Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



This insanity has to stop.

Martin Bukový (Martin, 2021-10-14)


I believe there are crimes being committed against humanity. In particular torture and genocide, and these need to be dealt with before many more are murdered in the name of profits

Bob Lizmore (London, 2021-10-14)


To end these crimes against humanity

Elaine Beever (Red deer, 2021-10-14)


Im a fair thinking live human.

david papala (Zlaté Hory, 2021-10-14)


As a citizen of the US, I demand that everyone, no matter their rank or position, be held to the same standards as all Americans if not held to higher standards due to their position in public [office].

Julie Smith (Wake Forest, 2021-10-14)



Kristína Uherkovichová (Bratislava, 2021-10-14)


This is an essential issue for all humanity

Jaya Shore (Kootenay Bay , 2021-10-14)


It is not acceptable for people not to be treated in hospitals and at a doctor without a test when they pay for health insurance. It is not acceptable for an employer to require a test at work. Wearing masks in schools, at work, in shops and outdoors is unacceptable, as it is proven that masks do not protect against the virus and are harmful. Let alone young children in schools. Vaccination, testing and wearing of masks must be voluntary.

Beáta Chovančáková (Kostoľany nad Hornádom, 2021-10-14)


This is against our human rights and there is no one who stands up and says something about those illegal actions. We have to show, that what is happening, is nearly the same things that happened with the Jews. We are starting to disunite between unvaccinated and vaccinated. Those who are vaccinated, have to wear (at least in some parts of Germany) yellow buttons, a sign to identify in which group they belong. It’s also a matter of fact, that our society is now again, silenced, because there is just one „truth“ and one „way“. Again scientists who do what’s in their nature -to question things and look further- are forced to agree with what the politicians have to say, or else they have to fear loosing their reputation etc. (The prohibition of autopsy when people died due to corona).
The people are again not speaking up, although the law is clear about what is illegal. The fact that we haven’t been able to hear anything about lawsuits that have been filed is also worrying. And so i sign this petition in hope, that my kids, someday, will know what freedom is. That they are allowed to discuss about what is happening right now.
It is our job, to secure our human rights and our job to make sure that the law will be acknowledged and respected- by everyone!
(Mom says I should write that I am 17 years old :-))

Luam Silz (Bad Homburg, 2021-10-14)


I care

Sandra Shanmoogam (Western Cape, 2021-10-14)


I think that its against our basic human rights, to force people into vaccination.

Bettina Silz (Frankfurt am Main, 2021-10-14)


Podpisujem, pretože ;
v SR sa deje od marca 2020 bezprecedentné porušovanie ústavy SR, zákonov SR, občianskych práv a slobôd, medzinárodných dohovorov, vládou SR, mediálne a fyzické šikanovanie a likvidácia osôb, výkonným aparátom vlády SR, ktoré na toto poukazujú.

fašistické kroky vlády SR, zneužitie všetkých štátnych , armádnych a policajných zložiek, zdravotníckych, a ľudskoprávnych inštitúcií, jednoznačným zámerom obohatiť sa na situácii v súvise s covid19, formou nútenia obyvateľstva do núdzovej klinickej štúdie súkromných farmakologických gigantov.

absolútne fašistické metódy, protippatrenia a vyhlášky v rozpore s právom, všeobecnou morálkou a dôstojnosťou jedinca ZAKAZUJÚCE preventívne opatrenia, overené spôsoby a prostriedky liečby ochorenia covid19.

Miroslav Beňo (Bratislava, 2021-10-14)


Il faut que les responsables paient pour leurs crimes et que cela s'arrête le plus vite possible.

Jocelyne Chatrian (Bourg St Maurice, 2021-10-14)


Je signe parce que je veux lutter contre les nombreuses atteintes aux libertés, contre les discriminations et la maltraitance qu'elles engendrent.

Martine Mauron (82160, 2021-10-14)


Biden and whoever are committing crimes against humanity and must be stopped and prosecuted.

Rick Daniels (Lancaster , 2021-10-14)


I am just so very tired of the hateful people trying to control us.

Beverly Parkison (Csrthage,Ms., 2021-10-14)


Respect for the Constitution of the United States. Rejection of Tyranny.

Michael Sansone (Honolulu, 2021-10-14)


This needs to be investigated world wide. This is a world problem.

Adam Poxon (victoria, 2021-10-14)


Noone should have the right to choose their health care taken away from them.

Jodie Williams (Grafton , 2021-10-14)


The CDC is a criminal entity that is instrumental in the mass annellation of the Human race. They must be stopped and brought to justice!

Lucie Bahner (McHenry, 2021-10-14)


Abuse of our rights, needs to stop

Mike Nelson (Red Deer County, 2021-10-14)


Justice must be done and the truth must be heard.

Sarah Warren (Topeka, 2021-10-14)


I’m outraged by these UNCONSTITUTIONAL forced jabs

Michael Mueller (Townsend, 2021-10-14)


This egregious criminality must stop once and for all.

Emmanuel Roy (Moncton, 2021-10-14)


Celà devient urgent que lq vérité éclate et que les responsables rendent des comptes.



Health is a individual choice same as women with claims choice for abortions.

Roman John Vasicek (San Diego , 2021-10-14)


Nous devons réagir contre le plus grand génocide de l'histoire humaine

Meryem Alaoui (Bruxelles , 2021-10-14)


Slovensko je raj justycnej a exekučnej mafie a bolo by treba vyvodiť zodpovednosť a tie prasce zatvárať

Rasto luhovy (Puchov, 2021-10-14)


I want to stop the crimes against humanity

Peggy Davenport (Glen innes , 2021-10-14)


All involved should be held accountable we can not continue to allow them to continue to harm are loved ones .

Steve Wylie (West Sacramento , 2021-10-14)


Je suis totalement solidaire de cette plainte. Je réclame un jugement pour les personnes responsables des décisions prises et mises en place.

Sandra Delannay (Albertville , 2021-10-14)


Forced or coerced inoculation of experimental vaccines with no long term safety data is criminal & evil.

Censorship & punishment for anyone speaking out or eliminating all debate & discussion is criminal & evil.

Not allowing early treatment & alternative treatment methods is murder & should be treated as such.

Enough is enough. People are rising up against such malpractice, corruption & vile actions.

Danielle Stewart (Stellarton , 2021-10-14)


I value my health and personal freedom the most. Without freedom over my body I have no freedom at all. We are being raped and stripped of human rights!

Alena Hanáková (Banská Bystrica , 2021-10-14)


There are other positive ways to treat this virus opposed to a vaccine which clearly does not have enough clinical trials.

MaryAnn Lynch (Auckland , 2021-10-14)


Los políticos, gobiernos corruptos y otros delincuentes que habían montado la Plandemia han cometido graves crímenes contra la humanidad y deben ser juzgados.

Martin Hornak (Llucmajor, 2021-10-14)


All human beings on this planet have the right to be informed on all questions regarding their health.
Which is blatantly nota happening since this "disease" was "discovered".

Antonio Carlos Palmer (São Paulo, 2021-10-14)


These criminals, who have destroyed so many people's lives, MUST be brought to justice. For the sake of our children and all human beings yet to come.

Julia Carter (London, 2021-10-14)


I believe that there are such drugs available like ivermectin that not only help to minimise the effects of covid it can prevent the virus altogether, I think that the reason the government aren’t allowing these drugs to be used is due to the incentives that they receive from the pharma companies to inject the people; this needs to stop and let the individual decided!

Renee Law (Moss vale , 2021-10-14)


I’m signing because I want to help put an end to the genocide you’re committing against the unsuspecting public.

Ulli Austermann (Langwarrin, 2021-10-14)


This is clearly genocide on a global scale. The pandemic has been manufactured as a means of bringing in totalitarian control, and mass depopulation.
All governments and mass media have been compromised and are not telling the public the truth.
There is a wealth of evidence, and lots of qualified scientists who are speaking out but are being cancelled/censored.
This needs a large scale investigation and trial. Those responsible need to be held accountable. And measures need implemented to ensure this cannot happen again.

Iain Miller (Manchester , 2021-10-14)


I fully support the intent, motives and aspirations of the petition, and for those who are bringing it.

Charles Pierard (Auckland , 2021-10-14)


Bécasse no and no and no

Magaly Bayeul (La Flotte , 2021-10-14)


I am one of those whose family was forced into a condition of genocide by wicked government actors/actress's.

Clyde Young (Fort Sumner, 2021-10-14)


Too many have been murdered for politics and power.

Teresa Winstead (N Little Rock , 2021-10-14)


Sovereignty- Freedom

Elaine Sinclair (Drogheda , 2021-10-14)


I chose freedom to consent just like our constitution

Nadia Young (Melbourne , 2021-10-14)


I would rather kill my self than have a vaccine that’s still on trial as the fear and paranoia I’d be living with if forced I would father not be here.

This is inhumane

Maria Rullo (Melbourne , 2021-10-14)


I want to see all the criminals identified, charged and found guilty. I think the scale of the crime will dictate the punishment.

Kara Colclough (Aboyne, 2021-10-14)


I'm signing because what has happened around the world is wrong and those who have perpetrated it should be brought to account.

Jakub Proskien (Sydney, 2021-10-14)


Tyranny cannot be allowed. Every single person who orchestrated this medical tyranny must be punished. No exceptions.

Simone Nichol (Montreal, 2021-10-14)


I'm signing because what has been done and continues to be done by individuals and governments against we the people of the earth are crimes against humanity and bio terrorism. Millions have died by their hands and you have the power and obligation to stop it.

Billir Turner (Kirkland, 2021-10-14)

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