Correcting Oak Harbor’s Mayor Salary Change



I’ve been an oak harbor resident since 2011 and went to school from 4th-12th grade in the school district (just moved for college). There is no need for the mayor to been given a raise when that money can be used to help the community and other underfunded resources that the community needs.

Ashley Berry (Bellingham, 2024-09-06)


I believe this was purposefully hidden from the citizens of Oak Harbor. This is corruption.

Joy Ross (Oak Harbor, 2024-09-07)


A salary raise intentionally hidden from the public and even the city council should not stand. The sheer magnitude of the raise, the manner in which it was handled and the dismissive responses of local officials to concerned citizens’ complaints are more than unethical. Hiding behind a blanket “The time for public comment has ended” talking point is thinly veiled corruption. Were it not so, the Mayor would offer a special town hall to hear from his constituents.

Matt Ross (Oak Harbor, 2024-09-07)


If the underlying is true, we the citizens need better transparency, and the process needs to be done correctly.

CLARK SEWELL (Oak Harbor, 2024-09-08)


I'm signing because I believe Mayor Wright's actions to raise his salary have been underhanded and probably were determined by him in advance of his election. I did not vote for him because he campaigned on the "thousands of people he had supervised," clearly misundertanding the job of the mayor. It is a PR position, not a managerial one. That's why we have an administrative officer paid as a full-time employee to supervise city workers. I'd ask that we consider recalling him in addition to the salary commission correcting their mistakes. No person's salary should be raised by a group appointed by that person or his/her predecessor. Outrageous!

Please note I am a volunteer commissioner for the Planning Commission appointed by the prior mayor.

Elaine Gore (Oak Harbor, 2024-09-09)


Hes a public servant not the other way around. It's a very crazy bump in pay. Absolute power corrupts absolutely

Bonnie Bentley (Oak harbor, 2024-09-10)


This is money that could be put into other things that could benefit our city, this is wrong and should not be allowed to be left to the mayor and his council to decide this should be a city vote.

Melinda Buchanan (Oak harbor, 2024-09-10)


For the reasons listed on this petition.

Brian Fort (Oak Harbor, 2024-09-10)


He doesn't deserve that money. Better things it could be used for!

Barbara Hawkins (Oak Harbor, 2024-09-12)


Our mayor lacks integrity, honesty and transparency. He's a crook.

Kevin Haynes (Oak harbor, 2024-09-19)

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