Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



This is beyond criminal

Steven Ehrgott (Concord, 2021-10-15)


Those responsible for the deaths, disability, suicides, bankruptcies, loss of livelihoods and general lack of concern for the welfare of all humans due to their corona virus rules and regulations should be punished to the full extent of the law

Claire Mason (Mullumbimby , 2021-10-15)


I’m signing this because this attempt at genocide must stop

Ray Slivinski (Plantsville, 2021-10-15)


Justice face à une DICTATURE

Laurent Mat (Isere, 2021-10-15)



jozef pokorny (Tatranska Polianka, 2021-10-15)


I’m signing because I want to support the freedom of choice and to end medical tyranny.

Mihaela Telecan (Cocoa Beach , 2021-10-15)


In the Czech and Slovak Republics, I work for top politicians to apologize to citizens for not standing up for them and to leave them under the influence of crimes against oppression.

Jiří Holý (Prague, 2021-10-15)


Humanity is being culled for profit

Rob Lottering (Pretoria, 2021-10-15)


I love freedom

Branislav Gajdoš (Bratislava - Dúbravka, 2021-10-15)


I'm signing because it is wrong to be forced or coerced for any reason to have something injected or but in your body that you don't want.

Sharol Davenport (Shreveport , 2021-10-15)



Zuzana Plšková (Zamarovce, 2021-10-15)


I sincerely appreciate Dr. Fleming's work on this and am proud to stand with him!

Cary Cobb (Lucas, 2021-10-15)


An extensive body of evidence exists that is contrary to the government’s SARS Cov-2 narrative. Such that there is now reasonable doubt about the narrative and loss of confidence in both the gov’ and the health services.
There is also widespread coercion.
Threatening the core of our freedoms.
This must stop and those responsible must face the consequences of their actions.

David Hallsworth (Newhaven , 2021-10-15)


Justice must be served.

William Devries (Brantford, 2021-10-15)


Those guilty for this massive medical malfeasance need to be brought to justice.

Ged Hurst (Le Pecq, 2021-10-15)


Corporate coercion regarding vaccines are ruining livelihoods

Taylor Scott (Clarkston , 2021-10-15)


Justice needs to be served!

Linda Sleczka (Barrow in Furness, 2021-10-15)


Nesouhlasím s tím,co se děje

Kateřina Melnicakova Kucerova (Kytlice, 2021-10-15)


Many people are dying, it is so cruel..crimes against humanity..

Carolina Mannucci (Buenos Aires, 2021-10-15)


The people knowingly responsible for the harm to humanity through the manipulation and outright denial of truth and/or allowing the truth of the global pandemic to be known need to be held fully responsible and accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Sharlene Trumet (Helotes, 2021-10-15)


What is happening in the world is a second holocaust and we cannot stand down.

Abby Beale (Frankfort, 2021-10-15)


Nikdo mě nesmí nutit k povinné vakcinaci. A ještě experimentální genovou terapií po které mají lidé brutální problémy či umírají. Covid do teď nebyl izolován...Je to marný pokus elit o likvidaci nadbytečné populace. Sami skončíte tak, jak jste to chystali nám. Za ta zvěrstva musíte zaplati!

Monika Sýkorová (Chomutov, 2021-10-15)


I’m signing this petition because they did Crime against the humanity!

Senka Cuturic (Missisauga , 2021-10-15)



Mariana Tretiaková (Hosťová, 2021-10-15)


I truly believe there is an international agreement to enforce these vaccinations using experimental vaccines when there are known, tried & tested alternative treatments. They are doing innumerable harm to healthy people and will continue to do so unless they are stopped

Jean Spencer (Raunds, 2021-10-15)


I am signing because I want all this criminals who do a lots of damage to the young generation, behind bars for a life penalty for all crimes they did against the humanity

Roberto Durante (Tenerife CI, 2021-10-15)


Covid 19 deaths. Fake vaccine

Katherine Farias (Hanahan , 2021-10-15)


Save us please!!!

Kristy Sullivan (Carthage, 2021-10-15)


I do not support the inoculation of an experimental drug such as the Coviv-19 mRNA vaccines. I support independent academic research and regulatory bodies that act in the interest of the public and promote a free and open scientific debate. I say no to mandatory COVID-19 vaccination and the introduction of vaccine passport to travel, work and study.

Beatrice Balestrazzi (London, 2021-10-15)


I care about my fellow citizens and the information that is being hidden from the public.

Lauren McDonough (Richardson, 2021-10-15)


I'm signing because I want justice for the thousands who have been injured or killed by this global experiment. I want justice for livelihoods that have been unnecessarily destroyed and for children who have been robbed almost 2 years of their childhood. Those who perpetrate these crimes should not be given an opportunity to attempt a scamdemic reboot in 10 years.

Sharon Le Van (Meerbusch, 2021-10-15)


I don't want this world they want for us.



I wholeheartedly agree with this petition and call for justice to be served!

Roxanne Dube (Claremont , 2021-10-15)


So that, unfortunately, once again in history we can make these inhumans accountable for what they did, and hoping, that this time, it will effectively never happen again !!!

Gregory Gelissen (Plan-les-Ouates, 2021-10-15)


These criminals are killing off humanity for profit and must be stopped

William Whitmore (Fort Gratiot, 2021-10-15)


Those jabs are harmful my friend got sick after doing it so did her sister.

Shila Kamrani (Vancouver , 2021-10-15)


I am signing this petition because all our rights are currently being violated. France, the country of human rights, no longer exists. Man has no more rights in France and even less for his health. And unfortunately this is the case in many other countries today. This COVID19 crisis has gradually turned into crimes against humanity.

Philippe LOBJEOIS (COLMAR , 2021-10-15)

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