Urgent Communication Regarding Booster Vaccination in the University of Virginia



These vaccine mandates are unconstitutional and proven to be harmful to young athletes!!!! Stop the madness!!!

stephanie prettyman (virginia beach, 2022-01-11)


I have a granddaughter attending UVA who has had CoViD and has been vaccinated and by all standards is immune to undergo unnecessary Experimental vaccines.

Bob Copeland (Vienna, 2022-01-11)


My daughter attends UVA

Lisa Parrish (Austin, 2022-01-11)


College kids should be given the choice whether they want this vaccine. There are already some scary side effects that are known and probably more that will show up years from now. It is ridiculous that young healthy kids are getting a vaccine for a disease that affects most of them very mildly.

Roshelle Ames (Fairfax, 2022-01-11)


I am very concerned about the health and the well-being and the very lives of my daughter and her peers who are illegally and unethically being coerced into participating in an emergency authorized, not approved for human use, proven to be ineffective and unsafe, gene altering "vaccine" trial. Coercion is absolutely not the same as informed consent.

Mary Ann Thiess (Charlottesville, 2022-01-11)


VACCINE MANDATES ARE ILLEGAL to be enforced against the will of individuals-especially young students.
The Covid Shots are still EUA, and mandating them upon our citizens is a means of taking away our inalienable rights. READ THE US CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS.

Nancy Muir (Crozet, 2022-01-11)


I consider the current policy detrimental to the students’ health.

Mary Ferguson (Front Royal, 2022-01-12)


This is so important to me because I want my children and my grandchildren to live healthy lives. The best way for them to do that is NORMAL risk and going out and exposing themselves to germs, improving their immune systems. Boosters for a shot that never worked just weaken their bodies. This is all experimental. STOP using my children as test subjects. I do not give you permission to do this. I have three grandchildren at UVA. I EXPECT YOU TO LISTEN.

Bonnie Matheson (Earlysville, 2022-01-12)


I am both an alumnus and parent of two daughters Class of '14 and '15. My wife and I have Moderna vaccines - round 1 and 2 and booster - but we're in our late 60's. However, the core premise of this petition is young men and women have statistically proven higher risks taking the booster from non-COVID medical issues than not taking it and contracting COVID. This new strain is akin to a bad flu bug. Virtually zero serious reactions from COVID among 18-30 year old adults. Your mandate is ludicrous.

Thomas Neale (Baltimore, 2022-01-18)