Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Nous sommes gouvernés en ce moment par des psychopathes, des fous, des malades mentaux, des assassins, des animaux sans foie ni loi.

Emmanuella Tonange (Cayenne , 2021-10-11)


Criminals need to be held to account for their crimes, every last one of them.

Kandy Jones (Hagersville , 2021-10-11)


There needs to be an organized response against these atrocities.

Justin Kovar (Bryan, 2021-10-11)


I believe Fauci to be one of the main players responsible for the lies and control around this experimental vaccine and I believe his actions have caused the death of thousands of people around the world.

Sandra Sammons (Mckinney, 2021-10-11)


I’m signing because I have very strong views in favour of these actions

Keith Jolley (Grantham, 2021-10-11)


It is a crime to target annyyone, especially the children to get the covid19-vaccination!

Elizabeth Marie Knudsen (Lyngseidet, 2021-10-11)


Thomas Wright

Thomas Wright (Austin, 2021-10-11)


Human life deserves better .

Keyanna Marie (Mesa, 2021-10-11)


I'm signing because something stinks. Those in power are acting with impunity and causing irreparable harm to Society, they must be tried, convicted and punished to the most severe extent of the law

Jon Richelieu-Booth (KEIGHLEY, 2021-10-11)


Pour ce crime contre l’humanité monstrueux.

DI MEGLIO Nathalie (Laragne , 2021-10-11)


Freedom, Health, Life and Liberty are important to me.

Sonja Hurt (Coeur dAlene, Idaho, 2021-10-11)


justice doit être rendue

didier roellinger (CAP D AIL, 2021-10-11)


I am signing this because those that have caused harm against humanity needs to be held accountable and criminally held.

Jacques Brun (Westville, 2021-10-11)


I'm now aware of this petition thanks to The Last American Vagabond and their interview with Dr. Fleming.

Julie Bessette (Howell, 2021-10-11)


I agree

Deborah Bremner (Locust Hill, 2021-10-11)


I am appalled at current events and the deaths and severe injuries being caused by these injections. The amount of propaganda and deception is sickening. I want the children of today to have a future. Anyone involved in the perpetration of this mass deception needs to answer for their crimes. We are weary from living in a world where seemingly, there is never any accountability. It must start now.

Stephanie Green (Lewistown, 2021-10-11)


I believe that crimes against humanity have been committed

Anthony Harrington (Harlow, 2021-10-11)


We need to punish the guilty ones...

Annet Post (Valkenswaard , 2021-10-11)


Fight for Freedom! Thank you doctors with bravery.

Su Chin Tan (Johor Bahru, 2021-10-11)


COVID-19 bio weapons, lockdowns, vaccines and vaccine passports are crimes against humanity !!!

Yvonne Verrall (Sandton , 2021-10-11)


I’m signing because I want the psychotic genocide stopped NOW! I’ve already lost one family member to the hateful jabs. Too many people have been maimed and killed. The jabs should NEVER have been allowed and instead of protecting WE THE PEOPLE, both our last and current presidents, as well as our governor, have allowed the jabs to happen. The current fake president is pushing it hard. We are being attacked by domestic terrorism by our own government taking orders from wicked aliens who must be stopped now!

Lisa Butler (SAINT CLOUD, 2021-10-11)


I want mandatory vaccinations to stop, vaccines passports to stop, people to be able to get back their freedom of choice and freedom of speech in all countries affected around the world.

Ella Moscu (Gold Coast , 2021-10-11)


I am appalled at the overreach of our government leaders in the US & the world in oppressing all people except themselves and coconspirators, using the Covid excuse. THIS MUST STOP!

Julie Stickel (Chapel Hill, NC, 2021-10-11)


I believed WE are in a Real secret War , a médical war , Amazing restrictions without Real justification , juste to push people to get this expérimental injection calls " covid19 vax".
Please help us , please i dont want my sons to get expérimental jan.

Yann YVARS (Châteauneuf les Martigues, 2021-10-11)


The Law is already established and MUST be adhered to.’

Chris Alcock (Burton , 2021-10-11)


Îm signing to protect all the children against this jab or vaccine and against the holocaust

Wiquel Sandrine (La Tour D'aigues, 2021-10-11)


I want to know who did this to us!!!

Jennifer Garret (Homestead, 2021-10-11)


Because it's right

Miriam Ďuračková (Konská, 2021-10-11)


Crimes against humanity should be persecuted.

Chidinma Unigwe (Mississauga , 2021-10-11)


All vaccination should be stopped. Investigations need to be done



This is a crime to humanity and violates our human rights under the nuremberg code of Canada

Sue Carveth (Innisfil, 2021-10-11)


I believe an investigation is so warranted

Ronald Scioneaux (Irving , 2021-10-11)


As a credible professional in the biotechnology industry, who has advocated for safer chemicals for over 10 years, the current absence of safety regulation, study, or hazard information in tandem with "mandates" that require experimental drug use on the global population compels me to sign this petition. The acts of governments worldwide are unconscionable. Every actor that has participated in this compulsory self-extermination should be brought to justice.

Ally LaTourelle (Austin, 2021-10-11)


Too many vicitms have been already sacrified in our history of human being. As wise judges you’re the only one who could stop this insane situation. Please help us. Regards.

Guillaume Penouilh (Montréal , 2021-10-11)


This is the biggest atrocity that I lived thru in my life. The fear,separation, hate, emotional crisis that's been created just to benefit the few. Please investigate the governor of Puerto Rico and his party they committed genocide after hurricane Maria and now with covid. Please put a stop to this. We couldn't even have a funeral for my mom she died march 18 we went in lockdown on the 15. So many people have died.

Yamize elias (San Juan, 2021-10-11)


I want my children to have a chance to live.

Charles Caudill (Nashville , 2021-10-11)


The government has robbed me of almost 2 years with my elderly parents, time i will never get back. They refuse to have us over at all, we missed every holiday because they are terrified of getting sick. I want all these evil individuals held accountable for their crimes and i want the world to not be held hostage anymore. Someone needs to stop these disgusting money and power hungry evil people!

Sandy Hodgins (Kitchener, 2021-10-11)


I sign so that our children will not suffer for our inaction

Andrej Janeka (Svederník, 2021-10-11)


I’m signing this petition because I’m against mandatory vaccination and I don’t want to be part of any medical experiment.

Florentina Boboc (Crewkerne, 2021-10-11)


I'm totally against mandating vaccine for anyone!

Keri McDaniel (Guthrie , 2021-10-11)


These crimes must not go unpunished.

Mark Mayes (Wells, 2021-10-11)


I believe the so called covid19 is either a man made virus or rebranded Influenza- I also believe the so called vaccine has ingredients that will do human kind harm and this whole scaremongering scamdemic has been to encourage maximum uptake of the jab.

Diane Redwood (Kent, 2021-10-11)



Melinda Clark (Colorado City, 2021-10-11)


I am outraged by tyranny and genocide.

Bernard Smith (Fredericksburg, 2021-10-11)


I wan’t to know what is in these gene therapy. And most of all, stop it from bring used On children.

Marianne Billing (Oslo, 2021-10-11)


As medical doctor I'm absolutely horrified with the seemingly intentional mismanagement of covid outbreak globally particularly in the Western nations with unscientific draconian rules, dehumanising public mask mandates, which needlessly destroyed society especially the socioeconomic well being of many communities. Not to mention causing extensive mental health issues in society.
Most importantly I'm extremely repulsed with governments deliberately withholding life saving, safe & efficacious covid treatment like Ivermectin which was approved 40 years ago but recklessly pushing potentially harmful, inadequately tested, unapproved experimental injections which are merely presumed to function like "vaccines", on innocent people in a very coercive manner (including mandates) resulting in numerous needless deaths and countless more debilitating injuries, most permanent in nature either directly or indirectly.
In short, the perpetrators of this absolutely abhorrent crimes against humanity of monumental proportion need to be held accountable and punished accordingly for their crimes.
UNACCEPTABLE "MISTAKE". This is medical malfeasance of the highest degree.

Dr. ARUN D MANOHARAN (Sydney, NSW, 2021-10-11)


Let this destructive madness end.

Roland Mudry (Bratislava, 2021-10-11)


I believe this government is corrupt and has misinformed us throughout this 'pandemic' and needs to be held to account

Paul Stevens (Bognor Regis, 2021-10-11)


I'm signing because there has been no transparency in the past 18mths, this government have systematically shut down all reasonable arguments from eminent scientists to push their agenda of having everyone vaccinated using an experimental treatment with no long term data. They have used behavioural psycological methods to constantly feed the nation a diet of fear to get the public to comply. They have lied and inflated the covid deaths over the past 18 months to suit their narrative, giving numbers of deaths from anything withing 28dys of a positive PCR result as being a Covid death even if that person died of cancer or a car accident. They have not differentiated between those who died OF covid rather than WITH covid. They have gone against not only the Nuremberg code but also PACE. They have made a mockery of free consent and are violating people's right to choose, using coercion to make people accept a vaccine in order to go about their daily lives, which goes against the Parliamentary Assembly paper on Covid-19 vaccinations:-

7.3.1 ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves;
7.3.2 ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated;


7.5.2 use vaccination certificates only for their designated purpose of monitoring vaccine efficacy, potential side-effects and adverse events;

The vaccine is a medical procedure. As such the following is required by British Law

“a person must give permission before they receive any type of medical treatment, test or examination”. Such consent must be voluntary, meaning “the decision to either consent or not to consent to treatment must be made by the person, and must not be influenced by pressure from medical staff, friends or family”.

Cherie Gordon-Eales (Dursley, 2021-10-11)

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