Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Pour la verité!!

Francoise Mills-Genieys (34320 - GABIAN, 2021-10-21)


Because of the harm that is/been done with lockdowns, facemasks, terrorising vulnerable people, coercing and injecting an experimental vaccine into men, women and children, covering up harm and deaths from the said injections...

Margaret Kelly (Butleigh Glastonbury, 2021-10-21)


Mert igazságot akarok...!

Erzsébet Bakos -Bakonyi (Budapest, 2021-10-21)


Im signing because by making this vaccination mandatory to keep my job all of my human rights are been violated. I have the right to choose what medical procedures I have done to my body and I do not consent freeling to this .

Chris Collard (Perth, 2021-10-21)


I am totally sick at the way doctors (including my own doctor) has acted as respect's to Covid19, and the fact that the perpetrator's of Covid19 and other man made diseases are not already under arrest, and that this depopulation method is being allowed to continue by the complaisance of so many people. And I am hoping that these complicit people and the actual perpetrators are held to the fire... as they have held other people to their death. I pray that all of these people who are directly and indirectly involved thru money payments or otherwise... be put to death and or jailed for life for their complacence in the development of all infectious diseases that can be used as a way to kill the populace. Do to them as they would or have done to their victim's. I am 64 years of age, and the vaccine's and mandates that have been oppressed on me have been a real nightmare to me, and has inflicted starvation and lack of resources on me, and my family. Also all my family have been forcibly vaccinated against their will... likely to their death as I can no longer connect with or contact most of my family. I wish justice to be given to those responsible... and to those who have participated as complicit thru payments or thru other means, in the continuation of this massacre... which includes doctors, politicians, and many wealthy people called elites. Give them what they deserve, what they have forced upon the people of this world. "No mercy should be shown" to the guilty, the same as they have not shown mercy to those whom they have injured or lead to their death. This is my prayer to God Almighty, and to your court.

Leslie Hardy (Eugene, 2021-10-21)


I’m signing this because the crimes being committed is murder and people need to be held accountable

Michelle Wallace (Crescent, 2021-10-21)


I believe crimes against humanity have been committed.

Lisa Whicker (Fort Myers, 2021-10-21)


I agree thus has to stop

Dawn Eden (Newquay , 2021-10-21)


I am standing up for freedom and human rights to choose

Kyna Sully (Brisbane , 2021-10-21)


we are human beings. not guinea pigs and pawns. lets deal with the real issues bad agriculture, big pharma, industrial waste and poor water

peter howe (montague , 2021-10-21)


I’m fed up with corrupt governments, big pharma, and the disgusting 1% who need to be exposed and tried for genocide !

Melinda Morriss (Victoria , 2021-10-21)


We need freedom and before the vaccine was rolled out for EAU WE STILL HAD FREEDOM to go but with precaution then why stop when we can manage the same way now by adequate precautions of wearing mask and washing hands the vaccine does not protect covid as per their polocy ot only reduces symptoms right . So we are ok with it.

Stanley Rodrigues (Mumbai, 2021-10-21)


We are living a genocide with experimental vaccines!

Ana Filipa (Viseu , 2021-10-21)


I want my children to have choice

David mccartney (Glasgow, 2021-10-21)


Bill Gates and all the corrupt politicians and doctors needs to stop killing people with the vaccines, its a Bioweapon!

Stefanie Veerhuis (Purmerend , 2021-10-21)


We have enjoyed our freedoms and democracy in Australia. These have now been taken by corrupt politicians and others as part of a global conspiracy to corporatize the world for the benefit of a group of elitists.
Covid and vaccines are the tools they are using to grossly depopulate mankind.
This IS an evil and long planned and organized crime against humanity.

Julie Sullivan (Melbourne, 2021-10-21)


I believe my government and governments around the world are forcing people against their wills into having experimental medical procedures!
Forced injections with a chemical substance that is still in clinical trials!

Terence Bright (Basildon , 2021-10-21)


The corporations, Big pharma, media, health services and governments need to be held accountable for killing Millions of people across the globe.

Emma Mitchell (Dingwall, 2021-10-21)


I'm not going to have complicity nor comply with all this plandemoc thing

Rosa Velez (San Lorenzo , 2021-10-21)


I’m signing because those that are responsible of crimes against humanity shall not prosper !

Romain Dieng (Dakar, 2021-10-21)


The world needs to know what is truly going on with these criminal acts.

Darren Willers (Welwyn Garden City, 2021-10-21)


I'm signing because there seems to be something sinister going on about the "vaccine" we are not being told. Why the mandate when there are other proven drugs, (and less expensive) that are being poop-pooped by big pharma. It's a crime against humanity and many thousands have died for now reason.

Robert Keiffer (Piney Flats, 2021-10-21)


I´m signing petition for the futute of our children and Thank you all who are not indifferent to this situation

Mariana Maholanyi (Bratislava, 2021-10-21)


Covid vaccines are experimental vaccines which may damage health in the long term. It is against the Geneva convention of human rights to coerce people into taking experimental medicines that can damage health

Jonathan Archer (London, 2021-10-21)


We need help urgently. What is happening in here is truly scary.

Lee Pixton (Melbourne, 2021-10-21)


We are being lied to on a grand scale. Lives are being sacrificed needlessly and businesses are being destroyed as well as families. It must stop NOW

Linda Longobardi (saybrook, 2021-10-21)


Se porušují lidská práva.

Tomáš Junek (Praha , 2021-10-21)


I do not agree with the denials and human rights violations that are currently taking place not only in our country, but essentially all over the world.

Andrea Lenochová (Bělotín, 2021-10-21)


I am a conservative leader in Florida for 20 years and we now see the Globalist elites controlling our government. Enough

cynthia lucas (Stuart, 2021-10-21)



Radka Valasova (Olomouc, 2021-10-21)


I know this virus and vaccine were all part of the same plan. The shadow government along with China and many politicians on both the right and the left were in on it. I am signing bc I will never comply with this evil.

Annemarie Dunn (Oxford , 2021-10-21)


I stand for truth!

Krystle Pickett (Hilliard , 2021-10-21)


I am saddened witnessing by what human being in leadership are at the moment doing to other human beings. How politicians allow themselves to be influenced by agendas that do not serve the people who elected them. How human rights are violated and democratic values are eroded. This has to stop and decision makers have to be made accountable.

Marlies Zoll (Mount Riverview, 2021-10-21)


The genocide must stop.

Karen Crate (Queensville, 2021-10-21)


Podpisuje pretože si veľmi prajem aby tento cirkus skončil a zločinci sním 🍀

Milada Haviarova (Dolné Vestenice, 2021-10-21)


No more restrictions and live as normal as before. Thank you

Pavla Matějíčková (Kelníky, 2021-10-21)


I’m signing because enough is enough. A jab with no long term safety data administered to the masses is in my eyes criminal

Heidi Lindsay (Wakefield , 2021-10-21)


Estoy firmando esta petición por que es extremadamente urgente parar ya este genocidio global y crímenes de lesa humanidad, en especial el crimen en contra de los niños del mundo.
Quiero que los responsables sean enjuiciados y condenados en tiempo y forma.
Ustedes tienen el poder de hacer la diferencia, es momento de hacer lo correcto por y para la humanidad.
Confiamos el Dios y en ustedes. Gracias.

Laura Billing (Buenos Aires , 2021-10-21)


I'm signing because I have lost two friends after they died (provenly) of the vaccine induced heart failure.

Evgeny Troshkin (Göteborg, 2021-10-21)


Corrupt people on government must stop

AnnaMaria Tamburello (Innisfil, 2021-10-21)


Those responsible for the deaths of millions, need to be held responsible. As a Jew, I have seen the horrors of the Holocaust and while evil changes the way it looks throughout time, but none the less is still evil.

Rona Rubin (Baltimore , 2021-10-21)


On behalf of humanity

Julia McCabe (Herald, 2021-10-21)


These people need to be brought to justice . Not only them but the real money behind the ultimate agenda .

Michael Kapusin (Kalgoorlie, 2021-10-21)


The pRESIDENT of the USA is in violation of our constitution and the Nuremberg code.

Paula Miller (Venice , 2021-10-21)


I'm against my body being used as a test subject for an experimental drug and the coercion used to make us comply.



The decision makers must be held accountable, for having exercised a one pillar risky strategy based on experimental COVID vaccins, for prevented medical practitioners to evaluate and provide appropriate care of patients with early treatments, for having implemented a policy that have caused create suffer to a great number of through its direct and indirect implications, including severe irrevocable damages and death.
The acts committed by the decision makers are of a particularly serious nature given that they have been informed by numerous red flags raised by independent scientists, physicians and health professionals about the damage and risks caused by the policy that they forcefully applied

Harald Jesper Engdahl (Saint-Louis, 2021-10-21)


I am signing because the appalling human rights abuses have gone too far. The perpetrators need to be brought before the courts and have justice for crimes against humanity served to them.

Gary Fonternel (Brisbame, 2021-10-21)


I believe that these individuals have committed true crimes against humanity.

Mary Anne Stephens (Grover Beach, 2021-10-21)


I am signing this letter in full support of the proposed investigation and ensuing prosecution. The evidence is compelling that the rationale for declaration of an international coronavirus pandemic is unsubstantiated by independent scientific studies. Further, the justification for worldwide use of an experimental vaccine (therapy) has been manipulated, and emergency use status engineered despite alternative existing and effective treatments being available. The vaccines distributed have then been administered to populations without informed consent, which violates the provisions of the Nuremberg Code. Active suppression of information relating to vaccine adverse effects is demonstrable, despite many such effects being life threatening or fatal - this information having been available to regulatory authorities prior to approval for emergency use authorisation. In all, there is extensive evidence pointing to a conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity, and there is an urgent need for the crimes being perpetrated to be halted, and those responsible to be held to account.

Mike Sparrow (Richmond, 2021-10-21)


Ställ alla ansvariga för covid-19 inför rätta

Viveka Östlund (Njutånger , 2021-10-21)


This is an evil against humanity. People have lost their livelyhoods, discriminated against, lost lives to suicide, vaccines, all in the name of health. Covid has a 99.9% survival rate and we are being forced to take an experimental drug, just like how the Nazis did. This is illegal, every constitution and law is being broken by leaders around the world. Our freedoms have been stripped away from us and THEY don't CARE. Its time to put an end to this madness and put all those people in power on trial

Sharon Naera (Brisbane, 2021-10-21)


I believe this to be a violation of our human rights and a crime against humanity

Danielle Dowdall (Mcdonalds corners, 2021-10-21)


I'm signing because I don't trust the official informations. If these official informations are trues, why is there no independant research ?

Rodolphe Martin (Vannes, 2021-10-21)


Som proti vakcinam

Iveta Gulova (Martin, 2021-10-21)


YES, I support

Larisa Dvořáková (Karlovy Vary, 2021-10-21)


We need to bring back the gallows crimes against humanity genocide on a global scale

Lorraine Sharples (Manchester , 2021-10-21)


I believe that everything surrounding this Covid situation needs to be properly investigated by a fully funded third-party panel and we need to have people be held liable both pharmaceutical and political and profiteers who have taken advantage of the situation. The very fact the debate is denied and suppressed is indicative of a serious problem and a potential criminal effort. Real science needs to beat and real leader ship would welcome open honest debate and discussion and contributions from all sides and would not suppress freedom of speech and access to data and information. It is a simple as that.. Why do they see a need to hide facts and data and witnesses and research and medical opinions.?

Carolyn Goyda (Unionville Missouri , 2021-10-21)


I’m signing as those that coerced and pushed the vax mandates - media, dr, gov , schools etc - without consideration for the safety outcome should face similar trials to Nuremberg.

Rob Aspin (Cape Town , 2021-10-21)


The many crimes against humanity must stop, this is a manmade virus, (Sars II, CV19) that was purposely engineered as a bioweapon, then released onto mankind by a small group of scientists, funded by Government's, Globalist's, oligarch's & organization's who get to "legally" hide behind the label of philanthropy, in order to depopulate most of humanity from the earth & keep only a small number of humans as their slaves.
It is satanic, there is no other word for this evil.
We are created in the image of YHWH (aka GOD), but not all humans contain His essence, His morality or His love. He has allowed evil humans to go this far, but for those of us who are still in His image, it is our responsibility to stop these evil people from continuing to murder and maim mass amounts of people.

We are a greater force than evil, so I encourage you to do what is morally and spiritually right and that is to indict all persons responsible for the SAR II/CV19 bioweapon immediately, and stop them from continuing to unleash other variant viruses, which they will legislate to force humans to be injected with these gene therapy, DNA altering spike proteins disguised as vaccines.

River Stewart (LWR, 2021-10-21)


I'm being forced by my job to get vaccinated by Deb 8th or lose job.

Janelle Gunning (Nashville, 2021-10-21)


I’m signing this petition because I believe there have been crimes against humanity committed by governments around the world, and federal agencies, including Health Agencies, etc., over the last 24 months.

Rosa Tucci (Toronto , 2021-10-21)


Podepisují, protože chci konečně žít jako člověk a nebýt diskriminována ta to, že nejsem očkovaná a také chci volně dýchat, bez respirátorů a rousek, na to má právo každá živá bytost.

Zdeňka Fučková (Praha 6, 2021-10-21)


Strength in numbers.

Ben Parker (Newcastle, 2021-10-21)


This has been a planned and executed pandemic with a designed bio weapon. All involved are guilty of crimes against humanity and need to be fully investigated and prosecuted!!!! Complete complicity from many people have resulted in treatments being knowingly withheld, causing injury and death. We need this to stop and everyone involved to be held accountable!

corina bisconti (Watsonville, 2021-10-21)


I am signing because this is the most unfair thing that has happened to the modern world. I would prefer to live in a dangerous world with freedom than in one with peaceful slavery (Thomas Jefferson).

Brenda Ivette Machado (El Paso, 2021-10-21)


I believe what is happening around the world and in my country a crime against humanity. All freedom is being taken away.

Shirley Pryor (Sherwood Park Alberta, 2021-10-21)


Time for change!

James Sales (Dover, 2021-10-21)

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