Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Fighting for my children

Mary Curry (Quezon City, 2021-10-14)


I'm signing this because if this is not gonna get through and nobody held accountable, it would be the beginnig of a the darkest age for humaniy.

ABDULSALAM AL-MAHDI (Bruxelles, 2021-10-14)


Im fed up with that whole plandemic hoax

Michał Jabłoński (Szypliszki, 2021-10-14)



Ivanka Šedivá (Děčín, 2021-10-14)


I have seen too many injuries from tyrannical governments. My community and my loved ones are suffering because of this.

Rossanne Clay (Melbourne , 2021-10-14)


I believe in qll the reasons given for this petition and that all crimes against humanity should be dealt with severely.

Kathleen Keen (Levin, 2021-10-14)


I'm sick of the human Genocide from this scamdemic, the guilty need to be held accountable

Tony Edwards (Runaway bay, 2021-10-14)


The world has gone mad, we are being led by mad wo/men repeating atrocities seen in the past on people today. They should know better.

Lynn Ferguson (Sutton Coldfield, 2021-10-14)


When any local, state, or federal official tries to coerce me to get a COVID-19 mRNA Gene Therapy Shot under Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA in violation of the 1947 Nuremberg Code, here is how I respond.

I don't need a COVID-19 mRNA Gene Therapy Shot because the COVID-19 virus has a 99% survival rate for anyone under 70, and a 95% survival rate for anyone 70 and over, without any treatment of any kind. The FDA EUA requires that there be no other alternatives to a COVID-19 mRNA Gene Therapy Shot, but there are alternatives in therapeutics.

As a 59-year-old retiree in excellent health, I have a 5-day COVID-19 prescription of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and elemental zinc sitting in my kitchen cupboard in the event that I ever get COVID-19 in the future, that will allow me to recover within 7 days at home to stay out of the hospital. I had to acquire my 5-day COVID-19 prescription because I had to fire two doctors in WY who are anti-hydroxychloroquine, forcing me to go out-of-state through to get my 5-day COVID-19 prescription.

I've been doing a non-prescription variation of Dr. Zelenko's COVID-19 Protocol since MAY 20 that has eliminated all symptoms of COVID-19, any flu, or any cold in my body. As a retiree, I self-isolate for 14 days before going out in public to ensure that I have no viral symptoms of any kind and I can't transmit any virus to anyone.

So you see, I don't need a COVID-19 mRNA Gene Therapy Shot that has killed over 16,000 people as documented in the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), which is more deaths than all other vaccines in the past 20 years COMBINED! Instead, I'm using my God-given immune system to naturally defeat COVID-19, any flu, or any cold.

You can find Dr. Zelenko's COVID-19 Protocols below.

God gave us the human immune system to defeat a virus like COVID-19, and using therapeutics will work against any mutated strain of COVID-19, while the mRNA Gene Therapy Shot would have to be modified to do so.

Nobody has authority over my body, except God, who gave sovereignty of my body to me.

Anyone who has given a mRNA Gene Therapy Shot to anyone has engaged in CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY because when you open a box of a mRNA Gene Therapy Shot, the adverse events and ingredients insert IS COMPLETELY BLANK! How can ANYONE inject an experimental drug into a human's body when they don't know what the adverse events or ingredients are? This is a clear violation of the 1947 Nuremberg Code that requires informed consent, meaning the ability to refuse, without coercion.

People who have violated the 1947 Nuremberg Code by forcing a mRNA Gene Therapy Shot on people need to be prosecuted for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!

Nicholas C. Wolley
Casper, WY

Nicholas Wolley (Casper, 2021-10-14)


I'm signing because I don't agree that vaccination should be mandatory. I believe that people should have the freedom to choose what goes into their bodies. I also believe people have already lost basic freedoms with the pandemic and our rights to freedom and freedom to choose should be restored.

Joseph Jefferies (Buderim , 2021-10-14)


I'a signing because I am more and more worried by the course of the western world

Bruno Cormouls-Houlès (Lasfaillades (81260), 2021-10-14)


Je pense que la gestion de la crise du COVID19 est une manipulation des populations et que les vaccins sont plus dangereux que cette maladie. Les pressions qu'on nous fait subir (sanitaires/politiques) sont insupportables.

Annick TIGE (Draveil, 2021-10-14)


For justice, for fithting against lies of pharmaceutics industries, for saving childrens, for protecting human’s life, for saving dignity and freedom.



I truly believe that we are in the midst of the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated.

Citizen Olympic (Brisbane, 2021-10-14)


It's abhorrent what is happening and needs to be stopped

Susan Bowen (Melbourne, 2021-10-14)


I’m signing because our healthcare system is corrupt and does not care about our wellbeing.

Alyssa Battaglia (Yorkville , 2021-10-14)


This is crimes against humanity…… we must fight back they don’t have our best interest at heart this must stop plus it’s against the law

Athanasia Sanoudakis (Huntingdon, 2021-10-14)


Pour moi c ' est un crime contre l'humanité.
Il n ' ont interdit aux médecins de nous soigner avec les traitements efficaces que nous avons .
Et ça pour nous imposer leurs soit disants vaccins

Dehaies Catherine (Paris, 2021-10-14)


...because i care

Roman Turák (Bratislava, 2021-10-14)


to stop the madness as soon as possible and to punish the perpetrators of the crime of genocide and apartheid as soon as possible.

Pavel Uhlár (Šahy, 2021-10-14)


Some powerful people want to use the greatest propaganda campaign in history to coerce people into getting an experimental injection that is not needed, is not properly tested and is harmful to people's health!

Martin Filla (Sydney, 2021-10-14)


Our constitution is under attack and bills/legislation is being passed without consulting the people.
Australians are being forced to get the Covid trial medicine in exchange for their freedoms and if you refuse you are stuck in lockdown segregation for another 2 months.

My partner has lost his job from the mandates, the govt has cancelled his Covid payments already once state is 70% vax although he still can not work, we have children to support and and need food and shelter but because he has been in Australia for over 10 years but is a New Zealand resident we can not get any other support from Centrelink at all.

I am fearful of my children being forced to have the trial medicine and have heard threats of force jabbing us and sending us to concentration type camps already built in each state of Australia.

Please please help us before it’s too late.

Roxanne Miners (Rouse Hill, 2021-10-14)


Justice for the people who have been lied to and families who suffered from losing their loved ones. Children without father's and mother's now. Justice please and do the right thing.

Phoenix Ray (Singapore, 2021-10-14)


My constitutional rights are being trampled. I will not be silenced.

Forrest Fernung (Logansport, 2021-10-14)


I'm signing because I Agree.

vendula šikolová (Praha, 2021-10-14)


Restricting the movements and civil liberties of a population until they consent to receiving an experimental medical substance injected into their body is coercion and violates the human bill of rights and the Nuremburg code.

Chad Esaiah (Christchurch, 2021-10-14)


Concordo com petição

Mario Carvalho (Cascavel, 2021-10-14)


The government of UK, Europe and the world are promoting crimes against humanity, destroying lives financially and emotionally and unnecessarily pushing untested "vaccinations" via emergency use authorisation when very effective safe drugs and compounds exist to prevent and treat sars cov-2

Nigel Smith (Eastbourne , 2021-10-14)


I agree

Bronwyn Hewitt (Mt Eliza, 2021-10-14)


My adult children have been forced to at threat of losing their jobs to take this. I also lost my job as I refuse to take it.

Anna Efstathiou (Sydney , 2021-10-14)


I’m signing this petition because people are being forced to take an unproven vaccine to protect people who are at a very low risk and others who already have natural immunity. This must STOP NOW! Thank you.

Samuel Eckelbarger (Louisville, 2021-10-14)


Je signe, parce que ces injections non aucune utilité et sont dangereuses voir mortelles

Georges Imbert (Haïfa, 2021-10-14)


I’m signing this petition because I believe, without a doubt, that COVID 19 was and is, being used as a bioweapon against hunanity

Jennifer Lanera (Cary, 2021-10-14)


What has happened and is happening is so egregious & so depraved that these peop0le should be held VERY accountable for their part in this Genocide & the suffering of Millions including too many suicides.

Dion Thomas (Narwee, 2021-10-14)


I'm signing because government of Slovak Republic oppresing the masses , generally citizens. Our human and civil rights are oppresed on daily basis and we starting to be desperate. That is why we want to fight and protect our nation, our people and our freedom.

Lukas Badusek (Banska Bystrica, 2021-10-14)


I want this nightmare to stop. I want life and freedom.

Alexandra sitniewski (Jete, 2021-10-14)


Where over the lie's and we need the truth around Covid. So signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity. Lets see if one body is able to do there job.

Ricky Dacombe (Hastings, 2021-10-14)


I’m signing because I love this country and I believe that the freedoms that men and women have fought and died for have been and continue to be violated and I want ALL WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW!

Janice Rohr (Afton, 2021-10-14)


Tyranny and corruption will not prevail.

Glen Duckett (Bury, 2021-10-14)


Covid 19 is the greatest fraud and crime against humanity ever committed. And we are waking up!

Raymond Soo (Liverpool, 2021-10-14)


1.Those who created the virus to be held accountable.2 those who willingly participated in the distribution of a vaccinations which caused more harm to the human body politicians and doctors to be held accountable.3 Stop all lock downs.4 No to medical pass card.

Rodney Layters (Cape town, 2021-10-14)


Obéissance : Faire ce qu'on vous dit, peu importe ce qui est juste.
Résistance : Faire ce qui est juste, peu importe ce qu'on vous dit.

Dominique Claude (Paris, 2021-10-14)


Stop c'est assez

Christian Troncy (St Amour , 2021-10-14)



Phil Constantine (Scotts Head NSW, 2021-10-14)


This evil agenda needs to be stopped immediately!

Rebecca Riley (CHELMSFORD, 2021-10-14)


What has happened and is still happening is a travesty of human morality. I pray you find the absolute truth and that the criminals responsible for this are held accountable for their actions regardless of their stations in life.

Ricky Landry (Houma, 2021-10-14)

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