Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Because I want to see some justice for all those who have died unneccessarily, for those who have lost businesses and lively hoods. Most importantly...for our children!

Jeanette Collis (Witney, 2021-10-10)


We have to stop.those satanic criminals before they kills more innocent humans !
Stop the genocide !

Béatrice TREPPEL (Cagnes sur Mer, 2021-10-10)


Ces mesures liberticides et cet irrespect de la personne humaine doivent cesser de toute urgence. De nombreuses personnes me rapportent des effets secondaires à l’injection expérimentale contre le Covid. Je ne comprends pas cet acharnement à vouloir poursuivre ces injections.

Christmann Nadine (Thionville , 2021-10-10)


It IS a crime.

Alain Hayot (Orleans, 2021-10-10)


Pour toutes les victimes de ces vaccins et de nos gouvernements qui nous les imposent

Reynaud Cathy (Toulon, 2021-10-10)


I oppose all mandatory medical procedures.

Jennifer Saines (Middletown, 2021-10-10)


Against fascism, like my father, who died as a consequence of fighting against it during WW2, and what happens here is worser than fascism.

Hubert Gallée, Ir, PhD, researcher (Le Sappey-en-Chartreuse, 2021-10-10)


It is unbelievable that people with no or questionable educational background are deciding in the field of public and individual health! Even if they made the right decision it would still be like a ein in the lottery - because those who decide are not able to make their devious based on evidence and experience, in contrary they are just able to make their decisions based on guessing who of their advisors is telling them the correct way of handling such a problem..... even worse when the advisors have an agenda which is not public health but is individual profit or institutional profit or achieving a set goal!

Michael Hoeller (Vienna, 2021-10-10)


My rights and freedom!

Irma Cohens (Goddard , 2021-10-10)


Concerned parent.

Joe Mills (Wheatley , 2021-10-10)


Someone should be held accountable and be prosecuted for withholding information and treatment and the unnecessary deaths occurring with the sars cv 2 virus.

Sarah Battle (Tom Bean, 2021-10-10)


I’m signing because the evil people who have perpetuated these crimes need to be held accountable and punished. So many lives have been ruined as a result of illogical and immoral rules, mandates and protocols surrounding Covid-19. Additionally, the Covid-19 vaccines are ineffective at best and unsafe at worst. Furthermore, all attempts to expose the truth about these vaccines have been censored.

Gregory Zawie (Strongsville , 2021-10-10)


Horrifiée par ce qui se passe

Houy Dominique (MOUGINS, 2021-10-10)


Those in positions of power must be held to account for their actions.

chris laycock (Dewsbury, 2021-10-10)


I am signing because this whole situation reminds me of WWII and the Nazi Germany on steroids.

Joy Alexander (Lapoint, 2021-10-10)


I’m horrified at how those in authority have withheld safe early treatments and allowed hundreds of thousands to die. I’m appalled by the vaccine mandates and the lies told to coerce people. I’m devastated by the ridiculous vaccination of children, child bearing age youth and pregnant women.

Debra Stranack (Milan , 2021-10-10)


We deserve justice! Crimes Against Humanity!

Ana Luisa Ciaglia (Las Vegas , 2021-10-10)


The pharmaceutical companies, healthcare systems and school systems have exploited this for financial gain and criminalized the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as a viable treatment and prophylaxis. This has cost the lives of many thousands of people.

Karen Denker (Greenfield, 2021-10-10)


The evil insanity must stop!

Thomas Roosth (Houston, Texas, 2021-10-10)


I trust in Richard M Fleming

marc petitguyot (Metz, 2021-10-10)


Never again. Those responsible for the COVID related crimes must be held criminally accountable to reduce the likelihood of future repetition.

James Bell (Burlington , 2021-10-10)


Because I believe in truth, freedom of choice, the right to bodily autonomy and most of all in the sovereignty of every Human Being on this Earth to live a free and healthy life unencumbered by tyranny, control and Government & State corruption

Maeve Murran (Dublin, 2021-10-10)


I'm signing this because we have the right to choose what we are putting in are body's.

Eric Robert (Wasga Beach, 2021-10-10)


I am signing this petition because I want the perpetrators of this COVID pandemic to brought to justice as crimes against humanity.

Andrew Gorman (Dallas, 2021-10-10)


The truth about this genocide must be told to everyone on this planet

Isabelle Jadot (Metz , 2021-10-10)


No one should be forced to put anything into their body without their informed consent.

Donald Williamson (Leesburg, 2021-10-10)


Only since Apartheid and in Nazi Germany have we seen persecution of people who do not agree with the viewpoint of their governments. This coerced and forced vaccine mandates goes against any cival and human rights of any democratic soeciety and is illegal.

Jerry Venter (Bunbury, 2021-10-10)


This needs to go to court and people need to be held responsible.

Bonnie Canesso (Keene, 2021-10-10)


I have been purposely misinformed by my Federal and State governments, regarding the Covid outbreak and the supposed vaccine. The government and the medical community have taken away my rights to proper treatments. And I have had to appropriate ivermectin (a prophylaxis) by buying horse worm meds.

Marshall Winkler (Littleton, 2021-10-10)


Je suis pour la liberté de chacun et je ne veux pas de cette injection expérimentale qui tue plutôt que de protéger

Caroline Cordonnier (Thouare sur loire, 2021-10-10)


You have all my support!!! Let's go all the way!!!

Tamas Boros (Puerto de Soller, 2021-10-10)


I'm signing because thoses Individuals Responsible do crimes against humanity



Our humanity must be delivered from these abusive power and false crisis ; babies, children, teenagers, our old people and actually the whole population is being sacrificed, shocked, degraded, mistreated. Responsibilities and truth must be revealed and corrected.
With heart,

Anne LAROZE (HERBEVILLE, 2021-10-10)


There is entirely too much information showing these vaccines are dangerous. The public is being provided censored and/or false information by mainstream media sources.

Cody Wheeler (San Angelo, 2021-10-10)


We must stay free

Myriam Cubilier (Hannut , 2021-10-10)


COVID-19 vaccine mandates clearly violate human rights as set forth in the Nuremberg Code of 1947, constituting an egregious crime against all members of the human race.

David Strobel (Austin, 2021-10-10)


I have not been fully informed of my personal risks versus the health benefits of the US approved COVID19 vaccines. As a healthcare worker and a future healthcare provider, I fully support that the mandation of the COVID19 vaccine is against my constitutional right as a US citizen. My healthcare facility is mandating the COVID19 vaccine (Moderna). To continue working and obtaining a source of income, I must either provide an approved medical exemption or else provide documentation of my specific and sincere religious beliefs to which they will be judging my true religious attestation.

Jenifer Stansell (Battle Creek, MI, 2021-10-10)


Podpisujem, pretože sa plne stotožňujem s petíciou za potrestanie zločinov proti ľudskosti

Anna Intribus Petruľáková (Bratislava, 2021-10-10)


Les injection font des dommages au corps humain de façon volontaire.

Marie-Josée Gagné (Saint-basile-le-grand , 2021-10-10)


I'm signing because this experiment is horrendous and unacceptable.

Melinda Alvarado (Beaumont, 2021-10-10)


I cannot longer watching how these ubiquitous half-truths about covid pandemy pushing people into the abyss of death

Marcel Bagín (Ilava, 2021-10-10)


My husband cant get post heart attack treatment & my grndkds don't deserve a future of medical lies

Wendy Wright (Elgin , 2021-10-10)


This is the most critical issue of our time, and must be addressed.

Mark Gosine (Simpsonville, 2021-10-10)


I'm am signing because I am a victim and have been persecuted for not being vaccinated.

Elizabeth Williams (west orange, 2021-10-10)


The disease named COVID has a proven 99.7% survival rate, for which there are existing, successful treatments, that are being demonised by vaccine manufacturers, in order to boost their profits. The "vaccines" do not fit the criteria for vaccines and are gene therapies. Changing the criteria for vaccines AFTER the event, is a manipulation garnered to confuse the masses. These gene therapies have NOT undergone full trials and are causing serious harm. They are still in the experimental trial stage. In spite of this, people are being coerced, bribed and blackmailed into taking part in an experiment that could have disasterous consequences for the human race.

Anthony Stacey (Canvey Island, 2021-10-10)


Cest Essentiel pour Nous les Humains :-)

Hélène Gateau (TOULON, 2021-10-10)

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