Stop child predator from teaching children
I have 3 young daughters at west. My fourth and youngest daughter will be attending next year. I am appalled that there had been no disciplinary action against this teacher and his wife. Absolutely disgusting behavior. Should I worry for the safety of my daughters at school? No! The answer is, no! This teacher and his wife need to go!Tiffany Scales (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
I am a mother of two pre-teen girl’s. Middle schoolers are very impressionable and an extremely vulnerable age. Families choose to open enroll their children at KTEC. Parents put their trust in the teachers and administration. When the school and KUSD district fails to protect our children. A parent then trusts that our Kenosha County court system will rightfully prosecute the perpetrator to protect an innocent child.The entire Kenosha County system has failed this family and has done further damage to the victim. I would pray and hope our community reads this article. And the people take a stand demanding justice to protect the victim, a minor child. As well as future children at this school!
Melyssa Zierk (Bristol, 2024-04-19)
As a mother i fear for the safety of other children. This man needs to be held accountable.Amanda Jechorek (Geno city, 2024-04-19)
I’m signing this because police officers, judges , DAs etc are in pizza gate & are pedophiles . No one is safe even in school . It’s sick.Monique Gordom (Racine, 2024-04-19)
I have kids enrolled in KUSD. This is unacceptable.Francisco Puente (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
This teacher is a predator. He should have been fired immediately and criminal charges filed against him. Our DA's office should be ashamed!!!!!Carolyn Odom (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
We need to protect children from dangerous adults and grooming-type relationships with them. KUSD is responsible for keeping children at school safe and serving the harshest punishment possible for those who put kids' safety at risk.Chelsea Dominguez (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
This is horrible and can you imagine how that child and her parents are feeling. Why not fire him why allow another child to go through this sicknessLaCresha Harris Harris (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
I’m signing because this town needs to take things like this WAY more serious. What does this show for the future parents of children that will be going into these schools? A place where our children are supposed to be safe. Is no longer that but a predators playground! FIRE HIM, CHARGE HIM. MAKE HIM PAY.Sierra Garcia (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
He’s a sick person and that doesn’t need to be around children! His wife also needs to be removed! Both need to be charged!Ashley Anglin (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
This teacher needs to be fired for having an inappropriate relationship with a student that is a minor.Isabella Ruffolo (Kensoha, 2024-04-19)
He’s a pedo!!!!Aubree Bacon (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
Stop protecting the wrong people. Make justice real and protect our children.Isis Bodenlos (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
I believe people who objectively have had an inappropriate relationship with children should be allowed to walk the streets let alone teach at a schoolGary Wagley (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
He is a predator and should not be teaching our children.Vickie Knowles (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
This is absolutely disgusting. Stop letting grown men get away with this!Kelli Kainz (Racine, 2024-04-19)
I think Mr. Enwright should not be allowed to teach any more. If he is allowed to continue teaching at KTEC I will more than likely remove my daughter from the schoolSamantha Blackley (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
I do not want my children or any children to be taught by an individual that does not think it is wrong to interact with children as if they are adults. I do not want children to be taught by an individual that does not think it is wrong to pleasure themselves to photos of minors!!!!Karie Lichtenwalner (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
We NEED to protect our children from scum like this!Cheryl O'Byrne (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
This teacher should be fired so future children are kept safe from another situation as this.Jessica Lee (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
This is absolutely disgusting that he is not behind bars and can continue to prey upon young children!Jamie Mattek (Mt Pleasant, 2024-04-19)
I'm signing because the teachers involved including the principal and vice principal need to be terminated immediately.Joshua Guerrero (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
His actions are disgusting and should never be trusted to work with children again.Collin Alcalay (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
I don't have kids myself, but every child everywhere deserves to be protected from people like this. I grew up with the Enwright family, they were always so nice. Given the evidence that has been shown. Christian does not need to be anywhere near children.Tyler Jessen (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
He needs to be removed from society for a while so he can learn to make better choices. What he did is disgustingAlexzandreya Graham-LaPoint (Racine, 2024-04-19)
I’m signing because I have a daughter and I am disgusted but the outcome this far. This man should not be teaching ever again, and his wife should also lose her teaching license.Amanda Grandke (Racine, 2024-04-19)
I'm signing because I'm raising my daughter in Kenosha and I do NOT feel comfortable whatsoever with her going to a school that has a PEDOPHILE on it's staff. I've been in a similar situation as Holly when I was 12 with an older man of my community. People like that should not be working in a school.Brooke Lewis (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
Children should be safe at school!Lisa Connell (Pleasant Prairie, 2024-04-19)
You have absolutely failed not only this young woman, but all young persons subject to grooming in their educational environment. You are showing these students that disgusting actions should not be met with recourse. More importantly, you have shown these victims that their voices do not matter. You have sufficient evidence of an inappropriate relationship between an educator and student, and you do nothing.I am disappointed in the district, as a whole, for their lack of communication with the student’s family and with every other KTEC. I am disgusted with the decision to use the consolidation of schools as a means of sweeping this incident under the rug.
How do any of you expect parents to feel their children are safe in KTEC, and the district as a whole, when not a single one of you has positive decision-making skills when it comes to protecting children in their educational environment?
How can you put children through things such as active shooter training but fail to protect them against the predators YOU are employing?
There are *wonderful* educators out there who would relish the opportunity to fulfill the purpose and mission of an educator in these children’s lives for years to come.
Myself and many others beg you to reconsider your decision, and I hope that your reconsideration will also include a letter to this young lady, her family, and the community as a whole.
Ashlyn Witting (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
Creeps and school districts should never get away with this disgusting act! The wife is also delusional. God protect their new child.Josh Cesarz (Greenfield, 2024-04-20)
Teachers are supposed to be creating a positive learning environment for our children and grandchildren. This kind of pedophile behavior is not okay and most certainly should be punished by laws that protect us and our children.Mary Lichtenwalner (Union Grove,, 2024-04-20)
I'm singing this because I was in his class in this year 2023-2024 and notice tons of 8th graders coming into his room before class and later in the year he had temporarily left due to the investigation and later cane back 2 weeks later and had acted really weird and was no longer in any good moods and would leave later that week and now we have a substitute teacher for the rest of the year, Mr.Ewright has still found a way to teacher our class by giving this sub orders and talks to teachers still in the building through online ways.Javier Velasco (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
I do not support child grooming or pedophile behavior. His actions are completely wrong & he doesn’t need to be working with children any further. It is very clear he can’t be trusted with kids & should lose his teaching job.Tabaitha Workman (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
we do not need chomos in schools, he belongs in jail or hellMichael Puntillo (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
Pedophilia isn’t ok. Grown men shouldn’t chase younger women especially someone 15 years younger.Mario Garfias (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
This is disgustingStephanie Servantez (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)