Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing because of the crimes that are being carried out an the need for action against these covid crimes

Beverly McCormick (LEAMINGTON, 2021-10-16)


What is happening is beyond comprehension. This is not a choice and the exact rules made by these past documents was to stop this type of abuse of power. We do not have freedom or choice abs people are being harmed and no one is standing up to it. We need this to be reviewed and understood that there are violations happening to innocent people.

Lisa Aschenbrenner (Kelowna, 2021-10-16)


Ano suhlasim s päticiov do Haagu

Mallo Norbert (Krušovce, 2021-10-16)


Your killing people..

Tarrah Xavier (Hidden Valley Lake , 2021-10-16)


Quand on en arrive à harceler des médecins pour avoir prescrit de la vitamine D alors que tout le monde sait que ce n'est ni nocif mais aide à renforcer les défenses immunitaires, c'est bien qu'il a un complot des pouvoirs politiques, institutionnels, industriels et financiers pour crime contre l'humanité. Il n'y a rien de sanitaire dans tout ça. On a cessé de porter atteinte aux droits et la dignité des humains donc on veut des enquêtes indépendantes et des poursuites contre les criminels en bande organisée. Il a été procédé à de la désinformation, de l'extorsion de consentement et de la répression pour contraindre les individus à des injections de substances dont on ne connaît pas la composition dans un cadre expérimentale, traitant la population comme des rats d'un laboratoire à échelle mondial. Aucune enquête sérieuse n'est menée malgré 16000 morts signalés dans la base de pharmacovigilance au niveau européen.

Hassina RAISS (SAINT MAX, 2021-10-16)


This has to stop.

Jeff Rhodes (London, 2021-10-16)


We have to fight for our rights and future

Irmgard Segerink (Oldenzaal, 2021-10-16)


Je signe pour renverser cette dictature honteuse! Affichée avec arrogance et méchanceté

GERARD ZAJD (32100 - CONDOM, 2021-10-16)


Il signing because the same happens all over the world... even in Belgium ! Discrimination, pressure to be vaccinated, no respect of the human and patients rights, old persons did'nt have access to the hospital and died in rest homes... alone, sanitary pass is an obligation to have access to be hospitalized and the vaccination is an obligation to get this sanitary pass, no information about secondary effects of the vaccines, aso ado.

Claude Campens (Grâce-Hollogne, 2021-10-16)


I believe in human rights -created by a creator that doesn’t kill to create life. This genetic test they pushing is killing people changing them irreparably it’s criminal
Has to be stopped

Jc Coger (Mount claire, 2021-10-16)


I know this is a weapon of mass distraction while over two years before it happened and the people responsible from China to the US to invite any other country should be held accountable!

Emory Parker (Phoenix, 2021-10-16)



Jenni Jean-François (Vésenaz , 2021-10-16)



Marianna Pillarova (Michalovce , 2021-10-16)


It’s a travesty because so many people are so misinformed and follow a mandate that has harmed millions of people in the world!
This is America and we have choices….FEAR IS A TERRIBLE THING‼️

David Kimmerle (Phoenix , 2021-10-16)


I am signing here because any form of discrimination is unacceptable. Right now on a walk in clinic there is a sign on the front door that states that the unvaccinated are no longer allowed to walk in to the clinic like vaccinated patients. They must now phone in and do over the phone appointments and if the doctor deems it necessary they may be allowed in person visits by appointment where they are kept separate from vaccinated patients. This is disgusting, degrading, humiliating, practice that is set up to humiliate unvaccinated patients. That they are so dirty, disease ridden individuals that someone else must warrant whether they should be seen in person. Of the sign had said for example no African Americans, LGBT, First Nations, Asians, East Indians etc this would not be expected behaviour but because it says no unvaccinated it’s deemed okay. This is no different than the propaganda and humiliation tactics that were used against the Jewish people it lead to horrific events which are unfolding once again unless something is done now to stop this tyranny.

Amanda Gudmundson (Prince George , 2021-10-16)


Súhlasím s petíciou.

Ľudmila Patúšová (Martin , 2021-10-16)


I don't want to see America fall because the guilty don't want to go to Jail

Phillip Yarbrough (Long beach , 2021-10-16)


Are you the cabal or simply not not bothered .

Christine Abram (Chester, 2021-10-16)


Needs doing

Elaine Maeer (Goole, 2021-10-16)


I ´m signing because I want to support the effort of the doctors and lawyers who made the claim, I myself was forced to undergo the tests various times (the hospital refused to accept me for operation without a test, then refused to give me the oncological histology results after a serious operation without the “voluntary whole country flat testing”, then again for various hospitalizations, for chrmotherapy, for radiotherapy… and I have permanent health problems since then, bleeding from nose, rhinitis, flowing from the nose…

Eva Sariova (Bratislava, 2021-10-16)


I believe in freedom of choice. No medical procedure should be mandated, especially with an experimental drug.

Lisa Pierce (Odessa, 2021-10-16)


Som Slovák

Tiborio Urban (Liptovský Mikuláš, 2021-10-16)


What has been happening under the guise of health protection needs to exposed for the evil it is.

David Natt (London, 2021-10-16)


Because they wana digitlaze us into new specie and we would lost our human god given right of own will and freedom.

Alen Šišić (Ljubljana, 2021-10-16)


This is so wrong

Natasha Moore (North York, 2021-10-16)


of the blatant lies and propaganda from governments, MSM, Big Pharma and the glibal elite, to dupe people into accepting digital passes based on medical status, in this case the being vaxxed or not with an experimental gene therapy that has caused many unnecessary deaths.

Cas Lotter (Stellenbosch, 2021-10-16)


Because I believe in inform and consent. I believe our God given rights of Freedom of choice. I will not be forced to take something that I do not want nor is there evidence to support its usage.

Alan Fritz (Simpsonville, 2021-10-16)


As Sucharit Bhakdi stated in his book, Corona Fasle Alarm, I also want to put an end to senseless self-destruction.

Lawrence Lynch (Westmeath Ontario , 2021-10-16)


Desidero sia fatta Giustizia.

gianfranco vizzotto (Arese, 2021-10-16)


We are creating a disaster to all humans by moving forward with this untested garbage!

Lauren Bohart (Dallas, 2021-10-16)


This is the greatest crime since WWII

J.M. Van Unen (Lochem, 2021-10-16)


I'm signing this petition because of the horrific crimes that have been committed by these evil psychopaths who can't be called human beings! These atrocities deserve to be prosecuted to the fullest extent!! We have lost so many beautiful human beings due to this demonic agenda to commit mass genocide! We the people - all over the world - want justice for the evil intentions perpetrated by every company, organization, medical institution, media industry, individual, etc, complicit and/or directly involved in these SEVERE, unprecedented crimes!! WE THE PEOPLE WON'T SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS THAN JUSTICE!!

Bridjette Booker (Pasadena, 2021-10-16)


The genocide must stop and all criminals and helpers must pay for their crimes and fort the instauration of this global dictatorship that is violating our human rights and it is not acceptable anymore.

Cindy Lorena Fernandez Echavarria (Salamanca, 2021-10-16)


I am signing because I feel pressure from the authorities, discrimination, restriction of freedom, manipulation, arousing fear. I believe that we are in an undeclared war that is disguised as a pandemic to change the political divisions of the world. Everything is done without regard to human rights, freedoms, dignity and possible future impacts on people's lives in terms of social, health and economic.

Ratka Kučerová (Votice, 2021-10-16)


I'm signing this petition because my whole family is vaxxed except me and I might be burring all my children and grand children in 3 to 5 years from now. This crime against humanity (Genocide) has to stop now.

Judith Bonhomme (Beloeil, 2021-10-16)


The whole process is very well handled from the beginning. Mrn vaccines have been developed for completely different purposes. The biowar development and follow-up testing process is underway. All this is just to delay the global crisis and recession. The rich want to be richer. A new redistribution of power in the world.

Marián Mráz (Levice, 2021-10-16)


Я подписываю, потому что я против издевательства над людьми. против убийства. против вакцинирования людей, против ограничений. против разделения людей на белых и черных. Никто не имеет права делать посягательства на жизнь человека. Вас всех оборотней Бог накажет куда бы вы не прятались. Возмездие приближается. И СОСТОИТСЯ. АМИНЬ

Galina Rihova (Příbram 1, 2021-10-16)


I've had enough of the lies and deception and corruption. Leading by example for my children and future grandchildren.

Liane BISAILLON (Aldergrove, 2021-10-16)


I am a free-minded human and I want to die as such.

Libuše Bryndová (Zlukov, 2021-10-16)


I'm signing because I am in agreement with Dr. Flemming's and collegues' research and information/data presentation. I also will not have anything done to my body unless I want it.

Rachael Wilson (Flat Rock , 2021-10-16)


I’m signing because our freedoms are being taken away. We’re being coerced to do things against our wishes. People are being KILLED! And because we live in the LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE. It’s time for us as US citizens to stand up for our freedoms!

Joanne Dakujaku (Hilo , 2021-10-16)


I am glad that communism in Europe is over. Unfortunately, we have a new totalitarianism here. Where is the free movement? I would like to go on holiday to Spain, but I can't because I'm not tested and vaccinated. This used to be communism.

Lukáš Boldiš (Lovčica-Trubín, 2021-10-16)


The atrocities of WW11 and the decimation of humanity should never be repeated
All men are born equal

Kartia Kehagias (Sydney , 2021-10-16)



Sebastian Pfeiffer (Bremen, 2021-10-16)


Covid 19 vaccines are a crime against humanity! You're obligated to do your job or step down for someone that will.

Jennifer Maarberg (3700 S. Plaza Dr. H 108, Santa Ana, CA, 2021-10-16)

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