Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



All the measures imposed by worldwide governments are against the Nuremberg code and therefore crimes against humanity
Theses “vaccines” are genocide and a vehicle for the introduction of A credit system which will control every aspect of our lives controlled by the selected elite

Penny Sullman (Elanora Heights, 2021-10-13)


This covid situation is the greatest crime against humanity of our modern time and if not stopped will doom the planet.

Shane Lott (Melbourne, 2021-10-14)


There is nothing more important than our health freedom and those who have done nefarious deeds need to be held accountable...all the companies, the scientists, the doctors, the politicians...EVERY SINGLE ONE!

Margaret Desmond (Floral Park, 2021-10-14)


The world should be FREE for all to live in and NOT OWNED by a few that are committing horrendous crimes against HUMANITY,peace for the world.

Alan Wright (Warrnambool, 2021-10-14)


I believe in freedom and the government is slowly taking away our right. We need to stand together

Leeann Cole (Edmonton, 2021-10-14)


This is not only an illegal action, it is immoral, and should be stopped to save lives.

Clint Fuqua (Dallas, 2021-10-14)


I am furious and something needs to be done

Kathleen Goh (Buckeye , 2021-10-14)


I want these evil murderers and psychopaths held responsible

Samantha Maltezos (Fort Myers , 2021-10-14)


When there is risk there must be informed consent

Kerry-Ann Taylor (Newcastle , 2021-10-14)


People need to be held accountable for their actions!

Scott Carlson (Panama City, 2021-10-14)


As we are supposedly living in a free democratic society it has shown to be easily overrun by tyrannical governments who are only looking after their own pockets instead of looking after the people who elected them and has proven how easily it has been to take away all of our freedoms.

michael Hewes (Croydon, 2021-10-14)


These people need to be held accountable

Peter Duncan (Horsley , 2021-10-14)


I want to see justice served to those that have tried to destroy the world with a fake pandemic.

Bridgette Sandra McFarlane (Russell island, 2021-10-14)


I’m signing this because what is going on is morally wrong and those carrying on these crimes against humanity need to be brought before a court and dealt with accordingly

Angela Rouse (McAlester, 2021-10-14)


Yo estoy firmando porque no se debe experimentar pseudo medicamentos con el ser humano, ni mucho menos niños y gente de la tercera edad. Y porque no se puede coaccionar a la población a inocularse para tener un trabajo.
Son más los riesgos que los beneficios.
Detenganse o acabarán con la humanidad. No experimentos transgénicos en humanos. Gracias

Loreina Constantino (Tuxpan, Veracruz, 2021-10-14)


It is my moral responsibility to support the arrest and conviction of criminals who have conspired to commit genocide against humanity.

Ray White (Tallahassee , 2021-10-14)


I am scared that society as we know it is descending into utter chaos. I fear for not only my future but the future of all our lives as democracy slips further and further away. Please put a stop to this travesty on humanity

Barb Wedge (Melbourne , 2021-10-14)


they are restricting people's freedom and experimenting with humans.

María jose Fernández (Viña del mar, 2021-10-14)


I am signing this petition declaring those individuals, governments, and corporations violating our GOD given rights and freedoms through their use of forces and threats in contravention of, and in violation of war crimes legislation, be held accountable before the court and if found guilty, receive the maximum penalty under the law in every applicable jurisdiction for their actions and / or involvement.

ALAN KURTZ (Surrey, 2021-10-14)


I say no to genocide!

Chanel Ellwood (Sydney, 2021-10-14)


Everybody in every country gets persecuted for a crime. So should all the people who did so much crime to millions of individuals.

Elfi Egloff (Swan View, 2021-10-14)


This crime against humanity by all governments including
Australia has to be stopped now before they kill us all.

Cory Edwards (Melbourne , 2021-10-14)


I refuse to surrender my GOD giving rights, my rights under The Constitution of The United States of America. Quote: The US Constitution is a higher law than any government and the American people are the keepers of the constitution”. I will not comprise my morality for any reason, person, place or thing.

Sharon Soares (Elk Grove, 2021-10-14)


Having read details of the information provided by Dr. Li-Meng Yan, Dr. Richard Fleming, and others, and more importantly the reaction to them, I am pursuaded that a formal investigation is justified.

Paul Petkoff (Frisco, TX, 2021-10-14)


For thé humain right to liberty

Chantale Bouchard (Alma, 2021-10-14)


I wont true

Miroslav Černák (Beckov, 2021-10-14)


The people have taken enough abuse from governments around the world, global ngos, lobbyists,
big tech, pharma companies,
regarding this plannedemic, and all its illegal draconian measures.
These criminals must be held accountable. We look to an international unbiased court to help set this right.

Dorothea T (Camrose, 2021-10-14)


I am about to lose everything I have worked my life to secure, and my freedom.

Justin Bryant (Cranbourne West, 2021-10-14)


The world is at stakes. Bill Gates must hang.

JANICE Blake (ELMONT, 2021-10-14)


These vaccines are not safe. We don’t know what’s in them. There has been no trials and therefor this is an experimental injection to which I vehemently oppose. There should be no loss of any freedom for choosing not to get vaccinated. My 9year old daughter does not need this so called vaccine. The science also shows that masks need not be worn especially the useless cloth masks that everyone is wearing. Masks have been proven using science to not stop a virus from spreading. Why would any of this be forced on the human population? For what reason? The vaccines are harmful and do not stop the spread not an indivisible from contracting it. Why are all countries health officials lying and why are the covid numbers being skewed? This is all incredibly irresponsible and evil and those behind this should be held accountable and all vaccines and masks should be halted immediately.

Cam Barker (North Vancouver, 2021-10-14)


I am a registered nurse and I have seen firsthand the side effects of the COVID-19 Moderna vaccine on our healthcare workers. There have been many, many contradictions to our historical medical practices that I have witnessed during this COVID-19 pandemic that have gone against everything we have previously been taught. From mask wearing, to the quarantine of healthy people rather than the sick, to recommending vaccination of individuals who have already had the COVID-19 infection. I have witnessed the fact that there is no informed consent; no vaccine information sheet (VIS) available listing potential side effects or contra indications that is to be given with the vaccine administration; no vaccine ingredient sheet; and individuals do not have a choice as to whether or not their vaccination is listed on a state database - if they want the vaccine, we are required to enter that data into the system regardless of patient choice. I have an elderly mother who received the first vaccine, and as POA, I instructed the nursing home to not give the second one and they went ahead and did it anyway.

Laurie Ray (Lewistown , 2021-10-14)


Fauci and Bill Gates need to be held responsible for their crimes.

Laura Luther (Redmond, 2021-10-14)


Everything happening in the world right now is pure evil. Ludicrous and a massive violation...

Carmilla Balnaves (BAKEWELL, 2021-10-14)


I agree that these people are on the right side of history. More people need to stick their neck out there for future generations.

Ryan Baker (Reno, 2021-10-14)


Please bring light and justice to what’s happening right now; I want my 2 yr old to inherit the world I grew up in 🙏🙏

Cassie Finney (Winter Garden, 2021-10-14)


I want to see the perpetrators held accountable.

Harvey Sparrow (Adelaide, 2021-10-14)


Je třeba vyšetřit tyto zločiny na lidech.

Kateřina Petrásková (Kladno, 2021-10-14)


The events in the past 2 years have been the most atrocious that I have known. Words cannot express the abominable acts, the treason, the tearing apart of families, communities and countries, the genocide, the removal of basic human rights and freedoms. This must all stop and those responsible must be held accountable. For our children and for future generations.

Maree Mitchell (Traveston, 2021-10-14)


I have personally been affected by Covid-19 mandates.

Chance williams (Tacoma, 2021-10-14)


Vaccination in a crime.

Zdenka Hayden (Rakovník, 2021-10-14)


I believe wholeheartedly that this is the greatest crime against humanity since The Holocaust.

Laura Bloom (London , 2021-10-14)


This is nothing more than mass genocide and a human rights catastrophe on all levels.

bill carroll (Ballarat, 2021-10-14)


Hold everyone accountable for these crimes against humanity.

Lucas Seamons (Huixquilucan, 2021-10-14)


Miroslav Jakeš

Miroslav Jakeš (Prachatice, 2021-10-14)


It's obvious to anyone with a thought process that all of this has been man created and designed to kill innocent people. This must be dealt with properly and bring people to justice.

Jeff Bohi (Idaho Falls, 2021-10-14)


I’ve suffered from Lyme disease for 10years and the lockdowns felt like a targeted attack. But then I discovered so much more…

Emma Peet (Sydney , 2021-10-14)


We have to stop these crimes against humanity. I totally support this petition.

Maria Smith (Hamilton , 2021-10-14)

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