Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I agree!

Martha Collins (Willow Springs, 2021-10-27)


I believe that these people have purposely caused great harm to humanity across the globe and should be held accountable

Craig Ruby (Fenton Mi, 2021-10-27)


I have done extensive research since having an adverse reaction to the first jab…I was unsuccessful in preventing my teenage son from getting a second shot, which I will regret forever-when I finally woke up, I realized that I still had a chance to fight for my daughter and fight for both of them against any further inoculation. Simply put, I need to fight for the rights of my children and their future against tyranny.

Paula Jussila (Ottawa, 2021-10-27)


The world has gone crazy over a virus that's 99.7% survival rate

Mart Tucker (Cardiff, 2021-10-27)


I’m signing because my family has been destroyed by these crimes. All this is completely unnecessary. I hope everyone involved, no matter how big or small, goes to prison for life, & is given the death penalty to most of them.

Denise Tucker (Austin , 2021-10-27)


I believe that Human Right's- Freedoms and Inenable Right's are being stripped away by a Medical Dictatorship supported by the Pharmaceutical industry.

Padraig Coyle (Dundalk, 2021-10-27)


Podepisuji za naše děti a vnoučata. To co se tu děje musí skončit!!!

Roman Pauk (Kamenice nad Lipou, 2021-10-27)


I see the crimes against humanity carried out over the last two years as threatening the current and future well being of humanity. Here in the USA our constitutional rights are being violated, sick patients are being denied access to safe and effective early treatments, and healthy people who are at little to no risk of serious illness from Covid-19 are being mandated into taking inadequately tested, experimental gene based therapies labeled as "vaccines" with significant numbers suffering serious adverse reactions including many thousands who have died shortly after receiving the experimental injection.

Informed consent is being ignored and coercive measures are being used to force people to take the injections in order to go to college or continue to work in their professions. My own daughters have been manipulated and pressured into taking these experimental shots when they have no need for them due to their excellent health. I fear that wonderful foundation of health that they have had, has been jeopardized by this reckless use of novel and experimental gene therapy, for the long-term consequences are not understood, for no long term safety studies have been done. My daughters have been used as lab rats! How dare they jeopardize the future health and well being of my adult children. Now our president wants to turn young children into the next set of experimental subjects. This is beyond criminal. It is abusive, cruel, reckless and destructive. Where is our commitment to informed consent and the Nuremberg Code?

Priscilla Young (Washington, 2021-10-27)


Censoring speech is only needed if the censor is hiding something. Therefore, an investigation is warranted.

Thomas Sullivan (San Jose, CA, 2021-10-27)


We are witnessing a global horror, because of greed and the desire for power. Who knows what the repercussions will be, for the young, and the elderly. These people who are inflicting torture, on worldwide citizens need to be held to account, and punished accordingly.

Anne Matthews (Drogheda , 2021-10-27)


I'm beyond disgusted by the regulatory agencies, which are clearly in full cooperation with a massive lie, and are actually representing Big Pharma and Big Tech in an attempt to depopulate the planet. You can't comply yourselves out of tyranny. It's time for us to stand up and hold these enemies of humanity accountable.

Kathleen Devanney (Coventry, 2021-10-27)


I'm outraged.

Patricia Rice (North Yarmouth, 2021-10-27)


I am a sovereign person whose liberties and freedoms have been compromised. I am considered a second class person, have watched in horror the enfolding and largest scam ever perpetrated on a global scale ever.
As our children are now at risk, enough is enough!

Pauka Hall (Porepunkah , 2021-10-27)


For the sake of Humanity and our children and grandchildren. We need to stop this Genocide quickly and the evil of the elites....

Vivienne Parker (Almeria, 2021-10-27)


I fight Crimes Against Humanity

Tronn Eriksen (Bergen, 2021-10-27)


These criminals need to pay for the deaths and utter devastation that they have caused.

Sandii Lewis (Cowra, 2021-10-27)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Mohammad Sultan (Rawalpindi, 2021-10-27)


These people need to pay for the crimes that they committed against the people. Even after they have been told that these shots were deadly and shown the information they still chose to do wrong. Well money talked and they chose to lie in the bed with the devil. They harmed people on purpose so they could continue that life. Well these people need not be here on this earth anymore. They did not value other people's lives.

Leria Bingham (Frederick, 2021-10-27)


Our human rights are being violated

Natalie Antonello (Kingsley, 2021-10-27)


I is the right thing to do

Jody Burton (Summerville , 2021-10-27)


It seems the ICC is the only remaining legal avenue that men and women of the world have to stave off this onslaught of tyranny by world government corporations. If you do not help us, where can we go? Please demonstrate that you truly are an independent body with the sole aim of uncovering facts and prosecuting the guilty. Please demonstrate that you are not part of the corruption and will not succumb to either bribes or threats from these criminals. History will thank you if you act as you know you must. I also thank you.

Julie vP (Tanah Merah, 2021-10-27)


I want to see all of those who are imposing or those who are guilty of providing misinfornmation to those imposing this tyranny around the world brought to justice

Jared Douglas (Shoalhaven, 2021-10-27)


Criminals should be prosecuted

Schmidt Wally (Lake Worth, 2021-10-27)


Forcing people to take an experimental injection which is not a true vaccine and still in clinical trials with no know long term effects. Causing people to lose their jobs because of refusal.. vaccine passports causing discrimination against unvaccinated.

Joanne Schorback (Horsham, 2021-10-27)


I am signing this Petition in order to bring about the Prosection of those that started this Draconian Global Lockdown that has not been based on real Science , but based on fear . Furthermore, the Global " Vaccine ?" Maqndates have caused nothing but harm to millions of People worldwide

Francis Kuhn (Murrintown, 2021-10-27)


I stand for truth and for those who have lied and allowed people's health and lives to be lost to be held accountable.

Ann May (Indianapolis, 2021-10-27)


I am against the great reset.

Annik Roex (Houthalen, 2021-10-27)


These gene therapies not vaccines do dont help anyone. The risk far outweighs the benefits. Doesn't stop you from getting covid, spreading covid or dying from covid, what it does do is open you up to reactions from vaccines. Permanent damage and death and these monsters want to start putting in in children all for some money

Christopher Brown (Bloomingburg, 2021-10-27)


I am very concerned about the conflicts of interest and corruption between governments and WHO and the globalists and their agenda
Crimes against humanity are being committed and must be stopped.

Paula Griffiths (Bridgend , 2021-10-27)


Extreme harm and death has been done to humanity and should be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest.

Otis Allen (Diamondhead , 2021-10-27)


I am signing this petition as I believe crimes against humanity are being committed

Andrew Robin Griffiths (Bridgend, 2021-10-27)



Eva Pospíšilová (Bruntál 1, 2021-10-27)


Coerced medical treatment and/or experimentation, release of genetically enhanced virus bioweapons, and coerced or forced injection with harmful substances are crimes against humanity.

Lawrence Deacon (Liphook, 2021-10-27)


As a naturopathic health practitioner who sees patients on a regular basis, I can vouch for early intervention, plus I see the damage being done by mRNA.

Carlos Donate (Guatemala, 2021-10-27)


I believe in freedom. Civil liberties, freedom of speech. Informed Consent. I believe that those responsible for these crimes against humanity need to be investigated and prosecuted.

Stephanie Price (Hertford, 2021-10-27)


This must be stopped

Mark Fay (Breckenridge, 2021-10-27)


Freedom is essential, choice is essential, these crimes against humanity should be stopped at whatever costs. We all need to fight back against this oppression.

Michael Roman (LANDING, 2021-10-27)


I am signing because Dr. Fleming is absolutely correct regarding the crimes against humanity perpetuated upon the people of the world in relation to the jab(s).

Jed Galt (Phoenix, 2021-10-27)


These crimes of, using and mandating experimental injections violates informed consent and is in violation of the Nuremburg Code. Please prosecute and restore medical freedom and human rights.

Jennifer Rix (Loreto, 2021-10-27)



Maurice Lepore (MELBOURNE, ROSANNA, 2021-10-27)


This covid 19 is a bio weapon And most leaders in Australia and da world are mandated to take a poison spike protein against our will, with a 99.97 survival rate why take Graphine and other poison that don’t provide protection from Covid. People are dying around da world from A experimental gene therapy that is NOT a Vax. Vaccines give protection, but this is destroying people’s immune systems and spreading-thru- shedding a real bio weapon. This must be STOPPED NOW !! Travelling to work or seeing family is a free human right and anyone that mandates you to take a experimental gene therapy to travel or work should be executed or life in prison. For crimes against humanity !! God Bless

David Thomas (Eli Waters, 2021-10-27)


I am suffering due to the courses of action and prohibitions imposed upon me, without my consent, by local and federal authorites, which were premeditated, unscientifically comprised and fraudulently presented as beneficial. Family members have been permanently harmed by the injections referred to as Covid-19 vaccines. Family members were murdered by health care practitioners who withheld lifesaving medications and intentionally and for bonus money instead knowingly or by directive, provided harmful and deadly protocols, medications, improper care and neglectfulness. May all of those who've concocted, implemented, demanded, mandated, forced, coerced, promoted and supported these crimes against humanity be held accountable to the furthest extent of the law.

Danette McEvoy (Middletown, 2021-10-27)


These criminals need to be held accountable for all the deaths and suffering they have caused

Newlove Don (Red Deer County, 2021-10-27)


I am a retired medical doctor with specialisations in obstetrics and gynecology and general practice. As such, I am horrified as the loss of human life caused by the callous refusal to allow early treatment of Covid, and at the continuation of a programme of experimental gene therapy injections which are clearly causing death and injury at an unprecedented rate. To try to mandate this therapy, to inject pregnant women and children with unsafe untested preparations constitutes criminal behaviour and the most severe medical negligence and dereliction of duty I have ever heard of. We have been deprived of our God-given liberties through fraudulent claims. I am doing this particularly for all children and young people in our world, that they may live in safety and freedom, and to hold accountable those responsible for so much human suffering. In addition, the recent news of the finding of graphene oxide and other irregular components in the vaccine fluid has left me speechless with horror in the face of the enormity of this crime. Human beings are being used as unwitting subjects in experiments being carried out by depraved criminals who must be brought to justice as soon as possible, at all costs.

Sr Maria Edith (Dr Anne) Renfrew (Arisaig, 2021-10-27)


Mandating experimental vaccines is wrong and illegal.
Violating human rights is wrong & illegal.
Ignoring the VAERS reporting system is wrong and illegal.

Thomas Childs (San Kemphaeng, 2021-10-27)


Stop the madness on this world!! We must hold our leadership responsible for the harms against humanity!!

Rosemary Adam (Pickering, 2021-10-27)


Clot shots are illegal and do not provide protection against Covid or A common flu !!

Margarite Keck (Eli Waters , 2021-10-27)


It’s high time we brought this global totalitarian movement to an end

Data Subject (Burton Upon Trent, 2021-10-27)


This is crime against humanity

Sanja Susnjar (Saint Leonard, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because these people need to be held accountable for the crimes against humanity. Millions of lives, if not billions, of lives have been affected by this grave evil and the future of humanity is at stake due this planned biological weapon.

Ellen Oliver (Spencerport, 2021-10-27)


I work at a Children’s hospital and I am highly opposed to this vaccine in children. We see very few cases of serious Covid cases in kids - most are mild to moderate . Complex care children tend to have more issues with Covid . Why would we inject our children with this vaccine when Covid cases are DEcreasing ??? This vaccine is too new , adverse reactions will happen and Pfizer is only studying kids for 17 days after vaccine - that is criminal to say it is a safe vaccine . I will tell all parents here to not vaccinate their child - it is far too risky . Stop the political madness - stop the lies . Everyone knows this is a dangerous vaccine .

Susan Strader (Dayton, 2021-10-27)


Vaccines r not proven to b safe!! Or that they work!!!!

Lynn Anderson (Bolton, 2021-10-27)


Overwhelming évidence that covid "vaccines" are very dangerous

Deborah Gordon (Isigny le buat, 2021-10-27)


The people responsible for these crimes against humanity need to be stopped and brought to justice. Humanity needs their rights, liberty and health returned.

Julie Radford (Tamworth, 2021-10-27)


These criminals must be brought to Justice immediately. They are now going after the children 5 yrs to 11 yrs and it must stop

Linda Mansfield (San Antonio, 2021-10-27)


This was a plan demic. Fauci needs to be tried and hung for crimes against humanity!A planned extermination of world population. When in history have you been told to " stay home" untill u cannot breathe? Where is the research on therapeutics? There is none! Hydroxichloriquin, ivermectin was banned and suppressed and millions died! This has to stop! I'm so tired of the stupid masks and mandates! Democratic govenors took away our freedoms and destroyed our lives for the great reset, the new world order the plandemic!! STOP IT ALL! 99% SURVIVAL RATE AND THEY ARE MANDATING A VACCINE THST CAME OUT IN 6 MONTHS!!

Kathleen m Valentine (Mchenry, 2021-10-27)


It is my believe a pandemic was declared, in order to mandate vaccines to the Global population. Ivermectin has been banned and censored and could have saved lives for early treatment. Gain of function is criminal also. The vaccine is not a vaccine and killing 100.000s and injuring millions. Stop this experimental injection. Doctors are being censored on every platform, for speaking the truth. The PCR test can not be used for diagnostic results, and the main research Countries locked down and destroyed people’s life, resulting in suicides, harm and abuse on children. This is a CRIME Against HUMANITY a and all involved most be prosecuted.

Merete C Leutscher (Copenhagen , 2021-10-27)


I sign this petition to hold those accountable for crimes against humanity and taking away our God given rights to freedom and happiness. This pandemic is a sham! It’s a money maker for big pharma, the Gates, Anthony Fauci-how dare you hurt and kill those begal pups and human civilization for profit. I’m ashamed of you Mr. Joe “I don’t know”Biden for letting this get so out of hand as you have done. You all need to be punished for these atrocious crimes you are committing to the people and animals of this world!!! Your all greedy and need to be replaced by people who care and can do your jobs with dignity and respect for the world as a whole!!!!

Regina Arnold (Largo, 2021-10-27)


Individuals and corporations responsible for the death and injury of millions of people around the world MUST be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. We need to act now to prevent further atrocities.

Ginger Sweeney (Norwood, 2021-10-27)


We are dying here in Melbourne, Victoria. Forced to take a trial vaccine without informed consent or lose our job or business.

Mark Strachan (Geelong, 2021-10-27)


It is clear to me that many laws have been violated by the forceful ways this gene therapy has been injected into people around the world.

George Richardson (Saint John, 2021-10-27)


People need to be held accountable for breaking these codes of conduct.

Larry Redel (Sherwood Park, 2021-10-27)


The filthy perpetrators of crimes against humanity must be executed!

Fanie Koekemoer (Umhlathuze, 2021-10-27)


I want to do the right thing.

Maria Teresa Tee (Quezon City, 2021-10-27)


The people of Earth are in desperate need of protection from a worldwide genocidal plan for population reduction. The 'pandemic' is a quantifiable fraud and the 'vaccine' is amounting to forced participation in experimental dna modification. If courts cannot intervene in such an instance i would question what is the purpose of courts. Thank you.

Zubetha Burley (Southampton, 2021-10-27)


My wife was killed by this horrific evil and the mismanagement of it.

Gordon Becker (Slaton, 2021-10-27)


There seems to be a gross misconduct with whereby governments have mislead the citizens if their nation thinking that covid-19 vaccine has been fully approved, when in actual fact the citizens are participating in an experiment

Chris Backhouse (Warnbro, 2021-10-27)


Candle in the wind.

james demoret (n palm beach, 2021-10-27)


I know people who's lives have been ended because the shot killed them and others who's lives have been destroyed and many that have been injured by these shots. If I know so many people affected then there has to be so many people having the same experience and we need to stop this now.

Joel Hubbard (Waco, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing this petition because the evil one has penetrated the hearts of humanity and those who are not complicit; are slumbering through annihilation; their own extermination.

Ramiro Ramirez (Bradenton, 2021-10-27)


hello, what is happening in the world is unacceptable. this is not freedom.

Andrea Skardova (Praha 4, 2021-10-27)


These people need to be held accountable!

Janene Armbruster (Fort Worth, Tx, 2021-10-27)


need accountability

Jay Ingalls (Loomis, 2021-10-27)


I am signing because, without a doubt, this campaign to vaccinate every man, woman, and child on earth is nothing but a ruse and instead is a cleverly designed plan to depopulate the earth of most human beings and change all of God's creatiion into Satan's creation. This vaccination is the Mark of the Beast (MOTB) as described in Revelation.

John Clark (Greenfield, 2021-10-27)


When ever any person or group of people violate individual God given rights must be brought to justice by thier peers. We must enforce these law suites. If we do not, we will be the next victims

Marvin Sadovsky (Weaverville, 2021-10-27)


This ongoing global coup by the richest people on Earth is a crime against life itself. The Creator of All Life endowed human beings with a perfect immune system and long term memory. The Luciferians who wish to seat themselves above God The Creator inject humans and destroy this perfect start already in babies. The Luciferians are guilty of harm done to all life on Earth because they hate God, His Creation, and wish to be gods themselves. Wake up. Money or fame will not save you when you have to face the afterlife, if you cooperated with this evil hijacking and destruction of Life on Earth. So hopefully you at the ICC will now do the right thing and stop and prosecute the genocidal demonic psychopaths responsible for the crimes already committed and the crimes planned. While you get to work, we normal people will carry on exercising our God-given Rights and Not Comply with these illegal freedom stripping ideas of the hijacked governments all afraid of the sci-fi maniac Klaus Schwab et al. We have our freedoms already, the governments are not in charge of them, to give or take away. We have them and use them. In the name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and The Loving Creator God.

Reidun MacDonald (Stockholm, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because I truly believe these shots were developed with a depopulation agenda in mind. I am a 6 year breast cancer survivor with the help of my Naturopath/Holistic doctor and will never put toxins back into my body after working so hard to remove them. I've also researched for information from many experts who also agree these shots are experimental and Crimes Against Humanity. I've witnessed supposedly fully-vaccinated people get Covid-19 which means the 'boosters' will never end. This is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the world by people who want to control us and/or kill us. This agenda must be stopped. Thank you!

Angela Reilly (Hollidaysburg, 2021-10-27)

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