Save Shadowhunters



I love Malec!!!

Mirela Pavel (London, 2022-07-26)


I need an end like in the books

Brigitte Nöcker (Göttingen, 2022-07-26)


I’m signing because I fell in love with not only the movie but the books as well and read every single one of them and fell in love with the Shadowhunters show as well and feel as though it was cut to you soon I understand that things sometimes have to come to an end but given the fact there’s more to the story in the books I would like to see more how do you get into a lot of shows or movies but I haven’t felt quite as deeply for one in a while until I watch Shadowhunters the show it really captures a lot and stays true to my heart and just brings me a whole bunch of joy peace and happiness watching it and would love to continue it

Ashley Crane (Pensacola, 2022-07-26)


Por favor, necesitamos que Shadow hunters vuelva, no se puede dejar una serie con un final tan abierto.
Please, please

Begoña Manso (Madrid, 2022-07-27)


Es muss eine neue Staffel geben das geht so nicht das Ende

Martin Jacqueline (Nürnberg, 2022-07-27)


Ich liebe Shadowhunters und sie müssen weiter machen. Ein viel Besseres Ende für Clary und Jace. Und wir wollen wissen wie es mir Simon und Isabel weiter geht.

Sandy Thomas (Halle/S., 2022-07-29)


I love shadow hunters, it deserves more than what they gave it!

Gemma Stodart (Edinburgh, 2022-07-30)


Shadowhunters was a wonderful show. It tastefully tackled social issues in a way that was culturally respectful. We need it to be brought back.

Lisa Kouf (Auburn, 2022-07-30)


I loved ShadowHunters . I would love to see All the cast go futher and Jaces and Clary to experiance more that the ending they had . Please bring them back .

Cindy De Necker (Meyerton, 2022-07-31)


Love the show. Wish there was more

Rosalyn Starling (Herriman, 2022-08-02)


The show was amazing I was grip and feel the story was not finished.

Emily Durkin (Lincolnshire, 2022-08-04)


Because I don't like that ending. I want more Shadowhunters.

Agnieszka Kacprowska (Tychy, 2022-08-08)


This show is amazing.. it not only is an amazing series...there is a huge fan base! We need more!!!

Kathryn Andreu (Jacksonville, 2022-08-10)


This ending sucked! I have watched this over and over again, we need to see a better ending, bring her back so they can both marry, have a baby and live a happy life plz

Maeve Baird (Enniskillen, 2022-08-10)


i love this s

Mary-anne Blanchette (Montréal, 2022-08-14)



Lubica Polakova (Chech repablik, 2022-08-14)


Me encantaría que siguiese la serie Shadowhunters y más historias de Malec! Existe material suficiente para seguir la serie, sobretodo por darle un final a Clace.

Alexia Senín Álvarez (Pontecesures, 2022-08-29)


The ending sucked

Megan Harris (Lathrop, 2022-08-31)


Ich unterschreibe, weil ich so begeistert von der Serie war und gerne ein Happyend für Jace und Clary möchte.

Bernardette Fissel (Reichenbach im Vogtland, 2022-08-31)


I believe that shadow Hunters should be given a final season, with a more satisfying ending. S.WIltshire

Rose Wiltshire (Nottinghamshire, 2022-08-31)


I love the show. And wish they would make more seasons. And books

Miranda Fishback (Helena, 2022-09-01)


They need to make more.

Vanessa Davidson (55379, 2022-09-01)


Save Shadowhunters❤️

Pop Nicoleta (Zalău, 2022-09-01)


Love the series. Want it back.

Patricia Elding (Lincolnshire, 2022-09-02)


We love them and we need a new final season

Sara Tribolo (Chiesina uzzanese, 2022-09-02)


I want one more season

Barbara Turbeaux (Cannes, 2022-09-07)


I love this show and it deserves more than what it got!

Christina Collins (Abingdon, 2022-09-09)


I love the show and I want them to bring it back with the same characters and actors. No more waiting. There’s so much more for us to see. Bring more seasons!!! Clase!!!

Katie Melan (Dieppe, 2022-09-18)


I'm signing, Because i want a new season because i want to see new stories about the all the character

Daniela Merino (San Salvador, 2022-09-18)


I’m signing because i need a new season on Netflix.

An Le (Ho Chi Minh city, 2022-09-19)


Love these series and the cast but there was not a decent ending!

Heidi Kimbrel (Lexington, 2022-09-20)


Porque si me gustaría otra temporada de Cazadores de sombras

Hiromi García Marcos (Xalapa, 2022-09-20)


Por que deseo un mejor final para la saga

Andrea Henao (Bucaramanga, 2022-09-21)


Clary and Jace deserve a better ending

Andrea Quintana (Mandurah, 2022-09-22)


I enjoy watching the anything with shadowhunters

Misty Holcomb (Newcastle, 2022-09-24)


Please bring it back we need another season of when clary and jace get back together and all her memories come back give them the ending they deserve it has been amazing watching shadowhunters but the story must go on and they get married and have a baby 👶 do it for the fans ❤ 💙

Huxley Lucy (Shropshire, 2022-09-25)


I love shadow hunters and CLACE needs a great ending!

Chey Swisher (Lancaster, 2022-10-04)


This show is amazing please being it back

Brooke Schmidt (Kamloops, 2022-10-05)


I want to save shadowhunters

Kaitlin Autry (Autryville, 2022-10-08)


I want clary and Jace to have a happier ending

Hailee Leake (Joplin, 2022-10-08)


I'm signing because I absolutely love Shadowhunters and want them to bring it back or make a spin off where we see Malec's life after the wedding.

Jace Oswald (Gawler East, 2022-10-09)


I love the show so much and we just need a better ending for Jace and clary

Rebecca Morin (Altamonte Springs, 2022-10-09)


I'm signing this because I really love watching shadow hunters. I keep rewatching it hoping that another season has come out but nothing. Want to keep watching more

Heather May-Celedòn (Nuevo Laredo, 2022-10-09)


I’m signing this because I love this show and want them to bring season 4 back.

Angel Foshee (Mathias, 2022-10-10)


I’m signing this because I really love this so. I want to see it continue and show more aspects of the book. This show got me through a lot of hard time.

Andrea Thronas (Santa Fe, 2022-10-13)


Eine tolle Serie aber ein Ende das zu viele Fragen offen lässt

Lutz Dreizner (Heiligenhafen, 2022-10-13)


This show is one of the best series ever made and we need more

Cynthia Espinoza (Old Saybrook, 2022-10-21)


Amo la serie y quiero que la renueven

Guzmán Laura (Guadalajara, 2022-10-21)


Its my favorite show and the book have soooo many moorrreee to offer ! Plz ! Get continue !

Jade Girard (Stukely-sud, 2022-10-21)


The series must go on.

Elize Van Rooyen (Mtubatuba, 2022-10-23)


I want more from this incredible world❣️

Lenka Kerberová (Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, 2022-10-29)


I love the show. I dont like how it ended. Bring it back!

Melissa Williams (Hasty, 2022-10-30)


I love this tooo much

Gheorghe Aron (Bucharest, 2022-11-02)


I really liked the show and I really want it to continue

Makayla Derrick (Jersey shore, 2022-11-02)


I'm signing because I love this show and I think Clace deserves a better ending than the ending they showed.

jessica ross (salt lick, 2022-11-03)


i love the show and want a different end to it

carmit ben Dor (segev, 2022-11-04)


I like the show and it ended rather abruptly for my liking

Gabrielle Griffis (Lake city, 2022-11-14)


I want more

Linda Struijk (Zierikzee, 2022-11-18)


1. Jace and clary deserve a life with eachother after all they have been true! They did'nt get a good end anayway... 2. There is so much more you can do with the storyline, what about Alex and Magnus their life after they get married? And what about Simon and Isabelle? This is a really good serie that is still been wathing by a lot op people also in belgium too!

shana moens (Beveren-Waas, 2022-11-18)


I absolutely loved this show! I have watched it over and over!!

Wendy Morgan (Langley, 2022-11-19)


I love the series I want more

Christene Snyder (Spring Hill, 2022-11-22)


I’m signing because i need to see my babies Clary and Jace have a happy ending. Plus i’m obsessed with this show.

Jade Juarez (Belmont, 2022-11-23)


The shadow hunters is the best show. I really want to see it return. Miss my dose of shadowhunters.

Kylie Hubble (Conroe, 2022-11-27)


One of the best tv series ever. Please make more! So many fans in the world want this great series to continue .

Mick Talia (Melbourne, 2022-11-29)


Shadowhunters was an amazing show, and would love it back. So much more they can do with the story line

katie deans (Andover, 2022-12-02)


I love the show. And the ending sucked honestly 🤷‍♀️

Daphné Lefèvre (Koksijde, 2022-12-03)


I love shadowhunters

Crystal Hodge (Poplarville, 2022-12-05)


The fans deserve a better ending.

Kelly Kindrick (New Carlisle, 2022-12-13)


I want to see more of malec, sizzy

Apollo Caldwell (Grand Junction, 2022-12-15)


Im signing because I love shadow hunters

Giovanna Chureetur (London, 2022-12-19)


Its such a great serie and we need more funny moments with malec, more friendship we just need season 4,5,6,7.... we need this!

Elise Deboes (Tienen, 2022-12-30)


I love this show

Anne-marie Wolitski (Grande Prairie, 2023-01-09)


I love the series of shadow hunters xxx

Chris Zammit (Mtarfa, 2023-01-09)


Wel obviously we need a season 4

Ilse Sodermans (Limburg, 2023-01-10)


I love the show

Charity Lucas (Joplin, 2023-01-10)


Because I love the shiw it's amazing

Louise Walker (Wakefield, 2023-01-11)


I love the series

Naomi Reilly (Sligo, 2023-01-15)


They need a better end clary and jace

Chau Truong (Heemskerk, 2023-01-15)


Weil Clary und Jace ein besseres Ende verdient haben. Sie verdienen ein happy end.

Yvonne Bock (Grasellenbach, 2023-01-16)

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