Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I want to breathe freely

Lucia Ježová (Šaľa, 2021-10-11)


I do NOT agree with vaccinations being mandatory.

Susan Huntingford (Gaborone , 2021-10-11)


of the legality of "coerced,and manipulation made to have the so called "Vaccine"

mark baker (letchworth, 2021-10-11)


My heart aches to see so many people around the world dying and also having adverse reactions. This is a global scale holocaust.
Please STOP

Mina Kaplan (Victoria , 2021-10-11)


Porque considero no ser parte de ninguna injustucia ya sea que el tema de las vacunas sar cov2 no me parece confiable , ya que no solucionan nada mas bien van en contra de mi voluntad a algo extraño

Gloria Alvarado (Valparaiso , 2021-10-11)


Threat of unemployment unless vaccinated, serious adverse side effects of vaccine with risks to fertility, Medical censoring across social media platforms, discrimination of the unvaccinated

Michelle Hyde (London, 2021-10-11)


Against criminal injection for all humanities

Gosselin Dominique (Valleiry 74520, 2021-10-11)


I am signing because we are in dangerous times. A time where all established science was thrown to the wind and politics subverted the actual science. The sheer propensity of evidence showing that we have been wrong at every stage of this pandemic, should be enough to see the vaccine roll out terminated and we get back to living our lives again, with full trust in our immune systems.

Jonathan Hannah (Dumbarton, 2021-10-11)


Because it's time they were stopped and that this genocide was publically denounced!
Make a halt to any more victims as well as the all destruction they imply to run through!
Life and the respect of humanbeings, annimals and Nature to prevail!

Dominique Le Bourgeois-Hodgson (La Rochelle, 2021-10-11)


I’m signing because……….science

Glen Wooltorton (Red Cliffs, 2021-10-11)


es un genocidio planificado.

Silvia PARENTINI (CONCORDIA, 2021-10-11)


global corruption lead by corporations (politicians,media,actors,) lead to ongoing genocide.
we must fight legally and if this doesn't work hunt them down and hang

Adam Kenawy (Wrocław, 2021-10-11)


s tím naprosto souhlasím.

Ivan Tihelka (Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 2021-10-11)


Because I want to live freely.

Andrea Osmani (Bratislava, 2021-10-11)



Sheryl Entwistle (Brighton , 2021-10-11)


I want, that righteousness will win. If courts can convict even small thieves, who did stolen bread for hunger, then why they cant finally convict real criminals. All world is set on a head, all is wrong, and all has no any sense. This planet is all evil.

Nicole Blankenship (Brno, 2021-10-11)


I'm signing because we all on this earth are living HUMAN BEINGS. Each one of our lives matter. No MAN has a right to decided when one should live or die. That is only for God to decide. This madness has to stop and each person NEEDS to be brought to justice.

Yvonne Pulido (Houston, 2021-10-11)


This genocide/democide needs to be stopped.

Mark Taylor (Parkerville, 2021-10-11)


I'm signing because if justice does not prevail then complete civil disobedience and civil war will be the only option left to rid the world of the tyrannical upper classes.

Patrick Cunningham (Birmingham , 2021-10-11)


I have signed because this needs to stop,, along with the bidding and censoring it the truth and what is really going on.

Cory Cummings (San Antonio , 2021-10-11)


To fight for freedom and to protect our the future for our children

Joanna Lowther (London, 2021-10-11)


Human rights matter ( * thank you for your courage, dedication and great work
All the best, a lot of smiles and success
With sooo kind regards to every heart on it

Linda Kalivoda (Leogang, 2021-10-11)


My body my choice!!!!

Richel Heitmuller (Johannesburg , 2021-10-11)


Because what these puppets of the elite have done to us is disgusting and they should pay for everything they’ve done. That’s everyone from those in government, police, NHS right down to the head teachers allowing jabbing of children at their school and the care home managers sacking hard working staff.

Caroline Farnaby (Leeds, 2021-10-11)


This injection is not a vaccine and I will not allow it to be injected in my body or anyone in my family.

Melissa Perry (Cincinnati, 2021-10-11)


I’m signing this to hold those who abuse their power accountable for the millions they’ve injured.

Bryan Fox (3243 Nacogdoches Rd, San Antonio, Tx 78217, 2021-10-11)


I stilul trust justice

Paulica Trombella (Martigny crois, 2021-10-11)


Bonjour, je trouve que l'obligation vaccinale est une mesure liberticide et que le gouvernement français se comporte comme de vrais despotes, totalitaristes faisant courrir des risques injustifiés à sa population...

philippe CHEVRIER (Gruffy, 2021-10-11)


It's time to stop this crimes against humanity once for all!

Christian Eriksson (Åby, 2021-10-11)


No one has the right to tell you what you should put into your body when it is an experimental drug, known to have caused devastating health related issues.

Mariana Chambers (Javea, 2021-10-11)


People need to be held accountable for crimes against humanity

Tera Burns (McKinney, 2021-10-11)


We have to save humanity. I have seen the damage done to some who have taken the vaccine. The truth has to come out!

George Zhaven (oslo, 2021-10-11)


I have and off

Sylvayn Poiré (Laval, 2021-10-11)


I'm signing because I believe many people have been hurt by the agenda of the pandemic. Evidence needs day in court.

Sandra Harman (Allen, 2021-10-11)


Podpisujem súhlas s petíciou

Vladimír Petruľák (Bratislava, 2021-10-11)


apartheid, ničení svobody a práva na zdraví

Jiří Stránský (Praha, 2021-10-11)


Crimes against humanity is being committed against the citizens of earth.Nuremberg Trials 2.0 are the order of the day.The punishment for all involved who are committing this crime against the citizens of earth after they are found guilty is the death sentence.Executions to be carried out directly after sentencing.

Tracy Jones (Scottsdale, 2021-10-11)


Sunt o fiinta libera si numai lui Dumnezeu ma supun.

Mihaela Neacsu (Bucuresti, 2021-10-11)


I am signing this because the criminals that created and are pushing Covid and the shots need to be stopped, prosecuted and sentenced.

Andrew Stull (Atlanta, 2021-10-11)


This genocide, crimes against humanity are happening every where. Someone needs to stop this, and it won't stop unless we rise up all together. Hold the line!

Nathalie Bocklant (1030, 2021-10-11)


I am signing because we would have to apologize to the Nazis judgment in the Nuremberg trials if these monsters aren’t edjudicated for their crimes against humanity, their treason their pure evil. Blood will be on your hands if justice is denied.

Judith Jones (Fort Worth Tx, 2021-10-11)


Podepisuji, protože světlo musí zvítězit a porazit temnotu !!!

Marian Smítka (Horní Jiřetín, 2021-10-11)



Claude Moulin (Le Gue De Longroi, 2021-10-11)


I have never had a flu vaccine and never had flu. Through friends and close contacts l have heard of 6 deaths related to the covid 19 vaccination and many adverse events. MSM is silent??

Henry Barnard (Forrestfield , 2021-10-11)


There are now enough facts and pieces of evidence to prove that the covid pandemic is in fact a plan-demic, and that the so called "vaccines" and other measures are against the people, causing them different kinds of evil and wounds, and even killing many of them, and as such should be examined by an Indépendant judicial body. We are certainly witnessing the greatest plot ever and all this should be examined as a crime against humanity and those who planned this, the perpetrators and accomplices be trailed and condemned for such crimes.

Jean Philippe Bernard (Ferney-Voltaire, 2021-10-11)


I have read abundant proof by independiente scientists and lawyers that, the PCR test have serious flaws andthe vaccine are dangerous to health, causing serious illnesses and deaths to thousands of people around the globe.

Luis Alfonso Morales (Bogotá , 2021-10-11)


This happened to me and also an attempt with my daughter. No more abuse. This needs to stop. It robs a child of their innocence and childhood.

Pamela Schrum (Malone , 2021-10-11)


They hide informations, they censure informations from some professionnal of health, they lie for thé HCQ ans ivermectine treatment.

Alexandre Deladriere (Liège, 2021-10-11)


COVID-19 is eminently treatable, but timing is critical. ICU therapy must be considered a failure on the part of healthcare systems, to provide timely, early therapy. Government agencies have instructed individuals to stay at home instead of providing early therapy.
This indictment is against national and international medical authorities and agencies, governments, mainstream news outlets and some social media platforms for acting against the best medical interests of the world populace by failing to recommend (to make known and often actively block the use of such therapies) preventative therapy and appropriate early therapy, for symptom de-escalation of COVID-19.

Chris Newton (Hull, 2021-10-11)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who knowingly have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Emma Arrington (nanjemoy, 2021-10-11)

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