Enough with the rates increase in Timaru District



Single home owner. I’m already on the verge of having to sell my house. This isn’t going to help along with every other expense increasing

(Timaru, 2024-07-07)


Because this is making simply having a roof over our heads extremely hard

Zena Guthrie (Timaru, 2024-07-07)


I live in Timaru on a fixed income and this increase in rates worries me as it seriously erodes it.

Ruth Lawson (Timaru, 2024-07-07)


The increase in rates will drive residents from there homes it's unaffordable especially for those on fixed incomes! The theatre Royal is a nice to have but completely unaffordable!

Jan Pearce (Temuka, 2024-07-07)


I strongly disagree with such a huge rates rise.

Marianne Wallace (Geraldine, 2024-07-07)


This puts a strain on my family as a homeowner.and as I live in Geraldine where we see very little done that Benefits my community apart from pathetic roundabouts that make no sense at all and money should be better spent elsewhere

(Geraldine, 2024-07-07)


I’m signing because I feel a lot of what we are being asked to pay in rates is wasteful and our rates are already huge. People are struggling. We’ve already had massive increases.

Jay Wain (Geraldine, 2024-07-07)


It's not only the council, but ecan are increasing thier rates by about the same too

Hayden Wooding (Timaru, 2024-07-07)


I'm signing this cause I can and think the council needs a reality check and it's time they take notice

James Stevens (Timaru, 2024-07-07)


Single parent last 6 years, one wage, struggling to pay bills now, let alone maintenance of my home, rehoming pets just another nail in the coffin next I'll be selling living in a car, this increase in rate can't happen. No to the theatre look after your people at the moment.

Sandra Sherborne (Timaru, 2024-07-07)


I stand with the greater community as I feel financially broken and am reduced to part time work & struggling to survive. These increases are inflicting added unneccessary hardship.

Su Wood (Geraldine, 2024-07-07)


I believe with more responsible spending currently the rates do not need to be increased so much. Cut back and economize. Shelve projects for a future date.

Sue Clay (Geraldine, 2024-07-08)


These rates increases are too much. The financial pressure people are facing is already crippling.

Jamie Gould (Timaru, 2024-07-08)


I’m signing this because, we have a baby and are already at our limits with our income. And if rates go up we will have to look at selling our house, as cost of living is to high and we are down to one and a half income.

Laura McPherson (Geraldine, 2024-07-08)


Enough! Especially when our money is being wasted away with no responsibility or accountability! Recently the council sent contracts with a mini digger onto our private property to dig to find some cables. Had the council just asked us we could have shown them exactly where the cables were. I could rant on and on with examples of wasted tax payer funds.

S D (Pleasant point, 2024-07-08)


I’m signing because I don’t believe the project the council has taken on with the Theatre Royal is something the community needed. It would have been cheaper for all homeowners and renters if a new building was constructed instead of the proposed remodel. I feel it’s a WASTE of our money. Along with many other projects around Timaru we pay them off and our rates never drop. You constantly are looking for the next thing to “improve” our city while neglecting vital infrastructure.

Mikayla Setterfield (Temuka, 2024-07-08)


The are too high now. And just look at our roads. Not safe to drive on and not wide enough. And wee don't need wire ropes in the middle of our roads

Hayden Brown (Temuka, 2024-07-08)


How can anybody afford such a giant increase when everybody is literally living pay check to pay check as it is. Like right, can’t afford to own my house anymore, so sell and pay someone else’s high rent? Disgusting

Abbi (Timaru, 2024-07-08)


No one can afford to pay this and continue to actually own a property

Abbey (Timaru, 2024-07-08)


I'm signing because I simply can not give anymore food off our table. This purposed increase will have a huge effect on a already strained household budget. Please please reconsider.

Dean Rathgen (Geraldine, 2024-07-08)


Live in the country supply my own well water ,clear drains, maintain road frontage, do own garbage disposal ,seal own driveway and ECAN do nothing to help with maintenance of creek boarders.
The idea my rates going up to support a vanity project (new Theatre) gets me very hot under the collar and we are going to have our picture theatre pulled down. Elections can’t come soon enough

Christopher Nelson (Geraldine, 2024-07-08)


I am signing because I believe any significant rate rise will bring significant hardship to the peoples of Timaru at a time where their finances are already streched to the max. It's blatant disrespect and disregard for those that already live here. This will make living in this town unaffordable for many.

Aaron More (Timaru, 2024-07-08)


Ratepayers are financially stressed, cut the waste and uneeded projects. Employ consultants that we can rely on their recommendations - not find out their recommendations do not work after wasting ratepayers money.

Warren McRobie (1Timaru, 2024-07-08)


This is pushing families over the edge

K R (Timaru, 2024-07-08)


I'm not funding a theatre that benefits stuff all of the district only benefits the the mayor's theatrical family

Rachael Foster (Timaru, 2024-07-08)


It’s too big a hike when people are already struggling with the basics of living.

Donna McColl (Timaru, 2024-07-08)


We are a struggling young family

(Geraldine, 2024-07-08)


We can not financially keep paying these rates rises. And the council needs to learn it isn't their money they are spending but the rates payer. So they need to pull there heads in.

Rach Mcclelland (Geraldine, 2024-07-08)


The increase of rates will cause even more hard ship. Why do they need to go up when the council is providing no extra services to the home owners paying.

Vicki (Timaru, 2024-07-08)


Home owner of timaru

Nick Brown (Timaru, 2024-07-08)


I pay $75 per week In rates already I’m not sure how you expect us to pay more when rising cost ls of everything else in life

Juliet fairbrother (Timaru, 2024-07-08)


I'm signing because the rate increase is unnecessary. The management and planning needs to be sorted out and staff need to be evaluated.

Jonathon Duder (Temuka, 2024-07-08)


Deborah George

Debs George (Temuka, 2024-07-08)


I’m a rates payer and disagree with the proposed increase

(Temuka, 2024-07-08)


15% increase with all the other increases is not affordable !

Sheree Beck (Otipua Creek, 2024-07-08)


This rate increase is far to high for a one year, focus on the cor roles of the council and not spending money on projects that are not important.

Phil Youngson (Timaru, 2024-07-08)


Times are tough enough without more increase. They need to start spending more wisely and stop wasting it on stuff that is not needed!

Tamlyn Burleigh (Timaru, 2024-07-08)


It’s just too much in this financial climate and will bring further hardship to many more residents especially the elderly.

(Timaru, 2024-07-08)


Because it already went up 13 something percent last year and 15 percent in a cost of living struggle is just pathetic. Stop the end wasting of our money. You send it like it's not yours

Scott (Temuka, 2024-07-08)


The council is out of control and needs to live within its own funding. This projected rates rise is one of the reasons that I will be leaving Timaru in the very near future.

Don McLean (Timaru, 2024-07-09)


With constant increases it is getting to hard to pay them

Merryn Ferguson (Timaru, 2024-07-09)


15% is too much!
We are in a cost of living crisis right now give us a bloody break!

Tegan (Timaru, 2024-07-09)


Rates are getting out of hand , cost of living is up and raising rates for councils “wants” and not the needs of the people are just a waste of money our family can hardly get by we pick up extra shifts and are constantly drained we have a 2 year that we struggle to provide for along with keeping our self’s a float raising rates are just making everything harder if the council wants more money for a none need take it out your own pocket

Jamie Kunneke (Canterbury, 2024-07-09)


Councils need to do what business's are doing which is if they need more money they need to cut costs not just take more. There are many social systems the council can stop doing in times of high costs as they are nice to haves not a requirement. Become more effcient with what they take already. There are many people that cant afford to eat and dont need more costs added to them especially from the council.

Caleb Bastion (Timaru, 2024-07-09)


A 15% increase is appalling in the current climate.

Nicki (Timaru, 2024-07-09)


I can't afford it!

Courtney Cunningham (Geraldine, 2024-07-09)


Owing an home is becoming far too expensive and unaffordable to upkeep. Still wages haven’t gone up in relation only half of this %. Very unfair on the residents of the district many who have a small business or are self employed.

Caroline Jeavons (Pleasant point, 2024-07-09)


Financial burden by increasing the rates

Alex Paul (Timaru, 2024-07-10)


Sick of everything increasing

Courtney Wood (Timaru, 2024-07-10)


This rates increase is outrageous. My rates bill is going from $50 to $90 in 4 years... The 4 years previous it went up by less than $15.

Council need to postpone non urgent spending and focus on core duties...or get rid of some staff.

Craig Miller (TIMARU, 2024-07-10)

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