Save wroxall primary school



Save Wroxall School. It is a joyful school, that is well attended staffed by a dedicated and caring team. A very recent and massive investment in Wroxall school will be squandered if this school closes when other schools need investment. Ventnor Pupils travel past St Francis to attend this happy school. Parents know that it is worth the extra journey to have happy kids that love their school.

Joyce Milford (Ventnor, 2024-09-08)


My children went there no 20 and 18 great memories, my 7 year still goes the and I want my youngest to go there currently 2 years old, my was and still is great school, this is our village and lots social life for other in the village

John Cheesman (Wroxall, 2024-09-08)


I moved my daughter from the proposed school.

Sandra Pritchard (Ventnor, 2024-09-08)


I want to save this amazing school.

Natalie Heal (Wroxall, 2024-09-08)


I attended wroxall primary as a child and also worked there for 4 years, would hate to see it close

Amber Cooke (Newport, 2024-09-08)


I care. This school MATTERS, please save it.

Roselyn Macdonald (Sandown, 2024-09-08)


This school is awesome, I've never been to it but it's such a positive place to go keep the local kids LOCAL we need small grassroots schools for children to evolve and gain friendship with children in there own area,

Michael Cooke (Ventnor, 2024-09-08)


because my brother attends this school (he is 8 years old with severe autism) this school is all he’s ever known in an education sense it would be so difficult from him to readjust in a new school, plus he loves his wroxall family!

Isabelle Smith (shanklin, 2024-09-09)


My nephew Leo Still who is autistic and non verbal has benefited greatly from this school. He continues to thrive there.

Helen Thomas (Nordelph, 2024-09-09)


I am signing because this school has been the only stability for my non verbal autistic nephew. This school closing would lose all the development he has gained during the last 3 years.

Neil Thomas (Nordelph, 2024-09-09)


School has just been refurbished to a tune of 2million pounds.this is tearing apart communities

Mary Pampado (Isle of wight, 2024-09-09)


Wonderful school, with wonderful staff. All pupils happy and settled. Please don't upset so many happy children in their crucial primary learning years.

Helen Lloyd (Dudley, 2024-09-09)


Wroxall school is financially secure and essential

Lauren Hartley (Ventnor, 2024-09-09)


Wroxall Primart is a much loved and needed community school. These small schools serve the community in such a positive way and the young people that go there will be terribly effected by it's closure.

Karen Stritton (Ventnor, 2024-09-09)


My niece works there and my great niece is a pupil at the school.

Mennell Sheila (Hull, 2024-09-09)


This school is so important to the village and everyone who goes there

Fiona Goodship (Swadlincote, 2024-09-09)


The school is the heart of our village it's a great building with fantastic staff and part of our community

Clare Bailey (Wroxall, 2024-09-09)


We need all our schools to stay open for the educational needs of our children.

Graham Rowley (Sandown, 2024-09-09)


Wroxall School is needed.

Chris Lawrence (Wroxall, 2024-09-10)


My daughter works at the school and does amazing things for the local children.

Simon Pollock (Rookley, 2024-09-10)


Both my boys went there, it’s an excellent school, a great building that has been much improved in recent years. It would be a shame to see it closed.

Gillian Smith (Sandown, 2024-09-10)


It’s a great school

Colin Lighten (Sandown, 2024-09-10)


I am a member of the community, living 2 kinutes from school. My son left this year and had the best time at Wroxall.Primary

Kathryn Smith (Ventnor, 2024-09-10)


My kids go to school here and it’s a heart beat of the community a very good school

Robert Wye (Ryde, 2024-09-11)


My 8 year old Autistic Son has been attending the school /Nursery since he was 3 years old. He's had a 1 to 1 with him all that time and he has built a great relationship with this person. He will lose that if the school closed and he would struggle with the changes that the closer would bring. SEN children need stability

Pete Still (Shanklin, 2024-09-11)


My two grand children who attend the school are very happy there, and have so far received a great education

Duilio Buffone (Bournemouth, 2024-09-11)


My children and grandchildren attended this school. How can a decision be made to move children from a successful school to a failing school, with limited accommodation. The money spent on Wroxall primary refurbishments was to future proof the school, nearly £2 million pounds. Our village has lost so much over the years, our church is in danger of closing, the school is such an important part of the village and it would be a diabolical decision if the school was selected for closure.

Sue Coombe (WROXALL, 2024-09-11)


The nurturing of children should not be sacrificed for budget purposes. As someone who works in mental health I know too well how our formative lives affect us in later life. Please give our children the chance to thrive as they deserve.

Janet Coe (Sandown, 2024-09-11)


I have a nursery that my daughter loves and she can't wait to start school next September 2025. She also loves walking to school and l brakes my heart that she is so happy there and that she won't be able to go there in September

Vicky Lover (Wroxall, 2024-09-11)


I grew up in the village and that school is the heart is the community, and the logistics getting the kids to other schools would be a nightmare that the parents don't need!!! The kids needs and education should be put above everything!

Michael Turner (Shanklin, 2024-09-11)


I am completely baffled by this. It's just another reason to dump the entire IWC. I think they forget who they work for and who put them there. Where else could you get away with spending huge amounts of public money on something and then pull the plug. We've seen it over and over again. I am sick of these people making crap decisions on our behalf. Surely we need more schools here, not less.
Unless,of course they want to turn IW into a giant retirement home. What's next, Oh I know go against The entire population and allow an American energy company to plough a massive wound straight through the Island to pump Co2 into the Channel

Jim Pike (Ventnor, 2024-09-11)


Because I used to go to this school and recall residents needs this school and it’s been the best school as long as I Remember

Sophie Brocklehurst (Ventnor, 2024-09-11)


So more and more affordable houses are being built to accommodate first time younger buyers, so children will be born.. and surprise surprise, there will not be enough schools to accommodate them.

Tiffany Wheeler (Isle of wight, 2024-09-11)


My daughter goes to this school .
Spending nearly 2 million on this school only to close it a few years later !! Mind boggles!
Our poor kids had 2 years of covid now closing their school ! Shame on the isle of wight council !!

Lorraine witt (Isle Of Wight, 2024-09-11)


My grandchildren attend the nursery, and want to attend Wroxall primary school.

Penny Draper (Totland Bay, 2024-09-11)


I do not agree with this school closing as it is eradicating facilities from local communities

Diane Witt (East cowes, 2024-09-11)


It’s an amazing school with loads more potential for future generations

Paul Bunting (Wigton, 2024-09-11)


I consider wroxall primary school to be an important part of the community and the children will have to travel away from wroxall to attend class

STEPHEN NUTTALL (Wroxall, 2024-09-12)


Please save our school. Our children’s education was massively interrupted during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2 years worth of education lost that cannot be replenished. Some children then forced into home education afterwards due to difficulties at school. And now once finding their feet (Year 5 children especially) they are being threatened with further disruption should our school (and others) be shut down. At the very least allow Godshill to relocate to Wroxall so that there will room for developments and improvements for all children and all staff. Bigger support and children are still with their friends from both schools. And parents haven’t got to go on ridiculous and expensive school commutes 4 times a day. Wroxall is the larger building and has had so much money spent in refurbishments.
So put it to good use and stop messing with our children’s mental health and future wellbeing.

Hazel W (Ventnor, 2024-09-12)


My nephew and his friends love this school and it’s enabled him to develop and bond with people in a way we never thought he would.

Lisa Thomas (Gravesham, 2024-09-12)


My niece attends and receives an excellent education. It would be hugely disruptive to change her school at this sensitive stage of her schooling.

L Donnelly (Guernsey, 2024-09-12)


My son used to go there and it ment the world to him

Sean Murphy (Sandown, 2024-09-12)


My 3 children attend this amazing school and my 4th child is expected to start wroxall Robins in January

Dan Egerton (Isle of wight, 2024-09-12)


Closing the school is a shortsighted decision. With the planned increase in housing on the island following the change in government, we could find the places to be in demand. Also the building has had major refurbishment so what a financial waste!

Karen Salter (Wroxall, 2024-09-13)


This is a fantastic school and my child has thrived there

Melanie Cameron (Ventnor, 2024-09-13)


My niece goes to this school. It's a lovely school

Stephanie Smith (Isle of wight, 2024-09-14)


We need more schools not less.. there's money for wars but not our kids futures and that's unacceptable. Cut MPs wages not education

Joe Mackenzie (Ventnor, 2024-09-16)


I'm signing this petition because education is important

Adam Ruth (Ventnor, 2024-09-17)


Important to keep village school open for choldren on Island

Karen Piggott (Ventno, 2024-09-17)


I was once a student of Wroxall primary school in 2005 and it was a lovely school. I don't want to see it closed.

Joshua Harrison-Simmons (Newport Isle of Wight, 2024-09-17)


My granddaughter goes to this school and is very happy there. A school with a lovely atmosphere and joyous attendance absolutely must surely count in the balance when weighing up strategy/economics.

Ken Woods (Sandown, 2024-09-23)


Please, please don't close this lovely school where our granddaughter and all her classmates are so happy.

Jackie Woods (Sandown, 2024-09-23)


Keep local village schools open for local children. Make education a pleasure for our kids.

Elizabeth Wathen (Isle of wight, 2024-09-25)


It shouldn't go down

jeffrey adams (ventnor, 2024-10-09)


The School is a vital part of the community and is doing well, my daughter is settled there. The car park is far better equipped than other schools. The School does not operate at a loss and is well positioned sustainability wise for public and private transport.

Hayden Marsh (Ventnor, 2024-10-15)


Live locally (Yarborough Rd). The future generations of Wroxall deserve this school. Be a huge shame to see it go.

Reece Lane-Williams (Wroxall, 2024-10-24)


Wroxall needs this school as the only suitable alternate school is one in Ventnor that has two road routes from Wroxall which are both constantly under threat from land slippage. Godshill, the other choice possible, is under threat as well and not adequate for bigger numbers and is very old, is near a very busy road with no parking available and already causes traffic flow problems. Wroxall is a newer build and has had a very expensive refurbishment and lots of parking space.

Susan Farrell (Wroxall, 2025-02-01)


I am a resident and career teacher in local authority schools and former curriculum writer/adviser for the Department for Education. To close a school after such recent investment demonstrates a lack of strategic planning by the LA. The pupil places crises was known some years ago and therefore to rebuild parts of the school shows a lack of vision and poor judgement. Nothing has changed in that respect and the closure of Wroxall Primary is unwarranted. The investment has been made and should be exploited during the crises-which will resolve itself. School numbers turbulence is a fact of life in small rural communities and school closures do not strategically solve the issue. Wroxall is a vulnerable community in respect of social welfare and mobility, income and amenities. To further strip the community of its one resource-local accessible education-will deprive it further. This is not social investment and will not empower the community or make it more resilient.

Christopher Waller (4 Castle View, Clevelands Road, Wroxall, 2025-02-09)

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