Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Crimes Against Humanity should be Exposed and Prosecuted.

Kevin Sonnack (Whyalla, 2021-10-14)



Martin Janíček (Liberec, 2021-10-14)


Freedom of choice is my right

Glenn Ryan (Ewingsdale , 2021-10-14)


So those that can help those that can’t - preserve humanity and human rights

Yvette Goddard (Sydney , 2021-10-14)


The false Covid19 "vaccine" is proving to create major health issue and death to human beings

Pete Aitken (Darwin, 2021-10-14)


I am signing because many ways exist how to fight againts the covid but governments want to go only by vaccination (by profit from vaccination). The health care have been raped and a lot of doctors forgot to Cure people.
I don't agree that vaccination Is for higher good.

David Halfar (Brno, 2021-10-14)


The current criminal activity by the thousands of politicians, organizations, Doctors etc worldwide is totally unacceptable

Delma Collins (Gladstone, 2021-10-14)


These are not vaccines, but genic therapy.
As healthcare professionnal the impact of mandatory innoculation affects me in a direct and personal way.

Catalin Turcu (Marseille, 2021-10-14)


Because I feel I'm doing a right thing

Štěpán Čech (Sazovice, 2021-10-14)


Podpisujem túto petíciu, pretože si myslím, že nesmieme byť ticho a je potrebné v tejto veci aj konať. Preto dávam týmto podporu ľuďom, ktorí sa na to podujali.

Mária Harčárová (Prešov, 2021-10-14)


i'am signing because this the right thing to do stop this madness about the pandemic

George Manuel (auckland, 2021-10-14)


What is happening is a crime against humanity

Kris Heather (Bellingen , 2021-10-14)


Stop koronafašismus.
Stop false.

Eva Maršíková (Praha, 2021-10-14)


My private and freedom is important.

Martin Šiška (Hrubý Šúr 311, 2021-10-14)


We need justice! Rid this evil. Give people freedom. This is no movie it's real life. Let justice prevail

Kirstin Foley (Vic, 2021-10-14)


Que justice soit faite

Rémy ANCONETTI (VANNES, 2021-10-14)


For freedom of choice in every matter of my health and life.

Julie Wagner (Cobram, 2021-10-14)


Those who are perpetrating such human rights abuses injury and death on the human race and has now clearly been exposed have with malicious intent have planned this over many years and are now implementing those plans is genocide and control over the freedoms of the human race be not only charged but also prosecuted for crimes against humanity in the highest courts available to us as citizens of every nation and the world

Jenn Moresco (Wonthaggi , 2021-10-14)


This far outweighs Nuremberg in 1947. This is a pan-global Crime against Humanity by bad actors from Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big govt. The crooks, culprits and criminals must be publicly executed for the blood guilt to be addressed adequately.

Ambika Dharan (Singapore, 2021-10-14)


Je signe et j'espère l'arrêt immediat des crimes contre l'humanité par des médicaments qui non pas été testé, scandaleux décisions politiques

Abdollah Ali (Ma, 2021-10-14)


I'm signing as what is occurring right now is medical apartheid and tryanny!

John Lynch (Kingscliff, 2021-10-14)


Roman Ličko

Roman Ličko (Znojmo , 2021-10-14)


I believe that these criminals need to be stopped and brought to justice.

John Landman (Taromeo, 2021-10-14)


As a health practitioner I am disgusted with what is happening to those forced to get the Covid vaccines. These experimental vaccines should have never been used. To make matters worse governments, health authorities and those who influence the public have lied about the deleterious side-effects and abused their powers of authority. This is criminal and those responsible need to be brought to account.

Ian Deitch (Rosanna, 2021-10-14)


Yes i agree

Dexter Ferrer (Bataan, 2021-10-14)


1) The 1947 Nuremberg Code

(2) The 1964 Declaration of Helsinki

(3) The 1967 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and

(4) The 1975 Biological Weapons Convention Treaty

Lenka Kubínová (Dolní Břežany, 2021-10-14)


Someone has to answer for all the deaths and injuries.

Karen Sperry (Christiansted , 2021-10-14)


This insanity has to be put to a stop! and all players in this game have to be accountable for what they are doing!

Elaine Hedley (Revelstoke, 2021-10-14)


Our human right are being ignored and people are being coerced into drug trials under mandates and purported to be Law. People are being fed fear from false news from the MSM plus false tests run at 45 cycles instead of 25, just to vaccinate the world with toxic harmful substances which is against the Nuremberg Code.

Gail Reichter (Bridport , 2021-10-14)


Nechci žít v totalitě,kde jsou páchany zločiny i na dětech a porušovány všechny Norimberské Kodexy a je pošlapána Ústava a Listina základních práv a svobod

Rudolf Balherr (Most, 2021-10-14)


Human and civil rights of people have been violated and need to be addressed with all evidence presented in court.

George DeCarlo (Berkeley Heights, 2021-10-14)


Vaccine mandatory

Katarina Martic (Brisbane , 2021-10-14)


What these world leaders are beyond evil.

Lance Curry (Quezon City, 2021-10-14)


I want to live in a free world. Liberty and medical freedom!

Anna Bright (Prescott , 2021-10-14)





We need to wake up and help those who uninformed of whats going on

Rick Pickard (Cobalt, 2021-10-14)


Because of the heinous crimes commited against humanity

Tina Geldenhuys (Gauteng, 2021-10-14)

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