Save the Kempton Kali Amman Temple
I'm signing because the temple is a place of worship and a place of peace and it will devastating knowing that our government thinks its fare to destroy itKirshan Moodley (Gauteng, 2022-05-06)
I am passionate about our religion and faithClive Cook (Boksburg, 2022-05-06)
I feel the temple should not be demolished.Tilly Padayachee (Pretoria, 2022-05-06)
To save the templeSashnie Ramsamy (Gauteng, 2022-05-06)
I dont want the temple demolished. It is our constitutional right to.practice our religion.Ryan Naidoo (Midrand, 2022-05-06)
Respect diversity and the faith of all peopleSigamoney Naicker (Cape Town, 2022-05-06)
I believe in freemdom of worshipSurein Govender (Jhb, 2022-05-06)
Temples helps keep ones culture and values...Man cannot live a life without worshipping God.. please save our temple.. Om Sakthi OmKenny Govender (Edenvale, 2022-05-06)
You cannot go and destroy a place of worhshipRohit Bridgelall (Durban, 2022-05-06)
Don't want the temple to be demolished.Kogie Naidu (Pretoria, 2022-05-06)
My cultural rightSigurd Pillay (Lenasia south, 2022-05-06)
Save the Kempton Kali Amman TempleNaresh Nandlal (Durban, 2022-05-06)
I believe the temple offers a divine and sanctified service to the community. Our constitution allows for religious tolerance.Chris Pillay (Durban, 2022-05-06)
This place of worship has been in existence since 2010 and has filled a spiritual need of the community.Devara Ramiah (Gauteng, 2022-05-06)
The temple must stay, it's our culture.Inthrinathan Bryan Poonsammy (Kempton Park, 2022-05-06)
We have a constitutional right to protect what has been built in the name of our religion. The temple stands for our culture and our belief system.V Naidoo (Kwa Dukuza, 2022-05-06)
It's a temple where we worshipPam Pillay (Brakpan, 2022-05-06)
There are not many temples in the area catering for our specific needs that this particular temple offers.Neel Naidoo (Johannesburg, 2022-05-06)
It is my religious right......
Rally Ganese (Gauteng, 2022-05-06)
Against the demolishment of templeKevin Pillay (JOHANNESBURG, 2022-05-06)
I do not want the temple to be demolishedJayce Padayachee (Durban, 2022-05-06)
Because I careLeena Pillay (Kzn, 2022-05-06)
This is our heritageDuggie Perumaul (Pinetown, 2022-05-06)
A religious site is appreciated by the community it serves. When no longer in use it must serve a similar purposePoobendaran Govender (Benoni, 2022-05-06)
This temple has benefitted so many pplAshika Chotoo (Johannesburg, 2022-05-06)
I am signing this because the house of Amma is our Home.Aum Sakthi Adi Para Sakthi Kali Amma Thaaiye Amma
Selvan Moonsamy (Pretoria, 2022-05-06)
Our minority religious rights are being trampled upon!!!!Siva Doorsamy (Alberton, 2022-05-06)
I do not want the temple to get demolishedYerusha Naidoo (Johannesburg, 2022-05-06)
I do nor agree to the temple being demolished. The indians in this country are always subjected to relocate. It is time the country realizes the valued contributions made. This temple serves the need to the community without any restrictions.Mr Daya (Scottburgh, 2022-05-06)
Holy ground should never be demolishedThis is place where many worship and find peace for themselves a place where they are safe and can practice they religion in the best way they can
Vaneshree Govender (Lenasia, 2022-05-06)
The local community needs this facilityganas naicker (Ballito, 2022-05-06)
We stand together as one to keep mothers temple anyone who tries to take her home will face her childrenPriyan REDDHI (Pretoria, 2022-05-06)
In line with the petition regarding the temple.Vino Naidoo (Johannesburg, 2022-05-06)
The temple is integral to freedom of religion and all religions should be respectedQuinton Govender (Johannesburg, 2022-05-06)
The Hindu Religion is overlooked in this so called democratic country, because of the peaceful ways of the Hindus.Try demolishing a mosque
Atma Jagernath (Durban, 2022-05-06)
Because this will greatly hinder our Constitutional Right to practice our religion.Theshan Govender (Johannesburg, 2022-05-06)
I've been to the temple and stands for people's place of worship. The land is sacred now.Praiven Chetty (Durban, 2022-05-06)
Support the petitionthabo motsohi (Pretoria, 2022-05-06)
Out Temple is a place of worship and it is a cruel act to demolish a temple or any place of worship.Sushiella Naiker (Gauteng, 2022-05-06)
I believe that Indian culture has to be preserved for future generations.Govender Tony (Durban, 2022-05-06)
It is not right to tear down a religious temple for no good reason. It is against the constitution as every person deserves a place of worshipKim Perumal (Boksburg, 2022-05-06)
There isn't a kaliamman temple in this vicinity therefore there is the need for us to keep the temple. WE as the Hindu community of benoni give our support.Guru Vishendrin Vijay (Benoni, 2022-05-06)
I'm signing because I am rightfully against all negative impact on the Tamil an Hindu Customs therefore we have a right to A Temple such as we have the right to pray in our cultural beliefs.Tylor Moodley (Johannesburg, 2022-05-06)
Must not destroy the home of GodSandra Moodley (Durban, 2022-05-06)
No religious institute should be demolished. Citizens need to worship so that we became better people and closer to GodVishnu Naick (Rustenburg, 2022-05-06)
It's a place of worship and should be respected.These are places that should be protected.
Sagren Naidu (Durban, 2022-05-06)
I'm signing because I believe in freedom of religion. Gauteng Province has very few of these religious sites and these need to be preserved. Taking away a religious site from a community is denying the community of an essential need.Poobalan Naicker (Durban, 2022-05-06)
This is a place of worship!!! And therefore does not need to be demolished.Samiksha Mahabir (Pretoria, 2022-05-06)
I'm signing because I believe in religious toleranceKesiree Mari (Johannesburg, 2022-05-06)
This is a temple, a place of worship. A holy place, where the community meet and offer their prayer.Sa Reddy (Durban, 2022-05-06)
As a Hindu, we need this place or worship 🙏Suraiya Sewraj (Alberton, 2022-05-06)
This Temple has been in existence since 2010 and has been serving the community's spiritual needs.Veena Rani Ramiah (Gauteng, 2022-05-06)
This is our heritage.Saresh Khiramen (Edenvale, 2022-05-06)
Freedom of religionMoonsamy Moodley (Chatsworth, 2022-05-06)
Im signing because it is a free country and wecall have the right to practice our own religion.I would like to see this temple remain standing as it is.
Sangaree Govender (Boksburg, 2022-05-06)
I support the temple.Avnish T Ramjee (Berea, 2022-05-06)
I'm signing because I want to prevent the temple from being demolishedAlan Murgan (Benoni, 2022-05-06)
The temple represents my culture n beliefs. Destruction of my sacred place of worship is an infringement of my constitutional rights as a SA citizen of Indian origin.Tina Naidoo (DBN KZN, 2022-05-06)
This is a cultural landmark of religious significance to the often unjustly marginalised Hindu community and given the democracy under which we live, with the rights and freedoms that have been granted, it is fair that the Hindu community that worships at the religious site in question have their right and freedom to worship respected.Natasha Govender (Johannesburg, 2022-05-06)
M naickerMoonsamy kriss Naicker (Woodview, 2022-05-06)
I am a devout Hindu and will not allow for our places of worship to be destructed for any reasonVassie Naidoo (Lenasia South, 2022-05-06)
The temple is sacred and can’t be demolishedJanine Renesha Moonsamy (Benoni, 2022-05-06)
I do not want this precious Temple demolished.Magas Pather (Johannesburg, 2022-05-06)
Jessica PadiachyJessica Padiachy (Gauteng, 2022-05-06)
Important to preserve cultural sitesPingles Parus (Durban, 2022-05-06)
I have personally been to this temple over the years and have received tremendous spiritual guidance.Devashini Moodley (Sundowner, 2022-05-06)
Kaveshan PunganKaveshan Pungan (Johannesburg, 2022-05-06)
Religion must be preservedNisha Singh (Highlands North, 2022-05-06)