Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Every human being must have the right and the free choice to make medical decisions for their own body. Forcing a vaccination of ANY kind is a violation of our rights as citizens of the United States. Those who have attempted to enforce this crime against humanity MUST be held accountable

Jana Diller (ATASCADERO, 2021-10-12)


Forcing people to get a vaccine (that is experimental and dangerous and does not work) is a crime against humanity.

Timothy Allen (Plano, 2021-10-12)


It is high time somebody stood up to these people for all future humans who will know that we didn't just roll over in the face of lies and propaganda, and because it was not easy, but it was right.

Andrea Kampic (Portland, 2021-10-12)


I'm signing because I want to protect the innocent children, my family, my society and all of humanity against the atrocities being carried out by the monsters that consider themselves 'elite'.

Roger Perry (LALOR PARK, 2021-10-12)


I want to help end tyranny and crimes against humanity in the USA and around the world.

Debra Powell (Conroe, 2021-10-12)


I want to live and I want my freedoms back.

Denise Smith (Melbourne , 2021-10-12)


Our freedoms were stolen along with our human rights.

Silvio Filho (Brisbane, 2021-10-12)


The reason for signing this petition is due to the fact I can see history repeating itself if our Governments are not held to account for their actions over the past 18 months.

Victoria Weaving (Benfleet , 2021-10-12)


I desire to see justice for unconstitutional mandates.

Quynh Sam (Vancouver, 2021-10-12)


I'm signing because our gouvernement become a dictature.

jean louis goujon (septeme, 2021-10-12)


To fight against global tyranny

Joel Moses (Vaucluse, 2021-10-12)


De part ma Souveraineté d'être humain .

Evelyne DAMANDE (Reims, 2021-10-12)


God is bigger than any evil schemes of man.

Lisa Wilson (Riverview, 2021-10-12)


These is currently a campaign of gross violations of human rights and many people are dying because of it globally.

Martyn Sklayne (London, 2021-10-12)


Crimes against humanity deserves death.

Frank Hopkins (Brunswick West, 2021-10-12)


Dr.Fauci and others responsible for deaths from this virus and the vaccine need to be held accountable.

Linda Hansen (Dillsburg, 2021-10-12)


It’s absolutely unacceptable things, which doing our government hiding behind Corona to us. They forced us on weekly testing, now they forced us on vaccination, If not, I’m a second category man. Cannot enter on post office, to the bank, to buy basic food. It’s new form of nacism.
Stop them please, and let then pay for everything they done.

Tomas Senko (Žilina, 2021-10-12)


Supporting the humanity

Irangani Subasinghe (Colombo, 2021-10-12)


I’m signing because there are criminals using lobbied laws to suit their personal agenda to kill and harm populations. These persons need to be brought to justice.

Mike ROBINSON (Brisbane, 2021-10-12)


The govt are corrupt pedo freemasons that want to kill us all!!

Wayne Hammat (Adelaide, 2021-10-12)



Fadhea Belarbi (Lyon, 2021-10-12)


To stand up, speak out against these crimes against humanity; to resist the fraud; and take personal action to awaken others by sharing this information.



Il en va de la survie de chacun

Eric Weber (Stiring Wendel, 2021-10-12)


This evil must be stopped. We have to protect the children. And we must ensure these crimes never to happen again. Light & love to the world.

Vana Colovic (Luanco, 2021-10-12)


I feel revolted bybthe situation and want initiators of these crimes be judged and secerely punished. I want the truth to be made public and that we preserve people from these criminels

Nathalie Giraud (Paris, 2021-10-12)


I want to protect my grandchildren who will one day look back at this point in History and ask me if I took a stand to protect them when I had the opportunity in 2021

James Hartley (Walkerton , 2021-10-12)


I’m signing because there needs to be accountability for this global genocide.

June Campbell (Gold Coast , 2021-10-12)


I want back my life!!

Davide Bergami (Melbourne, 2021-10-12)


It's the time to do something very important for the humanity

Monello Regina (Chartres, 2021-10-12)


The unlawful and criminal mandating of the so-called "Covid vaccines" is in violation of the Nuremberg Code, The Helsinki Accords and the ICCPR Treaty on Human Experimentation. People are dying and being injured. Doctors across the United States are constantly pushing for their patients to get "the jab" regardless of how often they are told "no". Furthermore, all medical information and debate on this topic is being suppressed by the media. Freedoms are being abridged, and those who refuse the shot are demonized. Something must be done, and soon!!!

Carole Mannion (Longs, 2021-10-12)


The unjustified health policy, because these officials have never been able to provide proof that lasts, forces me to live like a hermit, limits me in my travels and penalizes my professional activity.

Patrick MARQUET (COX, 2021-10-12)


This situation must be stop !

Canitrot Stephanie (Villeneuve du pareage , 2021-10-12)


I hope the dark cabal are all prosecuted for all their demonic crimes, and especially toward all children and child trafficking and sexual abuse and torture of children/ adrenochrome

Sharyn Moses (Sydney, 2021-10-12)


For justice

Éric Herac (Rennes , 2021-10-12)


I am for the freedom for the people

Jonathan CHEREL (Javene, 2021-10-12)


Covid isn't a pandemic, it is only a big lie..if someone really wanted our health, they would focus on immunity and not on restricting freedom..

Simona Čičmanová (Kysucké Nové Mesto, 2021-10-12)


I'm signing because I am not on this planet to allow our freedom to be taken away from us.
We should be free to express ourselves, to move around and to make our own decisions and actions, according to our own consciousness.
I want a world of joy and possibilities for my children, not one of fear and enslavement.

Emmanuelle Trives (Temploux, 2021-10-12)

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