Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Liberté. Liberté.

Cathy Williquet (Awans, 2021-10-12)


Criminals and corrupt people need to be investigated and brought to justice.

Justin Mayfield (Brandon, 2021-10-12)


I have followed the world wide developments in this case for months and I sincerely believe an investigation is warrented.

Sharon Shelly (Papillion, 2021-10-12)


People need to pay for their crimes!

Christina Aurilio-O’Shea (Billerica , 2021-10-12)


Humanity and the world is being destroyed by people who have hijacked the Covid19 virus as an instrument to poison people world wide with an experimental poison disguised as a vaccine. This must stop and the people responsible for these crimes and there will be many both crimes and people. People who are in positions of trust and power world wide are using their positions to intimidate, threaten, bully and manipulate the population.

Susan Luck (Cootharaba, 2021-10-12)


Our freedom is being destroyed!

Cheryl Spaulding (Oshkosh, 2021-10-12)


Under the cover of Covid 19 many people, politicians and health professionals etc, have committed gross crimes against humanity.

Helen Cox (Millmerran, 2021-10-12)


Our lives depend on this!

Jessica Lombardi (Corolla, 2021-10-13)


These people that are committing these crimes need to be arrested and put in jail for the rest of their lives!!

Patricia Clevenger (Warner Robins , 2021-10-13)


The actions of our governments worldwide, and supporting authorities are literally killing people by forcing a medical treatment upon them with no long term data, by coercion under threat of segregation and refusal of access to services upon them. This in itself is a crime against humanity. Our police forces are being used as government militants against peaceful citizens to force people into submission. It is horrifying. If they don't kill us they are creating division within families, mental health issues now and far into the future, disability due to vaccine adverse reactions, suicides, the list goes on. People cannot work to support their families. This is not a pandemic, it is a war against authority who have taken it upon themselves to decide who lives and who dies.

Julie Howard (Selby, 2021-10-13)


This needs to STOP NOW!

Charles Moore (North Olmsted, 2021-10-13)


These people have committed crimes against humanity and need to be held accountable.

William Petrauschke (Millsboro, 2021-10-13)


The PEOPLE demand Justice be served!!

Jason Hesley (St. Mary, 2021-10-13)


Those individuals have to be held accountable. Enough is enough. According to the Nuremberg Code, they should get death penalty. All of them.

Martine BANOUN (Chêne-Bougeries, 2021-10-13)


Por justicia y condena a los responsables, por actos criminales a la salud pública internacional, con las vacunas Covid 19.

Bruno Carcassoni (Buenos Aires , 2021-10-13)


I'm signing Richard Fleming's Covid-19 'Crimes Against Humanity' petition; calling for the investigation of, and persecution of, those individuals responsible for the deliberate mismanagement and vile exploitation of a public health concern manifesting in the wholesale extortion, global terror and corollary ill- and mental-health consequences - crimes against humanity.

Peter Sinnott (Toronto, 2021-10-13)


This nightmare has to stop.

Eva Bednárová (Bratislava, 2021-10-13)


I want to see those responsible for the Covid catastrophe held accountable for their crimes against humanity under the Nuremberg Code. What has happened all around the world is a tragedy brought about by powerful and influential people that lack souls and function only from a platform of greed. This must not be allowed to happen again. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Lori Staten (Leesburg, 2021-10-13)


These people are committing premeditated mass murder.

Franz Bauer (Mississauga, 2021-10-13)


Im sick of this lie

Stephen Murphy (Perth, 2021-10-13)


I am signing because we are being lied to by politicians and the media. There is no emergency, just a fear based mass media barrage of false news. We are being stripped of our right to determine our own choices for medical treatment based on our personal medical conditions, risks and preferences, and instead being forced to join a huge experimental treatment program against our wills.

Keith Day (Traverse City, 2021-10-13)


Vaccines should be a choice between a patient and the doctor, not forced unilaterally by a government that has no clue what the person's health condition is.

Susan Linke (, 2021-10-13)


Corruption and treason in 2020-2021. The people have spoken this is a divisive agenda of cruelty, malace and greed. Leadership has been abhorrent, aggressive a complete lack of respect, decency and compassion for human lives.

Kerryn Bennett (Hordern Vale, 2021-10-13)


It is disgraceful the way good, hard working citizens are being vilafiled & ostracised, denied work & access to their families- lied to by the Media- treated like they are terrible people who have done a horrendous thing by not wanting to inject UNTESTED drugs into their bodies.All this -especially when there is extensive evidence from extremely qualified practitioners across the world, to say these INJECTIONS are the problem - NOT the virus
( which can & has been treated successfully in many countries already using drugs OUR GOVERNMENT refuses to even look at !!!- is in fact covering up all evidence & doctoring numbers) WHY ?
Also why are all government workers & workers of Johnson & Johnson, Psfizer & Farmer industries ALL EXEMPT from getting these suicidal injections???
There is a major coverup occurring by the government who rely on our loyal ,compliant citizens who work hard - pay taxes & just want live a happy life to do as they are told.
So many have lost so much already -& I am sure this is only going to get worse until someone of authority ,with some morals & integrity - someone they will listen to - stands up for us all.

Kim Van Koeverden (Booragul, 2021-10-13)


They must be punished

Debra Ratcliffe (Melbourne, 2021-10-13)


The world needs to make sense again!
The current agenda needs to be stopped and those responsible be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Darryl Joy (Port Pirie, 2021-10-13)


I am signing with those people who can clearly see the lies and abuse from authority, and for those who have Stockholm Syndrome.

David Courret-Knight (Washington, 2021-10-13)


To much data to show that it hurts more than it helps

Raymond Lucad (Bucasia, 2021-10-13)


I'm signing this because individuals and organizations have knowingly given harmful " medications and at same time witheld medications proven to aid in healing.

Loretta Arnold (Clayton, 2021-10-13)


We the People demand that all the crimes being perpetrated against humanity end & that all perpetrators be punished for their crimes.

Rick Schroeder (Carlsbad, 2021-10-13)


We must stop this atrocity to the human population.

Nancy Dover (Cecil Hills 2171, 2021-10-13)


Any forced medical treatment of American citizens is a violation of our constitutional rights and forced participation in a medical experiment without informed consent is a violation of the Nuremberg Code and a crime against humanity. Furthermore implementation of fake pandemic scare tactics in order to overthrow the US government is treason. These crimes are punishable by death.

John Cann (Frisco, 2021-10-13)


This has to end with these harmful injections!

Heidi Benowitz (Bozeman , 2021-10-13)


Truth must prevail and justice needs to be done

David Bourree DC DACS (Kirkland , 2021-10-13)


I believe freedom is our God given right

Matthieu Rivet (Val-David, 2021-10-13)


I fear many human rights have been paralyzed from fear in Victoria Australia. And now we face not only death of freedom of speech and to operate a small business and be independent from wasting tax payers money, but what are we going to do with all the bodies when they drop dead for believing our lying government.. who do we turn to for help and justice..

Neil Hallows (Mooroopna, 2021-10-13)


I am signing because I agree with John Adams who said, "I say we are not a part of the British empire; because the British government is not an empire. The governments of France, Spain, etc. are not empires, but monarchies, supposed to be governed by fixed fundamental laws, though not really. The British government is still less entitled to the style of an empire. It is a limited monarchy. If Aristotle, Livy, and Harrington knew what a republic was, the British constitution is much more like a republic than an empire. They define a
republic to be a government of laws, and not of men. If this definition be just, the
British constitution is nothing more nor less than a republic, in which the king is first magistrate. This office being hereditary, and being possessed of such ample and splendid prerogatives, is no objection to the government’s being a republic, as
long as it is bound by fixed laws, which the people have a voice in making, and a right to defend. An empire is a despotism, and an emperor a despot, bound by no law or limitation but his own will; it is a stretch of tyranny beyond absolute monarchy.

Daniel Munoz (Tulsa, 2021-10-13)


Everyone deserves body autonomy and the right to choose. We must fight for scientific integrity, truth, and light. First, do no harm.

Stephanie Hufnagel (San Mateo, 2021-10-13)


I do NOT accept unlawful mandates and my rights being trod upon. I stand for liberty, freedom, truth, and the Constitution. I believe that God is the only one that we answer to.

Alison Russo (Colbert, 2021-10-13)


I stand with my fellow man, each made in the image of God. Do we want our children and grandchildren to look back and find us cowardly??? Where is our faith??? Let’s rise together, brothers and sisters! Time to slay Leviathan!

Doris Geitner (Clovis, CA, 2021-10-13)


To address attacks on Citizens of the world and their freedoms

Russell Luck (Noosa, 2021-10-13)


I am a PhD research scientist and I'm signing this petition because truth will and must prevail. Those pushing the "Big Lie" do not seem to expect bravery of those they try to ridicule and silence - but the scientific method is free for all to use and the truth is not owned by private interest groups or corrupt government entities.

Christos Gekas (SAN MATEO, 2021-10-13)


I am signing because I believe this is a sinful operation being perpetrated on humankind

Michael Perry (Carlsbad, 2021-10-13)


I'd like Australia to be in this court case as well.

Sally Talati (Glen Innes, 2021-10-13)


I believe that it is crim against humanity

Marcin Kafka (Melbourne , 2021-10-13)


What has been done to hurt and kill so many people by these vaccines and holding back known treatments is criminal. Forcing and experimental vaccines on human kind or you loose everything. So so wrong. These individuals that have manipulated, lied, and knowingly injured and killed innocent people should be prosecuted.

Shevaun Meggitt (Wrangell, 2021-10-13)


We all need too!! Everything they are doing is a total violation of our human rights!

Georgina Anderson (Port Coquitlam , 2021-10-13)


I'm signing because, humans have been allowed to die or have been harmed due to government policy. Following orders must stop.

Sherry Ford (Yucca VAlley, 2021-10-13)


Dr. Fleming is right. Round them up and let the trials begin.

Steven Heath (Farmers Branch, 2021-10-13)


I have been discriminated for defending my freedom to chose over my health and body.

Maria Felix (Cayey, 2021-10-13)


Governments’ around the world are forcing a medical experiment on their populations without fully informed and free consent by the people, completely ignoring Human Rights and freedoms of the people causing tremendous suffering.

Sinisa Rajak (Adelaide, 2021-10-13)


Enough to all the nonsense going worldwide.
We don’t need anymore ANY restrictions. Stop lying to us.
Everything is a total scam. We are tired of listening every single idiotic word coming out. We deserve to live in peace. We don’t need a corrupt government with selfish interests.
Enough is enough

Maggie Garcia (Memphis , 2021-10-13)


these criminals need to see justice

Sheldon Sweat (Phoenix, 2021-10-13)


My right to obtain work has been infringed upon saying no jab no employment... I'm a disabled veteran trying to survive.***** Joe Biden.

Brian Gould (Henderson , 2021-10-13)


I support that the people responsible for enforcing a vaccine on humanity, where the virus is 98.9% recoverable is illegal and against human rights and ethics.

Greg Lytle (Sylvan lake, 2021-10-13)


To stop the de facto government from committing further crimes against humanity

Walker Whelan (Woodacre , 2021-10-13)


We need to expose the tyranny we’re under and the mass genocide taking place globally.
Those responsible must be held accountable and face full consequences of the law.

Sanja Zubcic (Auckland, 2021-10-13)


What is happening is obvsiouly criminal and cant wait to see those complicit to be punished for crimes against us, the people.

Adam Colless (Marshall, 2021-10-13)


I believe the vaccine (actually the experimental shot) mandate is a violation of my right to choose. We are being forced to do something which has not been vetted for risk to individuals. I lost my job because I won’t get the shot.

Karen King (Entiat, WA, 2021-10-13)


Im fed up of all of our sovereign and human rights being taken away from us and I was the evil culprits to be punished as they should be.

Paul Ruffman (Malibu, 2021-10-13)


We have never stopped these unduly powerful groups of criminals from profiting from their crimes without consequence - now, they must be stopped from eliminating humanity in both senses of the term, which appears to be their goal.

This time, all of the major perpetrators must be prevented from again simply escaping justice to again 'rescue' core groups, to re-group to plan better and to try again later - especially now that their long worked-toward system is developed and set, ready to use against humanity yet again. This time, 'Never again!' must be forever.

Dorothy Norris-Elye (Winnipeg, 2021-10-13)


Convict the CRIMINALS!

Douglas Diebolt (Edmonton, 2021-10-13)


I want those responsible for crimes against humanity to be held accountable

Patricia Heyano (Aleknagik , 2021-10-13)


What government doing is killing innocent people by manipulating and threatening us , they took our rights , our freedom , our jobs/businesses, and took education from our kids , government put people live in fear , by forcing vaccine, if you not comply you will be fired from work and not allowed to use any social services . These nazi /government have to be locked in jail . It’s biggest crime against humanity

Rima Tvarkovsky (Maple , 2021-10-13)


I'm sick of being forced to be vaccinated

Ken Fong (Melbourne, 2021-10-13)


The world government ts are corrupt.and killing millions of pushing and coercing people into these dangerous vacci es without informed consent. This is against their human rights and needs to be stopped immediately. All people mandating and making mo ey from coercing or administering the vaccines need to be tried in an I ternatiinal criminal court for crimes against humanity

kimberley paige (tauranga, 2021-10-13)


I do not agree with what’s happening in the world - particularly Australian rules being mandated & subjecting humans/people to this cruel experiment ie: the Covid-19 genocide.
I support those who wish for a peaceful & fair outcome.

Felicity Betteridge (Mackay, 2021-10-13)


There are a lot of people who are committing Crimes Against Humanity now. I believe it is time for them to pay the price for their crimes and let justice be served for their evil.

Joan Farace (Sparks, 2021-10-13)


I do not consent.

Deborah de Rossi (Warrandyte, 2021-10-13)


2 1/2 hrs,every second dr. Richard fleming
above & beyond.his voice needs 2B heard.
4 all we say as 1.

mike brodosky (pittston, 2021-10-13)


It is critical that those who are responsible for these many crimes against humanity be tried and held accountable for their crimes.

Rodger Tracy (Saint George, UT, 2021-10-13)


Innocent children have no idea what's being shot in their veins. Masks are harming people. Tests are harming people. The jabs are harming people.

Norma Brookins (Carrollton, 2021-10-13)


This plandemic has affected me greatly. I have lost friends and family for forwarding them to the truth, and my health is failing from the duress.

Monique Lukens (Sunland, 2021-10-13)

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