Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Because of the evidence shown by many health professionals that the vaccine is a bio weapon and not a vaccine as it has never been tested properly before use on humans.

Frank Derick Van Aswegen (Liverpool, 2021-10-15)


I need not specify my reasons, suffice to say that what is currently happening throughout the World is a Crime against Humanity!

Danielle Lopes (Victoria, 2021-10-15)


I am signing because these vaccines are killing people

Stefan Forchert (Bridbane, 2021-10-15)


I am horrified by the acts of these individuals, both individually and in coordination with one another, to perpetrate such horrific crimes against humanity through the creation of a bio weapon for use against the world for the purposes of depopulation. The creation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, its PCR testing, and its subsequent experimental gene therapy m-RNA ‘vaccine’ combined with the intentional release of the virus with the intent of creating a global pandemic is nothing short of evil and is eerily reminiscent of the crimes perpetrated by the Nazi’s during WWII. There is much more to this well coordinated evil conspiracy and all involved and complicit in its execution should be thoroughly investigated, brought to justice and punished to the fullest extend allowed by law.

Pam Lorentz (Magnolia, 2021-10-15)


I do not agree with pandemic measures and discrimination against unvaccinated people.

Anna Labudova (Levoca, 2021-10-15)


It is neccessery for friedom and demokracy.

Martina Antalová (Šaľa, 2021-10-15)


These are crimes against humanity

We have a constitutional right to our medical choices

Julita Babs (Melbourne , 2021-10-15)



Katarina Steviarova (Pezinok, 2021-10-15)


nesuhlasim s experimentovanim na ludoch a porusovanim ludskych prav

miroslav uhlarik (zilina, 2021-10-15)


Im signing

Rastislav Čupka (Šenkvice, 2021-10-15)


I am signing regarding to the obvious scientific conclusions of top scientists all over the world

Eva Dvořáková (Borovany, 2021-10-15)


Some things need investigation as they blatantly contravene legal precedents, and no evidence base for policy decisions that contravene law across multiple continents

Alison Rowe (Salisbury , 2021-10-15)


Its discrimination.

Petr Vitula (Struzna, 2021-10-15)



Abosiova Gyöngyi (Komárovce, 2021-10-15)


This politicians have no illegal right to do this and need to be held accountable!!

Robyn Shannon (Casino, 2021-10-15)


Babicska Jozef

Babicska Jozef (Želiezovce, 2021-10-15)


I'm signing because I believe in justice and people responsible for this whole situation should go to jail.

Michał Rączka (Wrocław, 2021-10-15)


celá plandemie je kolosální podvod. zastavme a potrestejme ty svině!

Yvona Škurková (Olomouc 9, 2021-10-15)


Because history should not repeat itself especially when we know the devastation of our past mistakes

Jane Mifsud (Melbourne, 2021-10-15)


Im singing, because it is very important to support these People

David Fiedor (Bystřice pod Hostýnem , 2021-10-15)


Because we want to be human

Jan Záveský (PRAHA, 2021-10-15)


It's criminal and is eroding public trust in justice that it is not being tried in court.

Nonie De Long (Edmundston, 2021-10-15)


I'm signing for the future direction of human life on the planet. People need to get all information (not just one-sided) in order to wake up and make their own free decisions.

Olga Cernega (Liberec , 2021-10-15)


The harm done to Australia and its people during this farce is immeasurable - physically, mentally, emotionally and economically. Petty political tyrants and unelected bureaucrats have robbed us of our basic human rights with edicts not based on any science. Australia is now a divided nation with the "unvaccinated" excluded from all normal social and community interaction even though the number of 'cases' increases in line with the number of jabs. These so called vaccinations are failing to slow the spread of Covid. Instead they are causing serious adverse effects and even death. The tyrants need to be held accountable for their actions.

Alison Appleby (Warwick, 2021-10-15)


The power and money hungry corrupt people in office need to be stopped and removed before they completely destroy us, our country, our economy, our freedom.

Ronda Delhommer (Livingston , 2021-10-15)


Podpisujem, pretože zločiny páchané nielen voči mojej osobe, ale aj voči osobám v mojom okolí, i po celom svete je nutné zastaviť.

Viliam Daniška (Pečeňady, 2021-10-15)


Humanity deserves a better world and a guaranteed survival

Heidi Mencl (Hershey, 2021-10-15)

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