Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Humanity is experiencing the worst onslaught against all of our freedoms, once deemed protected under the Nuremburg Law and our countrys' constitutions, which are there to protect us all against this which is happening now across the globe. People are being subjugated under medical tyranny and are protesting this en masse. This is a battle that needs the intervention of the ICC, for the purposes that it stands for and promises to uphold! Millions of people are now putting their faith in you to do your diligent duty without fear or favour. Thank you.

Kim Trent (Durban, 2021-10-20)


fit via vi

Michal Sládek (Kladno, 2021-10-20)


I disagree with forced genetic experimental injections that offer no benefit and many draw backs, injuries and death. I've lost all respect and faith in our government.

Patrick Allan (Mount Uniacke, 2021-10-20)


I believe that the vaccines are unsafe

Amy Arrigo (Poland, 2021-10-20)


podpisujem, lebo nesúhlasím s tým, čo sa deje

Luboslava Sedláková (Čadca, 2021-10-20)


i WILL NOT be oart of thr great reset. I am for HEALTH FREEDOM not Depopulation.

STEPHEN STOJANOVICH (Markham, 2021-10-20)


I'm signing this because I'm pro freedom of choice. I'm offended by the lack of concideration of this.

Michaela Treacher (Benoni, 2021-10-20)


This has to end, it's not possible to pursue this experiment especially when so many humans lives are at stake.

Maël Plée (Vouvray, 2021-10-20)


I believe in freedom and personal choices.

Silvie Brick (North Vancouver , 2021-10-20)


These people need to be locked up for crimes against humanity!!

REBECCA AGUON NAVA (San Diego, 2021-10-20)


I believe the politicians have been using us as pawns without consequences. It is about time we made those accountable that discard us citizens like garbage.

Tanya Clift6 (East Kurrajong , 2021-10-20)


It is the right thing to do!

Marvin Smith (Edgewood, 2021-10-20)


As a physician i am appalled that this is being pushed with no long term studies supporting the use of the medication and the fact that the data that was presented is faulty.

Ronald Beals (Tyler, 2021-10-20)


This is a matter of the highest importance for humanity

Moya Kelley (Semaphore, 2021-10-20)


I'm signing because the pharmaceutical companies are using humanity for experimentation with a biological compound that is causing deaths and injuries.

Andres Caycedo (Canberra, 2021-10-20)


Pour soutenir le Richard M Fleming , pour La Vérité, pour la libération de Gaïa car nous avons une Âme.
#Résistance #Ascension #QAnon #NousSavons #WWG1WGA

Cyrille Teulet (Biscarrosse, 2021-10-20)


I want investigation for crimes against humanity



This is crimes against humanity and freedoms. Freedoms many of our relatives fought and perished in wars for.

Dustin Ranogd (Victoria, 2021-10-20)


The culpable must not be allowed to escape responsibility, nor continue to abuse humanity with their incompetence, greed, malice and impunity.

Charles Willey (Roanoke, VA 24015, 2021-10-21)


I'm signing because I believe the "vaccines" are unnecessary and harmful.

Amber Dusk (Ashland, 2021-10-21)


The government response across the world at the behest of the corrupt WHO,FDA and other agencies has been mass murder in both medical malpractice preventative treatment of covid-19 to the toxic covid "vaccine" deaths and adverse injuries enabled by corruption and propaganda.

warwick robertson (heddon greta, 2021-10-21)


I almost died from Covid. Many people have died. No one should have had to go through this.

Robyn Vitale (Riverview , 2021-10-21)


These people are doing the work of the devil and as a child in Christ I will do his will through me. Which is todo anything to stop them.

jason ancer (Tampa, 2021-10-21)


Crimes against humanity are being perpetrated

Abby Champlin (West Warwick , 2021-10-21)


I believe that the virus was created by evil persons and thayt they should be prosecuted and persecuted to the fullest .

Philip Schott (youngsville, 2021-10-21)


I'm sick of people disregarding the Constitution.

Alexandra Madimenos (Brooklyn, 2021-10-21)


It's time to stand up and push back.

kenneth foltz (Mekinock, 2021-10-21)


Burn on hell criminals.

Kirill Kaplun (Waterloo, 2021-10-21)


I am signing because the people who have manufactured, promoted, distributed and lied about the safety of this jab, must pay for their crimes against humanity

Brenda Jones (Rosevears , 2021-10-21)


From what I have seen and know, the people who commit this crime should go to trial.

Roy H Pearse (Hamilton, 2021-10-21)


It's a breach of basic human rights to enforce medical procedures on someone

Jody Brincat (Harrington , 2021-10-21)


I'm signing because I believe what has happened with these vaccines constitutes Crimes Against Humanity and violates the 1947 Nuremberg Code and are biological weapons being used to eliminate a large portion of our population.

Phoebe Fournier (PLEASANT VIEW, 2021-10-21)


The right to sovereignty of ones own body must never be denied!!

Ursula Paul (Johannesburg , 2021-10-21)


I do not agree with testing people and vaccination us.

Simona Lenkeiová (Roznava, 2021-10-21)


Both Covid recovered, naturally immune citizens I and my wife who has just been fired from her hospital for not taking the mandatory vaccine are sufferring from Covid vaccination tyranny in Hungary.

Akos Balogh (Budapest, 2021-10-21)


I'm signing because I am appalled at the untruths, prevarications and misleading information that has been disseminated to the public regarding the "facts" about COVID 19, the efficacy of the vaccinations and the withholding of information about the injuries and deaths caused by the COVID 19 vaccine.

Tom Kaufeld (San Diego , 2021-10-21)


Because, I feel that our future liberty and democracy are in double jeopardy.

Frederick van de Velde (Brussels, 2021-10-21)


They use the propaganda to destroy our freedom, our humanity they have to assume there responsability

Sabine Philipot (Chabrillan, 2021-10-21)


Because all of The thousands Of people dead due the poison of covid 19 vaccine

Miguel Ángel Ramis (Palma de Mallorca , 2021-10-21)


I show full support of this petition in the investigations and prosecution

Alana Charles (Berri, 2021-10-21)


I am discriminated by our government, it is bullying!

Magda Plášková (Zlín, 2021-10-21)


Everyone has seen what is happening in Australia. End the madness, PLEASE!!!!
Our politicians do not care about International Law. Save us before the Unvaccinated end up in those camps and WW2 is repeated.

Amanda Sheedy (Geelong, 2021-10-21)


I'm signing because the Czech goverment does violate my human rights.

Martin Karlík (Přelouč, 2021-10-21)


The corruption of science in pursuit of a corrupt health policy agenda has cost the lives of 100,000s of citizens. This avoidable mortality has been seen by the WHO and national governments as a price worth paying. In fact, it is a crime against humanity.

Lyndon Alexander (Brisbane CA, 2021-10-21)

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