Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I stand for freedom and for keeping the law. Clearly they have broken the law and should be prosecuted!

Kathy Hintz (Redmond, 2021-10-13)


Liberté pour soi même de choisir pour soi même sans concession ni restriction de droits au niveau santé

Facquet Anne Marie (Nancy, 2021-10-13)


I’m signing because there needs to be an investigation or a military tribunal on these death jabs which are crimes of humanity. We need to get to the bottom of this!

Madeleiy Fernandez (Makawao, 2021-10-13)


Enough of the tyranny, coercion and loss of freedom.
Enough of the corruption and dictatorship.

Linda Noon (Melbourne , 2021-10-13)


I am signing because the culprits must be held accountable for the genocide, murder, and extreme injustice they caused to humanity. This madness has to STOP!

Lejla Hadzimuratovic (Los Angeles, 2021-10-13)


These people should be executed.

Barbara Haynes (De Soto, 2021-10-13)


There are many people who have suffered immeasurably, and died, because of the many different current Corona Virus measures being imposed on them.

Marguerita Vorobioff (Imbil, 2021-10-13)


Le virus a été créé artificiellement.
Les politiques, les puissances financières mondialistes s'en servent pour mettre en place une dictature mondiale.ils utilisent les médias pour diffuser la propagande, la peur.
Ils contraignent des innocents a se faire injecter une substance toxique sans leur consentement éclairé.
Ils enfreignent ainsi toutes les lois qui sont sensées nous protéger et en particulier, le code de Nuremberg.
C'est la survie de l'humanité qui est en jeu.
Merci d'avance

Céline Garnier (Sisteron , 2021-10-13)


Nesúhlasím s takým nátlakom a som si istá,že očkovanie je genocídny nástroj na likvidáciu.Poznam osobné pár známych,ktorí sa očkovať dali a majú ťažké zdravotné problémy.Pred očkovaním boli úplne zdraví.

Helena Koudelová (Blatná na Ostrove, 2021-10-13)


People are being forced against their will to have an experimental vaccine. People are losing their income and some have been injured permanently or died from it.

Dorothy Angove (Ravenswood , 2021-10-13)


Human rights abuses in Australia including forced vaccination and enduring lockdown and loss of freedom

Anth Hol (Sydney, 2021-10-13)


These are crimes happening all over the world orchestrated by over reaching conglomerates for their own gain. Non of it follows proper science but is for their gain only.

Connie Pruden (Calgary, 2021-10-13)


I am signing this because I am appalled at what these people have and are continuing to do, from the planning stages of this pandemic, to the development of the virus, to the release of the virus on the population and the release of the media scare frenzy, cooersion of almost all medical personnel and hospitals and politicians and the media, and the forced "vaccination" program that does more harm than good and, the suppression of natural and alternative low cost healing methods for a virus that is actually less deadly than a regular flu. There is more and this, I think is the right start. It is all absolutely criminal and must be stopped at all costs!

Sheriden DeWees (Greenville SC, 2021-10-13)


Human rights must be upheld.

Wesley Sheader DC DICCP (Grand Junction, 2021-10-13)


Nazis × 100 000. Crime against humanity is taking place.

Muriel Muller (Altkirch, 2021-10-13)


Gross human rights abuses are taking place

David Aucamp (Bellville, 2021-10-13)


I want justice to be served to these criminals.

Mariusz Włodarczyk (Zgorzelec, 2021-10-13)


Crimes against humanity

Jodie Pears (Newcastle , 2021-10-13)


I am signing because I believe crimes have been committed and the truth needs to come out.

Pat Shaw (Tyler, 2021-10-13)


Against the Crimes Against Humanity/Genocide. All involved need to be removed an punished.

Pam Stringer (Agoura Hills, 2021-10-13)


The actions of my government and individuals who operate as public servants within it, ostensibly in reaction to the covid crisis, constitute gross human rights violations and the imposition of authoritarianism in a once free and democratic country.

Adam Fennell (Tingira Heights, 2021-10-13)


I want to see justice for the crimes against us as Hu.ans with this bioweapon.

Peta Crompton (Jimboomba , 2021-10-13)


This outrageous crime should stop. Now.

KEREN RINGEL (Campbelltown, 2021-10-13)


I'm signing because I and my fellow South Africans are being coerced into taking a vaccination and are being subjected to a vaccine passport which does not allow freedom of movement and freedom of bodily integrity. The inability to express these two freedoms and the punishment for not complying are crimes against humanity. You cannot enforce a toxic untrialled injection on humanity.

Marian Lydon (Gauteng, 2021-10-13)


What’s going on is the biggest crime against humanity.

Carmen Wong Fisch (Weil am Rhein, 2021-10-13)


Those who have committed these crimes need to be held accountable.

Robert Smith (Woodbury, 2021-10-13)


It IS a crime agains humanity since thé begining of covid crisis. Everything IS liars , all they wanted IS : injection for all ! Génocide for all ! Treatments were available but they deny it

Catherine DIGITELLO (THUSY, 2021-10-13)


I believe that the pandemic has been overblown since it has an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 0.15%, which is only slightly more than the IFR for a normal flu season and possibly lower than a bad flu season - this figure was accepted by the W.H.O from Professor John Ioniddes. Therefore the measures taken to combat it, which have had a disastrous effect on other health issues, children's mental health and the economy were out of proportion to the threat of the virus.

Tahera Butler (Nuneaton, 2021-10-13)


Ano podepisují tuto petici...

Akia Komonová (Kojatin8, 2021-10-13)


criminals must pay for their bullying and war crimes against humanity

Jan Potancok (Liptovský Mikuláš, 2021-10-13)


I’m against vaccination

Katy Setbon (Paris, 2021-10-13)


Podpisujem, lebo mi nie je ľahostajné, v akom svete budú žiť naše deti a deti naších detí

Gabika Kurucova (Bratislava , 2021-10-13)


This is iniquitous - the sooner the truth is available to everyone, the better

Linda Costa (Stellenbosch , 2021-10-13)


Covid mafia

Rudolf Sefranik (Dolná Streda, 2021-10-13)


the people responsible need to be held accountable

simon colless (geelong, 2021-10-13)


I'm signing this petition because I feel the people responsible for this disease need to be brought to justice for killing people.

Shirley G Conner (Lancaster , 2021-10-13)


Signing because these dangerous lab people & vivisectors should be held accountable, and not be protected by their colleagues. They vivisect on animals first, and then on humans - they have no moral ..

Adrie van Steijn (Den Haag, 2021-10-13)


Ii am signing because what has gone on around the world over the last year is totally criminal and all the countries politicians and government medical bureauracts need to be tried for crimes agains humanity

Liam Irwin (YOWIE BAY, 2021-10-13)


This mass genocide event must be immediately stopped.

Bryson Mulholland (Melbourne , 2021-10-13)



Martine Roeck (Bernay, 2021-10-13)


It is an important choice for freedom and justice

Orlando Diaz Corvalan (GUIPRY MESSAC, 2021-10-13)


There is overwhelming evidence that successive United Kingdom government ministers have capitulated to cede National Sovereignty to State and Regulatory Capture by unelected organisations, institutions and the like. Such bodies are the World Economic Forum (WEF), GAVI, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Tony Blair Institute to name a few. This has seen a massive transfer of wealth via corrupt practices involving public funds by implementing the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 concepts so as to implement certain agendas which are NOT in the best interest of the majority. COVID-19 does not exist outside of a dominion interest over a territory. SARS-CoV-2 exists only as a computer sequence patched together from genetic sequences from the human genome and the genome of bacteria and fungi, hitherto, there is no evidence that it exists as an identifiable agent which can cause particular symptoms of illness in people. Furthermore, so-called transmission and spread is an illogical fallacy since it has not ever been proven by any empirical standard, immediately rendering the concept that people are vectors of disease as moot.

Lucius Black (Manchester, 2021-10-13)


We the people should be free!

Tony Walker (Napier, 2021-10-13)


I believe in Freedom and Liberty!

Amann Raphaēlle (Vincennes , 2021-10-13)


I am not anyone's livestock.

Simon Warriner (Yolla, 2021-10-13)


Wanna be free (real free) in future!

Marc Janeck (Offenburg, 2021-10-13)


Free Australia!!!

Lajos Vincze (Hiawatha, 2021-10-13)

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