Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I want to know precisely what happens.

Alain Durand (Evry, 2021-10-15)


Chcem,aby pykali,za to, čo spôsobili národu vlády zradcov...

Milada Jurjakova (Spišská Nová Ves, 2021-10-15)


Stop covid fašizmu

Jozef Fintor (Luhyňa, 2021-10-15)


This apartheid must end.

Stanislav Jindra (Trnava, 2021-10-15)


This is ridiculous. The lack of science and defendable evidence, to capture a world like this. For what.

Sonia Veltman (George, 2021-10-15)


I believe in freedom of choice and I will not submit to any vaccine mandate. I am a sovereign person.

Dorma Prokop (Lucas, 2021-10-15)


Get to court all od those individuals responsible for crimes against humanity

Jozef Ficek (Bytča, 2021-10-15)


Non au pass

Valérie Poitrineau (Durtal, 2021-10-15)


Žiadny covid pas

Maria Yilmaz Matisova (Žilina, 2021-10-15)


I am signing, because I agree with that.

Július Soč (Galanta, 2021-10-15)


Those responsible (and profiting from) creating the Covid-19 laboratory created virus and harmful and ineffective vaccines need to be held accountable for their crimes. Government officials, government agencies, corporations, etc. should not be mandating how citizens care for their own health nor should they be censoring the truth or withholding effective treatment for individuals who contract Covid-19. I also hold the mainstream media accountable for continuing to spread lies about Covid-19 and Covid-19 "vaccines" and continuing to spread the lie that there are no effective treatments for Covid-19.

Ellen Stromswold (NASHUA, 2021-10-15)


They must be bought to account,

David Allsop (Birmingham , 2021-10-15)


Medical freedom

Mohammed Alajmi (Kuwait, 2021-10-15)


I have seen raw data that indicates a great deal of injury POST INOCULATION and it is not being reported. Not one clinical study since inception at the facility where current employed. Set to lose my job because I am using critical thinking, which used to be taught!!

Leslie Newman (Vancouver, 2021-10-15)


Its time for Nuremberg 2.0

Joao Alvarez (Severna Park , 2021-10-15)


I believe it is time for us to have our voice heard, and this tyranny to end

Charles Marshall (Emmerentia, 2021-10-15)



Vladimír Petovsky (Trenčín , 2021-10-15)


I 'm a lawyer and the violations are all encompacing



I am signing because my research has convinced me that crimes against humanity have been committed and the World needs to bring those individuals responsible for this atrocity to justice!

Patricia Outram (Richmond, 2021-10-15)


BUSINESS terrorists pandemic covid-19
All fraud and vaccinations are poissons



Withholding of viable treatments and censorship of scientific inquiry

Roy Howse (Oakville , 2021-10-15)


Je signe pour que la vérité soit dite sur ces vaccins qui tuent, pour préserver les générations futures contre les effets secondaires dramatiques de cette expérimentation, pour me battrecontre la désinformation des médias, les lobbys pharmaceutiques et les mensonges d'Etat, pour la démocratie, la liberté. Pour la vie.



Pour que la vérité éclate au grand jour et que cesse ce programme criminel.

Marie-Annick NOUGUIER (GINOLES, 2021-10-15)


Becouse I respect life.

Jana Burda (Svit, 2021-10-15)


The very future of humanity is at stake. If this diabolical activity is not stopped , our children and grandchildren will not have a life. The actions of governments , promoted by public health officials are criminal, they should be punished to the full extent of the law. The damage and injury caused to millions is already irreversible and continues to increase exponentially. It would behave the court to consider the future prospects for their own nearest and dearest. This attack on life affects us all.

Paddy Mccollum (Belfast, 2021-10-15)


I believe that there is clear evidence of wrong-doing; that these matters are serious and require proper investigation and, as appropriate, prosecution of those causing harm to others.

Elizabeth Anne Gwinnett (Tackley, 2021-10-15)


I'm signing this because I am tired of all the lies being pushed on us by the governments and media in our world. Unnecessary suffering and deaths caused by the human and purposeful creation of the Covid-19 virus and the "vaccinations" the world is being forced to take. This is a true crime against humanity.

Sally Davis (Maple Ridge, 2021-10-15)


Podpisujem, pretože sú obmedzované ľudské práva a slobodu. A štát na SR a CZ konajú protizákonne., protiprávne a proti ústave!!!

Denisa Kožiaková (Mimoň, 2021-10-15)


Governments around the world are actively trying to murder their people with an emergency use vaccine, using coercion and not getting informed consent. This I believe breaks all ten principles of the Nuremberg code. It is the worst and biggest crime against humanity in history.

Paul Quevatre (Riga, 2021-10-15)


I want to support this petition, I want my rights and wishes to be respected.

Zuzana Bellova (Cheltenham, 2021-10-15)


I’m disgusted by the corruption of our elected leaders and the pain and chaos they have wrecked on the global population to feed their greed for wealth and power.

Linsey Crooks (Blackwo, 2021-10-15)


I'm afraid off vaccination totality.

Marek Šumaj (Trenčín, 2021-10-15)


People are dying unnecessarily in the hospitals because the "treatment" provided there is killing them, while real treatment that can be prescribed and taken at home is being suppressed. Mandating an untested shot that has already killed and debilitated thousands of people is insidious, unconstitutional and a manipulative abuse of power. The majority of the public is aware of the web of lies and the people connected in it and justice will prevail, whether that is on this side of Heaven or in the life to come. Jesus is Lord. May God have mercy on the people who have been a part of these crimes against humanity. I pray they repent and receive Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Amber Kennedy (Houston, 2021-10-15)


Podepisuji, protože doufám ve spravedlnost

Karla Komárová (Havířov, 2021-10-15)


I believe in freedom

Natasha Kay (Escondido , 2021-10-15)

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