Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Ich bin gegen vakcination von kleine Kindern.

Lucia Stachonova (Eggelsberg, 2021-10-11)


Vaccins mortels, pas de dérogations vaccinales des médecins complices,sur des pathologies rates, génétique s, tentative de meutre prémédité par empoisonnement injections.

Chegran Karine (Clermont Ferrand, 2021-10-11)


I am signing because I agree !

Tetyana Kapelyukha (Sofievskaya Borschagovka, 2021-10-11)


The crimes against humanity by the governments and health authorities of this world are unequivocal ...the denial and censorship of effective early treatment of Covid, coercion of experimental so called vaccines without informed consent and the lockdowns and restriction of freedom of movement resulting in the bankruptcy of countless businesses - including my own - are all clear evidence of unprecedented mass crimes against humanity for which those responsible must be held to account.

Andrew Horn (Cape Town, 2021-10-11)


I am signing because I am sick of the almost global corruption surrounding the so called pandemic. Governments have knowingly killed people with their actions, denial of science (no such thing as the science), all whilst lining their and their families’ pockets.

Sara Spencer (Harrogate , 2021-10-11)


I am signing because this is a complete violation of our God-given and constitutional rights!

Aaron Strassberg (Phoenix, 2021-10-11)


Podpisujem to dobrovoľne, pretože vakcíny sú vraždiace monštrá pre dospelých ale aj pre deti. Okamžite zastaviť genocídu ľudstva!

Katarína Mitevová (Teplice, 2021-10-11)


I do not consent to crimes against humanity.

William Gray (Glasgow, 2021-10-11)


IDE suspendu qui constate avec effroi les effets secondaires graves à court et moyen terme... Auteur d'une étude démontrant la responsabilité majeure des ARS et de leurs recommandations dans le nombre de décès de par le lien de corrélation direct entre la prise de paracétamol et les formes graves de la COVID-19.

Julien EARD (LEZAN, 2021-10-11)


To save our humanity.

christine jenkins (MULLUMBIMBY, 2021-10-11)



Jennifer Miller (Harrison, 2021-10-11)


Those who committed and those still committing these heinous crimes must be punished and removed from society

Simon Wolf (Croydon, 2021-10-11)


It’s evil and wrong .

Diana Tomski (Aurora, 2021-10-11)


My niece who’s is 19 just had a baby. Was in perfect health until she got the vaccine. Now she has a rare blood disease and is fighting for her life!!!

Carrie Miller (Asheboro, 2021-10-11)


1. despite using these experimental products worldwide it has not been made a mandatory requirement to report every adverse effect by all governments + medicines agencies. So the public is not properly protected and we are at risk of under reporting of problems
2. adverse effect reporting is time consuming and difficult- so clinicians may not complete this process
3. there is inadequate staffing to properly follow up on EVERY adverse effect reported to verify authenticity
4. the Pharmaceutical Covid 19 vaccine contracts are not made transparently available to the citizens of countries- this is absolutely wrong
5. the products are being authorized for use in groups that were NOT included in adequately powered Phase 3 Clinical trials- pregnant people, people who have recovered from C19 and have natural immunity, children
6. the public have not received full informed consent. for example they do not know that for a gene therapy product a minimum follow up of 5 years is required up to 15 years to monitor for adverse effects. It has not been made clear to the public that the absolute risk reduction for Pfizer is less than 0.9%.
7. there are no other vaccines in history that have caused such an enormous number of deaths and vaccine injuries in any international adverse effect data base and yet these products are being forced on citizens.
I could go on but I have said enough

Lisa Ngan-Hing (Dublin, 2021-10-11)


This is INTENTIONAL MURDER AND Genocide, and these monsters NEED to be stopped and executed for what they have done to so many innocent people!!

Sherri Lynne Dungan (Indianapolis, 2021-10-11)


i'd like to see some prosecution of these antichrists before jesus returns

dennis moran (el cajon, 2021-10-11)


All the authorities in Australia should be held accountable for marginalising people not allowing freedoms of choice and definitely responsible for all the people who have died as a result of getting the Jab

Roberto Tizzoni (Nowra, 2021-10-11)


The covid-19 scam has killed hundreds of thousands of people via medical malpractice and medical murder. The jab is maiming and killing countless more. These are crimes against humanity and must be stopped immediately. Those taking part in this genocide need to be brought to justice.

Doreen Miller (Dorchester, 2021-10-11)


This is the biggest crime against humanity that has ever been perpetrate and those responsible must be punished.

Mary Hood (Belle Haven, VA, 2021-10-11)


I have university diploma ( the red one - so the best). I am working on IT project management almost 10 years. I have almost 10 year experience in my field. And now I am going to lost my Job because I do not have few mililiters of vaccine inside me? We will have not educated and not experienced but vaccinated people working but educated and experienced people unemployed? Society with this setup will collapse.

Eugénia Kaffan (Bratislava, 2021-10-11)


I am certain that there is medical malfeasance in handling the Covid-19 situation and that the populace is being threatened with loss of livelihood and or death at the hands of national leaders and their health officials demanding a noneffective Covid "vaccine"

Joe Ruiterman (Surrey, 2021-10-11)


I'm signing because I am fed up of this slavery!! The divide!! The power trip!!

Magdalena Zakrzeska (Derry, 2021-10-11)


its all true....

wade mart (Taipei, 2021-10-11)


I am singing because our situation is critical.

Barbora Hrazdirová (Praha, 2021-10-11)


I have a friend who used to have one autoimmune illness. She got a Covid vaccine and now has two or three autoimmune illnesses. I have also been following the VAERS reports documenting adverse effects caused by these vaccines.

Marjorie Rosenfeld (Plano, 2021-10-11)


I want people held accountable for destroying our lives

Lauren Mclean (Gold Coast , 2021-10-11)


I have been put in a present for no reason at all. Just affected my mental health severely.

Elicia Liddell (Lake Macquarie , 2021-10-11)


The world needs to remove those who have no empathy or compassion for others & manipulating, coercing those into mass vaccinations, killing millions & knowing they're doing it for an agenda.

Lyndsey Moody (Melbourne , 2021-10-11)


Faith that God will work to expose the Truth

Carl Dick (Riverview, FL, 2021-10-11)


I'm signing for justice.

Shawn Pringle (Comodoro Rivadavia, 2021-10-11)


To put and end to the current silent global mass genocide all in the name of a covid19 vaccine. Many has been misled. The elites need to be tried for the millions of death.

Nxr Mhd (Singapore, 2021-10-11)


The infamous T4 program of Adolf Hitler, under the banner of humane mercy killing, was clearly a dress rehearsal for the full-blown holocaust. The grim truth of the current Covid nightmare needs to be exposed everywhere and the nightmare ended before it metastasizes into something even worse. A timely investigation by the International Criminal Court is therefore essential, especially given the massive silencing, the absence of any genuine open debate about the virus or vaccines, and the resulting widespread social/political schizophrenia with all its devastating consequences. The perpetrators of medical mass murder and their accomplices need to be brought to justice.

Joan Harrison (New York, 2021-10-11)


We need to educate everyone on psychopathy.
And no, psychopaths don't all look like Hannibal!

Dr.Robert Hare interview on psychopaths.

Bobby August (Auckland, 2021-10-11)


This has been a gross violation of human rights….I refuse to have this rubbish injected into me and face being excluded from society because of the madness of govt doctors.

Edith Crowther (Malanda, 2021-10-11)


...because enough is enough !
Nothing like this has happened in the known history of humanity. Statistics do not support validity of any of the "pandemic" measures being forced on people all over the world. Healthcare and economies are being destroyed, livelihoods ruined, children abused by school systems and our elders being left to die. Our very human freedoms are being denied and trampled on by politicians who have no clue about what's going on.
There is no pandemic. There is a virus of strange provenance, but one that we have enough knowledge and experience to deal with. Its very existence is being used by complicit media to create chaos and instil fear in people's minds. Stop watching TV, start thinking for yourself, demand answers from politicians, know your rights and claim them freely. Don't give up ! Love & Kindness.

Roman Augustin (Nanaimo, 2021-10-11)


I Don't trust big pharma and it's gmo injection not validated, i Don't want me or anyone of my family to be an isolated case.

Heiarii Marceille (Papeete, 2021-10-12)


Nul n’a le droit de porter atteinte aux droits fondamentaux de l’Homme et notamment au droit à disposer de son corps et à la liberté de circuler.

Marie-Line Hébert (Coutances, 2021-10-12)


The harm to others through illegal medical or chemical procedures need to be brought to a halt and not allowed to go forward.

Norman Reuter (Incline Village, 2021-10-12)


Our children deserve a better future.

Michelle Muller (Grenfell, 2021-10-12)


I believe those in authority have committed crimes against humanity by perpetrating a hoax on the public in order to achieve their mandates of "vaccination" against Covid 19 which has a natural cure rate of over 99%, while the "vaccination" has proven lethal to many individuals.

Mary Fullard (Dahlonega, 2021-10-12)


I want my freedoms back and my life for that matter. This is not China

Raina Longson (Sale, 2021-10-12)


I am signing because I am a Sovereign citizen answerable only to God and I do not consent to this Vaccine, lockdown and loss of freedom of movement.

Paul Scally (Cork, 2021-10-12)


I NEED for these filthy criminal SCUMBAGS to be held to account and EXECUTED for their crimes! Nothing less can be considered justice served!

Eric Cayton (Hershey, 2021-10-12)


Porque esta mentira debe caer en el Nombre de Cristo Jesús!!!

Sonia Vargas (Henniez , 2021-10-12)


I’m signing because I believe that those committing crimes should be brought to justice.
Stop the systematic corruption.

Eduardo De Macedo (Banksia, 2021-10-12)


I sign out of a deep concern for the crimes against humanity we are witnessing now throughout the whole world. Especially in the poorer nations. These crimes are particularly abhorrent as they are being carried out by governments against their own people.

Vince Duffin (Auckland, 2021-10-12)


I'm signing because of the enormous harm being done to people worldwide by the Covid19 (so called) vaccinations.

Phillip Sargent (Perth, 2021-10-12)


The injustice must stop.

Andrew Georgiou (Orchard hills , 2021-10-12)


I'm signing this petition because my family became sick with SARS-COV-2 before the vaccines became available, our bodies fought hard to develop antibodies and now those antibodies are being ignored and our health and incomes are put in jeopardy by forced vaccination without consideration for naturally occurring antibodies. The fact that the research leading to the creation of this virus was illegal and inhumane is not lost on me either, along with the ramifications that all current vaccines available in America are based off of that foul and fraudulent research. The globe needs truth, accountability and justice. It's the only possible way to restore faith in all of our failed institutions. Thank you.

Kerry Casey (Cornwall, 2021-10-12)


These evil people need to be held accountable table!

Lynn Brockman (Sandy, 2021-10-12)


I am convinced there are MUCH better to tackle the SARS-Covid problem without at the negative side effects of the (non) vacine

Steve Jones (Prescott, 2021-10-12)


I am 100% confident that injections for Covid-19 do not work, they are harming and killing many, all of this goes against the Nuremberg Code which is in place for a reason. In addition, those who have already had Covid are not being recognized for their natural immunity which goes again real science! Plus, already existing therapeutic medication exist and we're withheld from humanity all to push an injection that does not work!!!

Desiree Sullivan (Fredericksburg, 2021-10-12)


I believe this mandatory vaccine is an affrontery to liberty of conscience and I sign on behalf of the many Americans that have died as a direct result.

ivan Hart (Lauderdale Lakes, 2021-10-12)


Everything that is happening around the world with Covid and the so called vaccines is a disgrace. Our rights have been taken away by psychopathic leaders. It’s time for justice!

Leanne Horsburgh (Wahroonga, 2021-10-12)


Its our duty as citizens to investigate crimes when evidence shows there is a case. People have a right to knowledge about health related choices.

Christopher Fred (Plainfield, IN, 2021-10-12)


The whole web of lies is part and parcel to edge communism into our prosperous western civilization.

That, and more importantly, countless victims have been intentionally maimed and murdered.

André Parent (Montreal, 2021-10-12)


Those that committed crimes against humanity need to be prosecuted

Eve Delmonte (Melton, 2021-10-12)


This is to lend my support to the proper investigation of the highly irregular activities behind the introduction, treatment, and ongoing governmental control surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ken Petri (RICHARDSON, 2021-10-12)


This is so urgent

Felicity Kleu (Sydney , 2021-10-12)


I believe in freedom and choice. If I'm forced to put an experimental drug in my body, then who owns my body? Everything I do in life must be my choice and mine only! I decide for me, if I accept that jab I give up the last of my freedom.

Cathy Lewis (Fort McMurray, 2021-10-12)

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