Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



They are afraid of love because love creates a world they cannot control.

PAUL CARTWRIGHT (Stourbridge , 2021-10-10)


E timpul să ne recăpătăm drepturile și libertățile pe care ni le-a dat Dumnezeu!

antonio-andrei mihail (Sibiu, 2021-10-10)


Humanity has no future if we don't stop this insanity NOW

Segue Fischlin (Seattle, 2021-10-10)


i am a funeral director and i see the terrible lie
I want to tell everyone

john olooney (milton keynes, 2021-10-10)


je ne comprend pas l'anglais , j’espère qu'ils serons tous condamné pour crime contre l'humanité suivie de génocide y compris le président MACRON ET VERRAN

Mauduit josyane (53 chemin de la bergerie 30360 saint etienne de l', 2021-10-10)


I want the truth to be know and justice to be done.

Megan Nott (Mandurah , 2021-10-10)


I don’t want these crimes against humanity!

Daneen Kimbrell (Corinth , 2021-10-10)


I want my child and grandchildren to live in a free Australia. Not an Australia where we are forced to endure useless lockdowns and masks. Acountry where our healthy immune system is adequate to fight of viruses rather than be forced to have trial, experimental jabs that have had no long term safety studies. As citizens of this world we are entitled to freedom, of choice and to roam freely on the planet.

Katrina Rutgers (Lemon Tree Passage, 2021-10-10)


It is horrible what is happening to our citizens. We are being lied to by doctors, legislators and unelected bureaucrats with their own agenda. They need to be held accountable for the unnecessary deaths of thousands.

Jody Deller (Kemp, 2021-10-10)


The people responsible for this "pandemic" are evil and intend to destroy the United States, control the entire world, and make us all slaves.

Donald Gartner (Ballwin MO 63021, 2021-10-10)


What is happening is a crime against humanity

Stephen Kelloway (Australian Capital Territory, 2021-10-10)


I am sick of being lied to and will not be forced ito taking an experimental vaccine when there are numerouse treatments for the early care of the virus. I believe that the viruus was released on purpose to cause fear and panic in order to make ridiculous, dangerous mandate all to take power of the worlds population.

Debra Fries (Cibolo, 2021-10-10)


I’m signing because I do care that these people will be find and finally punished for the worst human behavior!

Zdenka Rezkova (Prague , 2021-10-10)


Il est grand temps qu'une enquête soit ouverte, ça urge ! Arrêtons ce massacre, nos gouvernants doivent être arrêtés pour le bien de l'humanité.

Frion Séverine (Houplines, 2021-10-10)


Protože jako svobodný clovek mám svá práva. Ta se vědomě poslapavaji, zákony a ústava se nedodržuje. Před zákonem jsme si všichni rovni, proto pokud někdo vydává nezákonné nařízení, porušuje práva lidi, měl by být souzen.

Eva Novakova (Praha, 2021-10-10)


We need justice for these obvious crimes against humanity! The disgusting political, media, police and medical criminals must be brought to justice!

Mike Jay (Sydney , 2021-10-10)


I believe in Liberty from Oppression.

Carey Butler (Fairbanks, 2021-10-10)


Those responsible for the incoming genocide and fake vaccines need to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity and illegally coercing people to take their lethal injections WITHOUT proper informed consent.

Lookin at you Billy Boy. He's even said he was going to do it.

Richard McKenzie (Delhi, 2021-10-10)


Doing nothing isn't an option

Ryan Hogue (Springfield, 2021-10-10)


Abuse and violation of Human rights, Committed Crimes Against Humanity! Million killed, made deathly sick, and created a Major Economic Disaster.

Colleen Marasco (Santa Maria, 2021-10-10)


I am signing because i dont wanna vaccin , wearing mask and no PCR, No antigens test . Everything has been planned to kill population

Andrea Kubascikova (Zilina, 2021-10-10)


I think it's really a crime against Humanity

Isabel Fernández (Madrid , 2021-10-10)


I ABSOLUTELY agree that Crimes against Humanity are occurring and it must be stopped immediately!!

Heidi Haby (Dublin, 2021-10-10)


I'm signing this petition because the COVID 19 vaccine has not been tested and investigated thoroughly to allow it to be used en masse on mankind. I believe its use constitutes mass slaughter and harm.

Rosemarie Adams (San Diego, 2021-10-10)


It is disgusting what has taken place in the last 22 months. I think people should be held accountable for what they have done.

Anthony Oddone (Melbourne , 2021-10-10)


In my opinion the people, organizations and firms named as defendants in this case are perpetrating crimes against humanity on a level that has never been scene in the history of man. Help God please save humanity.

Ruthann Connolly (Plaistow, 2021-10-10)


I am signing because vaccinations must be a choice, not mandatory and because I agree that they are a crime since the risk outweighs the benefit.

Matthias Schefer (Rancho Santa Fe, 2021-10-10)


Fauci has admitted to using our tax money via the government and NGOs to finance gain of function for corona viruses and specifically the SARS 2 Corona Virus. He has bypassed normal EUA protocols to allow unsafe Vaccines which has caused deaths far beyond what has every been tolerated before shutting down the EUA. He has also worked with many organizations to push, and mandate vaccinations putting lives and careers at risk when there are known protocols using proven safe drugs, supplements, and procedures making the need for a vaccine moot, and violating the law to that effect. He has suppressed and prevented use of the safe drugs and protocols. He has manipulated the VAERS process to make it far less indicative of what actual side effects are occurring. He has manipulated death certificate cause of death data to falsely imply that COVID is the primary cause of seath even when that wasn't the case.

Leonard Poulsen (LaPine, 2021-10-10)


I'm frustrated that people are being deceived and believe the v🪓 will make us get back to “normal”!
My father in law died a week after his 1st phizer shot on Jan 18th, about 40 mins before my daughter gave birth to her son, IN the same local hospital, ON the same 4th floor! Diagonal halls from each other. They had so many “covid patients” w/in the time they were distributing the shot they had to bring ICU patients down on the same labor & delivery floor apparently 🙄. It was guarded & had a draped entrance:/ My daughter was wheeled in early that morning by that entrance knowing her grandfather was down that very hall.
My mil was also in the hospital on the 2nd floor with pneumonia from the 1st phizer shot as well. She has Parkinson’s which was affecting her mind & the first phizer shot didn’t help & she went further down mentally so ended up in memory care now. We had to wait to bury my fil bc my husband’s brother & wife caught covid from being around my fil & mil before he died.
1 month later after we buried my fil that same brother & sil lost HER dad 3 days after his 2nd moderna shot to a heart attack which was his weakest organ since he had a pacemaker.
Two others I know also lost their elderly grandma/mother.
After our families experience with the shots, when I heard my 89 yo neighbor deciding to actually take the vax, knowing my fil died from the first shot, I went over & respectfully showed my concern about her decision & reminding her the side effects it has like death being one of them like my fil had to experience from it. She said her daughter “researched” the new j&j & I said what’s there to research? It’s new!
They went to get their shot & j shot “wasn’t available” & phizer was so her daughter & her husband & her took that shot bc it was the “only one” available at the clinic:/ She ended up going to the ER in an ambulance after not just the first shot but w/ the 2nd shot too & ended up having a heart attack & stint put in. A few months later she had a hard time feeling bottom of her feet and it scared her bc she couldn’t walk across the room. I told her I googled it & gbs (numbness on feet & hands) is a symptom from the shots. She even went to her doctor that day it happened & he never connected the dots. This lady is pretty healthy for the most part! Because she wants the 3rd shot, I’m the only one bringing it to her attention & reminding her that she was taken by ambulance to the ER after BOTH shots & her side effects. She looked at me as though I was almost was getting through to her.
I have been sharing w/ my 85 & 88 yo parents all of the new information always coming out about the harm vaccines are doing and they have actually listened to me & have not received the shots bc they know they raised me right so they can trust me!
God Bless Your Hard Work That We Will See A Victory Soon!

Renee Price (Tyler, 2021-10-10)


Tyranny by criminals must be stopped.

Ernest Moniz (sorrento, 2021-10-10)


I am signing because, my father was one of the statistics of covid-19...he entered hospital multiple times during 2020 and had tested negative throughout all of his stays, he was very frail and was unable to do anything for himself. On the morning he was to be released from hospital we got a phone call that he tested positive for covid-19 and would have to remain in the hospital and was getting transfered to the Covid ward, a few hours later he had passed away.
My cousin had Parkinson for over 20 years again was unable to do anything himself, he was already having serious issues with seizures and blocked airways and required 24/7 care, was admitted to the same hospital as my dad, into a side room again the day he passed away the family were told he had tested positive for Covid-19...experienced doctors know when someone is in their last hours of life, this to me seems a little to much of a coincidence and more of an opportunity to reduce the paperwork or investigation into the reason both men died in their hospital, entered the hospital with out Covid-19, supposedly became infected within the hospital with the "virus" and passed away and no further action is questions relating to the spread on infection with in the hospital, no shutting down of wards, no restriction of staff between wards, when at the time the wards were laid empty, nurses and doctors were dancing on Tiktok...these doctors are the same doctors that took an oath to save life's at all costs...I think they have failed themselves the country and humanity with their actions, somewhere somehow the truth needs to be exposed, at a time when no one has the right to question any of the reasons behind this "so called pandemic" absolutely disgusting behaviour of all of those concerned.

John Dakers (GLASGOW , 2021-10-10)


I want to take a stand for freedom and against tyranny. The people responsible for these crimes against humanity must be held accountable.

Jodi Waltman (Wetonka, 2021-10-10)


I love my country.

Susan Mosley (VENICE, FL, 2021-10-10)


For justice

Noah Bourassa (Austin, 2021-10-11)


This has destroyed so many lives. It's time to end this tyrannical insanity.

Nick Diamesis (Vancouver, 2021-10-11)


I have been following the work of Senators, doctors, lawyers, scientists and professors involved in these horrific ‘crimes against humanity’ and believe everything they are doing is for the good of all humanity.

Martin Burchell (Pattaya, 2021-10-11)


I want to see a Nuremburg 2.0 for these people who have perpetrated a genocide and committed crimes against humanity with this poison, bioweapon, death shot for so-called Covid.

Kristen Rader (Honey Brook, 2021-10-11)


These Crimes Committed Against The Citizens of the World Need to be Investigated For Our Children and Grandchildren's Right & Freedoms and their Future.

Tina Nostra (Ottawa, 2021-10-11)


I’m signing because I am a United States citizen and I care about my freedom. I care about justice being served to any and all that would infringe upon my personal liberty and the liberty of citizens around the world.

Anne McLaulin (Alpine, 2021-10-11)


This is a conspiracy to permanently harm the population of the world. These people who planned, profited, and colluded,including doctors, lawyers, media, drug manufacturers and politicians must be brought to justice for crimes against humanity.

Amir Rana (Shreveport, 2021-10-11)


Justice must be served

Peter Morris (Metford, 2021-10-11)


I want the origins of this SARs-Cov2 epidemic investigated as a Crime against Humanity.

Jeffrey Zitz (Poughkeepsie, 2021-10-11)


My charter of rights and freedoms has been violated. I can no longer enter certain public places without showing proof of vaccination. Medical information is considered private and falls under privacy laws of Ontario.

Tracey Oakley (Binbrook Ontario , 2021-10-11)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Shari Peters (Saskatoon, 2021-10-11)


The Data speaks for itself. The vaccine ARR is near O. The vaccines have no benefit only downsides. The use of treatments that are detrimental and blocking of treatments that have shown to reduce hospitalizations has been the biggest crime of the century thus far. Those using this viral breakout to induce fear and an excuse to experiment on the world's population, and to push agendas will go down in history as possibly the biggest crime in history.

Mannix Kennedy (Toronto, 2021-10-11)


This infringement on our basic human rights is disgusting and those responsible should be held accountable. We cannot afford to let the world descend into global communism.

Anthony Wright (Alfords Point, 2021-10-11)


No one should be above the law. The people who supported the creation of Covid-19 and Sars-CoV-2 should be held accountable.

Sola DiDomenico (Boulder, 2021-10-11)


We need to stop this and save the children!!

Anne-marie MacLeod (North Vancouver , 2021-10-11)


I want to see those who are participating in these global atrocities held accountable.

Brooke Reale (Franklin , 2021-10-11)


It seems the ,W.H.O, U.N, FDA, CDC and world governments have colluded to inject the global population with a vaccine in clinical trials under emergency powers.

We cant have this happen again. Faulty PCR tests, lockdowns, human rights removed, laws broken, mental illness and suicide have put pressure on people by forcing/coercing people to take the vaccine

Simon Hadzic (Sydney, 2021-10-11)


The mass experimentation of the populace under the shroud of a vaccine is inhumane, unjust, illegal and evil. we should not be segregated based upon our own medical decisions and no person, human, individual should lose the ability to work and support themselves or their family because of a mandate for a vaccine when there are alternative treatments to the illness we are faced with. This is Tyranny in the purest of forms and it will only get worse. This needs to stop, we all have a right to our own bodily autonomy. Freedom is choice and if we have no choice then we are not free. I AM FREE, WE ARE FREE. CANADA IS FREE.

Kody Brown (Barrie, 2021-10-11)

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