Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Je signe parce que c'est un crime contre l'humanité perpétré depuis l'interdiction de soigner les personnes malades de Covid en les laissant à leur domicile sans Traitement....puis en injectant des produits expérimentaux sans consentement libres et éclairé.....

Marie Christine Mueller (Sierre, 2021-10-15)


I support Dr. Fleming and Professor David Clements 100%. Dr. Fleming has been able to articulate and demonstrate what I have suspected all throughout this "pandemic". I am a Registered Nurse that had to study microbiology, immunology and treatment modalities and Dr. Fleming supports my opinions on why these vaccines are biological weapons against humanity and should NEVER BE FORCED BY ANY GOVERNMENT!!!!



The future of our nation depends on it. Thanks to all fighting to protect and represent us.

Karin Bogart (Ticonderoga, 2021-10-15)


I do not believe that the mRNA vaccination can protect peoplefrom COVID-19, but rather kill people from vaccinated it.
I truly think mandated vaccination of COVID 19 breaches the 1947 Nuremberg Code.

Toshimi Sonobe (Saitama, 2021-10-15)



Šárka Porčová (Most 1, 2021-10-15)


A Fauci William Gates Klaw Schwab..&..Public Officials all across America and the The World and Health Agencies/workers/Doctors/Nurses have KNOWLINGLY neglected to do proper due diligence tro investiaget the origins and/or existence of any new novel 'virus' and its subsequent 'vaccines' that caused massive numbers of deaths and injuries to 100,000+ human beings on this Planet Earth.

Elizabeth Hudson (Largo, 2021-10-15)


Je veux que cesse cette folie

Martinez Caroline (Leimbach, 2021-10-15)


I want back my freedom

Maria Alexanderov (Burnaby , 2021-10-15)


People are being manipulated to take a chemical trial drug which is compromising their immune system or outright killing them. Genocide or demo code are criminal and current actions against humanity constitute crimes against humanity

William Bennett (Melbourne, 2021-10-15)


This bad game has to end. The truth will come out and evil will be punished. Covid is just a means of introducing the NWO, total controls.

Koriťáková Věra (Karviná , 2021-10-15)


Forced testing and vaccination has to stop.

Lenka Hajnišová (Bratislava, 2021-10-15)


To stop the tyranny that started with this global phenomenon

Zahraa Alali (Kuwait, 2021-10-15)


Verím, že spravodlivosť zvíťazí a nikto nebude ovplyvňovať konanie súdu, verím, že všetci zodpovední za zločiny proti ľudskosti budú vyšetrovaní a stíhaní.

Gabriela Haková (Považská Bystrica 1, 2021-10-15)


They have committed Treason and War Crimes.

Clive Bates (Maricopa, 2021-10-15)


Heavy coercion to be jabbed. Extreme violence by law enforcement agencies against peaceful,unarmed civilians in Melbourne and Sydney.

Jim Richards (SA rural, 2021-10-15)


Nothing make sense to me

Ahmad Alraeis (Kuwait city, 2021-10-15)


I believe that mandatory decrees issued by governments under emergency legislations are illegal, contravening many international conventions openly, by forcing medical treatments and experiments on the population of the affected countries,

Robert Vandergraaf (Sydney , 2021-10-16)


These crimes perpetrated during the so-called Covid-19 crisis are obvious : governments have refused access to essential medicine like hydroxychloroquin, ivermectin, etc to people affected by the virus and let them to die. Furthermore they nearly force people to receive experimental injections with non-fully tested "vaccines" of unknown composition.

Olivier Bodenmann (Echallens, 2021-10-16)


As a Physician Assistant for over ten years I am deeply disturbed by the incredible lack of humanity and care that is being put into prophylaxis and treatment of covid patients. Science has never been one or none, until now. A difference of opinion was always welcomed; until now. This virus is a bio weapon and it and it’s ripple effect has caused severe damage and irreversible harm for millions of people across the globe.

Megen Orsborn (Batavia , 2021-10-16)


Because I know what the vaccine does..researched long ago..seen people lose their life and my niece of over 7 months in the womb..has passed..she was suppose to be born at the end of this fighting for her and others.

Tabatha Goff (Grant Town, 2021-10-16)


I support of Decent proper human rights . And be forced and coecered and mandated to agree to.unfair unscrupulous behaviour...of certain persons n groups trying to destroy our human rights n what is fair and decent..

Craig Hickman (Tinonee , 2021-10-16)


I am signing because governments around the world, and my government of Australia, are oppressing the people, and will fully and premeditatedly committing crimes against humanity and genocide. These individuals and government representatives need to be held fully accountable and for these criminal actions! Justice needs to served and upheld! They have committed treason against their nation and their own people!

Michael Graeber (Lobethal , 2021-10-16)


I am a patriot and I want these criminals stopped

Jennifer Herod (Lake Mary , 2021-10-16)


Governments have gone to far.

Peter Ware (Halifax, 2021-10-16)


It is clear that the coordinated global response to SARS CoV2 is not about health or saving lives.

Pawel Szopa (Nanoose Bay, 2021-10-16)


My life and my freedom here is at stake. My doctor and myself should make a decision to receive a vaccine (experimental) not the government. This vaccine will kill me. I live with fear that the government will come to my door and ask for my papers.

Julie Anthony (Lake Havasu City , 2021-10-16)


No more lives should be lost to blatant criminal negligence by the U.S. Government.

Josue Noyles (El Paso, 2021-10-16)


I realize data has been manipulated and presented in unethical ways to coerce the public into taking dangerous drugs. As the granddaughter of a WWII survivor in Austria, I demand accountability from those in power, responsible for operating beyond the contraints of the law.

tamara camarata (San diego, 2021-10-16)


The obligation is unacceptable. The vaccine is experimental. The malady afflicts an infinitesimal part of the population. The vaccine efficacy is wrongly calculated - it’s NOT 95%, it’s 0,82-1,23%. Too many undesirable effects.

Rastislav Cupal Ondrusek (Bruges, 2021-10-16)


I'm signing because no vaccine should be mandatory

Bohumila Kallova (Kelowna , 2021-10-16)


Chcem, aby títo ľudia niesli zodpovednosť

Mila Šimková (Hraň, 2021-10-16)


Absolute crime against humanity.

Jenni Stowers (Queensland, 2021-10-16)


To help to stop the mass murdering of my fellow humans.

Lynn Peters (Anna Bay, 2021-10-16)


I want evil to be held accountable and all to be put on trial for crimes against humanity.

Marisa Catlow (Bega, 2021-10-16)


I want these COVID criminals who have committed crimes against humanity to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

Charla Oakley (Murray, 2021-10-16)


I want to see justice done, as what happened during the Nuremberg trials.

Colette Erbacker (Kelowna, 2021-10-16)


This insanity must be stopped

Drew Henzell (Brisbane , 2021-10-16)


I'm 100% against the vaccine, and believe it's a bioweapon against the people, and also biblically believe it's the Mark of the Beast.

Simone Henton (Citrus Heights, 2021-10-16)


My body my choice i don't want anything to do with an experiment, that is what lab rats are for.

Paul Bonneville (Glaslyn , 2021-10-16)


Justice for those that have suffered through this planned pandemic and those that have inevitably died from vaccine injury.

Sandra Efraimson (Murrieta , 2021-10-16)


our freedom is rapidly disappearing and the people who have brought this about need to be held accountable. At no time in history has the world seen such a collusion of evil.

sabrina balsky (ny, 2021-10-16)


I want justice to be done on those corrupt responsible for genocide to be punished

Tarabay Anna (Wollongong, 2021-10-16)


Bonjour, je signe parce qu'il y en a assez de cette histoire de C..., Je décide pour moi même. Il est nécessaire d'arrêter ces injonctions de masses qui tuent. Arrêter ces criminels tout de suite.
La terre est belle, sauvons notre espace de vie pour une vie plus humaine où tout êtres vivants est respecté. Merci beaucoup 🙏

Elisabeth Debus (Saint Genest, 2021-10-16)


I’m signing because this is just biullshit and they can’t be allowed to get away with it..

Shaun Perry (Mackay, 2021-10-16)


Chcem odsúdenie a potrestanie novodobých zločincov.

Andrea Talárová (Bardejov , 2021-10-16)


Car je suis secrétaire dans le médico-social et que je suis suspendue car non injectée et donc sans revenu (une maison et une voiture à payer).

Fabienne MANARA (GUEBWILLER , 2021-10-16)


I am angry and I want everyone responsible held accountable because people are dying... the vaccines are killing people and the lockdowns are killing people. I lost my beautiful daughter, who lived far from me in another state, to suicide. She was isolated, working from her one-room apartment because her job was 'non-essential'... the fear created thru media, inflated covid deaths count guidelines implemented by government... took down my smart, life-loving daughter... I am heart-broken and angry.

Eustacia Miliusis (Cedar Springs, 2021-10-16)


Human Rights Rights are being violated. People are sick, disabled and dying because of covid 19 vaccine and all the political mandates, policies and inaccurate treatment protocols. The politicians, companies, and enforcers need to be held accountable.

George Tucker (Chesapeake, 2021-10-16)


Pour en avoir été et être victime

Catherine Girardi (CHALON SUR SAONE, 2021-10-16)

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