#EndSARS #StopPoliceBuratality



The violence and torture happening in Nigeria needs to stop #ENDSARS people are basing raped,kidnapped, and even murdered and that’s needs to stop.

Luna Garza (Houston, 2021-01-07)


Stop the genocide

Sara Laubscher (Cape Town, 2021-01-08)


I'm not cool with this bruh

Janelle Real (marietta, 2021-01-10)


I’m signing because too many minorities get still killed because of the police.

Lena Patho (Wetteren, 2021-01-12)


I am signing this petition because it is inhuman to have people locked up when they did nothing wrong. History is being repeated and not enough people know because no one shares. People are being forced to shut up. If someone speaks or post a video it gets taken down. We are better as humans. We can do better and not repeat history. Save people. So many people say they love everyone but don’t spread awareness don’t do everything they can. They just turn a blind eye. And I am tired of being afraid to speak when I know I have a voice that is loud and will be heard. I you are reading this please do your part this could be you, your family, friends. No excuses for what is happening.

Abigail Sánchez (Moreno valley, 2021-01-13)


This needs to stop.

Eleanor Bolle (Ontario, 2021-01-16)


We should stop police brutality

Cecilia Fantozzi (Milano, 2021-01-16)


Quiero ayudar en esta causa, quiero que mas gente sepa de esta situación, para que ellos ayuden y acabe esto.



Why is there a question on whether or not to sign this petition?

Alex Ensroth (Portland, 2021-01-20)


they dont deserve to die.

Cait Gungirad (Berlin, 2021-01-20)


I’m singing because I want to help the MLM and what is happening is wrong.

Evelyn Strader (Iowa, 2021-01-21)


I thought this was kinda basic but

Sal Tobar (Concepcion, 2021-01-21)


Bc Muslim life’s matter!

Ajaney Beecher (Roswell, 2021-01-23)



Yjv G (Rome, 2021-01-23)


End police brutality and oppression in Nigeria. END SARS.

SJ L (Bristol, 2021-01-26)


I'm signing because Nigerians deserve justice and SARS is an awful organization with the purpose to abuse mostly innocent people wich I think is wrong.

Mina Indzhova (Karlovo, 2021-01-28)


Are you seriously not going to sign because I don't care about the actual concentration camps in ******* China

Wolfy a dog (Rio rancho, 2021-02-02)


I'm sick of the tyrany

Sarah Ainscough (Holyhead, 2021-02-03)

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