Wildlife not buildings on the Lower Holt



I care about preserving this piece of land for future generations and to uphold the ideas of Miss West.

Harriet Clutterbuck (Five Dock, 2021-06-29)


I am an old girl and do not want to see the Holt destroyed.

Mandy Reed (Yass, 2021-06-29)


I am signing thid petition as this was a feature I admired when I was a boarder there. I have two sons and I chose their school because it had alot of open ground. I think it is important in a boarding school.

Diana MacDonald (Wagga Wagga, 2021-06-29)


From Winifred West until now, The Holt was always envisioned as a place of nature, beauty, and an ecological classroom for the students. It should be preserved as intended.

Victoria Maclean (Havannnah, 2021-06-29)


I am an old girl and would like to see the lower holt protected.

Adelaide Judson (Sydney, 2021-06-29)


wildlife cant petition the destruction of their homes! What is this teaching our next generation about the protection of the natural environment? its a disgusting notion that this is being considered especially after the horrific bushfires last year

annie francis (waterloo, 2021-06-29)


Please preserve the Lower Holt so that future Frensham girls have the same opportunity to experience it like the Old Frensham girls did. It’s such a privilege to have the Lower (and Upper) Holt, please don’t destroy it.

Con Spicer nee Glauerdt (1990) (Perth, 2021-06-30)


I object to the DA to develop the Lower Holt. This green space should be kept as Winifred West envisaged it to be.

Victoria Pemberton (Sydney, 2021-06-30)


The lower holt is important to uniqueness of frensham and that the building takes up too much of this area. Therefore, I feel that defeats the purpose of the building in the first place and should not go head there.

Georgina Milne (Young, 2021-06-30)


As an old girl I remember the Holt as an integral part of rural atmosphere of the school. It seems appalling to destroy trees - so important to the environment.

Tricia Elliott (Sydney, 2021-06-30)


It is totally unnecessary to be building on the bush land of the lower holt which was intended to be a natural environment to be preserved and enjoyed by Frensham girls past, present and future.

Alexandra White (Paddington NSW, 2021-06-30)


This project is not in keeping with the nature of the school.

Katryna Robinson (Forestville, 2021-07-01)


I think the Holt needs to be left untouched and not used for buildings .. the Holt was a sanctuary when I was at school at Frensham .. we could walk/picnic with family and just enjoy being in natural surroundings.

Fiona Foster (Sydney, 2021-07-01)


I’m signing because I wish to preserve this habitat and the memories associated with the holt. As an old girl the holt was primarily part of the schools unique offering.

Cate Simpson (Buckaroo, 2021-07-01)


I am an old girl who left Frensham in 2017, I am truely shocked that Frensham would want this plan to go ahead and in the process ruin and destroy the natural environment that makes Frensham so special. I love Frensham as it is and while I understand it needs to grow as a school I think this is the wrong direction. If Frensham wanted to pursue this idea I believe they should make it off campus and a full wilderness immersion experience on another property or different location. If this project was to go ahead I seriously think it will have a detrimental effect on Frensham and it’s environment and I do not think I would send my future daughters there.

Matilda Martin (Sydney, 2021-07-01)


I believe this proposal suffers significantly from a number of issues that should be addressed publicly within the school community and the community surrounding WWS generally :
1. The size of the proposal is a large impost into an area that has no accomodation development, the only development is for sports. The Holt is recognised within the school as a special place for the girls, it was always intended to be so. It was not intended to be carved up for accomodation, halls and parking areas.
2. There has been real community concern from residents over the impact on a previously untouched ecological area, in and of itself which has been classified as important and rare.
3. This development has not had any environmental assessments done, incredibly, despite the area being classified and acknowledged as a rare example of species of forest
4. This lack of consultation ( other than a legal requirement to let residents know of the DA) is astonishing for a school that must preserve its standing in the community
5. The lack of response from the school is most disappointing and smacks of indifference
6. The footprint of the buildings, rooms etc and their impact on the area is highly disproportionate to the needs of the school, the school is not needing a single area ‘just’ for year 9’s! It was never invisinged by WW to do this, totally to the contrary.
7. If the school is trying to emulate some sort of ‘table top’ experience then that is one educational issue that could be explored openly. Thought bubbles of this kind should be treated carefully, land always attracts vested interests in the guise of ‘progress’.
Please conduct education and discussion on this openly. Having ‘zoom’ available randomly or a weekend at Frensham is not conducive to a lot of the other ‘older’ OG, or to people who can’t travel easily.

Diana Paterson (Collaroy NSW, 2021-07-01)


We are in a climate emergency. Each decision by Frensham (and every other organisation, government and corporation) should be seen through that lens. Clear-felling this large area will exacerbate the climate crisis we are in. It is not in the best interests of the students whose generation is going to bear so much of the impacts of a heating planet. It is at odds with Frensham’s stated values of caring for the environment and the spirit of its students. The fact that Frensham owns large areas of undisturbed forest is a privilege and legacy to be valued. The school should be making every effort to revegetate, regenerate and protect the beautiful land it has custodianship of.

Emma Heyde (Sydney, 2021-07-01)


The Holt has such beautiful memories and is an amazing place to get out and mentally escape. Definitely would NOT want to see it be developed.

Katherine Reid (Lucinda, 2021-07-01)


As a Frensham old girl I am very sad to hear about the plans to develop the Lower Holt. The girls should learn about the environment in nature, not in building that that were built where nature used to exist.

Tamara Jones (Mittagong, 2021-07-01)


What is the point? It would be a very lame outdoor education experience, so close to the school and Mittaging’s suburbia. Schools that have made a serious commitment to outdoor Ed have not plonked them on a bit of land they had ‘spare’, on the main campus. A complete waste money.

Catherine Ritchie (Mansfield, 2021-07-01)


I wish to protect the natural environment as much as possible and think the didadvantages outweigh thr benefits

Skye Leicester (Mittagong, 2021-07-02)


This petition is so necessary because the school has other areas to build on and the native wildlife does not.
Please let common sense prevail and say NO to this endeavour.

Regards Pamela Wright

Pamela Wright (Sutton Forest, 2021-07-02)


As a Frensham Old Girl and architect with over 30 years’ experience I strongly object to the proposed development within the Holt forest.
Frensham School is the custodian of this land and as such should be teaching through action and responsible land management, caring for the environment by preserving and protecting local native flora and fauna.

I have reviewed the DA documents and note:
1. Significant removal of trees is required by the NSW Rural Fire Service …”to provide sufficient space for fire fighters and other emergency services personnel, ensuring radiant heat levels permit operations under critical conditions of radiant heat, smoke and embers, while supporting or evacuating occupants”.

2. To achieve this a cleared a Protection Zone (IPA+OPA) of at least one hectare of virgin remnant bushland is required:
• North of the building zone for 67 metres
• West for 33 metres
• South & east for 60 metres
• South-west for 70 metres

3. This clearing will significantly destroy:
• sensitive Koala Habitat
• native wildlife corridors
• sensitive endemic remnant bushland.

4. The Architectural Plans show:
• An ill advised fire pit in a Flame Zone environment
• distribution of buildings that significantly breakup the tree canopy & wildlife corridors
• that the location of the group of buildings could have been located along an edge of the existing sports field or Range Road to minimise the negative impact on the very environment they are intending to study.

Perhaps a reasonable alternative would be to establish a ‘glamping’ site of temporary tents on raised platforms located on the perimeter of the north playing field.

This would to allow students the privilege of experiencing the bush environment without contributing to its destruction.

I sincerely hope the Frensham Board of Governors reconsider this ill considered plan.

Melissa Ward (Sydney, 2021-07-02)


The Lower Holt is a vital habitat for native wildlife, and in itscurrent state provides better opportunities for outdoor education than a developed site would.

Helen Murata (Myola, 2021-07-02)


The Lower Holt is a very precious piece of land and holds many wonderful memories for me, being a Frensham Old Girl. Having the ability to walk through bush land and see wombats, echidnas, platypus and native birds is incredibly special. Clearing this land by removing trees, building a bridge over the creek, and removing animals from their natural habitat will totally destroy the magic of this area. I ask Frensham to please drop this proposal and consider using some of the cleared land the school owns.

Myee Clohessy (Bowral, 2021-07-02)


So many memories. It is a refuge for the girls and the wildlife. It is revered by all including the greater community. Don't sell out on the soul of Frensham and what it was originally all about..

Nara Varlet (Deagon, 2021-07-02)


I don’t want people pulling down trees and destroying the planet. I went to Frensham. The lower holt was a place to get away from suburbia, the boarding house and be surrounded by nature. That is what makes frensham so unique and special.

Nina Whitfeld (Bowral, 2021-07-02)


This pocket of Mittagong is priceless and needs to be saved. That would be the best way to educate the girls at the school!

Miriam Bos (Hill Top, 2021-07-02)


I believe in preserving this beautiful countryside for use of wildlife and nature - not in unnecessary wanton destruction of trees which provide much needed sanctuary and shade during a time of massive global warming.

Frances Rowntree (Bowral, NSW, 2021-07-03)


I do not support reckless environmental vandalism.

Catherine Hickson (Sydney, 2021-07-03)


We need to stop the constant destruction of wildlife habitat all over Australia. Plus, this move by the school seems hypocritical after the studies they have done. It sends a bad message to the students and the wider community.

Jennifer McCann (Perth, 2021-07-03)


Haven't you taken enough land. So much work has gone into protecting and maintaining this habitat that no one should ever destroy it with clearing and building. Even if they do put the word 'Eco' in front of it.

Linda Karlsen (Avoca, 2021-07-03)


The school has a duty of care to these wombats that they have studied, nurtured and allowed to be released on the grounds. This is local remnant habitat and should not be cleared for building “eco-cottages”.

Kylie Cairns (Fountaindale, 2021-07-03)


Having gone to Frensham and enjoyed the wonderful areas of nature around the school, I’d hate to see this gorgeous land developed. Also have concerns about the encroachment of Sydney’s outskirts and support the importance of preserving free space for our present and future.

Tabitha Walker (Sydney, 2021-07-04)


Our native animals need advocacy.

Michelle Fischer (Camira QLD, 2021-07-04)


Yet again ... proof that 'protected' habitat is not, in fact, not protected at all and can be destroyed whenever becouse of greed.
Weve already lost so many native wildlife, once you loose 1 species the rest suffer aswell it's not just the animals that are suffering our whole entire ecosystem & planet.
We need to stop this now before it is to late, our kids and grand kids are suffering already Put and End to this Now and stop the greed!!!

Sarah Mee (Lismore, NSW, 2021-07-04)


This is a wildlife corridor. It does not align with the founding principals of Frensham.

Natalie Hunfalvay (Mittagong, 2021-07-04)


I am signing because building in the Lower Holt will have a detrimental affect on the wildlife that lives there and will affect the ability of wildlife to use the corridor between Mt Gibraltar and Lake Alexandra.. I am a trustee of the Shrewsbury Environment Centre, Shropshire, UK.

Julia Rye (Whixall, Whitchurch, 2021-07-04)


I think it is outrageous that Frensham can even be contemplating such a destructive, environmentally vandalistic move. So much for sending the right messages to future generations. This will degrade Frensham's reputation and standing as an educational, compassionate community.

Sarah Hennessy (Moss Vale, 2021-07-05)


I am signing this petition as I am against the proposed development for student accommodation in the Lower Holt. The Lower Holt should continue as a natural reserve for staff and students to use as an outdoor classroom, for exercise or just to be in nature.
What are we teaching our girls if we cut down trees and destroy wildlife habitat for more accommodation that is only going to be used for short periods?

Johanna McFarlane (Buderim, 2021-07-10)


Please don’t do this at the cost of the environment. The benefits of the new facility could never outweigh the experience of the flora and fauna as is.

Jessica Kinsellla (Bowral, 2021-07-10)


I disagree with the plan to build cabins because I met the wombats and they deserve to live a happy life in the Holt.

Rafael Mackay (Canberra, 2021-07-11)


all remnant bushland that can be saved should be saved.

Elizabeth Syme (1945) (Dalkeith, Perth, 2021-07-11)


It is an environmental disaster and goes against everything Winifred West and Frensham stood for. In a world being destroyed by climate change, removing green space for more buildings and roads is a hideous example to the students about the schools disregard of its social responsibility. Frensham used to be built on leading by example.

Alison Grose (Cairns City, 2021-07-26)


I agree with WW's vision and once the area is gone it is not retrievable.

Deborah Eustace (Sydney, 2021-07-26)


Anne Murray - class of 1969

Anne Peters (Yarrawonga, 2021-07-26)


I’m a Frensham old girl and believe that this proposed development does not fit with the vision of the founders nor the culture of the school/s.

Roz Meehan (née Murray) (Tea Gardens, 2021-07-27)


I want Frensham to honour Winifred West's wishes and support her environmental ideals by preserving the Lower Holt for prosperity.

Fiona Grose (Alstonvale, 2021-08-03)


Highly oppose this destructive plan. Saving the natural habitat of wildlife and having bushland for girls to relax in far outweighs the idea of cabins. Shame on Frensham for being so selfish and environmentally irresponsible.

Ado Sharp (1988) (Tandur, 2021-08-04)


The Holt was meant to be enjoyed for what it was and should remain; untouched nature. It was a place for family and friends to share a picnic. It was the solace I needed when I was struggling with being a teenager. The founders kept it for these and many other reasons. There is so little natural bush around in urbanised areas. Keep it as it was intended.
Class of 1975

Kathryn Grant (Newcastle, 2021-08-04)


They should spend the money buying a an appropriate property to experience the bush experience

Poppie MacDonald (Sydney, 2021-08-04)


I oppose the scope of the proposal and the associated destruction of flora in the lower Holt which is already impacted by neighbouring development.

Jane Durnford (Exeter, 2021-08-06)


I am against pairing down the natural habitat around Frensham School. It should be preserved for future generations to enjoy it's natural beauty.

Tracey Garvey (Noosaville, 2021-08-06)


This development goes against the original philosophy of the schools founder, winifred west, and will have a prfound impact of native animals by reducing the already threatened ecosystem.

Miranda Austin (Innisfail, 2021-08-06)


The logic of gaining more accommodation at the expense of the destruction of such a beautiful, healing part of Frensham is highly questionable. It is untouched areas like the Lower Holt that sets Frensham apart from other schools. The lack of consultation with the school community is insulting.

Jane Westmacott (Double Bay, 2021-08-16)


Why build this next to a major railway line and National Highway. Not an ideal Wellness centre.
The Wombats will win the day. Obviously the Board of Governors have not lived with Wombats. They underpin buildings, shed, sheaering shed, they are relentless not amount of weld mesh, cement to board up house foundations they will find a way to get under the houses. They leave enormous droppings on the verandah, that then become a health hazard. Margot

Margot Gatenby (LONGFORD, 2021-08-16)


I feel there are other ways to engage students than building a pseudo bush school in the grounds of Frensham. The Holt should be left for the enjoyment of the whole school

Diana Waddell (Orange, 2021-08-20)


I think it is unnecessary and a bad use of a lot of money.

Clarissa Mort (Mudgee, 2021-08-24)


72 girls wandering back and forth over the area and the building would not be good for the habitat.

Diana Hazard (Elizabeth Bay, 2021-08-29)


I’m signing because I want to see a school which fosters a commitment to sustainability so that school students can take this commitment with them when when they go from school into the real world.

Harriet Richards (Sydney, 2021-09-13)


Stop ridiculous unnecessary development.

Vanessa Gillen (Cairns, 2021-09-15)


I went to Frensham and loved running in the lower holt it’s such a special place and think it would be a real shame if this were to go ahead!

Georgie Tooth (Sydney, 2021-09-16)


The bush land around the school needs to be preserved as was the original intention at the conception.

Seonaid Kennedy (Hamilton, 2021-09-16)


I’m signing as I want the wildlife corridor preserved.

Anne McArthur (Bronte, 2021-09-17)


Frensham girls do not need a wilderness experience they live in the wilderness. You can’t put 75 children permanently in a few acres of natural habitat and expected it to remain natural habitat. It smells of a land grab by the board for more beds, under the guise of environmental education. It is a farce and completely against the ethos which has been the philosophy of the school since it’s inception. As the Southern Highlands grows wildlife corridors become more and more important. The Holt is incredibly valuable as it is. Has the school community ever been so divided about an issue? The fact that there is so much upset about this should be sending a very strong message to the board. Let Frensham be Frensham. That is its value as an education facility. If you need more beds put them somewhere else, I’m sure Kennedy could be expanded.

Tanya Excell (Moss Vale, 2021-09-17)


We were taught to value the natural environment at Frensham, so it's perfectly understandable why we are so upset at what is being planned. Attempts at transparency have been coupled with barbs that people opposing the project are 'misinformed'. We are not. We know there are wombats and many other native species living in the Lower Holt, despite what the ecological survey might say, because have seen them and they are featured heavily in the school's publicity! The reputational damage that will occur if this goes ahead - just like the damage to the environment and the species that rely on it - will be irreparable. I would not want to send my children to a school that thinks this plan aligns with Winifred West's philosophy, nor would I want to support an organisation that is steamrolling ahead with this plan despite the Black Summer fires and the perilous state our planet is in right now. Our environment is priceless, but the Board seems to think otherwise.

Phoebe Cook (Mittagong, 2021-09-17)


It seems a great shame to be hollowing out the Lower Holt. The environmental program seems a good initiative, but in the search for the perfect site, you seem to be in danger of destroying the very thing you value. I strongly recommend you compromise and find an alternative site.

Prudence Heath (Edgecliff, 2021-09-18)


To protect the bush land

Danielle Cessna (Sydney, 2021-09-22)


To desecrate The Holt, in the name of creating something environmental is lunacy.

Amanda Scott (Brisbane, 2021-09-23)


This area of beauty and nature is such a rarity for a school and it would be a tragedy to lose it to building. Think outside the square Frensham - continue to be unique and uphold the vision of our founder and the true values of the school that are the foundation of its success.

Belinda Thompson (Bathurst, 2021-09-24)


These is so out of step with what Australians want int he twenty first century, it is opposed by old girls of Frencham and the wider community. I do not think this is the sort of development that Winifred West would have allowed. When I was looking to by a house adjacent to the Frencham land I was told the land would never be built upon as Winisfred West had made provisons for the land to be protected from Development. It would seem a strange hypocracy for the environment to be sestroyed so the students could be closer to the environment. I feel that there is more happening here than is apparent. In 1930 two companies—Frensham School Ltd and Holt Property Ltd as owner of the buildings and extensive grounds (including uncleared bush)—were formed to safeguard the school's existence and to prevent its exploitation for financial gain. I think that this proposal needs much more investigation.

Megan Rhys-Jones (Bowral, 2021-09-24)


Winifred West would be turning in her grave. Shame on modern Frensham. The holt should be left as it is, and animals shouldn’t be murdered.

Christina Cleary (Sydney, 2021-09-27)


I’m signing this petition because I believe the Lower Holt should be left as it is. Such areas are increasingly rare and to put one in jeopardy for the reasons cited makes no sense at all. Please understand your responsibilities as current custodian of that land and respect it.

Jane Palfreyman (Sydney, 2021-09-28)


To retain the original habitat that Miss West envisaged for future generations

Kay Mainwaring (Bowral, 2021-09-29)


Environment, flora and fauna come before excessive over development

Katie Locke (Moss Vale, 2021-09-29)


I'm signing because nature is our greatest refuge and if we ignore time to dwell in it with no intent or purpose, to allow dreams to hatch, we will be poorer for it.

Hope Pitman (Sydney, 2021-09-30)


As a Frensham Old Girl (FOG), I have read the propaganda about this on the Frensham website: https://www.frensham.nsw.edu.au/about/master-plan
How is this proposal innovative? What is "character education"? How can innovation or 'character innovation' be achieved by deleting a very special piece of bush? Can I suggest that the Frensham leadership stop and actually think about the merits of this project? It shows a) a lack of imagination; b) a lack of awareness about environmental issues; c) a sense of entitlement that is completely at odds with the schools motto 'In love serve one another'. Maybe, change the motto to 'Let's destroy the environment and only care about ourselves.'

Genevieve Burnett (Rozelle, 2021-10-12)

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