Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Pour la vérité et la justice

Michèle Lécussan (Saint Sorlin en Valloire , 2021-10-09)


The tyranny from covid is unacceptable

Neil Lucas (ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE, 2021-10-09)


Face à l'échec total de cette thérapie génique experimental qui a provoqué effets secondaires grave et décès, l'obligation dans de nombreuses professions d'en être injecté coûte que coûte, les personnes responsables de cette situation doivent être poursuivies.

Karol Vatain (Arles, 2021-10-09)


Je signe parce-que l'explosion du nombre de décès post- injection ARNm expérimentale, si celle-ci n'est pas interdite immédiatement, constitue et constituera un crime contre l'humanité.

Laurent KRYKWINSKI (METZ, 2021-10-09)


Je refuse ce vaccin ARN m.

Harald Lucas (St Jal, 2021-10-09)


We and our children diserve truth, liberty and our safety.

Paul Mounier (Cancale, 2021-10-09)


Justice for all humans who died or became handicaped due the experimental pseudo vaccines.
Trial the corrupts: politicians, health officiels who hidden real medics against covid 19 like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquin to force the population to inject the pseudo vaccins.
Put in jail th

Seraphin Leal (Montesson, 2021-10-09)


We must do everything in our power to bring these criminals to justice.

Suzanne Green (Enford, Pewsey, 2021-10-09)


It is the biggest crime ever against humanity, what have to be stopped immediately

Nadine Barthelmy (Mettlach, 2021-10-09)


Parce qu'on a obligé ma fille a se faire vacciner pour garder son travail! On marche sur la tête ! Ceux sont des fous il faut absolument les arrêtés sinon ils vont tous nous tuer pour assouvir leur folie! J'espère que justice sera faite pour venger tous les morts, et les innocents qui ont des séquelles à cause des ces injections !

Vanda AGEA (PALAU DEL vidre, 2021-10-09)


Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Operation Lockstep and SPARS PANDEMIC 2025-2028 are crimes against humanity and cannot be allowed to happen. Vaccine passports violate the Nuremberg Codes.

Adam Burczak (Bracknell, 2021-10-09)


Freedom for every body

Huet HUET RICHARD Marie Claire (Pau, 2021-10-09)


I am outraged at the deception of the government of China, its collaboration with US politicians and bureaucrats, government officials throughout the world, the entire medical establishment including WHO, FDA, CDC, and the pharmaceutical companies, all of whom conspired to hurt innocent people including my family members and friends whose only fault was trusting them. I want to see accountability through the equivalent of a Nuremberg 2.0.

KC Thompson (Peyton, 2021-10-09)



Sylvie Baudry (Bruxelles, 2021-10-09)



Serge Fiumefreddo (GIGNAC-LA-NERTHE, 2021-10-09)


Science sans conscience est la ruine de l’âme
Nous y sommes

ismael grilli (paris, 2021-10-09)


Covid 19 is the biggest fraud in human history, this is crimes against humanity to lock us down and vaccinate us for a virus that hasn't even been purified or isolated. I have seen evidence that the CDC (Center For Disease Control) has not in all of human history ever isolated any virus or disease ever! Viruses and Diseases are made in a lab and injected into you by a vaccine. When I was 11 or 12 I got badly sick I almost died, I was sick for months on end. It started off as sore tummy's then it got worse I couldn't move my neck I was vomiting all night and all day I had high fevers I was a pale as a ghost, my nana had to keep cooling me down, this went on for months, doctors didn't even know what was wrong me. Guess what the doctor gave me to help with my sore timmys?. satchets of fizzy powder you pour into your cup with water lol. One day at 1 or 2am in the morning my nana said get dressed were going to see what's wrong with you. I had barely any energy I felt so terrible. Finally this super clinic in Otahuhu diagnosed me with Meningitis, and I began real treatment, the doctor said you're so lucky if you had of left it for two more weeks she would of died. The only thing I can think of that made me get Meningitis is me taking the MMR Measles Mumps and Rubella and the Meningicocol shot because I was healthy before that. My uncle's daughter got Meningitis around the same I did too but she actually went deaf from it poor thing. I do not comply to mask wearing, social distancing, and I do not comply with vaccines, vaccine mandates or vaccine passports. I will never ever take any vaccines ever. By the way I'm not an anti vaxer, my son had all his vaccinations done from 0 to 4yrs old, and he got ADHD, and ADD, and when he was 3 months he got badly sick with Bronchitis. Never ever will I ever get my son vaccinated again!. Btw it was Covid 19 that got me thinking back to when I had my MMR vaccine at Otahuhu Intermediate.

Miisty Rose (Auckland, 2021-10-09)


Estoy de acuerdo en que el covid19 y las
vacunas contra la misma, son un plan deliberado para reducir la población mundial.

Miguel Angel Peña Diez (Bisjueces, 2021-10-09)


I want to keep my freedom !!!
We are Americans and should never be under any kind of communism.

Linda Burke (Oswego , 2021-10-09)


I do not agree with the restriction of personal liberty and the measures taken by the government, as well as with the pressure on the need for vaccination

Frantisek Zaleta (Dubnica nad Vahom, 2021-10-09)


I am signing becaue the rights in Slovakia are tyrannize.

Ivan Safar (Roznava, 2021-10-09)


Trop de gens sont partis fautes de soins volontaires ordonnés dans le monde et maintenant encore et bien plus avec la piqouse C et sans compter les malades ..C'est une honte .Merci aux résistants et justes

annick lavaud (chassy, 2021-10-09)


Que justice soit faite pour les hommes les femmes les enfants, nos anciens qui ont été sacrifiés sur l'autel de la cupidité, du pouvoir abusif des dirigeants, médecins sans foi ni loi piétinant le serment d'Hippocrate, les journalistes corrompus ayant nourri la peur et l'angoisse dans les populations....qu'ils soient jugés sévèrement. Retrouver notre souveraineté et notre Liberté de choisir, de penser au service du vivant et de notre Humanité.

Rosanna BILOTTA (Salles Arbuissonnas, 2021-10-09)


I do not consent to playing along with the genocide of humankind!

lori sweezey (Hamilton , 2021-10-09)


I agree with everything Dr Fleming has said. The world health organization is killing people.

Julia Mimms (Eugene, 2021-10-09)


I’m signing because horrendous crimes against humanity are being committed all over the world. This must stop!

Bonnie S. (Sunnyside, 2021-10-09)


I'm signing for justice

Ruben MCGREVY (Papeete, 2021-10-09)


I can no longer seek treatment in the hospital in my country (France).

Pierre Maillet (Hermosillo, 2021-10-09)


This nightmare has to stop ! Macron et son gouvernement criminel doivent être mis hors d’état de nuire il en va de notre humanité

Jean Kurd’ali (Paris, 2021-10-09)


This is the largest crime against humanity that has ever been engineered on earth. Now more and more human people are saying: STOP THIS CRAP NOW! All the ones who are involved in it will face the justice!

Teva Tumahai (Meudon , 2021-10-09)


Justice doit absolument être rendue

william Mannigel (Mios, 2021-10-09)


Treba túto genocídu a potláčanie ľudských práv zastaviť kým je ešte čas a všetkých ktorý toto páchajú spravodlivo potrestať. Dúfam že sa toho dožijem a chcem veriť že pravda a spravodlivosť ešte existuje.

Pavel Kubaliak (Lučenec, 2021-10-09)


I'm signing because its genecide!

Bernard Gregor (Šoporňa, 2021-10-09)


On assiste à un génocide, ne rien dire ferait de nous des criminels !

Christine Besançon (Audincourt , 2021-10-09)


They deserve to be tried and punished for this atrocity.

Cody McCollum (Nikiski, 2021-10-09)


I am signing because I am against oppression of human rights

Helga Oravec (Pretoria, 2021-10-09)


Because Vaccine mandate is ruining my family

Shara Murray (Calgary, 2021-10-09)



Angel Mendez (Santiago , 2021-10-09)

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