Rejection : City Power Electricity Service Fee ( Gauteng Province)



I am not in agreement with the implementation of the charge

Peter Mogami (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I don't believe in this manipulation of the municipalities, we need freedom as we are tax paying citizens and should not be held hostage.

Charmaine Slade (Weltervreden, 2024-07-04)


I am signing because I am the only person working and it is not fair to increases the tarrif and also implement the include a service fee after so many years it was never there and with what we pay for electricity we get way less units not even half the amount you pay ,times are tough , this will cause major impact on use

kenny mucore (johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I do not agree to the new service charged and the electricity increases

Michelle Chetty (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


There is no end too all the thieving, they will continue to increase prices on electricity /charges / rates etc. They are using us as a bank account, an ongoing pit of funds being supplied too these criminals.

Deborah Nicholson (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


We don't afford the electricity itself, what more the 200 Rands charges, this is ridiculous

Mabel Mathebula (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We are constantly without power.

Sarie Roux (Jhb., 2024-07-04)


I am opposing the thee fee due to maladministration of money.

Kgomogadi Mathaila (Emalahleni, 2024-07-04)


Taking food from the mouths of SA citizens, it's criminal!

Susara Vermeulen (Pretoria, 2024-07-04)


I simply can not afford any more increases or charges...

Andrea Lloyd (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am signing because I do not agree with the new law city power has implemented

Mpho Tlhapane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Already the rate is too high before the service fee!

Heather Haumant (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


The service fee is inappropriate and unnecessary.

Kobus Van Niekerk (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


Enough is enough

Sumayah Yusuf (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Service fee is too high

Nichal Hemraj (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Can't afford that extra R200 every time I buy electricity. And why only in jhb is it happening

Valencia Petersen (Eldorado park, 2024-07-04)


I'm rejecting the City Power Electricity Service Fee

Pitsi . (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I can not afford it

Asanda Dweba (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


I want thr service fee removed

Lynn Brown (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm unemployed and barely making ends meat this will cost too much.

Kabeer Maharaj (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


It’s ludicrous that we will be charged a fee for being on prepaid. It’s unjustified and just another way of ripping off clients who have taken steps to be in control of a system that is out of control. Billing is a shambles.

Merryl Coaker (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The annual % increase for electricity and now the extra R200 service fee equates to a 100% increase in electricity. This is unaffordable and pathetic. We also were not advised of this and found out by accident. This will also result in MORE electricity being stolen because people cannot afford this, it's not the people's fault that City Power raided the coffers and stole all the money, so why must we be punished when other regions eg Ekhurleni ARE NOT being charged this service fee!!!

Karin Basson (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Im signing because i believe its day light robbery and the municipality must learn to corrcetly manage their resources.

Arthur Ramahlodi (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


I do not agree with R200 service fee that is implemented.

Matome Mafokwane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I shouldn't be paying for the corrupt elite to benefit from.
The corrupt elite are forcing ME TO PAY FOR THEIR CORRUPTION.

Darryl Robinson (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because I want city power to withdraw the R200 service fees and came up with another solution on how they resolve the issues that they have

Mathaku Amelia Matlou (City of Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am affected!

Jennifer Frazer (Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


The is no fairness when it comes to paying the R200 service fees. There are people who hardly buys electricity buy they are not affected by load reductions or service fees.

I'm a single parent and this is a burden i can't afford to maintenance, already am financially struggling with paying some of the services.

Nthabiseng Monyai (Johannesburg South, 2024-07-04)


We are being overcharged constantly and those that are having illegal connections get away without paying and we have to suffer the consequences.

Bernadette Jones (Florida, 2024-07-04)


The rates are too expensive for me

Henrietta Drake (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I have been charged R200 which I wasn't aware of.
Also why the fee of R200pm..
Maybe once off per year.
I bought a R1000 electricity and only received 237 units.
It's robbery

DHARSHINI Chetty (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I can't afford ongoing electricity increases. My bill has already gone up over 300% over recent years for same consumption. I am a pensioner

Robert Wahl (RANDBURG, 2024-07-04)


I feel being bullied by Citypower and being oppressed. My right to electricity being taken away from me

Rashid Ndlovu (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because the fee imposed is unfair and too much. Consultations should have happened before introducing this fee, which is over and above the tariff increase of almost 13%.

Thabo Kwenane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Signing due to the way things are being dealt with.

Allen Mbesa (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


This is plain theft. Seriously!

Francina Marais (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


I am a pensioner and can't afford it

Jolene Herwill (Jhb, 2024-07-04)


This new fee is the city's new idea to steal more money to fill their pockets, I can 100% guarantee that the money will not be used to better their maintenance or service whatsoever. We as residents will continue facing outages that take hours on end to respond to, cable theft, lack of communication and incompetent staff/contractors with zero maintenance as we only fix things when they break and when it does break we make temporary fixes or backfeed off other areas until the other areas overload. So again we will be sitting, our complaints falling on deaf ears and you want to know the real kicker, we will be sitting with R230 less in our pockets.
That's food off my table for a week.

Amber Basson (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


It is a total nonsensical implementation.

Nangamso Xengana (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)



Abel Pereira (Jhb, 2024-07-04)


We are suffering from high electricity bills and paying for thieves that steel our money instead of delivering a service to the communities. Electricity is a basic human need and we are being exploited to pay far more than what it is worth, enrichment of the corrupt by exploiting the poor

West Lotz (Middelburg, 2024-07-04)


City power does nothing to earn this money.

Andre Kotze (Fontainebleau, 2024-07-04)


The service fee is too much and I cannot afford it.

Charmaine Shabangu (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I can not afford to pay a service fee over and above pre paid electricityfor an essential service. Why must Johannesburg law-abiding citizens pay for this but all other provinces and non tax paying residents in informal settlement do not have to pay a service fee. What is being done to actually use the money to fix Eskom. As a single breadwinner of a home with 4 people the July increases are already unmanageable.

J. De Klerk (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


I am not in favor of R230 service/maintenance fee that eskom is pushing on our throats, how can we buy electricity and be forced to pay extra money when we hardly can't afford ourselves

Maleshwane Tshabalala (Jhb, 2024-07-04)


I’m signing because as it is we are struggling with living expenses, the R 200 service fee I will not be able to afford. Please reconsider your decision.

Molatelo Motswe (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


Financially we are already restrained.with the cost and sliding scale of electricity now an added fee eats units that we already can't afford

Leanne De Goede (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)



Gairoonisha Dadabhai (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm already struggling to meet end needs now this! Please stop this rip off please

Calvin Seepe (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We can't afford all these increases on food , petrol and interest rates ,tax which keep on increasing, while we still have daily expenses, kids going to school, trips, food and clothes is getting more and more expensive to afford

Mbali Maphalala (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


They forget that we had to pay for them to install pur prepaid meters in the first place

Bryce Evans (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I dont agree to the service fee presented that would affect all south Africans

Donovan Le Grange (Jhb, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because I can't afford to buy electricity.

Patience Nkuna (1682, 2024-07-04)



Lebelo Makhe (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


It has not been explained and arbitrated on for public comment and unjustified in the manner of implementation. It’s a ruse for a huge cash injection into what??

Gareth Whitehead (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I don't have the money, electricity have been going up every year,it has become too expensive.

Mokoena Mohlomi (Soweto, 2024-07-04)


I am signing because I want this service fee and increment to be withdrawn

Thabo Deon (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because of high rate of electricity

Xolani Dladla (Joburg, 2024-07-04)


I want the R230 service fee removed for pre paid users.

Linda Uphof (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This extra tariff is too exorbitant. I am a pensioner. Why does municipalities not enforce non paying users to pay, and discontinue their stolen usage due to illegal connections, in stead of sucking us dry.

Clarissa Ally (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Withdraw the r200 service fee

Catherina Van Schalkwyk (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because am rejection the increase of electricity prices

Zoliswa Khasi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We are already drowning in taxes and struggling with poor service delivery. Additional taxes are just too much!

Helene Hallatt (Johannesbur, 2024-07-04)


Not happy with decisions

Alistair Appel (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am against the payment of R200 on prepaid meters

Jane Ramavhale (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Cost of living is already sky high so this extra payment is not affordable.

Frederik Lubbe (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


Electricity is already extremely expensive

Lerato Phoni (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


It is unacceptable that we as customers must pay so much money just to keep the lights on. We may seem like we can afford and absorb this cost, but we are struggling to look after our families also, with salaries not keeping up with inflation. City Power can try to manage its costs better and not opt for the easiest option. This is extortion.

Motshidisi Mokwena (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I’m against the mandatory service fee and tariff increase.

Thuli Nhlapo (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Because the fee is an excuse for more corruption

Abu Moe (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I totally reject the proposal

George Baker (Tshwane, 2024-07-04)


I cannot afford this increase. The tariffs in our city are already very high and this is just far too much for residents

Thabiso Sehloho (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am unemployed and barely affording electricity as is. This surcharge is unethical and ridiculous.

T'Neal Naika (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing this because we all feel these high increases and service fees are UNJUSTIFIED and UNFAIR to the majority of customers. The people who apply these increase/fees, are NEVER impacted, but they are the minority!!!

Lesley Norton (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am a young adult taking over a family home and is Inable to afford exploitation!

Lakisha Hamilton (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am against the service fee. I can’t afford electricity as it is and now I have an extra fee of R200

Busisiwe Zwane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm tired of this corruption

Bafana Mokhethi (Midrand, 2024-07-04)


I'm rejecting theR200 of monthly service fee hence you know cost of living is too high then introduce this thing no

Walaza Sonele (JOHANNESBURG, 2024-07-04)


I'm against the monthly fee of R200

Sphesihle Mlanzi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Firstly we were not aware of or even given any ample prior notification about the R 200.00 service charge on pre-paid electricity. As citizens of South Africa we pay our taxes which should be allocated and used accordingly. Due mismanagement and corruption we have to foot the bill. Due to our economic crisis our daily living expenses have already gone up and now to add a service charge on top of an electricity increase is just ridiculous! The correct person with the correct skills, knowledge & experience should be filling the top posts in Government. Good Leaders should lead by example, have their country and it's people's best interest at heart not for instant self-gratification and self financial wealth!! Electricity and water is every person's human right. It should not be dangled like a carrot to the South African people.

Celeste Hadley (Roodepoort, Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


I’m signing because we are already broke people are struggling to sustain their livelihoods the government is failing us as a country and cannot provide basic services the least they can do is sort this out themselves

Nicola Petersen (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


We were not notified accordingly and Cannot afford it

kumarasen rayan (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We cannot pay for the government failure

Ronald Mukoyi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


There is no money to give to City Power. Already I am struggling to keep up with the current electricity cost, worse now that there is 12.7% increase.

Bongani Tshabalala (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because I'm fed up with city powers ridiculousness and failure to deliver services

Desiree Day (RABIE RIDGE, 2024-07-04)


It is unreasonable and costly.

Wenzile Sithole (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am signing because I reject the R230 monthly fee added by City Power. Why can't they put prepaid in RPDs instead of sponging us money illegally.

Roselyne Phakathi (Fleurhof, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing this because the electricity must by force decrease as soon as possible.

Rene Smith (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I declined electric tarrif

Matshediso Sebediela (Yeoville, 2024-07-04)

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