Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Nurses and doctors that I used to work with and who used to try to help people, are now actively killing people. And, they attack anyone that points it out. They have lost their souls.

Sheryl Arbogast (Cincinnati, 2021-10-13)


I believe that everyone should be held to account for their deeds in this dreadful crime against humanity! The world needs to know everything that they have done, hiding behind a bogus 'pandemic' & pretending to care about our health & best interests! Psychopaths & Hypocrites, where are the people of honesty & ethics? Have they forgotten their Hippocratic Oath & ignored the Nuremberg Code!?

Elizabeth Miller (Manchester , 2021-10-13)


Help people in particular childrens to prevent from vaccination problems.

Hubaut Thi (Châtillon, 2021-10-13)


These people need to pay for what they are doing to humanity.

Alison Wilkie (Saltburn, 2021-10-13)


Des médicaments soignent. Les gouvernements et Big Pharma imposent les vaccins qui sont DANGEREUX. NOUS NE VOULONS PLUS DÉPENDRE de l'argent et de tous ces politiques et médias corrompus. nnous savons que c'est un crime organisé

Thierry Royer (Chas, 2021-10-13)


Je suis malade depuis la 1ère dose. Je n'ai pas la force de faire la seconde et j'ai très peur de ne plus pouvoir travailler et m'occuper de ma famille. Moi qui était sportive et joyeuse, je ne me reconnais pas.

Sandrine Tournier (Labergement-Sainte-Marie , 2021-10-13)


I’m singing this because we have a human right to our own decision and do not support any Governments taking our freedoms away

Jared Harris (Waikanae , 2021-10-13)


There is sufficient evidence publicly available that the people of the world are being subjected against their will to man made substances that are clearly biological weapons!

Dale Fleenor (Virginia, 2021-10-13)


There is no time to waste. This is a global genocide.

Florence Pasquier (Barrie, 2021-10-13)


I believe there is deep corruption and significant unethical behavior.

Stewart Russell (Pretoria , 2021-10-13)


C'est une aberration ce que nous sommes en train de vivre

Virginie Louvel (MARSEILLE, 2021-10-13)


To bring those complicit in this plandemic and the mandated dangerous bioweapons being called ‘vaccines’ to justice for causing misery, fear, sickness and deaths in millions of people worldwide, to earthly justice.

Rosalie Jones (Winchester, 2021-10-13)


I am sick and tired of many in the medical community who are not doing their job and that is to "do no harm." They are doing the opposite. They are injecting something into people with known ingredients that are not healthy for humans. Millions of people around the world have already died due to the COVID injections. Enough is enough. It is time to bring these people who have violated their oath to "do no harm" to justice. PLUS, the manufacturers of these so called vaccines and we do not want to leave out ALL who have and still are promoting getting these injections.

Eddie Rogers (Telephone, 2021-10-13)


It's the right thing to do

Paul Maguire (Liverpool , 2021-10-13)


It is obvious that Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and the World Health Organization as well as many others are involved in the genocide of millions of people.
These people need to be held responsible for their crimes against humanity.

Eugene Elmer (Captain Cook, Hawaii, 2021-10-13)


Something sinister is at play. With all the known adverse reactions and deaths to the covid 19 vaccine. Why has the roll out not been stopped? Why are people that have suffered loss of injury being silenced?

Sandra Andrews (Brentwood , 2021-10-13)


Criminals should be prosecuted for the murder they are committing against humanity!

SUSAN SCHAEFER (Little Elm, 2021-10-13)


My God given and Constitutional rights have been violated and the number of injuries and deaths have been withheld from the masses. The crimes against humanity are insane and pure evil We need to end it now! Thank you.

Theresa Stone (S.Easton, MA, 2021-10-13)


I'm fed up with criminal infringement on my health, illegal vaccine mandates, human trafficking, CRT as well as illegal search of financial bank records. On top of that, allowing the overrunning of our borders which brings terrorism unchecked, human trafficking, disease, demands on overtaxed states to support this influx of humanity as well as a myriad of other illegal actions against the citizens of the United States.

Michele Webb (Burleson , 2021-10-13)


Švandová Hana

Hana Švandová (Moravský Krumlov, 2021-10-13)



Rostislav Fodor (Veselí nad Lužnicí, 2021-10-13)


souhlasim s zalobou.

Radek Kutzendorfer (Suchomasty, 2021-10-13)


Macháčková Jana

Jana Macháčková (Jaroměř, 2021-10-13)


I stand for medical freedom

Carolyn Walsh (Fort Worth , 2021-10-13)


Pravda je svätá

Iveta Coufalová (Martin, 2021-10-13)


I believe that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned, that the experimental, biologic that was developed and has been injected into millions of people is poison that will cause permanent harm and ultimately death, and the personal, social, economic and medical harm constitutes crimes against humanity and the forcing of accepting a medical procedure without full informed consent is a violation of the Nuremburg Code. The evidence is overwhelming and convincing. A complete and thorough investigation MUST be done and those involved MUST be held to account. JUSTICE must be done!

Howard Vics (Clifton Park, 2021-10-13)


Podepisuji tuto petici , jsem proti diskriminaci , pokusům na lidech - vakcinace proti cov-19 , očkování dětí , dějí se zločiny proti lidskosti a proti právům člověka
I am signing this petition, I am against discrimination, experiments on people - vaccinations against cov-19, vaccinations of children, there are crimes against humanity and against human rights

Nadezda Smrhova (Ostrava, 2021-10-13)


It is a crime against humanity
These people need to be responsible for the destruction and demise of my relatives
Lies and deceit they have put fourth as they have been so quick to punish mankind.
I will never forgive but justice will suffice

Wiggie Boar (Camano Island , 2021-10-13)


I am a sovereign being and tyranny has no place in my future experience. Godspeed

Nkululeko Ndhlovu (Mbombela , 2021-10-13)


Doctors and other clinicians who refused to treat COVID patients, hospitals and hospital systems that didn't allow doctors to treat COVID patients, public officials who lied to their constituents, and media and tech leaders who censored and suppressed the truth should be brought to account for their crimes.

Joseph Gartrell (San Antonio, 2021-10-13)


I consider experimental vaccination like criminal act because we have a lot of evidence about negative and deadliest effects. Vaccination is without sense and doesnt help

Jaroslav Migo (Reading, 2021-10-13)


I want those who commit crimes against Humanity to be held accountable for!

Tammy Johnson (Aurora , 2021-10-13)


I would like to see some kind of liability taking place, someone to be held accountable for these murders

Yvonne Clarey (Washington, 2021-10-13)


This insanity has to stop. I want those responsible for lack of early treatment and the overall pandemic.

Karen Early (The Villages, 2021-10-13)


The proof of crimes against humanity by government Covid protocols is clear and abundant. Every federal and private lab, company, medical institution pushing death protocol is guilty!

Chris Kebbel (Sebastian, 2021-10-13)


Zdeňka Marešová (Louny, 2021-10-13)


This unjust system needs to stop and the people who are responsible for it shall be dealt with in a court of law!

Tanya Humenuik (Duck Lake, 2021-10-13)


bcs of genocide

Martina Hudova (Ceske Budejovice, 2021-10-13)


The coercion of medical treatments is the crime of our century, those attempting such treatments with no liability and with complete lack of informed consent need to be held accountable.

RICHARD LEE (RESEDA, 2021-10-13)


These tyrrants need dragging out for disgusting obvious culling they are doing to the worlds populations, I hope the Rothschilds Rockefellers Gates of this world are first to be taken.

Rodney Hoff (Godfrey, 2021-10-13)


I believe that there is something mysterious and suspicious about the things that have transpired in regards to this pandemic, and I believe that there should be an investigation.

Stephanie Gaiser (Wasilla, 2021-10-13)


I am appalled at what I am witnessing. People have been left untreated who could have been saved. The mRNA shots are now being forced on citizens of my country to access work and even leave the country. Young people have suffered adverse events from the shots, for wanting to access sports or school. The rights of the individual for autonomy over their body are being trampled upon in the name of a public crisis, which has been exacerbated, by all accounts, with the misuse of the PCR test and prevention of early treatments.

Nancy Barrett (North Bay, 2021-10-13)


Prosím, zastavte to šílenství

Dana Bednářová (Vamberk, 2021-10-13)

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