Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Souhlasím s peticí.

Sarah Terapeut (Praha, 2021-10-14)


I value human rights always

Kim Hunter (Gloucester, 2021-10-14)


Podepisuji petici

Iveta Tomanová (Prostějov, 2021-10-14)


I agree with the petition

Helena Smolíková (Jihlava, 2021-10-14)


I want to see these demons that have committed crimes against humanity leave this planet...

Antonio Ciarrocchi (Montreal, 2021-10-14)


Vaccine is poison.

Robert Yin (Plymouth, 2021-10-14)


I'm signing because we need to get the TRUTH out to this Nation about what really happened, who knew, and make these guilty people pay for their crimes!

Mary E Carlson (Darien, 2021-10-14)


The authorities haven’t provided evidence to justify the restrictions that they have imposed on the people. Those restrictions and coercive tactics to get an experimental injection have resulted in 100s of thousands of deaths and injuries.

Chris Ruttan (North Vancouver, 2021-10-14)


Si existe esta investigacion debe haber alguna incongruencia

Fernando Arango (Guatemala, 2021-10-14)


I’m signing because I believe this was biological warfare against humanity in attempts to follow an agenda leading to a “New World.” Because of the fear mongering media and censorship our society is being divided and turned against one another in fear of their health/life.

Shina Niehorster (Youngstown, 2021-10-14)


I object to covid vaccine mandates and believe that people should be allowed to choose whether to get one without the threat of loss of their jobs or freedoms. People are being divided, when we should be united and help each other. Information from the scientific community is being censored, so people don't have all of the information they need to make informed decisions. Many have lost their livelihoods from forced shut downs. Treatments that work and save lives are being blocked. Our freedoms have been stolen. So many lives could have been saved if treatment options were offered. This needs to be investigated. Ideas should be open for discussion and not censored and labelled as mis-information. This is a mass-formation effort on a global scale, and it needs to be investigated.

Jackie Adamson (Winnipeg, 2021-10-14)


so much evidence for massive crimes against humanity through the COVID-19 fiasco cannot be ignored or go unpunished!

John Mills (London, 2021-10-14)


chcem slobodne zit!

Monika Kovalčíková (Bratislava, 2021-10-14)


I feel it has been criminal to not allow hospitals to give people with covid treatments to save their lives. Also, because of the cover up of the fact this was a man made virus funded in part by our own government.

Deborah Macy (Foley, 2021-10-14)


All I have to say is Nuremberg

Joann Withnell (Ketchikan, 2021-10-14)


We need to hold those in power accountable for 18 months of lies, manipulation and tyranny.

Ericq Joseph (parsippany, 2021-10-14)


Demande collective d'Enquête devant la Cour pénale internationale de La Haye.



To hold those responsible for this abuse on the world citizens. May they regret their actions.

Alan Bateson (Perth, 2021-10-14)


I believe the government and polititians have violated the Nuremberg Code and are committing crimes against humanity.

Jonathon Hansen (Apple Valley, CA, 2021-10-14)


Tyranny is sweeping the world and I believe the point is global genocide

Annika Cameron (Suwanee, 2021-10-14)


I am ill and persecuted in France

Alain DRUX (Saint Avé , 2021-10-14)


Faith over fear! This madness has to end! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Darleen Kidd (Kansas City, 2021-10-14)


I'm signed because I'm believe in justice!

Marcel Mašura (Kverva , 2021-10-14)


I believe the people deserve justice and prosecution of the highest degree of the crimes committed against humanity with the lockdowns, the spread of this virus intentionally and the shots with all their contents and ingredients that cause side effects and death to so many per the VAERS reports.

Cristina Jackson (Prunedale, 2021-10-14)


It's important to stand as one united front "WE THE PEOPLE"


Donald Truax (Jamaica Plai n, MA, 2021-10-14)


I want the truth to be told and those responsible to be held accountable .

Bruce Schmidt (Peoria, 2021-10-14)


I'm tired of the lies.

Rachel Hudson (Belmont, MS, 2021-10-14)


páchají se zde zločiny proti lidskosti, zotročení lidí, fašizace, diskriminace, omezování práv a svobod neočkovaných (experimentální genová terapie) a mnoho dalších.

miroslav komárek (horšovský týn, 2021-10-14)


Il faut absolument qu'ils soient juger pour leurs actes, leurs mensonges...

Isabelle Tomas (Les Arcs , 2021-10-14)


We must Investigate and Prosecute Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity.

Dragan Georgiev (New Westminster, 2021-10-14)


We need absolutely put that case of high corruption to the HAAGEN ICC Tribunal.

Jean-François Scholler (Lagos, 2021-10-14)


For the children.

Valérie Dejaune (Annecy, 2021-10-14)


Estoy de acuerdo que estas vacunas forman parte de un Plan de genocidio contra la humanidad.

Margarita Beling Selder (Posadas.Misiones, 2021-10-14)


Public domain evidence and testimony has shown the SARS-Cov-2 aka COVID-19, was Developed in US & China based bio-weapon laboratories. Deliberately released into the world population for the sole purpose of creating world wide pandemic so a poison in the guise of a vaccine and designed to kill humans can be offered as a cure.

Paul Wisuri (Ishpeming, Michigan, 49849, 2021-10-14)


I am a scientist, occupational hygienist and forensic investigator with 40 years field experience investigating injuries and fatalities in workplaces and public spaces for law firms and insurance companies. There is no scientific basis whatsoever to substantiate the alleged COVID-19 pandemic. There is no pandemic. It has nothing to do with public health - it is a hideous crime against humanity driven by a politico-economic agenda. Those responsible must be brought to justice and face the Rule of Law for their crimes.

Stephen Crothers (Sunshine Plaza, 2021-10-14)


The leaders need to be responsible for the harm they have done. And now they want to experiment on kids with an experimental vaccine shot

Greg Campi (Shrewsbury, 2021-10-14)


Medical totalitarianism is horse shit.

Matthew Giannini (North Attleboro, 2021-10-14)


I'm signing for my grandchildren

Daniel Johnson (North adams, 2021-10-14)


Millions of people have been murdered or damaged silently worldwide by genocidal maniacs which makes it the largest genocide in human history. Those responsible who cooperated with the genocide knowingly or unknowingly(doctors, nurses, policemen, journalists etc.)must be immediately arrested and executed for warcrimes!

Silvester Bugar (Wisbech, 2021-10-14)


criminals must be prosecuted

Sheri Conn (Edmonton, 2021-10-14)


Terror has to be stopped.

Marek Monoskop (Presov, 2021-10-14)


I feel very strongly that these people should be held responsible. I had to tell my own doctor NO four times as he tried to push me to take the vaccine and would not prescribe HCW or Ivermectin.

Sonia Dale (Cropwell , 2021-10-14)


I'm signing this petition because i want to see justice. This Covid jab is a biological weapon - a crime against humanity.
The international criminal court needs to start investigating WEF, WHO, CCP and follow the money trails.....

Lisa Heyer (Montrose, 2021-10-14)


Podpisujem, pretože je to jedno veľké klamstvo a genocída na všetkých národoch.

Lenka Rišková Baranová (Kostolné, 2021-10-14)


Nesouhlasím s touto šikanou,politikou a útlakem, který je proti nám veden.

Martina Bartončíková (Zlín, 2021-10-14)


I have worked in ten medical industry. None of this makes any sense. I feel Democrats have politicized our health care and people ya e needlessly died being denied other options for treatment.

Melissa Jarrett (College Station, 2021-10-14)

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