Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



It is absolutely necessary to punish those who stand behind this crime against humanity in order to establish a new world order. Punish those who trample on human rights. Punish those who think they are inviolable, especially the politicians through whom this evil is carried out.

Tomáš Junek (Velký Újezd, 2021-10-09)


My mother died juste after she had a vacuna

Marion Duvauchel (Toulon, 2021-10-09)


Parce que cette pseudo pandémie est la pour tuer au moins la moitiés des humains sur terre

Yohan Ardichen (Camplong d aude, 2021-10-09)


These vaccines are harming people, and it’s clear that the benefit does not outweigh the risk. Works governments have lied claiming that Pfizer is FDA approved. However, according to PFIZER, they are NOT!

I had covid and recovered in 36 hours, after getting a real doctor , not bought off by big Pharma, to prescribe ivermectin, HCQ and amoxicillin. These drugs work … many members of the United States government have secretly been treated with these drugs, while not allowing the people they claim to care about have access. Therefore, they are responsible for the deaths from covid! PROSECUTE these tyrants for crimes against humanity!

Jennifer Staebler (Port Charlotte , 2021-10-09)


Free libertés

Gina Fitoussi (Fr, 2021-10-09)


I want justice for million personn who are dead because of them

Clémentine Parâtre (Soisy sur Seine , 2021-10-09)


Ce qui se passe est un crime contre l'humanité, ces gens doivent être jugés et condamnés pour que le peuple du monde puisse être assuré de vivre dans le respect de ses droits.

Marianne Chouinard (val d'Or, 2021-10-09)


We need to know the truth

Jonathann Giroux (La Sarre, 2021-10-09)


I want justice for all the people who died and suffered from this natzi experiment

Marfa Marius (Iasi, 2021-10-09)


Je signe parce que il y’a des criminels qui sont en Algérie et en Afrique qui occupent des haut poste dans leurs gouvernements dictature

Fatah Mallek (Genève , 2021-10-09)


It is the responsibility of every human being to expose at every level and opportunity the current criminal insanity

Michael Wynne (Dublin , 2021-10-09)


C'est un génocide, un crimes contre l'humanité et pour la liberté

Kata Roncevic (LANESTER, 2021-10-09)


I will Not Allow The Jab as Long as I am Conscious, however, I have Been Verbally Abused By a Now Former Dr. at Kaiser for Not Taking it!! I have Lost Family to The Killer Vaccine, and Stand To Lose More! This Has To End! I can't even feel Safe with Doctors anymore.

David Mulloy (Milwaukie, 2021-10-09)


I'm signing because of devastating effects of what has happened to people all over the world. Governments are killing their own people without the real truth being told. We are all test Dummies for big pharma. How can anyone trust their own government ever again. I've lost so much from the actions of this and what is more important than that is it's a lie. We could have gotten on with our lives and not lost the last 2 year's for nothing. I've had also friends that have killed themselves because of losing their jobs. The government needs to pay for their crimes against humanity.

Sharon Mattey (Melbourne, 2021-10-09)



Gejza Horvath (Bratislava 5, 2021-10-09)


I want normally live for all people's.

Mária Bukovská (Bratislava, 2021-10-09)


Fascism is evil.

Jay Lynch (Staten Island, 2021-10-09)


I belive in justice.

Beata Bendikova (Liptovsky Mikulas, 2021-10-09)


I'm signing because I convince there are alternatine treatments.

Didier Dunet (valence , 2021-10-09)


These are absolutely crimes against humanity and in direct defiance to God our Creator. Justice will come to ALL at some point. I am doing all I can to support this effort for these crimes to have just in this life. Thank you for all you are doing.

Lisa Howard (Madison, 2021-10-09)



Kale Schwaegerl (Benson, 2021-10-09)


podepisuji, protože se nemůžu dívat na to, jak všude vládne covidmafie a týrá obyčejné lidi a nutí je všemi možnými prostředky k očkování i když už všichni ví, že vakcíny zabíjí lidi.

Adriana Stančíková (Plzeň 1, 2021-10-09)


I´am signing because I agree with the subject of the petition and its wording.

Eva Kráľová (Bratislava, 2021-10-09)


Anna Kleinedlerová

Anna Kleinedlerová (ANNA , 2021-10-09)


I want all those people and organisations who have lied to the the population about covid 19 and the unlawful use of trial vaccinations on people.

Janice Shaw (Leeds, 2021-10-09)


I am a nurse recently terminated because I refused to take the mRNA experimental gene therapy. I've seen coworkers coerced into taking this shot because they need their job. By taking this poison, they feel violated. This is not freedom, this is slavery for a virus with a 99.8 % survival rate. Now these pharmaceutical companies are targeting our children. This is Nuremberg 2.0, a genocide.

Christina Velez-Uebelhoer (Elma, 2021-10-09)


Liberté de choisir une injection expérimentale ou un traitement expérimenté de longue date . J'ai jamais vu un traitement pour lequel il n'y a aucune contre indication ! Contrairement à l'injection génétique appelée vaccin .

Baltzer Angélique (Caen, 2021-10-09)


I truly believe human rights are defeated in ongoing processes.

Vincent Alary (Carnoles, 2021-10-09)


We need these crimes and lies to be exposed to all of the world publicly

Kym Scherf (Geelong, 2021-10-09)


I support freedom, not tyranny.

Kaaren Teuber (Van Alstyne, 2021-10-09)


Je suis pour la liberté et la paix

Pamela Busson (Dourdan, 2021-10-09)


Parce que c'est réel !

Véronique Derouineau (Nantes, 2021-10-09)


Zdieľam názor že ide o podvod

Stanislav Toplanský (Kosice 11, 2021-10-09)


Freedom needs to be defended

Robert Ward (Perpignan, 2021-10-09)


Je signe cette pétition car ce que nous vivons actuellement comme le contrôle de notre santé par BigPharma, le contrôle des nos libertés par les Etats, sans regards pour la vie humaine, est monstrueux ainsi que criminel.

Brigitte Perll (Biarritz, 2021-10-09)


Forced and coerced vaccination of an experimental product, with outrageously high signals of blood clots, heat disease, disability and death is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.

Amelia Barton (Beaverton, 2021-10-09)


I am far more afraid of my government right now than I am of Covid-19.

Zachary Tyler (Perth , 2021-10-09)

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