Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Crimes against humanity need to stop now.

Joseph Sana (Surprise, 2021-10-28)


These evil people must be brought to justice

Kelly Quinn (Owen Sound, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because I the Australian and Victorian Government have used coercive methods such as mandating vaccinations. Australian doctors are silenced from speaking adversely against the vaccine. We have endured the most oppressive and longest lockdowns in the world.

Kylee Grace (Melbourne, 2021-10-28)


The vaccines are harming people and there is coercion to get them

Lorna Wood (North Saanich, 2021-10-28)


The federal government is out of control.

Craig Weatherby (San Antonio, 2021-10-28)


I feel he knew the dangers of this vaccine, but chose to push it on us because of the profits it made him and big pharma.

Elizabeth Jacobs (Windsor, 2021-10-28)


my freedom

Kevin McBee (Philippi, 2021-10-28)


I want the COVID-19 shots to be discontinued

Patricia Knutsen (Oconomowoc, 2021-10-28)


Covid 19 perpetrators need to be held accountable and persecuted for their crime against humanity. They have killed many many people around the world.

Kittikhun Srisathit (Oklahoma City, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing this because it affects us all on a global scale and the fact that Humanity at its best is in jeopardy are being exterminated

Stacie Price (Edmonton, 2021-10-28)


Very concerned about all the people and chuldren being coerced up be injected with unknown substance that are still being trialed and all the injuries and deaths and laws being broken attacking our constitution and human rights, so scared , all my family and friends leaving their jobs because they don’t want injections, so scared of what’s happening to the world

Myra Neumann (Kalbarri , 2021-10-28)


I want to support the human rights of all people. These vaccines are dangerous, cause adverse side effects or death. This is criminal activity. These "vaccines" should not be on the market.

Katherine Heckman (woodbine, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because people who have caused crimes against humanity need to be bought to trial and receive just punishment for crimes they committed.

Dianne Plock (Lincoln, 2021-10-28)


Crimes against humanity are happening right now. Do your job. There must be accountability for people's actions.

Barry Roberts (Ballarat, 2021-10-28)


I strongly support for the immediate halt on the experimental injection for fellow human beings.

Kenny Tan (Singapore, 2021-10-28)


i believe in real real science thank you dr. Fleming

Daniel Pepmeier (Indianapolis, 2021-10-28)


Sick of this administration trying to run my life and take over my health care. They want to kill me because I refuse to "do as I'm told". They aren't God.

Sherie Buchanan (Crestline, 2021-10-28)


these shots are killing people and causing so much damage to young and old and they need to be stopped. Fauci and all those involved need to be held accountable.

Sarah Bryan (SUN CITY, 2021-10-28)


I am signing this petition as a thirty-one-year survivor of HIV, who refused to take the then prescribed AZT, which documentation stated that the drug caused hematopoiesis (or the destruction of the immune system's foundation. Consequently, I have never been sicker than the general population nor have I experienced any form of HIV-related illness.

Joe Williams (McComb`, 2021-10-28)


I’m signing this because it is absolutely disgraceful that the media use their positions to coerce the public knowing that they are in a position to be influential. People should do their own investigation, however they may think that the news is a reliable source as that is what it was intended to do. Now it is a form of mass manipulation and it has to change. Whether these news people are puppets for higher up, would lose their jobs and have massive lifestyle living expenses of their own, sometimes I think they have bought into the narrative so much themselves they actually believe the bullshit. The fact that they are journalists and are supposed to do research themselves to expose truth and they are just saying what they are told is disgusting, how they can live with themselves and think they have a right over other people to spread a corruption in Australia is something I thought I’d never see. Actually I thought they would never be exposed this is great.

Elisa Pointon (Victoria , 2021-10-28)


Bad people do bad things and they should pay for their crimes no matter who they are.

John Hovis (Stanley, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing this because clearly, Crimes against Humanity have been committed and continue to be committed. This cannot be allowed to stand without punishment.

Joseph Fahy (Spring Mills, 2021-10-28)


First responder to neighbour who collapsed after second shot and required hospitilsation.

Friend developed thrombocytopenia after second shot.

Ian Maxwell (Paihia, 2021-10-28)


The science is clear and the 'health offices' and politicians are either bought or threatened.

Donald Ruhe (Eugene, OR, 2021-10-28)


Everyone involved needs to be held accountable!

Jeffrey King (WAILUKU, 2021-10-28)


These people are breaking our all kinds of local, state, national and worldwide laws and I would like you to begin the Investigation and Criminal Prosecution of these individuals identified in the submitted documents, and those individuals identified in the interrogatories, depositions and investigation of those so identified. We can't stand around any longer and let these criminals destroy our world for their own good.

Jerry Hodges (Calico Rock, AR, 2021-10-28)


Enough is enough. That's why.

Steven Accardi (Island park, 2021-10-28)


I am signing this petition because what is being forced on humanity is egregious; it is murder. We have a right and responsibility to stand for justice, freedom and health. Thank you.

Shauna Edmonds (DeSoto, 2021-10-28)


There are more crimes against humanity than there is room here to mention. However Will mention a few. The gain of function research paid for with our own taxes, the release of the covid virus, the lockdowns, the masks, and ultimately the deadly vaccines are all crimes against humanity. Withholding effective and safe treatment to the covid virus, silencing anyone trying to speak the truth are crimes against humanity. Withholding a cure for cancer and silencing anyone who speaks about a cure is a CAH. ( Crime against Humanity) Mandating experimental vaccines, and firing those who will not comply are CAH. Killing people in hospitals and making them die alone are CAH. Killing the elderly in nursing homes by intentionally exposing them to the virus and then making them die alone. These are all crimes against humanity. These are just a few that come to mind.

Debbie Howe (Ballwin, 2021-10-28)


I’ signing because it’s the only right thing to do.

Maria Creason (Kerikeri , 2021-10-28)


It may be acceptable to speed up death of sick seniors in long term care who are halfway to heaven. It is NOT acceptable to genocide children and healthy young adults!

lorene benoit (duncan, 2021-10-28)


Because it is wrong and killing people.

Van Dyke Pauline (Vernon, 2021-10-28)


Every last one of these criminals need to answer to the people for their crimes against humanity. Forced experimental vaccines or loss of jobs, forcing these poisonous injections on our most precious children next. It must end.

KELLY ROOD (Spanaway, 2021-10-28)


I don’t trust the “science” there’s no study on long term affects. Also I don’t like that they’re pushing it and basically forcing the American people to get it. There’s no freedom nymore if this is allowed.

Carlos Cosio (Murrieta, 2021-10-28)


This is an inhumane mandate.

Amanda Morton (Victoria, 2021-10-28)


Justice is long overdue. We are chronically sick from intentional poisoning.

Jason Honeywell (Greensboro, 2021-10-28)


Dr. Fleming is very wise and we need to listen to him.

Joan Schultze (Oregon City, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because no one should be forced to take a vaccine.

Peter Vannerus (Royal Oaks, 2021-10-28)


It's the right, moral thing to do.

Kate Quimby (Webster City, 2021-10-28)


Dr. Fleming is absolutely right. Thank you for all your hard work Dr. Fleming. God bless you!

Gina George (Downey , 2021-10-28)


Because enough tyranny already

Larry Chernyk (Ft Sask, 2021-10-28)


I believe in Human Rights. We should never be forced to inject something into our bodies that could cause more damage to our health then the virus. It's a personal choice what I put inside my body. I have children I need to raise, a life to live, family to grow with. I am not afraid of a common coronavirus with over 99% survival rate IF you contract it. I never knew anyone who was actually sick with c19 BUT my from the vaccine.... I know personally 10 people with severe side effects, one death, two life altering effects.

Toni Morris (Edmonton, 2021-10-28)


These rich, powerful people MUST be stopped from hurting their own people!

Shelly Filkins (Oklahoma City, 2021-10-28)


No where in this whole Covid 'pandemic' was commonsense important.... it was all done and based on emotionally motivation.
There are no proven significant evidence that the so called 'vacation' have anything positive and meaningfull benefit for people's health, instead we see how the 'vaccine' is designed to kill people instead.
This is indeed the greatest crime against humanity... may the guilty be brought too justice soon.

Willem PA Stander (Nelspruit , 2021-10-28)


The very idea of a medical intervention that utilizes an experimental gene therapy injection should be seen as an infringement upon the right of the individual , that is to say, an impediment upon the right of the individual's personal autonomy. To mandate such a procedure by coercion or force is unconscionable. To with hold the freedom to exist if one should choose to abstain from such a procedure is reprehensible. The obvious collusion among government, the pharmaceutical industry and the media to promote this twisted ideology is the essence of a dystopian nightmare.

Perry Palahicky (Elkhorn, 2021-10-28)


I’m signing because I’m against any dictatorships

Nelly Turezki (North York, 2021-10-28)


The outright destruction to human life is being pointedly ignored by those making, selling, pushing, injecting and promoting an experiment as the healthy choice without objective criticism or looking at the prevalence and hard evidence of injury and death in the aftermath is a crime. To withhold and implement conditions to human freedom and liberties and respect an individual’s right to choose a ‘treatment’ or not is a crime.

Belinda Castrisos (Sydney, 2021-10-28)


The damage from political public health measures exceeds the virus by far. Government overreach and manipulation of the governed is beyond criminal, it is evil.

David Taylor (Oliver, 2021-10-28)


I believe the facts and science prove that these gene therapy shots are not effective or safe, and are causing far more health issues and risks than the virus. To mandate these shots on every human on the planet, including kids, constitutes crimes against humanity in the highest order.

Curtis Mills (Battle Creek, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because it is ethically wrong to proceed with the mandate.

Joanne Zupan (Edmonton , 2021-10-28)


I believe covid 19 is being used as a bio weapon and there is something very sinister occurring underneath our noses as American citizens.

Stephen Rebagliati (Reno, 2021-10-28)


The egregious actions undertaken by key individuals within corporations and governments to capitalize upon the pandemic at the cost of human health, rights and lives, must be investigated and prosecuted so that we may bring truth to light, learn from these crimes, and ensure that future generations do not suffer a repeat of this scenario.

Robert JACOB (Sunbury, 2021-10-28)


There is a worldwide criminal flaw within our current world leaders, by negligence of care, suppression of care(specifically life saving heath care), suppression of truth regards at this time this planned demic, but also hiding their true agenda.Disinformation via mass media control, policing & using "new laws" not fairly voted upon, to chase their agenda of global instability.I do believe there was a "silent coupe & take over of USA, & these same world leaders played a huge part & are deceptive even now.

Mary van der Berg (Adelaide, 2021-10-28)


I am sick of living like a prisoner and in fear for what they are capable of. The control, the coercion, the division of families and friends, the discrimination, the horrifying deadly vaccinations, the “protocol” healthcare treatment people receive and sadly die. It’s petrifying at the thought of ever falling I’ll. Especially if you haven’t taken the trial vaccine.

Robynn Schous (Swift Current, 2021-10-28)


I am signing because I believe in autonomy.

Tonette Graf (Kelowna BC, 2021-10-28)


I believe many people have died due to unlawful acts, and that these deaths will continue unless we stop them.

lisa sweet (ALAMEDA, 2021-10-28)


I've been ill with neurological and cardiological problems since being vaccinated with the Modera vaccine in April and May of 2021.

Robert Finch (Mt Juliet, 2021-10-28)


Internationally multiple crimes by heads of Corporations and Governments have been committed to people according to the Nuremberg code. Many thousands of people have needlessly died to the application of the experimental vaccines for treatment of COVID-19. Experts evidence has been suppressed and there has been little open scientific debate on the safety of these. People have not been permitted to make a informed choice when there has not been full disclosure of the facts.

Aaron Slape (Adelaide , 2021-10-28)


The killing needs to stop now. The people taking this vaccine are uninformed and being manipulated and coerced by politicians, media, business' and schools to have and the public is being lied to about the adverse reactions to them.

Gillian Archibald (Calgary, 2021-10-28)


No more of this is needed

Sopheia Balciunas (Delacombe, 2021-10-28)


I want justice and freedom for my children’s future

Mark Rosner (Pitt meadows, 2021-10-28)


Results of Covid 19, lack of adequate treatment with therapeutics, vaccine damage & mandates.
Crimes against humanity. Indict the guilty!

Laurie Gebaroff (Chandler, 2021-10-28)



Lois Trompeter (Paso Robles, 2021-10-28)


These ppl all need to be persecuted and punished.

Jitka Petrakova (TORONTO, 2021-10-28)


I am tired of being lied to by Government officials who censor any alternative views and ignore real science.

John McLeod (Whitehorse, 2021-10-28)


This needs to be stopped. The truth must come to light

Theresa Mizen (Cape Town, 2021-10-28)


I fully agree with and stand in support of everything written in this Petition!

Carmen Rodriguez (Van Nuys, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because I have done my research in the last 2 years and I have understood that we are being manipulated to take this experimental jab so our government can control us in the very near future.
Also, it's a way of depopulating the planet.
I would like to Thank You Dr Fleming for taking this matter in hand.
We need to Stand Together Strong. The elites are trying to take over.

Carine Lessard-Fowler (Maple Ridge , 2021-10-28)


The Global crime against Humanity with the use of Experimental Vaccines will not be tolerated.

Trevor Williams (Richmond Hill, Ontario, 2021-10-28)

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