Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Vaccination is a free choice.
Human rights.
Nuernberg code.

Marcel Mank (Utrecht, 2021-10-13)


I am signing because I am concerned by the fact that children are now being targeted.

Teresa Malski (London, 2021-10-13)


This whole world crisis is a crime against world populations and those responsible both leading, accomplices and collaborative need to be held to account.

Deborah Vowles (Leeds, 2021-10-13)


I’m signing this petition because I believe in freedom. I also believe that it is morally and ethically wrong to weaponize biologics against humanity and those that have committed these grievous crimes must be removed from power and society.

Yvonne Wheeler (Sussex, NB, 2021-10-13)


I believe that there has been corruption by our politicians to the extent that many people have died needlessly from Covid -19 and now the so-called vaccines are killing people
Meanwhile many politicians have received payouts from Pfizer and Moderna

kristen stewart (Moose Jaw, 2021-10-13)


I'm signing because I believe that there have been crimes against humanity.

Anabel Leigh (Dallas, 2021-10-13)


It is high time these CRIMES are addressed and convictions are done.

Morten Sjostedt (Sandefjord, 2021-10-13)


I have lost my job at the hospital because I refuse to participate in a clinical trial against my will
Nobody should be able to force me to inject this poison

Julie Sivadier (91540 - MENNECY, 2021-10-13)


Podle mnou získaných informací jsou postupy všech orgánů a i lidi a to bez vyjímky prosazující údajnou covid pandemii a restrikce s tím spojené jako zločiny proti lidskosti.

Josef Dolejší (České Budějovice, 2021-10-13)


I honestly believe the covid -19 vaccine are crimes against humanity. Mandating and forcing people to do things they don't want to or don't believe in is cruel.
The amount of loss we had from vaccine is huge.

Ifat Kent (Cooper city, 2021-10-13)


I'm signing this petition because I don't belive vacine for sars cov2 (covid19)

Honza Hurtík (Česká Lípa , 2021-10-13)


Egregious breaches of the Nuremberg Code and genocide must be stopped and those culpable must be brought to justice.

Gilly Connell (Castleplunkett , 2021-10-13)


I want to do it.

Soňa Pourová (Mrklov, 2021-10-13)


We have freedom to choose medical procedures.

Dawn Cowan (Lyttelton, 2021-10-13)


Crimes against humanity have taken place and the truth and justice must happen. My parents were holocaust survivors and history is repeating itself.

Simon Steinberg (Bury, 2021-10-13)


We need Justice Truth and Freedom of this Land for All

Luke Jones (Cardiff, 2021-10-13)


I was discriminated, Thrown out of work in the Hospital.

Victor Puzevich (San Diego, 2021-10-13)


I believe in God, The Constitution of these United States and The Declaration of Infependence.

Suzanne Burton (Shelbyville , 2021-10-13)


Protesting crimes against humanity.

John Steffens (Tallahassee, 2021-10-13)


This is crucial for Mankind.

Carl Winnie (Naenae,lower hutt, 2021-10-13)


You have trespassed and caused great harm through deception, manipulation, coercion and bullying. You are put on notice. You have committed genocidal crimes against humanity. We are mobilizing and you will be STOPPED.

Catherine Gentle (Portland, 2021-10-13)


Les responsables des victimes du covid en raison de la gestion désastreuse de cette crise doivent répondre de leurs actes!

NOEL Adrien (ROCHEFORT, 2021-10-13)


To fight for freedom and those who can’t speak for themselves

Rachel Price (Incline village, 2021-10-13)


Everything that has been done to the whole world has been a lie. If it is not crimes against humanity, then nothing is!!

Roni Yenges (Beaver falls, 2021-10-13)


The crimes against the People need to be investigated immediately

Gerald Landry (New iberia, 2021-10-13)


Most of us in this world have been born into the captivity of spurious “man made laws”. The time has now come to live by the natural laws of Our Creator.

Chris Hammersley (Ventura, 2021-10-13)


Because when injustice is right, resistance is a must

Stefan Baco (Ried im Innkreis , 2021-10-13)


Deseo que se detenga la vacunación forzada y las políticas de discriminación derivadas de la obligatoriedad de una vacuna que se demuestra innecesaria y dañina

Elizabeth Martínez Cortes (Puerto Vallarta, 2021-10-13)


Corruption, tyrranie, socialism, lies and end of humanity. This must end now and people who are behind this evil agenda needs to be held responsible. This is much bigger then we can imagine and people all over the world are something or be held responsible because mankind will stand up and fight back.

Stine maria Nordenstrøm (Moss, 2021-10-13)


I am against mandatory forced jabs, for an emergency vacation that does NOT WORK, or fit the definition of vaccine.

Linda Overstreet (Scottsdale , 2021-10-13)


I am signing because I desire justice.

Michael Erickson (Murrieta, 2021-10-13)


These people need to be held accountable for the death and injuries, as well as the emotional and financial losses they have inflicted on mankind.

Roxanne Fleszar (Marblehead , 2021-10-13)


Has A human being l have rights to defence my family, friends and myself to live freely in this world. Universal is the creator, not the luneartic and demonic humans

Chelvaraju Gurusamy (Rawang , 2021-10-13)


I’m signing because I believe Justin Trudeau and liberal party, all premiers and MHO are guilty of crimes with their lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, not allowing debates by medical professionals, and not promoting the building up of citizens immunity and lack of early treatment, refusing to try ivermectin etc thereby causing people to die needlessly.

Laura Block (Prince Albert, 2021-10-13)


Only United States legal citizens deserve any money.

Mary Bright (Holt, 2021-10-13)


These politicians, media and big pharma companies are committing crimes against humanity.

Allister Greig (Varsity lakes, 2021-10-13)


I'm signing for the freedoms, and health of our children.
This genocide has to stop.

Debra Shand (Newcastle, 2021-10-13)


Pay the price ...

Michelle Barrett (Melbourne, 2021-10-13)


Because it’s a crime against humanity! We should have our own choice for any medical intervention. No coercion!

Julie Yeo (Singapore , 2021-10-13)


I want to be free

Catherine PIERRE (Sevran, 2021-10-13)


Criminals are in power and actively working to depopulate our world. Their means are blatant crimes against humanity and the human race! They MUST be held accountable for their murderous tactics against mankind!

Judith Walker (The Villages, 2021-10-13)


Nobody should be forced to take a vaccine they don't want.
ALL of the people need to be prosecuted that started this all the way back from the very beginning (every aspect)and all the way down the line. Than everybody from the president down need to be prosecuted that are pushing this!

Lisa Kirchhoff (Avoca, 2021-10-13)


We were a democratic nation but we are slowly loosing all our rights. We have voted Our governments in but they are not working for us. By our state governments bad management it has caused many deaths in our state. People are suicidal and many are loosing their jobs. They are now forcing us to take the EXPERIMENTAL vaccine. If we won’t take it we will be forced out of society. What next, Will they kill us if we don’t have it - more blood on the hands.

Mary Ianzano (Melbourne , 2021-10-13)


I’m signing because the genetic injections (not vaccines) are the deliberate weapon to kill and harm humans across the world, because human dignity is being trampled on and core freedoms lost. I live in the most locked down city in the world with police plane and helicopter surveillance, with police who have been turned into stormtroopers who shoot unarmed protestors with rubber bullets, and where across Australia people are being mandated to get vaccinated or lose their jobs. There is high distress with some fearful of homelessness. There is no informed consent. The unvaccinated have become the despised- social unity is being broken. There is no free honest press/media, we are lost.

Kate Fannon (Melbourne, 2021-10-13)

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