Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Once an occasional freelance journalist, my work often involved lengthy research, which is one of the reasons it wasn't really profitable. Added to that, over half a century of collecting and dealing in antique rugs and textiles taught me how to distinguish various techniques employed in weaving. I studied information on design and dyes. From that I began to build up a picture that told me where the items were made, who made them, and how old they. Research into anything always follows a similar path. One learns to distinguish reliable sources of information from unreliable sources. Reliable sources clearly display detailed evidence of their research. Research that does not produce source material, or explain how a conclusion was reached, cannot necessarily be ignored, but it cannot be relied on, and should never be taken at face value. The evidence that has produced by pharmaceutical companies regarding Covid vaccines falls into the second category. It is superfical and designed to manipulate by creating fear and suspicion. I would spend the rest of my life with a dark cloud of guilt hanging over my head if I felt hadn't done something to support Dr Fleming's petition. The first thing I can do now is to help this petition reach as many people as possible. If those charged are innocent they will get their day to prove it.

Bryan Hemming (Cádiz, 2021-10-12)


People are being forced to chose between their jobs and an experimental medical treatment. The FDA has made it quite clear in the approval of Comirnaty that there is a legal distinction between Cormirnaty and the vaccine that is actually being distributed. The vaccine currently being distributed is so under Emergency Use Authorization.

Cydney Grant (Little Rock, 2021-10-12)


I'm signing because I will always fight for truth and freedom and the pleasure of watching criminals and their enterprises go crashing down.

Scott Gosiorowski (Chillicothe, 2021-10-12)


As a medical professional with a MS in Biology and over 15 years of clinical experience including 3 years as a combat medic with the Army, I am very well aware of the crimes against humanity that are running rampant in our world under the guise of preventative covid pandemic responses. These shots, masks and tests are experimental, and because of that I and my fellow American, and human global citizens, have every right to refuse them. Not only are they experimental, the masks and the shots specifically are incredibly counterproductive. The vaccine IS NOT a vaccine, it is a novel biological technology that is a therapeutic and does not prevent the transmission of any virus. The shot has been proving to be incredibly deadly in relative comparison to prior novel vaccination introductory campaigns. Please refer to VAERS and Medicare for death counts related to this shot. Those involved will be held accountable and like WW2 perpetrators who were still being tried in the 80s, including doctors, nurses, lawyers, media and etc., all those who continue to perpetrate this madness, anti-science and logic, WILL BE TRIED FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!! Keep taking our jobs and well-being from us, and continue to compound your criminal actions giving the people more evidence for your trials in the future.

Jessica Abu-Hijleh (Beverly, 2021-10-12)


I believe we are in a fight for our very lives. Many people are yet to suffer.

Gloria Stanco (Walden, 2021-10-12)


I am signing this petition because I understand that the people involved in the creation, propagation and promotion of this attack are guilty of crimes against humanity. This includes EVERYONE that aids and abets the criminals at the top of this juggernaut.

Let's Go Brandon!

William Charles (Blairsville, 2021-10-12)


mandating of an experimental drug is now a reality in NZ. I want to know how this started and how it became possible.

Sandra White (Napier, 2021-10-12)


Without freedom to decide what to take into your body, there is no freedom at all.

Russ Wollman (Fairfield, 2021-10-12)


I value my inalienable God given rights and my freedom!!

Franceska Abramczyk (Medina, 2021-10-12)


Because the vaccine mandates are illegal and should never be a condition of employment. The injections are experimental at best. We are not truly providing informed consent.

Julie Kinner (Hokyoke, 2021-10-12)


I am against vaccine mandates

Sara Gonzales (Granbury, 2021-10-12)


They are crimes indeed!

Julie Arthur (Shawnee, 2021-10-12)


I believe MANY laws are being broken by mandating these vaccines. I believe that our FREEDOMS are being stripped by the Democrats, and I hope and pray that you are successful in getting the word out and STOP these mandates.

Donna Ruland (Casper, 2021-10-12)


I am being removed from employment for refusing an experimental gene therapy.

Lynda Hofmann (Carlton , 2021-10-12)


I believe that there are people all over the world who must be held accountable for crimes against humanity. Our lives and future are in imminent danger.

K Bland (São Paulo , 2021-10-12)


These people are EVIL

Anthony Pallotta (Baltimore, 2021-10-12)


If the ongoing Covid-affair and the various actions nations have undertaken, virtually suspending civil rights, had anything to do with health and science - the safest, cheapest and most widely available pharmaceuticals would have been used.

Instead, reasearch and reporting about a plethora of studies, reports, cases et cetera about Ivermectin and others as well as anything hinting of dangers with poorly trid and tested vaccines is being censored, lied about and silenced.

That is not how you act when it is health-related. Anyone old enough or well-read enough to remember smallpox, polio, tuberculosis and other horrible diseases can compare and contrast the actions of politicans, businessmen and various unelected "world laders" of today with their historical counterparts.

With apologies for any errors, english is not my native tongue.

Rikard Höglund (n/a, 2021-10-12)


I'm worried of a totalitarian state coming

Jean-christophe Perrault (Kansas City, 2021-10-12)


To hold criminals accountable for the murder and permanent physiological injury to humanity. The governments and people of the US and Europe applied the Nuremberg code to members of the Nazi government and the German people for crimes against humanity. Those nations who created the code must now accede to judgement and punishment under the same code otherwise the code has no merit.

Kelly Payson (Long Beach, 2021-10-12)


Unethical medical tyranny and personal injury.

John Miller (Santa Barbara, 2021-10-12)


The premeditated murder of people using false information and the deliberate manipulation of all mainstream media to sell outright lies has to be stopped.

Wendell Payne (Anniston, 2021-10-12)


covid-19 policies and mandates are crimes against humanity!

Miguel Escobar (Edinburg, 2021-10-12)


Because it is genocide of the world’s population

Melanie Grab (Narara, 2021-10-12)


I am concerned about what the government is doing the us humans who mostly are unaware of the dangers.

Marilyn Ashley (Hixson, 2021-10-12)


I sign this petition by agreeing that this persecution of true crimes against by the characters who make them possible must be vehemently fought!

Artur Oliveira (Lisboa, 2021-10-12)


Because these are evil and crimes against humanity !!

Rhonda De La Cruz (Galt, 2021-10-12)


On est pas des cobayes

Marielle Lapetite (Nouméa, 2021-10-12)


It's my duty as a US citizen to oppose the tyranny and evil that has has been foisted upon us!

Jeffrey Barouch (Albemarle, 2021-10-12)


Informed consent is human right! Medical is a human right! Mandates are a crime against humanity!! We must stop this genocide. The vaccine is a failure that is harming and killing innocent people!

Jennifer Shafer (Portland, 2021-10-12)


These people who have lied or withheld the truth should not be able to get away with their crimes. They have withheld early treatment medicine that could have saved countless lives and shortened the pandemic all for money and power!

Nadine Dougherty (Lincoln , 2021-10-12)


Those individuals responsible for this and those perpetuating this need to be held accountable

Gary Gudz (Wasilla , 2021-10-12)


I care!

Anna Banaś (Zgierz, 2021-10-12)


As a registered nurse, I want no part of working in a hospital system that mandates unproven, potentially unsafe Covid-19 vaccines on their employees. I retired before the mandates went into effect, but my former colleagues are presently facing this difficult decision. Additionally, I have family members who are under mandate as well to continue employment at companies where they work. This is wrong and will only get worse if we fail to stand up and say NO!

Linda Blaha (LAKEWOOD, 2021-10-12)


I am seeing people harmed and encouraging harm continually. Our society is being divided, trust is being eroded and genuine treatments are banned in my country. The army has been enlisted to force lethal injections and people are being arrested for exercising their internationally recognised human rights. Truth and debate is banned on public media and people are being punished for having differing opinions. Police are violently assaulting people in the streets and our medical system and other industries are being dismantled. Politicians are flagrantly flaunting the very rules they have arbitrarily created and are unlawfully enforcing on the masses.

Steve Allen (Helidon, 2021-10-12)


Because it is criminal for people to manipulate viruses to release to the general public, and then stop them from seeking viable medical treatments so they can make money on a vaccine that is not effective.

Julia Goretzke (Warren, RI, 2021-10-12)


Dear Sirs,

I'm signing this petition because mankind was born free and should stay that way.
We're being coerced into taking a 'vaccin' against a virus that has yet to be proven to exist. Canadian journalist Christine Massey has requested 116 countries for prove of the existence of the SARS-COV-2 virus, and no country so far has been able to prove its existence.
If it can not be proven the virus exist, all measures that have been taken worldwide are based on nothing - on a fake virus.
Therefore, all the measures, such as lockdowns and vaccins, that have negatively impacted millions of people worldwide, that have killed so many, and injured and maimed even more people, are therefore a crime against humanity.
The people responsible should be prosecuted and convicted.

Kind regards,

Inge Schuiten

Inge Schuiten (Amsterdam, 2021-10-12)


From the evidence I've seen from Dr Fleming and others, the court needs to hear this case.

David Tovson (Coppell, Texas, 2021-10-12)


What has been visited on the world since 2020 by governments, corporations, "scientists", the media and unelected, unaccountable organisations such as the WHO and the UN is an utter travesty and must be investigated (and stopped) immediately.

Heather Porter (Northern Ireland , 2021-10-12)


God made us a free people in his image. Nobody else gets to dictate what I put into my body or what experiments I will subject myself or kids to.

Paul Morelli (anahiem, 2021-10-12)



Ing. Mirko Kralj (Krupina, 2021-10-12)


There should never ever be a vaccine mandate. I am a citizen of the Republic of the United States of America and my constitutional right under law allows me the right to choose what goes into my body; and that will not be dictated by any political, social or economic policy.

Alan Blaha (Lakewood, 2021-10-12)


Crimes against humanity are never acceptable.
This administration and the media are lying to us.
Not a good move.

Janet Capua (Fort Worth, 2021-10-12)


I'm signing because I know first-hand the results of being parented by a traumatized generation, survivors of WWII and concentration camps. This extreme human suffering and genocide was never to happen again. And yet it perpetuates.

Kaytlyn Creutzberg (Erin, 2021-10-12)


I'm signing because these atrocities have been deliberately visited on all the populations of the world and killed and harmed so many by what can only be psychopaths, as no ethical or moral person could countenance such behaviour.

Peter Humphries (Sydney, 2021-10-12)


all of the people who have been murdered and have suffered life threatening adverse reactions. And because it is all just plain wrong. And i want to see these criminals brought to justice. 100's of more reasons

Robyn Spencer (Spokane, 2021-10-12)


Thank you for your courage and effort.



Magdalena Žakelj (Postojna, 2021-10-12)


I am completely against medical tyranny and violations of our constitutional rights.

Janell Beamon (Clovis , 2021-10-12)


The world has been lied to . People have been coerced into being injected .Adults bribed with ‘ no jab, no job’ ! Children with no real understanding of the situation have been made told by teachers they’d be selfish not to have it . Deaths from this vaccine are not being investigated . Deaths from the vaccine are not being acknowledged . Deaths from the vaccine are not being widely published . The governments have broken Nuremberg code .

Fiona Hutchins (Aylsham Norwich, 2021-10-12)


Fascism is alive and well! Say NO to vaccine mandates and vaccine passports! This is FACISM to fire people, especially medical, fire and police Professionals during a crisis?! This is about greed, money, and control! This is medicall tyranny and apartheid! This is totalitarianism!

Deborah Cockrell (Simi, 2021-10-12)


I do not believe anyone has the right to enforce vaccinations, or any other medical treatment, on another human being. In my view, it is an assault and the clinical equivalent of rape.

It is especially obscene when the vaccines are so dangerous that the manufacturers refused to release them until they were indemnified against all redress in the event of harm.

These vaccines are killing and maiming people. They are a very odd way to tackle a virus that has more than a 99% recovery rate.

Richard Gillard (Bedford, 2021-10-12)


I wish to thank and join these petitioning the ICC, to immediately investigate and prosecute those behind the stated International HATE crime - a bioweapons attack; under disguise of the covid ‘pandemic ‘ - being perpetrated upon the populations of the Free World.

'First, do no harm !'

remo/roger morris (opunake, 2021-10-12)


All my grandparents are survivors of Nazi Poland in ww2, surviving both prison and concentration camps. They lived through Russian communism/totalitarian control of Poland for over 30 years. Thankfully 2 of them aren't alive to witness the atrocities of today. Regrettably the other 2 still are. What is happening is shameful and it is appealing that so many people are sitting on thy fence and just letting it happen.

Robert Huber (Hornsby, 2021-10-12)


I want my children to grow up in world free from medical segregation, where their medical choices for themselves are free from coercion and manipulation by tech, media and politics.

Sarah Luck (Cootharaba, 2021-10-12)


i am disgusted at the lies and coercion, and its clear the vaccines are creating ADE and incredible dearth and harm, and to people who essentially didn't need it.

Scott McGregor (BAYSWATER NORTH, 2021-10-12)


I'm signing because I want to know why every government is breaking the laws of their own country to get a jab in every arm.

Ronald Clements (Calgary, 2021-10-12)



Ján Petriľák (Malacky, 2021-10-12)


because my identity for Moravian brathers

Mojmír Kovář (Tirnavia, 2021-10-12)


I am signing because I am a mother of two young children, one of whom was impacted by the mask mandate and starting her first year of school she cried every morning because she couldn’t breathe and couldn’t talk to friends. I had no option but to choose to homeschool to restore my daughters love for learning. With the school Not allowing any alternative measures, hardly ever replying to emails, and forcing her once in an isolation room because she didn’t have a mask when the State of a emergency was lifted.

Amanda Capone (Waltham, 2021-10-12)


I also believe the vaccine is a bioweapon and is a crime against humanity.

JANELLE RAMBERGER (York, 2021-10-12)


I believe these jabs to be maiming and murdering people. They are crimes against humanity and shoul be withdrawn IMMEDIATELY

Denise ODonnell (Stanhope, 2021-10-12)


I want my right to chose

Jennifer Dangora (Rockland, 2021-10-12)

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