Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



We must know who is responsible for this extreme loss of citizen's freedoms and rights and stop them in their tracks before the killing and mayhem goes any further.

Maryon Jeane (Plymouth, 2021-10-13)


Evil people need to be brought to justice

Dawn Wilkinson (Southampton , 2021-10-13)


Myself and my children are already permanently injured from previous vaccinations; 2 of my children nearly died from their reactions. We learned too late that we have fairly common genetic issues that don't react well with many pharmaceuticals, especially vaccines. Further vaccinations would likely kill us and millions of others like us. To continue pushing these jabs which aren't even providing much immunity, and all for virus with a 99.997% survivability (my severely immune compromised family survived it by the way), is to be complicit in genocide of catastrophic proportions. To continue segregating/discriminating against those who refuse this jab (whether for reasons of religion/conscience or medical) takes society backwards 70+ years.

Melissa Nunamaker (Shawnee, 2021-10-13)


I'm signing because i am fed up with the corrupt ,unlawful and unconstitutional practice of these so called representatives in government , parliament and authoritive positions,Misleading,abusing and destroying our country. Because i am sick and tired of my rights ,religion and integrity being completely disregarded by these thieves.

Not only forcing mandates that is unethical and inhumane but also breaking the law and constitution of south africa my home, destroying its recources and deviding its people.

Enough is enough

Johan Coetser ( Boksburg, 2021-10-13)


I’m signing this petition because the international judicial community must put a stop to the mass genocide being carried out globally. Arrest and prosecute those responsible for these acts against humanity! God is watching all of us.

Robert Connolly (Plaistow , 2021-10-13)


I egree

RadoSlav Mick (Nová Lesná, 2021-10-13)


We all must join and stop this

Joelle Berdugo-Adler (Halifax, 2021-10-13)


It's past time that those responsible for mandating experimental, dangerous drugs that have injured and/or killed thousands, be held responsible.

Mark Ulmer (Scottsdale, 2021-10-13)


It is the right thing to do.

Monica McAdams (Spokane Valley, 2021-10-13)


I’m signing because I’m tired of the lies and tyranny.

Enily Maunus (McKinney , 2021-10-13)


Stop tous ces crimes doivent s’arrêter maintenant pour que nous et nos enfants ayons un monde meilleur

Marie Roques (77, 2021-10-13)


Always Diligent

Frank White (Hesperia , 2021-10-13)


Crimes against humanity are happening every day all around the world and it must stop. The elites and their plan of mass genocide and medical tyranny must be held accountable, including all parties complicit in facilitating this agenda.

Lindsey Astroth (Denver, 2021-10-13)


It is about time to bring these criminals to justice.



I would like to lend my support to Mr Fleming to bring to justice those who have knowingly caused death and suffering to millions through their lies and various agendas.

David Holmes (Piera, 2021-10-13)


Please stop the genocide from Covid vaccines. These vaccines are killing people. World governments are guilty of crimes against humanity.

Cindy Branton (Purvis, 2021-10-13)


In my opinion, the people/countries behind this vaxx fraud are committing massive crimes against humanity. For those involved who are American citizens, they have committed high treason and should all be publicly executed.

Mark Ditlefsen (BRINNON, 2021-10-13)


I am signing this petition because I believe this vaccine is nothing more then a BIOWEAPON. I’m an expat living in Ecuador. We have stopped 4 cities and the Galapagos from mandating this terrible vaccine.
This must be stopped. It’s against the Constitution. It’s a crime against humanity.

Denise Lane (, 2021-10-13)


Trust in this action for the sake of humanity

Patrice Calvagna (Aix, 2021-10-13)



Frederic Maria (Asnieres sur Seine, 2021-10-13)


The fight against tyranny should be strong in all free people.

Douglas Andreasen (Georgetown, TX, 2021-10-13)


i hope

Anton Babinčák (Michalovce, 2021-10-13)


Jean Rousseau

Jean Rousseau (Wickham, 2021-10-13)


Stop vaccination, stop segregation, stop fascism

Mikhail Nart (Krasnodar, 2021-10-13)


I'm signing this because justice needs to be done.

Kath Whitworth (Kirkby in Ashfield , 2021-10-13)


I believe that I and other humans have our natural rights and anything done willingly to harm us need to be accountable for their actions.

Alison Steffy (coolidge, 2021-10-13)


Podpisujem sa pod petíciu.
Ladislav penc

Ladislav Penc (Pezinok , 2021-10-13)


My family and I have had crimes against humanity committed against us by the Canadian government and its agents by the Canadian court system and its agents violating our legal civil and human rights. I have terminal brain cancer I'm not in prison I'm not charged with a crime yet these agencies are forcefully keeping us apart without any evidence of cause or right to do so. I do not have experience in your procedures on matters like this. It is my understanding I have the right to be informed on the procedures and steps that I need to be taking.

Stephen Polnac (Bellingham, 2021-10-13)


I will not allow “them” to take away my freedom, and force to inject me with that poison!
Also, the injection of children, is screaming a “Crime Against Humanity!”

Penni Puhl (Brampton , 2021-10-13)


the global government needs to be STOPPED!

John J Spofford (Richmond, 2021-10-13)


Under the Nuremberg Code, NO ONE HAS TO TAKE AN EXPERIMENTAL SHOT! 😡 The media LIED 🤥 only Cominarity has been approved, NOT THE CURRENT "VACCINES". CDC being sued by 10,000 doctors and 1,000 lawyers for LYING AND DECEIVING THE PUBLIC! Why are practicing physicians and scientists being ignored and people are listening to non-practicing government employees & politicians?! 🙄 See Dr. Lee Merrit, the medical rebel, for facts. NAC removes metals from the shots, over the counter, buy some ASAP! The FDA, WHO, CDC, NIH, the media, etc. are lying to people about how to treat COVID for The Great Reset. Bill Gates and other billionaires want to depopulate the earth (Gates admitted to using vaccines to do this). People should not receive the mark Gates is pushing, see Revelation 13:16-18. Hospitals under the Prep Act are able to deny proper medical treatment because they are following the corrupt CDC. Ivermectin saved my family! I used Hydroxychloroquine and felt better after one pill! Yet, I had to order it 9 months in advance, from the wonderful American Frontline Doctors, because doctors won't prescribe it. THEY ARE LETTING PEOPLE DIE by following protocols set by an organization, CDC, that purposefully gave BLACK MEN SYPHILIS and tortured said black men for 40 years! They are evil, they watched as these men gave it to their wives and studied the effects on the children like lab rats. DO NOT GET THE EXPERIMENTAL SHOTS!!!! See Alex Jones at infowars (he predicted this 14 years ago).

Sherri Stechmann (Liberty, 2021-10-13)


I love jesus

Peter Varga (STARÁ ĽUBOVŇA, 2021-10-13)


Because I am concerned

Ivan Feghali (Nice, 2021-10-13)


People aren’t science experiments. Stop the mandates

Nichole Verburg (San Clemente , 2021-10-13)


I'm singing because of crimes against humanity.

Natalie Jankin (Perth, 2021-10-13)


It is obvious that this invisible virus and the only possible touted cure for it goes against the God given rights of people to chose what they wish to be injected into their body. No to the terror tactics. Let nature take its course. Survival of the fittest.

Pauline Mccalla-belle (St Elizabeth , 2021-10-13)


I want to live in a free society

James Paxton (Airdrie , 2021-10-13)


I'm signing because I would like all of this evil to be exposed and would like all that can be done to save the children.

Krystyna Zaremba (Llandrindod Wells, 2021-10-13)


To stop the madness, save our children and no forced vaccines or vaccine freedom passes or passports. Make Ivermectin accessible again.

Jane Sokol (Langley , 2021-10-13)


Se sepa la verdad

Martin Alvear (Capital federal, 2021-10-13)


Our liberty is at risk. This plandemic is the implementation of a global totalitarian regime under the guise of sanitary crisis.

Junior Andrés Louro (Nantes, 2021-10-13)

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