Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I believe crimes against humanity are being perpetrated

Reinhold Langner (Devon, 2021-10-28)


The most important litigation in the 21st century that needs to be undertaken. Billions of lives have been affected, millions of lives lost due to contracting the virus, more lives lost due to receiving the gene therapy vaccine, Millions of people suffering from adverse events due to the vaccine. People need to be held accountable.

D Taylor (Melbourne, 2021-10-28)


I am signing this petition because I am a free sovereign person and for my free sovereign people/children and free sovereign people/grandchildren.

Jammie Prator (Lawrenceville, 2021-10-28)


My mother died of complications from the covid 19 vaccine in April of this year. I've witnessed more people have injury or death than I know from complications from covid. I support the shutdown of this experimental ludicrous mandated drug.

Jane Fenton (Vernon , 2021-10-28)


I am signing this petition based on scientific knowledge that has finally come to light regarding the actions of a number of people who developed a biological weapon and a so-called vaccine that is a gene code that causes humans who take the vaccine to produce the toxic biological weapon in their body which will lead to their harm and possible death in a few years.

Perry Kent (Mansfield, 2021-10-28)


I had a close friend die within two days of taking the Moderna death shot

Christopher Bahm (Surprise, 2021-10-28)


This plandemic and great reset must be stopped.

Its a crime

Chris Rantel (Aurora, 2021-10-28)


No-one should be required or forced to take part in a pharmaceutical trial especially one in which data are not freely available to all.

Nigel Day (CARLISLE, 2021-10-28)


I do not believe in my family rights being taken away.

Michele Davidson (Medicine Hat, 2021-10-28)


I am signing because there is NO excuse for the willful, malicious, premeditated murder of innocent people to further big pharma profits.

Tim Case (Winlock, 2021-10-28)


Tyranny against mankind is not acceptable

Eric Trudeau (SherwoodPark, 2021-10-28)


i'm signing this petition because of mandating of a covid vaccination which has not been tested for long term effected. I believe this virus if it exists has not been isolated so how can a proper vaccine be created.

john ioannou (townsville, 2021-10-28)


these are crimes against humanity. it is GENOCIDE.

Steven craik (menton, 2021-10-28)


I am outraged at the crimes i believe certain authorities and private citizens and groups have committed in regards to the creation of this predicament.

Please act! Investigate! Prosecute!

It's horrible and we must stop any further lives being lost or ruined.

Thank you!

Denise Mooney (Whiting, 2021-10-28)


I’m signing because action needs to be taken now to protect citizens worldwide from the unethical practice of vaccine mandates.

Paul Dee (Pequannock, NJ, 2021-10-28)


I am signing today because i value human life and believe that those intentionally causing harm need to be held accountable.

Susan Chard (Victoria , 2021-10-28)


Herbert George Barnes

Herbert Barnes (Edmonton, 2021-10-28)


Because of the mass control agenda and lies that covid exists. It needs to be stopped. Goverments are puppets.

Ralph Reese (Torrox, Malaga, 2021-10-28)


I have been affected by the over reach of federal and local goverment that goes against my civil rights, my freedoms and my liberties. It has effected me financially, emotionally and morally on many levels. I worked for my state of Washington for the DOT for 2.5 years and was 'let go' for not taking the injection by mandate from our governor, Jay Inslee. It has effected my marriage and madey life a living HELL. I WANT THOSE RESPONSIBLE TO BE TRIED IN A FEDERAL XOURT OF LAW FOR TYRANNY AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY KNOWINGLY. THEY NEED TO BE FOUND GUILTY AS CHARGED AND NEED TO BE EXECUTED PER THE LAWS.

Ron Pittman (Spanaway, 2021-10-28)


I believe in the cause. People must be held accountable for their horrible crimes and disinformation.

Joanna Meyer (Calgary, 2021-10-28)


I stand behind this effort and believe what has been going on has been more criminal than I could ever see or imagine, and the truth needs to continue to come out, and those behind this criminal effort need to be brought to justice!!

Janet Spencer (West Jordan, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing this petition because Dr Fauci and those involved in these crimes against humanity need to be stopped and those responsible brought o justice before it's too late.

Laurence Perrin (Narara, 2021-10-28)


J’ai visionné quantité d’analyses et témoignages de scientifiques et spécialistes qui prouvent : 1) l’origine humaine et la composition du Sarscov2 (gains de fonctions,), 2) l’inefficacité et la dangerosité des vaccins (graphène, Spike…), la gestion psychologiquement , économiquement et sociologiquement désastreuse et volontaire de la pandémie par nos gouvernements et nos médias….orchestrée par des puissances industrialo-financières privés, le dilitement de nos démocraties, le bafouement de nos droits humains , la manipulation de masse!!! C’est un véritable crime contre l’Humanité !

Geneviève Besonhé (5537, 2021-10-28)


We must stay true to "Never Again". Time is up we need a new Nuremberg to stop these criminals before they make WW II appear to be insignificant.

Eugene Kapinos (Pembroke Pines, 2021-10-28)


Natural justice takes too long, most of the public don't realise the consequence of their ignorance

Pat Beattie (Norseman, 2021-10-28)


This is a crime against humanity and has broken all the Nuremberg codes. If we cannot learn from history we never will 😢

Donna Koziura (Adelaide , 2021-10-28)


We Need an end to this tranny and all involved should be brought to justice once and for all.

Hamish Mulliner (Kendal, 2021-10-28)


I'm extremely dissatisfied how the pandemics evolved and progressed due to absolute lack of governance and common sense !

Palo Paska (Chelmsford, 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because the Australian governments are forcing the Australian people by mandates to have a vaccination they do not want. They are threating to fine businesses if the have an unvaccinated worker on the premises and fine the worker as well.

Debbie Ralph (Norseman, 2021-10-28)


I am angry at the criminals who lie, terrorise and decieve purely for their own agenda.

Pat Bernstein (St Quentin de Chalais, 2021-10-28)


I almost died from non treatment. Was told there was no treatment to later find out that was a lie. My father in law got the shot as he was harassed and coerced into taking it after the second shot he had chest pain and weakness/dizziness led to a fall, broke his femur, heart markers up when admitted and everything went downhill inflammation, fluid in his lungs, blood clot in lungs. He was in hospital for over two months with no real answers why he was having these issues. Legs healed but one after another “unknown” problem. Then was encouraged/blatant pressuring to sign end of life papers.

Elaine Levesque (Regina, Saskatchewan , 2021-10-28)


I would like to see an investigation into the violation of international laws regarding gain of function research and bioweapons development as well as violation of human rights related to the coercion to accept immunization in order to obtain access to employment, travel and other necessary functions of human experience.

Garnet Falck (Nelson, 2021-10-28)


I agree and support the action undertaken by Dr. Richard M. Fleming.

Paul Trampe (North Rocks, 2021-10-28)


They are doing crimes against humanity.

Douglas Lowe (Kagoshima, 2021-10-28)


We have Tyrants running the place.

Carol Perrie (Chirnside Park. Victoria, 2021-10-28)


Očkovanie experimentom manipulujúc s DNA ľudí v štádiu klinických testov s génovou terapiou posilňovania imunity proti výrovým ochoreniam považujem za zločin proti ľudskosti na násilne podvedených občanoch s ich informovaným súhlasom, podpisom

Jozef Varga (Košice, 2021-10-28)


How the people are being treated worlwide is morally insane, the humans who are committing these atrocities must be held accountable. We are hearing nothing but lies from every level of power and we will not stand for this blatent, psychotic behaviour from people we are supposed to trust.

Helen Guy (Advancetown, 2021-10-28)


The independent scientific research and defence intelligence documents confirm this is an asymmetrical war against the people of the Western World.

Mark Steele (NEWCASTLE, 2021-10-28)


I need justice and closure

Gudrun Bode (San Rafael, 2021-10-28)


Silně pociťuji podezření,že se s námi jedná jako s židovským obyvatelstvem při nástupu nacismu !!
Raději zemřu v e stoje v boji,než abych žil na kolenou!!

Jiří Šoun (Bílina, 2021-10-28)


I object to the experimental mRNA injections into the world's citizens without any notice to them of the requirement of their informed consent, ingredients to be injected into their bodies, and the injections' adverse effects, including death.

I object to mandated injections when early treatment is ignored and propagandized away by the death mongers who are pushing the experimental injections to kill and maim the world's population.

I object to this entire experiment by the world's scientists and the so-called health organizations to exterminate humankind.

Object to mandating this experimental injection on anyone. And injecting young adults down to newborns is out-and-out murder.

This must be stopped. The Court must ensure that this will not be allowed now or in the future.

Hanging by the neck until dead is a suitable and stringent enough punishment to stop these mad, mad people.

Toni Thayer (Holbrook, 2021-10-28)


It is time for this globalists created, financed and implemented conspiracy against humanity to end. And for all who are party to it, profiteer from it, or enable/d it in any way, to be held fully legally and lawfully responsible on the charges of: planned and/or executed crimes against humanity, conspiracy and treason. While it will no doubt be difficult to find a court and court officials who are not on the globalists' payroll, either directly or indirectly, given the fact that they own almost everything in this world in one way or another, I am sure a truly independent, incorruptible judge and jury as well as a truly independent, incorruptible media to cover these cases can indeed be found, in order to achieve justice for all people who have been harmed in the globalists' attempted takeover coup of Earth and humanity and their medical dictatorship. All of course in view of putting a permanent stop to all of their plans and to liberate the free sovereign peoples of Earth from the globalists' stranglehold for good.

Kintarian Amaru (Nowra, 2021-10-28)


These people need to be held to account for their crimes. It must stop.

Katrina Butler (Mount Beauty, 2021-10-28)


Fauci is a sick, twisted, demented psychopath and yet he has been put in charge. He should be in a mental asylum.

Ron Stephen (Chiang Mai, 2021-10-28)


Health is being used as a weapon against the population. The truth of what’s happening must be revealed and the perpetrators prosecuted

Sigmund Taubert (Sydney , 2021-10-28)


We have been lied to and people have died unnecessarily. Psychological, health, societal and economic damage has been caused by the fear generated around this virus and its associated disease.

Andy Maybury (Hawick, 2021-10-28)


I support this petition as it is well past time for accountability to be sought for these crimes against humanity.

Laszlo Lenard (Perth, 2021-10-28)


The International Criminal Court has a responsibility to humanity!

Janet Linklater (Penshurst , 2021-10-28)


I'm signing because l know COVID19 vacation is a bio wepon

Jodie Furlong (McLaughlin's beach, 2021-10-28)


i am signing this tyranny and injecting people with an untested dangerous and deadly vaccine to many.

Gillian Campbell (Edinburgh, 2021-10-28)


Believe in freedom and justice

In Christ

Michael Journey (Reno, 2021-10-28)


I’m signing here because I have lived through the worst violation of my constitutional rights and freedoms by these criminals enacting a global crime against humanity by locking people down for 18 months and taking away our freedoms and rights using brutal law enforcement and storm troopers just as they did in Nazi Germany in the 1930s under Hitler’s Enabling Legislation.
The last straw has been the global push to mandate the vaccine to access or maintain employment and the biggest and most evil crime of all and that is hurting and potentially maiming and killing our young children at the tender ages of 5-12 years through the injection of this dangerous and pathogenic vaccine.
I am appalled at the actions of the corrupt bureaucrats and health officials and want to see all of the criminals who have aided and abetted this corruption including doctors, scientists, health authorities, teachers, judges, lawyers and politicians prosecuted for crimes against humanity and for high treason against the people of their countries.

Ken OConnor (Sydney, 2021-10-28)


I see demands that a vast medical experiment is being conducted with no controls, no experimenter, no informed consent, no care, no humanity and worst of all no allowance to refuse to be a part of this horrendous experiment.

daniel torres (richmond, 2021-10-28)


These "vaccines" are harmful and humans deserve the CHOICE of whether or not to have this poison injected into our bodies.

Kim Naranjo (Seattle, 2021-10-28)


I signed this petition for my family, friends, coworkers and clients who have been made immune compromised by these covid vaccines. For my wife who was vaccine injured 7 years ago because of which lives with daily struggles with both chronic fatigue and pain as well as brain fog and difficulty concentrating. Also because the medical communities culture of ignoring those who have been medically injured by vaccines - which we have experienced first hand for years. For the reason that people with legitimate facts are being censored and called fake news by main stream media outlets and social medial platforms. For these reasons I am signing this petition.

Matthew Smith (Stockholm, 2021-10-28)


I believe they we human beings have a right to decide what we want done to our bodies and our rights deserve to be respected mentally, physically and emotionally.

Catherine Akynee (Bamberg, 2021-10-28)


It's sickening how much the governments around the world are able to do againts basic human rights with a pretends pandemic

Miroslava Vešelényiová (Kežmarok, 2021-10-28)


We are Australia, and we are about free choice. My body not theirs.

Tracey Lyons (Ipswich, 2021-10-28)


I believe those who have committed crimes against humanity should be held accountable.

Mark Spilker (Redwood City, 2021-10-28)


I lost a friend last week due to vaccine injuries

Helen Catchpole (Durban, 2021-10-28)


I’ve been a nurse in various fields for the past 40+ years and totally agree with Dr Fleming. We need to stand up for the future of our children and grandchildren

Carol Ross (Frazeysburg ohio, 2021-10-28)


Fauci, Gates, et al, are all mass/serial killers. They have committed crimes against humanity with their gene therapy mRNA shots - that are NOT vaccines. Now they are going after the innocent children. They have used brainwashing techniques for decades to get the world population to accept their lies, deceits, and propaganda. They are pure evil and need to be brought to justice for all their crimes. I believe they should be forced to pay restitution to all who have been injured by taking the shot, losing their jobs for not taking the shot, losing their jobs because of the lock downs and closures, losing their houses, cars, etc, because the Unemployment Compensation was a huge fiasco and some people still have not received payment of any form. In short, they need to take their billions and trillions, the Pharmaceutical companies as well as the individual perpetrators, to pay each and every human being on earth adversely affected by their global take over. These crimes were committed on purpose and with full understanding of what they were doing and what their end goal would eventually be: death to all inhabitants of earth.

Jerrie Rogers (Wichita, 2021-10-28)


Crimes against humanity by coercing people to take an experimental vaccine that has killed many people all over the world. Big pharma and all world governments have lied about the real science and they have hidden early treatments that could have saved millions of people all around the world.

ALEJANDRO VILLAREAL (Downey, 2021-10-28)


It's the right thing to do.

Kevin Morgan (Clarkston ,MI, 2021-10-28)


They are trying to kill us

Robert Sisson (Sevierville Tennessee , 2021-10-28)


all those involved need to tried and convicted

jim turner (upper turon, 2021-10-28)

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