Create laws that forbid dangerous weapons to be brought onto public transport



This is ridiculous..we need thougher law to protect our people.

Brook X (, 2024-07-03)


Make Auckland safer please

Belinda Gong (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Anti social bullying and attack in public.

Chen Liu (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


We want a peace and safe New Zealand like she used to be!!!

Pang Chong Tay (Henderson, 2024-07-03)


Safe Environment

Man Manpo (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


stop the violence

mi zhang (dunedin, 2024-07-03)


This is just a reflection of Auckland's public safety issue. It Should be treated seriously.

Jessie Liu (, 2024-07-03)


stand along with victims

Shu Li (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Zero tolerance for such things happening around us

Beryl Bao (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


We have to stop this kind of shit happen again!

Victor Wang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Public safety

Jasmine Tang (, 2024-07-03)


We need to create a safe environment for everyone in this country.

Vivien Pu (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I don’t want my kids get assaulted on the bus or train in future

Ella Li (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Fight against racial discrimination and violent crime!

Celine Yang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


We had enough, need justice.

Alan Lu (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I am a 16 years daughter’s mother! My daughter goes to school every day by bus.I don’t want my daughter happening again this terrible accident.keep safe for our children

tina hu (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I have two kids taking bus every week. I was worried about it the same things happened on them or their peers.

Jun X (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I’m signing this because no parents or family want to see this happen again on their family.

Baodi Li (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I’m signing because this is everyone concerned and concerns everybody’s safety!

Carys Cheng (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I would like this country back to the peaceful, Safety and beautiful country

Jing Yan (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I have a kid, I'm concerned the safety of his future, i signed it I strongly agree with no dangerous tools to carry on public transport

may chong (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Safety matters!

Chichi Li (Christchurch, 2024-07-03)


My little one and me takes bus almost every day, can’t imagining how dangerous it’s getting out there

KiKi Gao (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Please set clear laws to protect passengers in any public transportation. Drivers are responsible for taking care of the passengers at their working places.

Lisa Lee (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


New Zealand is a beautiful country and we need to be safe to live in and we need our children not to be harmed.

Anna Dai (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


We should stop it

Jack Xu (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I'm signing this because I don't want it happen again

Shuo Li (, 2024-07-03)


Because many kiwi are really rude to the Chinese and even they did nothing.

vita wang (auckland, 2024-07-03)


Need a safe place

Qian Yang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I am very concerned about the current public security and social stability in Auckland. I live here and I hope everything is fine, but dangerous incidents keep happening, increasing the threat to people's lives. This will cause psychological panic among the people of Auckland, indirectly affecting the number of workers and production efficiency, and thus affecting social development and national stability.

Daniel Wang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)



Freya Wang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I have signed this petition to seek justice for the victim and tackle the rising crimes in this country.

Brandy Yining Zhao (Wellington, 2024-07-03)


Stop the criminal activity on public transport

Weidi Qu (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


We need a safe community

Cindy Xiao (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Public transport should train its staff how to react in such situation

Wei Ren (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I am signing because I am a mum. My son catches bus to go to school. I am worried about his safety now!

Yang Xu (Hamilton, 2024-07-03)


Strongly agreed

Shuai Ge (Auckland, 2024-07-03)

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