Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I’m signing this petition of my own free will to highlight the crimes against humanity which are being perpetrated by Dr. Fauci, the CDC and Big Pharma in releasing vaccines that do not protect against COVID. These same vaccines have harmed and killed many people and should be taken off the market until further testing is completed.

Julianne Cison (Ramsey, 2021-10-27)


I am singing because I am against mandatory experimental "vaccines" which it are not safe for people . Also this pseudo vaccines are all developed or tested using fetal cell lines derived from elective abortion. I have right to choose what it is good for me. Please stop these experimental vaccine.

Lucy Teter (Toronto, 2021-10-27)


My friend had the vax (2 pfizer doses). I did not. Went to his home 5 months or so after and got sick, headache, nausea overnight. When I left, felt fine.

Thomas Sweet (San Antonio, 2021-10-27)


This is an atrocity against Gods law, the constitution, bill of rights, Nurenberg code and humanity

maya malloy (huntington beach, 2021-10-27)


I want the truth to be shown! I want freedom of choice to ring loud for my children!

Nilla Beth (East Brunswick, 2021-10-27)


I oppose government mandates. I oppose experimentation of humans without their consent.

Joyce Sparks (Wheelersburg, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because I take responsibility to leave behind a better world than I was born into.

Peter Herlihy (Orangeville, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing to hold people accountable for crimes against humanity, per the Nuremburg statutes.

Wendie Batterson (Leadville, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because covid is a bioweapon and a hoax. Thousands of people have died from the fake vax and this needs to stop. Crimes against humanity have been committed and the instigators need to be arrested and punished. Stop the genocide!!

SUSAN A KOENIG (Aurora, 2021-10-27)


For the truth to be exposed and the betterment of humanity.

Grant James (Alice Springs, 2021-10-27)


You are violating the United States Constitution and the Nuremberg Trails.

Barbara J Sudell (Pipersville, 2021-10-27)


I want this atrocity against humanity investigated now! I Every person involved in this scandal to be held accountable and brought to justice with maximum sentencing including execution for crimes committed

John Henshall (Warwick, 2021-10-27)


The governments of the world are enmass violating the human and civil rights of their populations on a scale unseen in history. The perpetrators need to be held accountable as soon as possible.

Douglas Ford (Logan Lake, 2021-10-27)


We have been lied too from the very beginning of this what our global leaders called a “Pandemic” And we now understand that this is an agenda to bring in the “Great Reset” We want the criminals who are responsible for Covid 19’s infamous “Gain Of Function” S1 Spike Protein that’s been being forced onto an unsuspecting global population. We want Justice for their “Crimes Against Humanity” We want Justice for them keeping early stage safe and effective treatments from us as well. We want investigations into Dr. Fauci and the NIH. And we want investigations into Bill Gates and CEPI and the Gavi Alliance who have all played a roll in this mRNA Gene Therapy which has been delivering this spike protein in the billions into our bodies which is killing people.

Jamison Fordyce (Newbury , 2021-10-27)


The Canadian Government are incompetent and corrupt

Randy Low (Merrickville, On, 2021-10-27)


We have to stop the injuries caused by the Covid Vaccine!

Wayne Young (Orem, 2021-10-27)


Friends and family are sick or have died from vax

Dianne Heintzeman (Nisswa, 2021-10-27)


Because this is a Crime against Humanity.

Gisella Latilla (Sydney, 2021-10-27)


I believe crimes against humanity are being committed by vaccine administration and mandating violating the Nuremberg code. The vaccine is for experimental use and humanity is the experiment.

Donna Zwerk (Harrison Michigan, 2021-10-27)


I am signing this petition because I am greatly concerned about all of the damage, death and permanent disability occurring from the so-called 'vaccines' for Covid-19.

Robert Youngs (Santa Rosa, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because I'm in COMPLETE agreement with Dr Richard Fleming

James Harris (Chicago, 2021-10-27)


Needs to be done
Lots of information needs to be reviewed on this MRNA vaccines

Joe Doyle (Quincy, 2021-10-27)


My 36 year old son suffered a stroke while driving causing a head on collision. He had two Phizer shot's causing blood clots and the stroke. Someone needs to be held accountable....

Jeff Moore (Conover, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing this petition because the NWO, Agenda21, (etc) insane persons have to be eliminated from performing their genicide!

Robert Scource (Rye, 2021-10-27)


The people that are doing this need to be held accountable.

Luke Barker (Eumundi , 2021-10-27)


Mandatory vaccines are a violation of the 2005 UNESCO agreement of the Nuremberg document.

Phillip Nevling (Puyallup , 2021-10-27)


justice sake

simon shields (ballarat, 2021-10-27)


Enough is enough. Those that are criminally harming the human race for greed and UN Agenda should be held to account globally.

Michael Schulze (emu plains, 2021-10-28)


I contend that thousands and thousands of people have been harmed or have died from forcing an untested vaccine on them. They must be tried for MURDER and/or GREAT BODILY HARM to citizens of the United States, where the citizens of this country, according to the Constitution of the United States gives each individual citizen sovereignty over their own bodies!

Linda Davenport (Council, 2021-10-28)


I believe some people have committed crimes against humanity.

Jacqueline Banas (Brighton, 2021-10-28)


I believe crimes against have been committed and those tesponsible should be identified and prosecuted.

Donal Morgan (Las Cruces, 2021-10-28)


What my government has done is stripped my god given birth right from myself and my family , I cannot work unless I undertake in an experimental treatment I will lose everything

Luke Parker (Bannockburn, 2021-10-28)


i am affected by the vaccine mandate.

Kira Yee (North Vancouver, 2021-10-28)


this is just wrong in so many levels for a sdo called virus with a 99% survival rate.. but we know really... it's not about a virus!

wes jones (airdrie, 2021-10-28)


Nobody should have the power decide what we should put into our bodies!

Anna Mathieu (Benesov nad Ploucnici, 2021-10-28)


I think this is a pretext for creating "detention centres", id est, concentration camps and that there has not been a pandemic.

Lawrence Donegan (Montreal, QC, 2021-10-28)


Humanity around the world has been under attack. Those who have been behind this global attack need to be brought to justice.

Carol Hansen (Indianola, 2021-10-28)


believe strongly on this matter

Cathy Cumberland (irvine, 2021-10-28)


It IS a massive crime as well as a depopulation scheme

Mike Hibbs (Tensed, 2021-10-28)


Treatment protocols for this engineered virus, SARS-CoV-2, using tried and tested traditional drugs, minerals and vitamins are being suppressed worldwide in favour of experimental gene therapy injections with no long-term safety established.
The populations of the world are being coerced into receiving these by their own governments and any questioning by medical, nursing and other health care professionals of the injections is resulting in threats, fines and loss of career or job. Those health care professionals going along with the coercive, forced injections of their fellow countrymen, women and now defenceless children and teenagers in this evil experiment, are as culpable as their governmental bosses in these medical experiments, whether they have been deceived or not, as they are breaking their oaths to their patients.
This must be stopped and those responsible brought to justice or the Nuremberg Code 1947 and the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and other legislation arising from them since, are meaningless.
I for one do not believe they are meaningless and they must be acted on as the time is now!
Men, women and now children are being harmed worldwide (and some prematurely losing their lives) as I write this, and the economies of the World are being destroyed - please act!

Jeanette Ansell (Palmerston North , 2021-10-28)


these people all need to be accountable an dealt with severly.

lynda guidos (moose jaw sask, 2021-10-28)


The COVID19 vaccines are causing numerous serious, life-threatening, and sometimes fatal adverse reactions to vaccinees. They are not safe and their forced acceptance by mandates is a violation of international law.

Richard Ryan (Dandridge, 2021-10-28)


I'm Signing because I've had enough of this corrupt Tyranny on humanity

Mona Matysik (Hannon, 2021-10-28)


I am fully informed of the real facts surrounding this virus and the level of intervention is abusive and criminal.

Marie-France Dedieu (Ottawa, 2021-10-28)


I’m signing this because I believe that the manipulation of people world wide forcing people to put a drug that is experimental into their bodies out of fear being driven by media, governments and health professionals is a real crime against humanity

Jane Walker (Cambroon , 2021-10-28)


I am appalled at the amount of damage the experimental "vaccines" have done to humanity. I have friends who have had strange medical problems, and one who died, after taking the jab.

Kathleen Tittle (Bullhead City, 2021-10-28)


Tired of coercion lies hate crimes against people simply trying to defend their God given rights

Stefani Kleppe (Regina , 2021-10-28)


I believe in freedom 🙏

Teresa Semple (Brighton , 2021-10-28)


What is happening is absolutely abhorrent. I'm scared for my life and future hourly.

David Walker (Melbourne , 2021-10-28)


I strongly believe that crimes against humanity have been perpetrated with this bio weapon disease and the bio weapon injection, which is being called call the vaccine, but is a gene therapy!

Linda Shawler (Jeffersonville , 2021-10-28)


Those responsible for this war against humankind need to be brought to justice.

Chatrice White (SHELBY, 2021-10-28)


To help bring about justice to all that have let so many people die or be injured by this.

Wandalynn Tonda (Maricopa, 2021-10-28)


I want these people to be charged with war crimes against humanity.

Cara Mumma (Lubbock, 2021-10-28)


People need to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Jason Richards (Abbotsford , 2021-10-28)


These large cooperations and governments have used there power above and beyond they have falsified bullied lied and hidden from the people all over the world to gain more power when all we won’t is to live what time we all have left in peace not corruption bitterness and fear

Ken Aves (Perth, 2021-10-28)


These governments all over the world have mentally and physically abused there people by lockdowns mask wearing etc and it is still very much going on here in Australia we need help

Donna Aves (Perth, 2021-10-28)


I am witnessing profound censorship of truthful science regarding the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines as well as the associated deaths and/or disabilities they are causing in hundreds of thousands of people. While this information is on the CDC VAERS website, health agencies, governments and the global media continue to promote and mandate them as safe and effective. They are committing mass genocide with these mandates and loss of livelihood for those not complying with the mandates.

Kristy Fassler (New Hampshire, 2021-10-28)


This has gone on way too long and these evil people have to be held accountable for their actions!

Kirsten Orrick (Lotus, 2021-10-28)


Im signing because this is wrong and the cure is worse than the virus.

Bryan Queen (Frederick, 2021-10-28)


These people need to held accountable for the crimes they are commintion.

Linda Waldron (Franksville, 2021-10-28)


i want justice for wrong doing against the human race, the creators and supporters of this bioweapon brought to justice in the court of law...

dylan ferguson (Wodonga, 2021-10-28)


A person cannot force or coerce a person to take a medical procedure.

Informed consent has not been given relating to treatments for Sars cov2.

Full disclosure has not been made relating to adverse reactions to SARS cov2 injections.

Abram McEvoy (Brisbane, 2021-10-28)


I want justice for all those who have suffered physical and emotional trauma by these senseless and evil acts.

Virginia Alspaugh (Dana Point, 2021-10-28)


I’m signing here because the government of the United States and the NIH are ignoring the data showing extreme adverse side effects and death from an unapproved vaccine

Jon Coppola (Stamford, 2021-10-28)


What’s happening is wrong too much corruption by politicians no human rights we are loosing our jobs and our lives

Hanna Koriem (Liverpool , 2021-10-28)


its a crime

scott bottorff (kingston, 2021-10-28)


This MUST happen

Rob Glassford (Austin, 2021-10-28)


We agree with this Petition the defendants listed should be prosecuted for Crimes against humanity.
William and Christina Boger

William and Christina Boger (Nicholasville, 2021-10-28)


I personally know of vaccine related deaths and very serious injuries. I am one person. How many billion others have possibly had a similar awareness? This violates what I recall reading about the Nuremberg Code, and the US Constitution.

Jacek R. (Calumet Park, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because these 'vaccines' are not efficacious and they are most certainly not safe. The 'vaccine' program should have been halted many months ago, especially considering there is unequivocal evidence supporting repurposed medications for the treatment of Covid-19. Instead, bureaucrats have opted to force people to participate in a global experiment without providing fully informed consent which is immoral, unethical, and unlawful. And if that isn't bad enough, they are now punishing those who refuse to participate. This conduct is a violation of human rights, is in breach of common law and is unconstitutional. All those responsible need to be held accountable for their deplorable conduct. These are crimes against humanity!

Susanne Rea (Brisbane, 2021-10-28)


I am outraged by the callous behavior, ending in deaths, of agencies responsible for protecting human health.

Kathy Santiago (Rose Valley, PA, 2021-10-28)


The covid measures taken go against our human rights and are unconstitutional.

Miranda Thornton (Sudbury, 2021-10-28)


I also want a bright future for my kids and there kids. Thank you Dr. Fleming

Rory Watson (Lake Havasu , 2021-10-28)


Freedom is a basic need and right of every human being. I support Dr. Fleming in his courageous battle against those who would abuse other human beings and their freedom.

Raymond Haan (GRAND RAPIDS, 2021-10-28)


I want justice and truth to prevail

Justin Nobbs (New Plymouth, 2021-10-28)


I believe in life saving vaccines. This is not that and we need the ability to make decisions freely based on facts and not coercion.

Sarah Schafer (Saskatoon , 2021-10-28)


It's a crime against humanity and their freedom of choice to be coerced into 'experimental vaccinations' and particularly those with little education of what they have been 'conned' into.

Chris Lewis (Sydney, 2021-10-28)


I care about Individual Liberty and the posterity of humanity.

Robert Anthony Rasgorshek (Paulden, 2021-10-28)


Too many rights and freedoms are being removed by stealth.
We are not guinea pigs for big pharma to profiteer from.

Lindie Mehan (Kardinya, 2021-10-28)


It's clear that the corruption is so deep now, we can no longer trust any government or medical system. Are you up for this?

Madeleine Innocent (MILLENDON, 2021-10-28)


The vaccine is an experimental gene modification therapy and the mandates are killing the people and there is no informed consent...

Terry Doherty (Titusville Florida, 2021-10-28)

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