Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Pour que tous ces gens payent pour leur crime

Berthiet Chantal (Noumea, 2021-10-11)


I am signing because I have integrity and it is my duty to do so. Through the mass vaccination campaigns worldwide, unnecessary measures such as masks and lockdowns, we are witnessing unprecedented crimes against humanity.

Claire Langley (Havelock, 2021-10-11)


Because I believe in freedom of choice. Vaccine mandates by stealth are immoral. Everyone should have the right to choose what goes into their body and everyone should have the right to work to support their family.

Fiona Clark (Southend-on-Sea, 2021-10-11)


I believe in the rights and free will of the individual. It has been a basic part of civilized society for a few thousand years. When the rules and actions of a small group hurt the individual, the small totalitarian group needs to be held accountable. When crimes go unpunished, they escalate. These people need to be stopped now.

Heidi Bouwer (Bronkhorstspruit , 2021-10-11)


I’m an American patriot and ready for the satanic culture of America and this world to be dealt with! God speed!

Steve Ayers (Gadsden al , 2021-10-11)


Jab not tested sufficiently
Against my religious beliefs
A second Babylon Empire on the build
A planned human mage killer weapon to de popularise humans
Polarising of people and many more

Daniel Bezuidenhout (Boksburg, 2021-10-11)


To stop the genocide and finally jail the culprits of this plandemic and all the other ones in past. The UN, Who and The EU need to be taken down. The government and opposition need to pay for their crimes

Anna Marie Stack Rivas (Limerick , 2021-10-11)


I have family members that I love very dearly who have been coerced into taking the Bioweapon Injection. These are Crimes Against Humanity and my loved ones will either be injured or face death in the near future. How did humanity get to this point. There has to be justice for all the people who have succumbed to death and injury and the all the people Complicit in these crimes have to face the Death Penalty.

Sheryl Herbert (Perth, 2021-10-11)


I want to ensure that the truth comes out, whatever that truth is.

Ita West (Co. Limerick, 2021-10-11)


I am against all the forced restrictions and vaccination imposed by the governments.

Maria Matei (Santa Eularia des Riu, 2021-10-11)


Because crimes against humanity are taking place on a daily basis.

Fay Fairley (Helensburgh, 2021-10-11)


They need to be hold to the fire and they need to be hold accountable. Justice must come through. They need to serve jail time and death sentences for their medical war crimes against humanity.

Benjamin Akhigbe (Cambridge , 2021-10-11)


Lockdowns were a total overkill to solve the flu virus outbreak.

will hamilton (Upper Kedron, 2021-10-11)


I’m not agree to inject expérimental substance

Celine Anezo Vailland (Ferel, 2021-10-11)


I'm against experiments and NO to coercion!
God bless humanity!

Monika Bartey (Dublin, 2021-10-11)


I believe the bases for the COVID 19 pandemic are fraudulent and criminal and many health officials and politicians are responsible for many avoidable deaths around the world and need to be brought to justice and stopped.

Elena Verdiants (ASPENDALE, 2021-10-11)


Everybody responsible for this genocide, no matter how small the part, needs to be held accountable.

Debi Duckels (Alva, 2021-10-11)


My Grandmother survived WWII (Poland), and these crimes against humanity must end. It is up to us to stand up for what is right, freedom, consent, justice, accountability.

Taryn Swiatek (Vancouver, 2021-10-11)


I am signing because COVID pandemic has been man made. Crimes against humanity have been (are) commited. The perpetrators are known and must be held accountable:

(data show this unequivocally)



→ Vaccine protection against COVID infection = 0
→ Vaccinated are infecting vaccinated
→ Vaccinated are getting admitted into ICUs
→ First flu season after mass vaccination is coming
→ Post-vaccination adverse events & deaths ↑↑↑
→ Mass vaccination is driving the rise of mutations

Vaccines are NOT tested, NOT safe, NOT effective.

Mass vaccination increased all-cause mortality and COVID weekly death rate. So, vaccination should be stopped right now....


World Economic Forum (WEF) "appointed leaders" of target countries (UK, US, Israel, France, Australia, NZ) are imposing the toughest COVID regimes, not seen in the West since Nazi Germany times.

WEF clearly wants to "break" the people in the target countries. Once Europe & USA falls (Australia has already fallen), the fascist COVID regime will go world-wide.

End-game (COVID19 p(l)andemic objectives?

Vaccine ID Card (likely to be RFID enabled) will serve as a entry pass to shops, hospitals, airports, public space → control of every individual, permission-based social life, tracking, social profiling or scoring.

Compulsory vaccine injection every 6 months for the rest of our lives. Government or any authorized agency will now have direct access to our immune system and DNA!

Simon Idris Beshir (Windhoek, 2021-10-11)





I'm signing because now it's time for all people on this planet to know the truth.

Jean-Noël RONY (Lyon, 2021-10-11)


I dont agree with the genocide that's been taking place over the last 2 years

Cheryl rees (Swansea, 2021-10-11)


No one should Bé injected without their consent

Emmanuelle Bigot (Yvonand , 2021-10-11)


Enforcing an experimental gene therapy is unlawful.

Jennifer Mills (Great Meadows, 2021-10-11)


The vaccine is not a vaccine and Fauci has been killing since the aids plandemic.

Norm Schell (Kinley, 2021-10-11)



Nikolina Jurić (Zadar, 2021-10-11)


I stand for truth and justice

Geoffrey Rayner (Hobart, 2021-10-11)


We need the truth!

Philip Devine (Manchester , 2021-10-11)


Je to správne

Ján Delinčák (Trenčín , 2021-10-11)


This madness must be stopped!

Stanislav Pekelnický (Bratislava, 2021-10-11)


I want everyone to be healthy and happy.

Lisa Demir (Rastatt, 2021-10-11)


I’m signing because I love humanity and the world and this global organised pandemic seeks to destroy it. We must stop it all!

daniel banks (Bath , 2021-10-11)


I believe in Justice

David Roche (Paris, 2021-10-11)


I'm signing because these crimes have to be punished. Because this is probably the worst attack on humans, pepetrated by people who have lost all sense of humanity. Because children and young people of our planet do not deserve so dark a future. Because it is our duty, as adults, to protect them from such insane people.

Christine Zimmer (Auxerre, 2021-10-11)


Es de Justicia

Juan Carlos Comes Perelló (Valencia, 2021-10-11)


I am completely baffled at our governments.

Tracy Cummings (Burlington, 2021-10-11)


Je signe car il y a beaucoup de décès, trop d'effets indésirables. Les responsables n'ont pas pris assez de recul, de temps avant d'injecter cette thérapie génique. Les responsables doivent être jugés.

Gérald LEBEAUX (BIERMES, 2021-10-11)


I think, that is neccesarry to do IT

Simona Zgolova (Rožňava, 2021-10-11)


I have witnessed the death & injury of family & friends due to the mandate of experimental Covid-19 vaccines. The Australian government has not only ignored the science but has silenced individuals and organisations who have attempted to educate and warn about the danger of these experimental vaccines, unlawful lockdowns, and mask mandates that are causing bacterial pneumonia. The TGA banned ivermectin and other therapeutics. The Australian media has been misleading the public in their reporting of supposed Covid deaths, and spreading fear through false statistics. I have lost my livelihood due to the Sydney lockdown and am unable to return to work in my professional field without having been double vaccinated with the experimental vaccine by 8th Nov. 2021. Our government is destroying the Australian economy and is importing workers to replace those who have been fired or had to resign due to vaccine mandates.

Ruth Moriarty (Muswellbrook , 2021-10-11)


They have committed crimes against humanity.

James Hardman (Wigan, 2021-10-11)


it's against our human rights & the Nuremberg code to be unethically 'nudged', coerced or forced to participate in the human trials of an experimental vaccine. Trials that have eliminated their control groups and thus do not comply with scientific requirements. Trials that censure dissenting scientists & personal reports of side effects. anybody helping in this needs criminal prosecution, as they're committing a crime against humanity.

Stefanie Krächan-Lashbrook (66386 St Ingbert, 2021-10-11)


I believe in GOD❣️
I believe in the constitution of the United States and medical freedom.
GOD Bless you and humanity

Lisa Weinberg (Cranston , 2021-10-11)


Crimes are being committed against humanity and people are dying as a result of negligence due to the government and media feeding misinformation.

Rose Kane (Belfast, 2021-10-11)


This is out and out tyranny and has nothing to do with health it is clearly a power grab!
We will own nothing and be happy?- Well we will see about that because we will die on that hill

Alan Mckittrick (Bishop Auckland , 2021-10-11)


We are currently powerless against the eugenics cabal, and all info is being censored, including some of the most senior doctors.
Anyone of note is in danger of losing their career for speaking out.

stuart hadley (eastbourne, 2021-10-11)


Governments are removing freedoms from their citizens and imposing ever more draconian rules.

Sue Reynolds (Sutton Colfield, 2021-10-11)


Save our lives and our humanity from trashumanism dictatorship.

Diego Cocer (Nogent, 2021-10-11)


I want to see some justice.

Tim Christensen (Sonora, 2021-10-11)


Those that made in any part and allowed its release into the world. Along with ANY persons or companies that Coe hearse forced the 2nd bio weapon with implementation of these kill shots MUST be held accountable. I even want our health care systems who forced Remdesiver onto pts held accountable. I have been a nurse and allowing people to die for a profit nauseated me.
Thank you for your work.
Warm regards

Janet Beck (Queen creek , 2021-10-11)


This is a crime against humanity.

Gary McFeat (GOODNA, 2021-10-11)


I don't agree with you the government killing our people and our children

Gina Winfield (Dover Kent , 2021-10-11)


I am concerned about the Vaccine and Passports affecting my Civil Rights.

Sameer Vahora (Luton England, 2021-10-11)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Michele Donnelly (Newbiggin by the sea, 2021-10-11)


It is degrading what is happening in Czech Republic.

Jana Beerová (Hrotovice, 2021-10-11)


Vládní garnitura úmyslně porušuje ústavu a jiné zákony. Ve své aroganci se tím ani netají. Nerespektuje rozhodnutí NSS a vydává další protiprávní nařízení. Mediální masáží nutí pod výhružkou ztráty zaměstnání a jiných ústavou zaručených práv, k podrobení se experimentální genové terapii.

Marian PEKÁR (Cheb, 2021-10-11)


my rights as a human being are being put under duress and threatend by the govt

Louanne Corletto (melbourne, 2021-10-11)


This is a scam! Hang em all!

Reed Pritchard (Big Lake, 2021-10-11)

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