qui produit beaucoup de morts et de séquelles graves à vie.

Séverine Coudeyras (Bordeaux, 2021-10-09)


I work for human rights

Korsia Marie France (Bouc bel air, 2021-10-09)


I´m against the genocide of humanity.

Jan Dorociak (Zilina, 2021-10-09)


I no longer see polititions, just evil criminals, thieves and murderers, justice has to come.

Jessica Bingham (Ayr, 2021-10-09)



GILLIAN EVANS (Bristol, 2021-10-09)


J'ai moi-même écrit au PCI pour porter plainte contre crime contre l'humanité en recommandé
Je n'ai pas eu le retour de mon courrier alors qu'il a bien été distribué

Pierre Leblanc (Talence , 2021-10-09)


The discrimination in place in France (health pass which the government refused to limit to the duration of the health crisis) is forcing people, without really taking responsibility, to inject a substance still in the test phase for which communication on the side effects seems opaque.
This, together with the massive censorship on social networks and the numerous bans on peaceful demonstrations on Saturdays, shows that the government wants to stifle divergent voices.
This situation is unacceptable, these products will not be injected to my children.

Thierry Berte (Sucy-en-Brie , 2021-10-09)


The global suppression of all and any data proving pandemic fraud regarding the recent snd current Covid-19 situation, the continued widespread use of the SARS-Cov-2 vaccine when more than ample data exists proving its dangers, severe damage to health, including widespread mortality, and it’s inability to prevent transmission of the COVID-19 virus, meaning it is wholly unfit for purpose, mean this petition must be taken with the utmost seriousness. If this petition is not processed with truthful and honest review of the data to which it refers, then there is no hope for humanity, for democracy, for human rights, for freedom of speech, for the truth, nor for bodily autonomy.

Anna Jolly (Taunton, 2021-10-09)


Avoir le choix de choisir le traitement que je dois prendre sans que l’on me dise ce qui est bon pour moi ou pas bon
après explication de mon médecin sur le traitement à prendre, la décision m'appartient

Bonvalot Véronique (Fouesnant , 2021-10-09)


For the respect of human rights without conditions !!

Thierry Fourré (Martigues, 2021-10-09)


Sauvons la Vie, la Liberté et arrêtons ces injections expérimentales !

BILLIET Catjy (Escoville , 2021-10-09)


Ich unterscheibe diese peticion,weil ich uberzeugt binn,dass die in ganz Europa getroffene massnamen,komplet absurd sind,risiko von Covid 19 uberschatzt,einzig geht es um profit farma firmen und einfluss von Globalisten!!!

Marian Kopac (Lúky, okr. Púchov, 2021-10-09)


La situation est tres grave.

remi bernard (PARIS, 2021-10-09)


There are toi Manu evidences about the dangers if these so called "vaccines".
Mandatory vaccination for a so low deaths/infection ratio is more than suspect.

Jean ALCAZAR (Le Plessis Robinson, 2021-10-09)


Two of My children were coerced into taking the experimental gene therapy by Moderna and Pfizer due to the fear that was perpetuated by Fauci & the media & mandated by the California State University of Northridge. Also, because thousands died unnecessarily due to doctors not administering at home early treatments as their corporate heads would not allow. The never ending masking and the lockdowns and fear mongering has caused my family great mental stress and anguish.

Gabriella Paschall (Santa Clarita, 2021-10-09)


This genocide is insane and must be stopped

Elisabeth Walsh (Mullumbimby, 2021-10-09)


Justice must prevail over this global tyranny.

Louise Kent (Melbourne, 2021-10-09)


This has to stop!

Marie Baring (Melbourne , 2021-10-09)


Je refuse les avancées criminelles du régime de Macron et de son gouvernement d'assassins. Trop de corruption insensée et mortifére.
Arrêtons cette folie !

Patrick LEVACHER (MONDEVILLE, 2021-10-09)


Mon grand-père comme beaucoup d'autres de sa génération se sont battus contre le nazisme pour que ces lois universelles existent. Il est du devoir de la CPI de les faire respecter et de protéger les peuples des abus et des lois liberticides mis en place par des gouvernements corrompus.
En espérant que Justice soit faite.

Cedric Herzig (Copponex , 2021-10-09)



Magdalénka Bavlšíková (Dubová, 2021-10-09)


Never before have such crimes

Noel Kennedy (Alora , 2021-10-09)


It is crime against humanity

Marta Sykorova (Smizany, 2021-10-09)


This tyranny needs to stop

Ally Wyse (Athlone , 2021-10-09)


Je signe parce-que, j'estime que les droit de l'homme ne sont plus respectés, ainsi que la constitution et les loi en vigueur !!!
Les politiques ont pris trop de pouvoir, ils font des loi qu'ils ne respecte même pas eux même !!!

Daniel Deloison (Aibes, 2021-10-09)


Those in power need to take responsibility for Crimes against Humanity

Carol Engel (North Wahroonga, 2021-10-09)


I am a UK citizen trapped in the horrific situation here in Australia! As a scientist I have questioned how can something be injected into a human with no clinical trial data for immediate, short, mid & long term side effects. The mandate forcing people to have a jab or lose their job is beyond horrific and no different to what the Nazis did. Please bring these monsters to justice. Daniel Andrew’s & Brett Sutton et al in Victoria.

Nadine Williams (Melbourne , 2021-10-09)

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